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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/30/2012 1:57:48 PM

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/30/2012 4:25:05 PM

Amanda there was the odor of sulfur every time I ran the water anywhere, when I first moved in, but after using the washer, the shower, the dishwasher and etc. evidently every thing is flushed out and now the odor is gone. I have no idea how long this house sat vacant before I bought it either. For now I'll just continue like I have been and keep buying the purified water for drinking and cooking with. That may all change sometime down the road. I'll just have to wait and see. Hope you have a wonderful week. :)


I reckon that your home being 4 years old along with the well, pump equipment it should be good water and depth.
Does the water run clear, smell funny or taste funny after you run the water for a little while - especially if you have not been using it since you moved in. I would run the water for a little while then give it my own testing.
I loved our well in Nebraska and wish we had well water again here as we are on town supply and also through the people we are buying from, they did not put down a separate water supply to the house so we have to pay half and there are many times that I do not even use half of the water supply I get billed for, but water is fairly cheap so I do not get bent out of shape over it.

Amanda, I have no idea how deep the well is and it was tested right after I moved in here. Not sure if I got the right info or not since the guy wanted to sell me a water purification system. He said there was sulfur, rust and bacteria in it. I signed up at Home Depot to have it tested which I realized later was only a sales gimmick. Since this house and all the well equipment is only four years old I could see no reason to buy new equipment. I never met the owner since he lived out of state and did all the signing of the documents through the mail so therefore I couldn't ask any questions.

Have a wonderful day. :)


Evelyn, I hate to tell you that bottled water is even worse, because they put it in plastic bottles that is designed to leech into the water to contaminate it.
Do you know how deep your water well is? The deeper the better. Well water will be far better for you to drink than bottled or tap water as it comes from underground stream and less polluted due to the coldness of the depth. You can always get it tested.
James and I are going to have a well drilled here as soon as we can get enough $$ put together. We are saving like beavers..
Jesse Ventura did a Water Conspiracy on the Great Lakes and where our public water is sold off too!

Since I fully woke up to the Global conspiracies against humanity it has been my mission to find out as much information as I possibly can, so I read, listen, watch many resources just so I can be well informed and know my options - however it is still scary when I keep finding out more evil they have up their sleeves and I know that James and I and many others are in a Spiritual war of our lives and we are not giving up to these demons of evil.

Mind boggling isn't it Myrna? We really have no idea what all is in the air we breath, the water we not only drink, but bath in and cook with, and all the genetically modified foods being sold to unsuspecting consumers.

I buy bottled water to drink and cook with, because I do have a well and I worry about all the crap seeping into our ground water and water tables, but I often ask myself how do I even know the bottle water is not contaminated. What really bugs me is that so few seem to be concerned about all this.

Since your video is somewhat long, I'll watch it when I have more time. Thanks for posting it. :)

Hi Evelyn,

Look at the corn syrup in everything, others sweetners as well that are not good for any one.Plus other junk which is not good either, it is endless.I could scream, we know what you are doing, trying to make people sick. It is a conspiracy for more doctors, more drugs, more sickness and on and on it goes. It is all about money for the rich.
There are so many things going on that we don't know about. I was amazed when I saw this from Jesse Ventura show. How diseases are being made on an island off of Long Island.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/30/2012 4:28:46 PM

Myrna as I watched this video it reminded me of the saying, we can always look around and see someone much worse off than we are and that is so true. Have a great week.


This is one of the most touching videos of all time. Every person on this planet should watch it and know they can do anything they set there heart on doing. What is this can't stuff. Can't never tried. I love this man, I have seen a number of his videos, they are all exciting. He does what all people do that have arms and legs. He is amazing and so full of love.


Hello everyone, here is a wonderful video I think most of you will thoroughly enjoy although you'll most likely need a hanky as you watch it. Everyone have a blessed day. :)

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/30/2012 4:47:49 PM

Kathleen there is ongoing research on Alzheimer's and this is only one site with fairly good information. By doing a Google search on Alzheimer's you can find lots of info. Here is just one link that seems to have quite a bit of info. There are many others.


Hi All,

I don't know if Alzheimers is from longterm chemical ingestion, I've read a lot about it because my mom has it, and the medical info says that changes in the brain can start 25 years before Alzheimers is diagnosed. I'm not surprised about that, my mom was always somewhat forgetful and goofy as long as I can remember, and it's supposedly hereditary, I find myself forgetting normal things more often, or just not being able to find info inside my brain that I know is there, such as all the big words I like to use!

Myrna mentioned something yesterday or a couple days ago, about puzzles being easy or difficult. Alzheimers is a gradual "blankening" of the mind, not actually a difficulty in tasks, it's just not being aware of how to do things anymore. My mom has forgotten how to use the TV remote, she forgets how to make a sandwich or pour a bowl of cereal and milk, normal everyday things just slip away and the person with Alzheimers needs help like a small child, with getting dressed or fixing their hair, it's a gradual blankness of the mind, and the worst part is, when the person's spouse is still expecting normalcy of a few months ago or a year ago, but everyone else knows it's getting worse, not staying the same.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/30/2012 4:55:24 PM

Myrna, Einstein is from back in my neck of the woods, from the Knoxville, Tennessee Zoo. Here is a bit of info on Einstein:

Einstein, Congo African Grey Parrot:

Einstein is an African grey parrot that was hatched in California in 1987. Knoxville Zoo obtained Einstein from a Californian couple in 1992. Since then she has been the star of Knoxville Zoo's Bird Show and a popular "spokesbird" for the zoo.

African grey parrots are one of the smartest bird species and are also known as one of the best talking/mimicking species. Einstein is extremely intelligent, even for an African grey. She has an extensive verbal vocabulary and is able to mimic animals and other sounds. It is believed her vocabulary exceeds 200 words and sounds. Of that, about 80 are on cue.

Einstein has been part of the Bird Show since its beginning in 1992. It is a free-flight, natural behavior show featuring about 14 birds and several other animals. Visitors have fun while learning about the various birds' habitats, adaptations and behaviors. Each bird displays natural behaviors during the show.

Through the years, Einstein has been featured on various television and radio shows all over the world. Her big break came on Animal Planet’s "Pet Star" in August 2004. Her impressive performance generated a buzz that lead to an appearance on the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" on NBC.

Einstein has been recognized for her outstanding accomplishments. She was voted’s most popular Pet Star ever by fans visiting their Web site. She was also presented the Tourism Impact Award by the Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation for her work for the city in 2005.

The Bird Show runs April through September, Tuesday through Sunday during the season and on weekends after Labor Day until October.

Hi Evelyn,

This is so cute


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