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Helen Elias

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 10:32:07 PM

Very good, Myrna. Now you have to send it to every senator and congressman and anyone who will listen.


Hello Myrna,
Hot off the press, I wrote a poem while I am still composing my letter..

Fluoride the Silent Deadly Chemical Weapon

The FDA and American Dental Association approve and enforce
this fluoride cocktail into our water supply and tell us it is law!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 11:12:20 PM
Hi Evelyn, Amanda and Helen,

Evelyn, you know we have so much in common is is almost unbelievable. The thinks you have posted, the things you have said, plus the music, is what I like too, there is few things that I see a difference. One is Occupy. These people are working very hard to get the truth out about the banks, the war, freedom,now they are helping with the Monsanto issues. I have been on Occupy live stream many times and listened to the things they are working for. Yes, there are issues there too, but we as people of this world have to start somewhere. The news media has not given them a good report, which is part of the plan to make them look bad.

Amanda, your poem is super, gee on top of everything else you are a poem. You go girl. It must be that good stuff from New Zealand. I meet another lady from NZ about a year ago she is a great to have as a friend too. I will have to tell her about ALP and see if we can get her aboard, that would be cool, huh!

Helen, I have been signing so much stuff against Monsanto, or anyone else that is harming our earth, or anything I don't feel is good for man kind. I will sign it. i can't do a lot of other things, but I can type, copy and paste and make some kind of noise for man kind to make it a better world for all humans and animals. AS far as anyone listening. I wonder how much they pay attention to anything. Don't trust most of them, however, there are a few good ones left, but few and far between.
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 11:31:56 PM
Myrna, You are not alone in your support of the Occupy movement, I believe everyone has the right to protest against injustices.
They have stayed true to their goals despite the many times they have been arrested, forced out of the parks they were originally permitted to be and had their possessions stolen etc..
I have followed along and realise there have been many outside paid disruptive influences come into Occupy to deliberately misinform and cloud the judgement of the general public watching from the Mafia Slothful Media (and many other names I could call them) whom will focus on these outside people doing what-ever damage they are paid to do to discredit the movement.
I also know that Police have been told to send all the Homeless to these parks and we all know what many of them like to do - drink, shoot up drugs etc then defficate because they are alcoholics and druggies and cannot or do not know what the heck they are doing.
This is all Deliberate sabotage from the George Soro's etc

Hi Evelyn, Amanda and Helen,

Evelyn, you know we have so much in common is is almost unbelievable. The thinks you have posted, the things you have said, plus the music, is what I like too, there is few things that I see a difference. One is Occupy. These people are working very hard to get the truth out about the banks, the war, freedom,now they are helping with the Monsanto issues. I have been on Occupy live stream many times and listened to the things they are working for. Yes, there are issues there too, but we as people of this world have to start somewhere. The news media has not given them a good report, which is part of the plan to make them look bad.

Amanda, your poem is super, gee on top of everything else you are a poem. You go girl. It must be that good stuff from New Zealand. I meet another lady from NZ about a year ago she is a great to have as a friend too. I will have to tell her about ALP and see if we can get her aboard, that would be cool, huh!

Helen, I have been signing so much stuff against Monsanto, or anyone else that is harming our earth, or anything I don't feel is good for man kind. I will sign it. i can't do a lot of other things, but I can type, copy and paste and make some kind of noise for man kind to make it a better world for all humans and animals. AS far as anyone listening. I wonder how much they pay attention to anything. Don't trust most of them, however, there are a few good ones left, but few and far between.
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/2/2012 12:33:09 AM

Hello to all

Here's a few of my thoughts on the Occupy movement. Anyone can agree or disagree with me as they see fit. I don't mind and I will not be hurt if someone disagrees because that's the way life is. Some like and some don't like.

As far as I am concerned, what the Occupiers are doing is something all of us old codgers should have been doing when these things began rearing their ugly heads years ago when we were younger. We should have at least written a few letters. It is sickening to think that most of us didn't even write one measly letter to nip these things in the bud before they grew into the monsters of today.

In our city, Vancouver, Canada, people, who got out of their nice warm beds, had a nice hot breakfast and got into their nice warm comfortable cars, were complaining that the Occupiers (out in the cold and the rain) were holding up traffic a few extra minutes. Can you beat that? I would like to slap them on the side of the head! I know that 99.99999% of these whiners never wrote one letter to the government or their representative about anything in their life. We should be supporting them. We should even make and take some sandwiches to them and give them words of encouragement. What they are doing is helping a lot of us.

But no, instead all we do is complain about traffic, the messiness, etc.

I don't agree with what some of the Occupiers are doing such as using this get-together to do drugs and such but generally the Occupiers have got the right idea.

It takes a lot of gumption to get out of your comfortable place and brave the weather to be out there like they are doing.

Now that we are older, it is not possible to protest in the streets but we have the computer which makes it easier to protest so lets designate 10 or 15 minutes EVERY DAY to write to at least one representative. A lot of these reps don't realize how bad GMO's are. We can make it our job to inform them and educate them.

Some people are very busy but they might do something if we provided them with email addresses and phone numbers of various reps. We want them to call as many reps as possible, not only their own rep. There is an awful lot we can do right in the comfort of our home.

God bless you all.


Myrna, You are not alone in your support of the Occupy movement, I believe everyone has the right to protest against injustices.
They have stayed true to their goals despite the many times they have been arrested, forced out of the parks they were originally permitted to be and had their possessions stolen etc..
I have followed along and realise there have been many outside paid disruptive influences come into Occupy to deliberately misinform and cloud the judgement of the general public watching from the Mafia Slothful Media (and many other names I could call them) whom will focus on these outside people doing what-ever damage they are paid to do to discredit the movement.
I also know that Police have been told to send all the Homeless to these parks and we all know what many of them like to do - drink, shoot up drugs etc then defficate because they are alcoholics and druggies and cannot or do not know what the heck they are doing.
This is all Deliberate sabotage from the George Soro's etc

Hi Evelyn, Amanda and Helen,

Evelyn, you know we have so much in common is is almost unbelievable. The thinks you have posted, the things you have said, plus the music, is what I like too, there is few things that I see a difference. One is Occupy. These people are working very hard to get the truth out about the banks, the war, freedom,now they are helping with the Monsanto issues. I have been on Occupy live stream many times and listened to the things they are working for. Yes, there are issues there too, but we as people of this world have to start somewhere. The news media has not given them a good report, which is part of the plan to make them look bad.

Amanda, your poem is super, gee on top of everything else you are a poem. You go girl. It must be that good stuff from New Zealand. I meet another lady from NZ about a year ago she is a great to have as a friend too. I will have to tell her about ALP and see if we can get her aboard, that would be cool, huh!

Helen, I have been signing so much stuff against Monsanto, or anyone else that is harming our earth, or anything I don't feel is good for man kind. I will sign it. i can't do a lot of other things, but I can type, copy and paste and make some kind of noise for man kind to make it a better world for all humans and animals. AS far as anyone listening. I wonder how much they pay attention to anything. Don't trust most of them, however, there are a few good ones left, but few and far between.
Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/2/2012 12:58:30 AM
Thanks Helen, You go girl. You know in any organization you always have a few that are worthless, but the Occupy movement is mostly the good guy. Like the retired cop from Phillie who went to New Your city to protest because he felt it was the thing to do. I think he made a lot of good points to the cops up there, even though he was arrested. These arrest are a bunch of crap put out by Bloomburg and his thugs. Wait until spring and see how things move then. These people say they will never give up. They are in it for as long as it takes. They will win.

In case no one knows Bloomburg is the mayor of NY city..

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