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RE: Truth tellers
7/18/2013 10:12:09 PM
Hi Myrna,

Nancy Detweiler may have spent most of her life studying the scriptures, but if she has never come across the main ingredient in the fabric of the universe
then all has been in vain, she has built up a theory that sounds pretty impressive but is not worth an hour' time; and the conclusion she has laboriously arrived at - that Jesus did not mean He is the Way, The Truth and the Life - is absolutely wrong.

The Christian bible has many, many parts that while in a somewhat veiled way, do refer to a mysterious essence that pervades the entire universe. It is and, at the same time, it is not God as we know Him in his aspect of a Father within the Trinity but rather his Spirit, or the Holy Spirit as we know It. And it is in this sense that Jesus Christ enunciated his most famous phrase to his apostles ("I am the Way, the Truth and the Life") because He as the Holy Spirit (or the AUM of Hinduism, the Tao of Taoism, et cetera) is, in effect, the Way, the Truth and the Life for all sentient beings in the universe.

So Lord Jesus Christ was in fact affirming his own position and identity in saying this and not all the way round, as the author of the article has wrongly concluded. And it is a sentence that could have been likewise enunciated by other great Illuminated and Saviors of the world like Buddha, Lao-Tzu, Krishna and many others because all of them have, in different times, descended to this Earth to identify themselves as such to their disciples and, at the same time, to teach them how to be permanently connected with the mysterious essence that I am talking about. And however enigmatic that it may appear to some, the "I am" particle
in the sentence means simply "I am", such as it might have been used to say "I am a carpenter" or whatever. It is only when referred to as a third party, for example when used to say "The I AM has sent me" that it has, in effect, been used to mean the Supreme Being, or God, in his aspect of Holy Spirit or Holy Name or Verb or even the Word, as He is called in John's gospel.

So the mystery lies elsewhere, but unfortunately I must stop here. I cannot be more clear at this moment about it, I am not authorized to.

Thanks for listening,

Hi Miguel,
I do not agree with your post. Nancy Detweiler has spend most of her life studying the scriptures, how can you say she doesn't know what she is talking about. Nancy is coming from the Christian side of it, where you are bringing in Lao-tzu from Hinduism. The one we know as Jesus may not have been alive, but the I Am Presence has always been alive. I just don't understand what you are so against with Nancy post. She is explaining the Bible.

Well, I will put it this way, I guess this is something we can "agree to disagree"


Hi Myrna, this is a difficult topic and I am afraid there has been a lot of misunderstanding on it over the ages. Unfortunately people sometimes speak out about things that they don't fully understand or know. Such is the case with what is intended by such equivalent terms as I AM, the Word, and even the Sanskrit So-ham, whose real meaning has always been only transmitted in sacred initiation through a line of strict disciplic succession; a meaning which for sure is enigmatic, but for a good reason: those terms and what they purport should only be dealt with in strict confidentiality - lest they fall in evil hands. As Lao-tzu would say, "let the fish stay in deep waters."

If only the author of the article had focused on the opening verses of John about 'the Word' ("In the beginning was the Word..."), or was familiar with the vision of cosmic creation in Hinduism where the Creator, Brahma, creates (exhales) the universes by issuing the sacred syllable OM (or more exactly 'AUM'); or was, at least, familiar with the so-called So-Han meditation (a short search in the Internet could have helped there), she might have realized her knowledge of these matters is insufficient and so, by not only focusing on her wrong ideas of what is NOT meant by the Word, namely the text alone of the New Testament (because it did not exist when Jesus was alive, et cetera), she would have spared us her lucubrations.

Again, as Lao-tzu would say, "let the fish stay in deep waters."




Nancy Detweiler: Jesus Did Not Mean He is the Way, the Truth and the Life

Ascended Master Jesus

Nancy brought to my attention her article on the subject, which we post here.

