I am sure with the people that we know when getting "The How To" section worked out that can be helpful for computer issues. Just be careful when entering into the working side of the computer. I crashed a computer a couple of times by not knowing that when it is getting hot, stop it. Results (fried hard drive) Old laptop and when I keep a fan on it it ran fine. The other time I thought I did not need all the programs in it and uninstalled them. That was fun and I am glad that I new about the restore and how to get to it and set it before removing programs, and when I hit a online virus that starting attacking it. I have not worked with windows 7 so I would not give advise. If you have not corrected it already then I will try to connect you to the one that knows how to do it. Have you tried what was suggested to you?
Sorry to read of Shirley's dilemma with her laptop. I asked James suggestion as he works on a laptop. He say to reboot then keep pressing on Esc (escape) while the laptop is reloading and see if you get back into windows properly. I hope this helps Amanda [quote] Hi everyone, I have a question for the How To section. Shirley's Laptop went into Safemode and she has worked with it for about two days with no luck. She has windows 7 She knows quite a bit about Desk top models, as she has repared this one several times, however the Laptop has her baffled.
GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ [/quote]