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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/29/2012 9:02:45 PM
Hello Helen,
I enjoyed this lady thought her comment on hubby and her having to park to find some privacy time away from their children, especially when she mentioned the possibility of the Police stopping by and I envisioned them having a torch/flashlight being shone into the vehicle at them then having to explain why there were parked there! LOL
BTW I completely understand how quickly sometimes when we could be writing then posting at the same time as another then they cross paths to show up at different sections in the thread. No worries from me, I did not think you were being insensitive.

Hello there!

This lady is funny. At least I think so.

Chonda Pierce: Empty Nest (LIFE Today / James Robison) - 3½ min

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/29/2012 9:23:44 PM
Evelyn, No I did not know there were some drugs on the market without FDA approval and I bet that makes them mad because they will not get the profits from these sales!
I just find the FDA approve and push far too many bad synthetic drugs out without enough testing how safe they really are over a given period of time.
I also think that if natural and herbal remedies were allowed to be left up to the individual whether they want to go this route then we should be able to do this without an argument - they are not our parents!
And forced vaccinations on school children without parental consent is definitely wrong. Many vaccinations are mercury filled or live strains of the shot they are giving to prevent. Vaccinations are being proved they do not prevent deceases but compromise your immune system to more prone to catching whatever is going around. Young babies and children are dying or badly maimed after vaccinations. California has made it law now to vaccinate and I say again you cannot make tyranny a law unless people accept it as true. I am reading about more people are resisting this California law which is a good thing.


Amanda, I agree about the FDA to some extent. They'll give approval for new drugs that they end up having to take off the market because of serious side effects, including death, but no one is allowed to say anything about vitamins or other neutracuticals being beneficial. Did you know there are lots of drugs on the market that do not have FDA approval? I did not know that until recently.


I totally agree with you when you say that Monsanto needs to be rounded up and all thrown into Jail along with the FDA just for starters. Then we can go round up the Global Elites, possibly find them on Bohemian Grove in California during their summer meeting as there would be hundreds of them there..


Hi Myrna, Amanda, Roger and all

I guess we are not headed for the nether heap yet. I thought it was a rather simple puzzle that a 4 or 5 year could do ...faster than me perhaps and didn't prove much to do with Alzheimers. It was fun.

I don't think Alzheimers has all that much to do with how active we keep our brain as they say although it is good to keep it working. I think Alzheimers is somehow associated with a lack of minerals and also possibly because of Monsanto chemicals. I would love to see that company outlawed and gone. They are evil, evil ...but don't let me get started on them.

Have a great weekend.


Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/29/2012 9:42:45 PM
I reckon that your home being 4 years old along with the well, pump equipment it should be good water and depth.
Does the water run clear, smell funny or taste funny after you run the water for a little while - especially if you have not been using it since you moved in. I would run the water for a little while then give it my own testing.
I loved our well in Nebraska and wish we had well water again here as we are on town supply and also through the people we are buying from, they did not put down a separate water supply to the house so we have to pay half and there are many times that I do not even use half of the water supply I get billed for, but water is fairly cheap so I do not get bent out of shape over it.

Amanda, I have no idea how deep the well is and it was tested right after I moved in here. Not sure if I got the right info or not since the guy wanted to sell me a water purification system. He said there was sulfur, rust and bacteria in it. I signed up at Home Depot to have it tested which I realized later was only a sales gimmick. Since this house and all the well equipment is only four years old I could see no reason to buy new equipment. I never met the owner since he lived out of state and did all the signing of the documents through the mail so therefore I couldn't ask any questions.

Have a wonderful day. :)


Evelyn, I hate to tell you that bottled water is even worse, because they put it in plastic bottles that is designed to leech into the water to contaminate it.
Do you know how deep your water well is? The deeper the better. Well water will be far better for you to drink than bottled or tap water as it comes from underground stream and less polluted due to the coldness of the depth. You can always get it tested.
James and I are going to have a well drilled here as soon as we can get enough $$ put together. We are saving like beavers..
Jesse Ventura did a Water Conspiracy on the Great Lakes and where our public water is sold off too!

Since I fully woke up to the Global conspiracies against humanity it has been my mission to find out as much information as I possibly can, so I read, listen, watch many resources just so I can be well informed and know my options - however it is still scary when I keep finding out more evil they have up their sleeves and I know that James and I and many others are in a Spiritual war of our lives and we are not giving up to these demons of evil.

Mind boggling isn't it Myrna? We really have no idea what all is in the air we breath, the water we not only drink, but bath in and cook with, and all the genetically modified foods being sold to unsuspecting consumers.

I buy bottled water to drink and cook with, because I do have a well and I worry about all the crap seeping into our ground water and water tables, but I often ask myself how do I even know the bottle water is not contaminated. What really bugs me is that so few seem to be concerned about all this.

Since your video is somewhat long, I'll watch it when I have more time. Thanks for posting it. :)

Hi Evelyn,

Look at the corn syrup in everything, others sweetners as well that are not good for any one.Plus other junk which is not good either, it is endless.I could scream, we know what you are doing, trying to make people sick. It is a conspiracy for more doctors, more drugs, more sickness and on and on it goes. It is all about money for the rich.
There are so many things going on that we don't know about. I was amazed when I saw this from Jesse Ventura show. How diseases are being made on an island off of Long Island.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/29/2012 9:47:05 PM
This guy is great, although there is a longer version, the abridged video still put his message out.
I have wondered how he eats as his body seems to be longer than his toe which I know many other people without arms use their feet as dexterilly as anyone with both hands and feet

Hello everyone, here is a wonderful video I think most of you will thoroughly enjoy although you'll most likely need a hanky as you watch it. Everyone have a blessed day. :)

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/29/2012 9:51:12 PM
Sorry to read of Shirley's dilemma with her laptop. I asked James suggestion as he works on a laptop. He say to reboot then keep pressing on Esc (escape) while the laptop is reloading and see if you get back into windows properly.
I hope this helps
quote]10_1_136.gifHi everyone,
I have a question for the How To section. Shirley's Laptop went into Safemode and she has worked with it for about two days with no luck. She has windows 7 She knows quite a bit about Desk top models, as she has repared this one several times, however the Laptop has her baffled.



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