Jesus Did Not Mean He is the Way, the Truth and the Life

Nancy B. Detweiler, September 19, 2012

Understanding what Jesus meant by the I AM sayings[i] is extremely important because it changes the way we view ourselves in relationship to God.[ii]

We must keep in mind that all sacred texts available to Earth humans were written by people residing on the 3rd dimensional plane of duality. In addition, what we know as the Bible today has been translated numerous times from Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin into our national languages, such as English, French, etc.

As all translators know, words in one language often do not have an equivalent word in another language. For that reason, much of the original meaning can be lost in translation. In addition, the meanings of words change as time passes. The belief system of the translators also influences the choice of words they use in their translation.

As a result, the Bible contains numerous contradictions. Still many Christians are taught that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and is literally true. Christians are often taught to “stay in the Word,” meaning not to explore outside sources for answers to their questions about God and life. “Don’t ask questions or you will lose your faith” is a frequent admonition given by religious leaders. The reproof itself is an acknowledgement of uncertainty within a very shaky faith. We do not know what we do not know and for many, this is a frightening fact.

This strong tendency to stay in the box created by religious leaders, creeds, and denominations has resulted in Christians closing their minds to anything new relating to their own spiritual nature. Christians have feared to explore, to intuit Truth for themselves, and to go against the status que. In order to remain one of the many, we stifle our true feelings, our questions about life, our innate urge to explore and find Truth for ourselves.

We even read Jesus’ encouragement to “seek and ye shall find” and “the truth will set you free” as if he meant seek only in the Bible and the truth you find there will set you free. Christians forget that the New Testament did not exist during Jesus’ lifetime. Any suggestions in the New Testament that we “stay in the Word” or “not change the Word” relate to the Old Testament because that was the only scripture known to the New Testament writers.

Near the end of the 19th century and into the 20th, teachers of advanced spiritual maturity began to incarnate to guide Earth humans in exploring metaphysical or hidden wisdom teachings regarding the Truth about God, our world, and ourselves. Sadly, the churches rejected these teachings as pagan, heretical, and New Age. What the church really meant is that the hidden wisdom did not conform with orthodox creeds/beliefs. It feared its adherents would ask questions and lose interest in orthodoxy.

Teachers like Ernest Holmes (Science of Mind), Helen Blavatsky (Theosophy), and Charles Fillmore (Unity) were and are called leaders of cults—words used in a derogatory manner representing the condemnation of many religious authorities even though the teachings of these men and women have added greatly to Earth humans’ understanding of themselves and the laws by which the universe operates.

A.D.K. Luk was among the first to publish the teachings of Earth’s Ascended Masters, such as Ascended Master Kuthumi (formerly incarnated as Pythagoras, then later as St Francis of Assisi), who worked through Helen Blavatsky to form the Theosophical Society. Ascended Master El Morya (formerly incarnated as Abraham) worked through Mark & Elizabeth Claire Prophet to create Summit University Press for the purpose of teaching and publishing the Ascended Masters’ teachings.

Ascended Master St. Germain (formerly incarnated as the Prophet Samuel and later as Joseph, father of Jesus) worked through America’s Founding Fathers to create a nation based on brotherhood and freedom for all. I could go on and on with examples of how Earth’s Ascended Masters have assisted their unascended brothers and sisters on this planet as we travel the spiritual path to our own ascension.[iii]

Yet the churches have not possessed or encouraged the development of “eyes to see and ears to hear these hidden wisdom teachings. This brings us back to the importance of understanding the meaning of the I AM sayings.

Reading the Gospel of John in accordance with Christian teachings, most do not question what they read. The I AM sayings are found in this gospel, along with repeated statements by Jesus that should alert the reader to delve deeper. Jesus never proclaimed himself as “The Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

He did repeatedly shift the attention from himself to the Father within. “The Son can do nothing on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise.” John 5:19 “I can do nothing on my own.” John 5:30 “My teaching is not mine but his who sent me.” John 7:16 “The one who sent me is true, and I declare to the world what I have heard from him.” John 8:26 “I do nothing on my own, but I speak these things as the Father instructed me.” John 8:28b

