Hi All, I don't know if Alzheimers is from longterm chemical ingestion, I've read a lot about it because my mom has it, and the medical info says that changes in the brain can start 25 years before Alzheimers is diagnosed. I'm not surprised about that, my mom was always somewhat forgetful and goofy as long as I can remember, and it's supposedly hereditary, I find myself forgetting normal things more often, or just not being able to find info inside my brain that I know is there, such as all the big words I like to use! Myrna mentioned something yesterday or a couple days ago, about puzzles being easy or difficult. Alzheimers is a gradual "blankening" of the mind, not actually a difficulty in tasks, it's just not being aware of how to do things anymore. My mom has forgotten how to use the TV remote, she forgets how to make a sandwich or pour a bowl of cereal and milk, normal everyday things just slip away and the person with Alzheimers needs help like a small child, with getting dressed or fixing their hair, it's a gradual blankness of the mind, and the worst part is, when the person's spouse is still expecting normalcy of a few months ago or a year ago, but everyone else knows it's getting worse, not staying the same.