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RE: Truth tellers
7/29/2013 2:34:36 PM

I think this is so good. Being spiritually aware. Finding ones own truth.

What does it mean to be spiritually aware dear ones? Think about the question with seriousness and honesty. While you are contemplating what it means for you to be spiritually aware, we will discuss its basics.
Spiritual awareness simply stated is about being attentive of spiritual truths. It does not mean when you are aware of these truths you are required to obsess about them, only to be conscious and aware of them. In addition dear ones, it is unnecessary to submerge yourself so deeply in thought just for the glimpse to see the Spiritual Light.
Your spiritual awareness cannot be gained by force, you cannot coerce yourself to be more aware spiritually; all you need to do dear ones is allow yourself to be fully open to what is already within you.
Simple awareness surrounds you each day. You are aware of the colour of the sky, how your food or drink tastes, and the smells of season as it breezily flows around you. These are truths; they are simple yet true. Bringing these into realization does not require any great strain of thought or focus, they are there and you are aware of them.
They require little reminder on your effort to notice the sky’s colour, or the taste of your food. You already accept each one for what it is. And it is within your acceptance dear ones that heightens your awareness.
When doubt is added to your thought patterns, you are at that time not demonstrating awareness, but showing unawareness. It is well understood you cannot truly identity and observe what you don’t believe.
Your personal reality dear ones is mainly created solely on your beliefs. The totality of your life experience is actually an expression of the ideas that you have chosen to accept and believe as being true.
This is why your reality is different from the next person. Each of you is unique expressions of God. Each of you carries within you fundamental truths that fit you on a deep and personal level. What one dear soul thinks to be true and essential to their personal and spiritual growth may very well not be the same for the next person, but this doesn’t mean it is no less important.
Each of you have so much to teach one another because of what makes you different and from what makes you equally the same. Each dear soul has the capability to demonstrate unconditional love, compassion, respect, mercy, selflessness, charity and so on.
The more you exercise these elements of your being, the more radiant you will shine and your awareness will increase.
Many times your awareness suddenly turns on while experiencing a dark and troubling moment. It is during this time that clarity filters in and you finally see you are able to transcend the darkness of your current situation.
You are able to transcend your personal darkness by accepting the Light of God which is accessible to all. Every time you allow yourself to let go of a false belief, you are growing in awareness and accepting the whole truth of the situation. Remember dear ones; acceptance is all about letting go of what is holding you back, what is root cause of your distress.
Growing in spiritual awareness is achieved when you are able to let go of certain fears and accepting of the spiritual truths that are always there within you.
When identifying with spiritual truths, many dear souls find they are filled with good and warm feelings. Actual spiritual truths require no justification; they do not come with underlying desires. A truth that is pure and spiritual has no reason, it simply is.
When you add I AM before any affirmation you are adding and stating spiritual truths. I AM affirmations are simple and to the point and they are powerful. Some I AM affirmations are I AM worthy, I AM powerful; yet some dear souls continue on during their affirmations with justifications making their statements untrue.
They may sound like this, I AM worthy because I am so giving. When your Ego comes into action during I AM affirmations, their strength and power is greatly diminished. Understand dear ones, personal truths are not identical to spiritual truths.
Personal truths are identical with delusions and falseness. In order to grow in spiritual awareness, it is essential to let go of your misbeliefs. It is abundantly clear, every time you consciously let go of any delusion you are growing more spiritually aware and every time you accept an idea that feels really good that requires no justification also increases your level of spiritual awareness.
Remember dear ones, becoming more spiritual aware begins and ends within you. Being more spiritually aware does require your ability to realize and recognize the many spiritual truths that are already within you to the point they are obvious to you in the world which you live.
Please remember dear ones, the entire universe is a reflection of you as the spirit, the essence of who you are is part of every living thing. If you are unable to realize this through obvious recognition you will not be able to see yourself in ALL that surrounds you.
Each day you are given the opportunity to perfect your knowledge of your Self and to grow in spiritual awareness. As you grow, you will recognize more of your Self in others, not only within other people but in other things, plants, animals … everything.
Again as we mentioned before this requires little effort, you are simply opening yourself completely, heart, soul, mind and body in order to accelerate and progress in your spiritual awareness.
Yes, dear ones you can be conscious of spiritual truths without the necessity of spending hours thinking about them and on them. As simply as you know the colour of the sky, you also become aware of the spiritual truths that are within you.
The only effort that is essentially required is your ability to encourage yourself to accept the many truths you have previously rejected. If you allow yourself to be completely truthful and honest, you already know if you seriously want to believe then you will.
Become the seed that is freshly planted, allow yourself to grow and to become more aware from the nurturing love you shower upon yourself. You will rise up because you know you will and you have faith. By allowing yourself to be open and willing to grow, you will become more aware spiritually… it’s all matter of time.
Take the time dear ones to listen to your heart, to the love you have for you and for all others. Within your heart, your truth, that divine and spiritual will be revealed to you. The spirit of your truth will come to you when you allow your Self to simply be, without the uproar of the Ego.
Remember dear ones your mind has often held you back from fulfilling your spiritual truths and to becoming more spiritually aware. You have within you, within your whole self all that is needed to become all that you want to be and all that you are meant to be.
I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller

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RE: Truth tellers
8/3/2013 5:11:10 PM
Cancer, why no cure Video on site, worth the time to watch

By Dr. Mercola

Imagine a commercial plane crashed and there were some fatalities involved. You can be sure that would make the headline of every major newspaper. Well, we have the equivalent of 8-10 planes crashing EVERY DAY with everyone on board dying from cancer.

Nearly two million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year—one person out of three will be hit with a cancer diagnosis at some time in their lives, in spite of the massive technological advances over the past half-century.

Western medicine is no closer to finding a “cancer cure,” while cancer has grown into a worldwide epidemic of staggering proportions. The statistics speak for themselves:

  • In the early 1900s, one in 20 people developed cancer
  • In the 1940s, one in 16 people developed cancer
  • In the 1970s, it was one in 10
  • Today, it’s one in three!

According to the CDC, about 1,660,290 (1.66 million) new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 20131. If overall death rates are falling, why are incidence rates still on the rise? The answer is simple: the 40-year “war on cancer” has been a farce.

The cancer epidemic is a dream for Big Pharma, and their campaigns to silence cancer cures have been fierce, which is a tale well told in the documentary film featured above, Cancer: Forbidden Cures.

much more

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RE: Truth tellers
8/12/2013 1:50:39 AM
Hi Myrna, I hope this article fits in with this thread.

6 Foods Mother Nature Could Never Have Dreamed Up

The first lab-grown hamburger, grown from stem cells from a cow, was cooked and eaten at a live press conference / “web-TV cookery program” on August 5. The synthetic in vitro meat took three months to grow and, all told, was five years in the making, at a cost of $332,000 for research and development (largely from philanthropic donors including Google co-founder Sergey Brin).

After the in vitro meat was fried up with a great deal of butter, it reportedly looked enough like meat and had a similar texture and color (thanks to beetroot and saffron and browning in a pan — stem cell strands are a pale pasty color). One tester said the synthetic meat had “quite some intense taste“; another said it was “a bit like cake.” The overall assessment was that it was definitely “meaty” and not reminiscent of something like a tofu burger.

To make an in vitro burger, antibiotics and fetal bovine serum are added to muscle cells from a living cow. The cells multiply; 20,000 strands are needed for one burger.

The nutritional qualities of test tube meat have yet to be determined. The lead scientist behind it, Mark Post of Maastricht University, says that he feels sufficiently “comfortable” about the in vitro meat’s safety and planned to take the leftovers home to feed to his children.

Scientists’ goal in creating synthetic meat is idealistic, to help feed the world while using less water, land and energy and releasing less carbon dioxide and methane than are consumed when raising cattle. PETA is one animal rights organization that supports the creation of in vitro meat as it could “spell the end of lorries full of cows and chickens, abattoirs and factory farming.”

The one in vitro burger was certainly expensive to produce, so it will not be a viable solution to address world hunger in the short run, if ever. Exporting yet more products from our industrialized food system to developing countries is not how to end food insecurity, many say. As John Vidal writes in the Guardian, “most of Africa and Asia used to be self-sufficient in food, but over the past 30 years nearly every developing country has become dependent on imports” and much of it highly processed foods.