Not only did Jesus deflect attention from himself to the Father, he taught us: “I declare what I have seen in the Father’s presence; as for you, you should do what you have heard from the Father.” John 8:38 “I do not seek my own glory…. If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father who glorifies me.” John 8:50 “The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.” John 14:10

Jesus again speaks to us “the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.” John 14:12 Jesus expected us to follow his example, NOT worship him. Christianity teaches that “Jesus did it all.” As a result, we make no effort to do the works that Jesus did and, in fact, exceed his works. Christians are taught, instead, to love Jesus as Lord & Savior. Self-realization is considered “New Age.” Holistic growth—body, emotions, mind, and spirit—is not a part of Christian teachings. Self-help books are often off-limits.

Yet, in John 15, Jesus states, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinegrower… I am the vine, you are the branches.” John 15:1,5 Anyone who has seen a grapevine knows that the main vine is composed of the same substances as the branches—Jesus and all of humanity possess the same potential. We are to learn to do all the works Jesus did and more. With the Father as vinegrower, Jesus as the vine, and humanity as the branches, we are All One.

Then Jesus cried aloud: ‘Whoever believes in me believes not in me, but in him who sent me. And whoever sees me sees him who sent me.” John 12:44

Jesus, the man, fully recognized that God dwelt within him, just as God dwells within each of us. Jesus allowed God to speak through him—what we call channeling in today’s world.

One of the Ascended Masters’ teachings concerns the I AM PRESENCE within each of us. When Christian religious leaders heard of the 20th century I AM PRESENCE movement, they pronounced it “New Age” and not in accordance with Christian teachings. Because religious leaders have ignored the hidden wisdom teachings, they are unaware of the ever-expanding cycles of time.

New Age simply means the beginning of a new 2000 years cycle, just as the 21st century indicates the beginning of a new 100 years cycle and the New Year signifies the beginning of a new one year cycle. Whether or not we set out to do so, we end up learning something new during each year and during each century; we are and will be learning much that is new in this New Age of Aquarius.

One of the major lessons will concern who we truly are, as indicated in Elizabeth Claire Prophet’s Divine Self Chart.[iv]

The top figure radiating light outward to the world is the I AM PRESENCE indwelling each of us.

Jesus taught the Kingdom of God is within you. Christianity has taught God as separate from us; we have personified God into our image and set him on a throne in heaven. This personified God is a vengeful, angry God that demanded a blood sacrifice in order to appease his threats to punish us in an eternal hell of fire.

Sadly, in our personification, we have created an image of God that is far less than any of us can imagine being. Which of us would require the blood sacrifice of one of our children so we, as parents, could bring ourselves to forgive another of our children?

Exodus 3 instructs us as to what Jesus meant when he said, “I AM the way, the truth, and the Life.

Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law … he came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush…. When the Lord saw that he had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, ‘Moses, Moses!’ … I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob…. So come, I will send you to Pharoah to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt….’

But Moses said to God, ‘If I come to the Israelites and say to them, The God of your ancestors has sent me to you, and they ask me, What is his name? what shall I say to them?’ God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ He said further, ‘Thus you shall say to the Israelites, ‘I Am has sent me to you.’”

The Hebrew word horeb means desert or solitude. Metaphysically, Horeb symbolizes a high place in conscious union with the divine. In order to contact the Divine, we must enter the solitude of our heart and inner mind where dwells the I AM PRESENCE.[v]

When Jesus spoke the I AM sayings, he was using the name of God, I AM. I AM is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, not Jesus. Moses was sent by I AM to the Israelites in Egypt; Jesus was sent by I AM to the Israelites in Palestine.[vi]

In order for us to learn to do all the works that Jesus did, we must go to our inner Mount Horeb and become One with our I AM PRESENCE. We are not separate from God; God indwells each of us. I AM is the bread of life, the light of the world, the gate, and the resurrection and the life.