Dr. Iain Brassington, a bioethicist at the University of Manchester, argues that producing all the food we eat “interferes with nature — wheat, for example, is the result of thousands of years of selective breeding, and is grown on land that has been systematically altered for the purpose.” Point taken, but industrialization and technology and scientific development have meant that we are able to “interfere with nature” more than ever before.

Here are some other foods created in labs by Western companies that, while not entirely created in a test tube, are far removed from what Mother Nature gives us.

1. Surimi

Also known as crab sticks, surimi is made from the pulverized flesh of white fish combined with other fish products, egg whites, oils, salt, starches, spices, rive vinegar, carrageenan and some other items. Beloved by food manufacturers because it “enables them to take cheap fish and upgrade it to a taste and mouthfeel of the most expensive fish meats,” surimi is cheap and low in fat but high in sodium.

Since it can be made from a mixture of “fish products,” there’s no way to know if the fish in surimi were caught using environmentally responsible fishing methods — if you do eat fish, best to stick to actual ones like the Alaska pollock that surimi is often made out of.

2. American Cheese

When I was really young, I was puzzled how these plastic-wrapped, plasticy squares could be called “cheese” — they had a quite different taste and texture. The bright orange slices can be considered the archetypal processed food. A single slice is full of sodium and fat as well as milk, whey, milkfat, milk protein concentrate and whey protein concentrate. Needless to say, there are plenty of other ways to get your calcium!

3. Margarine

Aka “fake butter,” margarine is made from hydrogenated or refined plant oils, water, sometimes milk, sometimes soy, salt, preservatives, beta carotene for color and more. While it contains no cholesterol (as it’s made from vegetable oils) and many brands are vegan, margarine can still contain trans fats so it’s not necessarily better for your heart. If you eat dairy, butter may be preferable (occasionally) or there are healthier vegan alternatives. Or you could stick to spreading something else on your toast.

4. Whipped Topping

Vintage Ad #1,390: Forget Cool Whip...Photo via Jamie/Flickr

Cool Whip and other imitation whipped cream toppings contain some of the same ingredients as margarine: water, (heart disease-causing) hydrogenated vegetable oil and beta carotene. Other ingredients are high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup, skim milk, light cream, mysterious “natural and artificial flavor,” xanthan and guar gums. You can make a vegan alternative from coconut milk and sugar.

5. Soda

Soda and carbonated soft drinks (containing water, some type of sweetener, some type of flavoring, some kind of acid, among other things) might as well be water for many people who reach for a bottle of the fizzy stuff to quench their thirst. Aware of the connections of soda to obesity, diabetes and other ailments, Americans are now drinking more bottled water. While average soda consumption peaked in 1998 when Americans drank 54 gallons a year, they now “only” consume 44 gallons.

6. Spam

Some would call this the original made-in-the-lab meat. Like surimi, Spam is made from chopped up meat (pork, in this case) to which are added water, modified potato starch and sodium nitrite. It is packed with fat and sodium (a single slice can give you more than 57 percent of your recommended daily intake). It’s an example of a highly processed food that U.S. food manufacturers have exported around the globe: residents of Hawai’i consume the most Spam per capita in the U.S. and it is widely eaten in Asia.

That’s enough made-in-the-factory food for me. Anyone else ready for a dish made from raw foods or some of summer’s fresh vegetables?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/12/2013 2:17:58 AM
HI Miguel,

Thanks for the post, at least I think thanks that you came by, but the only thing on your post I would eat is the last one called salad, grown with mother earths blessings. The rest of it is all trash and should never be made, even to feed the hungry. Would you believe clogged arteries for sure.
Luella would have a few things to say about this junk.
Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
8/12/2013 2:32:30 AM
You are right Myrna, Luella's thread was the place to post it. About the last picture, they sure posted it for a contrast with all the previous junk.

HI Miguel,

Thanks for the post, at least I think thanks that you came by, but the only thing on your post I would eat is the last one called salad, grown with mother earths blessings. The rest of it is all trash and should never be made, even to feed the hungry. Would you believe clogged arteries for sure.
Luella would have a few things to say about this junk.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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