We are the Temple of I AM! Through Jesus and through us, I AM is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

[i] What are the I AM sayings: “I AM the bread of life.” John 6:35 “I AM the light of the world. John 8:12 “I AM the gate.” John 10:7 “I AM the resurrection and the life.” John 11:25 “I AM the way, and the truth, and the life.” John14:6

[ii] Throughout this article I will use the term GOD to refer to the SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS.

[iii] You may read about the Ascended Masters at:

[iv] You may listen to Elizabeth Claire Prophet explain the Divine Self Chart here:

[v] Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, page 284.

[vi] Metaphysically, the Israelites represent those who seek God, not simply one ethnic group. According to Charles Fillmore, in his Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, the Israelites represent those who endeavor to follow the inner leading of the divine law. (Page 305)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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RE: Truth tellers
7/20/2013 1:52:09 AM
Dear Myrna, this post by Steve Beckow is highly enlightening, particularly the first paragraphs where Jesus himself explains what he meant by saying "I am the Truth, The Way and the Life," and if he actually meant "I, Jesus" in saying it. I am only sorry for having brought it somewhate belatedly to your forum.

The Lord Sees only Christians and Non-Christians: Is It So?

Crusdaers 22A prominent lightworker has surprised me by implying that only Christians can be the recipients of grace. He recently wrote, in part: “None of the denominations (1) matters. The Lord only sees Christians and Non- Christians!”

Is it true? Does the Lord see only Christians and non-Christians?

My impression is that the Lord doesn’t see religious faiths as being separate at all or one better than the other. It’s only we who do.

I asked the question of Jesus on An Hour with an Angel in December 2011. The belief that only Christians matter comes primarily from Jesus having said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (2) But did Jesus mean “I Jesus”?

Steve Beckow: One of the teachings of yours that I think may have been misunderstood is the saying, ‘I am the truth, the way and the life.’ Did you mean, ‘I, Jesus,’ as has been interpreted by the Church, or did you mean something else, Lord?

Jesus: It was much bigger than any church or ‘ism.’ And yes, I have said, many, many things have been misunderstood or misquoted. But that is all right. When I have used the term ‘I am,’ I was aligning with All, with Source, with Father/Mother One. That is the alignment. And if you, Steve, or listeners, say, ‘I am the truth,’ then you have aligned with that, and you have become that. (3)

If Jesus himself has removed the basis for thinking that only believers on him can be the recipients of grace, how can we as lightworkers perpetuate it?

The “I am” can be interpreted as the Self or All-Self, the Source of all existence. So Jesus is saying that the Self is the only way to the Source. That gives rise to the many statements that we must know ourselves to know God.

Here are some of those statements:

Sri Yukteswar Giri

“The highest aim of religion is … Self-knowledge.” (4)

Ibn Arabi

“To know God is not an easy matter, until one becomes a knower of one’s self.” (5)


“Knowledge of self is the key to knowledge of God, according to the saying: ‘He who knows himself knows God.’” (6)


“Without first knowing yourself, how can you know that which is true? Illusion is inevitable without self-knowledge.” (7)

St. Catherine of Genoa

“My Me is God, nor do I recognize any other Me except my God Himself.” (8)

We speak of enlightenment as Self-Realization, the attainment of the Supreme Self. It’s this “Self” that is God that Jesus was referring to.

If we really want to know who the Christ is, perhaps listen to mystic John Ruusbroec describe it:

“In this darkness an incomprehensible light is born and shines forth; this is the Son of God in whom a person becomes able to see and contemplate eternal life.” (9)

“It is Christ [the Son, the Self, the Atman], the light of truth, who says, ‘See,’ and it is through him that we are able to see, for he is the light of the Father [the All-Self, Brahman], without which there is no light in heaven or on earth.” (10)

This light of the Self is the Christ, which Hindus call the Atman and Buddhists our Buddha nature.

This is a time of religious reunification. It’s a time to recover the Perennial Philosophy or Ancient Wisdom at the basis of all the world’s religions. The Perennial Philosophy is simply the truth of Reality, shorn of all dogma.

It’s time to let go of all schemes that see true believers and infidels, members of the tribe and goyim, believers and non-believers. None of this contains a whit of truth and has stood in the way of the development of civilization on this planet for millennia.

It’s time to emerge from the childhood of humanity and be adult enough to see that we were wrong in all our religious divisiveness and it cost us plenty. God loves all sides, equally. Anyone can reach God who puts sincere effort into it.

As Sri Ramakrishna said: “All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food. All, without any exception, will certainly know the real Self.” (11)

God makes no distinctions among his creations. Only we do. And now, having brought ourselves so much pain and misery with the distinctions we’ve made, surely it’s time to stop.


(1) I presume denominations such as Catholic, Protestant or Presbyterian, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, etc.

(2) John 14:6.

(3) “Transcript of Interview with Jesus on Biblical Mysteries, Dec. 19, 2011,” Dec. 21, 2011, at

(4) Sri Yukteswar Giri, The Holy Science. Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1984, 6.

(5) Muhyidden Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 3.

(6) Al-Ghazzali, The Alchemy of Happiness. trans. Claud Field. Lahore: ASHRAF, 1971; c1964 19.

(7) J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 1, 20.

(8) St Catherine of Genoa in Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 11.

(9) John Ruusbroec in James A. Wiseman, John Ruusbroec. The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1985, 22.

(10) John Ruusbroec in JR, 74.

(11) Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 818.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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RE: Truth tellers
7/20/2013 3:50:01 AM
Dear Myrna, this post by Steve Beckow is highly enlightening, particularly the first paragraphs where Jesus himself explains what he meant by saying "I am the Truth, The Way and the Life," and if he actually meant "I, Jesus" in saying it. I am only sorry for having brought it somewhate belatedly to your forum.

The Lord Sees only Christians and Non-Christians: Is It So?

Crusdaers 22A prominent lightworker has surprised me by implying that only Christians can be the recipients of grace. He recently wrote, in part: “None of the denominations (1) matters. The Lord only sees Christians and Non- Christians!”

Is it true? Does the Lord see only Christians and non-Christians?

My impression is that the Lord doesn’t see religious faiths as being separate at all or one better than the other. It’s only we who do.

I asked the question of Jesus on An Hour with an Angel in December 2011. The belief that only Christians matter comes primarily from Jesus having said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (2) But did Jesus mean “I Jesus”?

Steve Beckow: One of the teachings of yours that I think may have been misunderstood is the saying, ‘I am the truth, the way and the life.’ Did you mean, ‘I, Jesus,’ as has been interpreted by the Church, or did you mean something else, Lord?

Jesus: It was much bigger than any church or ‘ism.’ And yes, I have said, many, many things have been misunderstood or misquoted. But that is all right. When I have used the term ‘I am,’ I was aligning with All, with Source, with Father/Mother One. That is the alignment. And if you, Steve, or listeners, say, ‘I am the truth,’ then you have aligned with that, and you have become that. (3)

If Jesus himself has removed the basis for thinking that only believers on him can be the recipients of grace, how can we as lightworkers perpetuate it?

The “I am” can be interpreted as the Self or All-Self, the Source of all existence. So Jesus is saying that the Self is the only way to the Source. That gives rise to the many statements that we must know ourselves to know God.

Here are some of those statements:

Sri Yukteswar Giri

“The highest aim of religion is … Self-knowledge.” (4)

Ibn Arabi

“To know God is not an easy matter, until one becomes a knower of one’s self.” (5)


“Knowledge of self is the key to knowledge of God, according to the saying: ‘He who knows himself knows God.’” (6)


“Without first knowing yourself, how can you know that which is true? Illusion is inevitable without self-knowledge.” (7)

St. Catherine of Genoa

“My Me is God, nor do I recognize any other Me except my God Himself.” (8)

We speak of enlightenment as Self-Realization, the attainment of the Supreme Self. It’s this “Self” that is God that Jesus was referring to.

If we really want to know who the Christ is, perhaps listen to mystic John Ruusbroec describe it:

“In this darkness an incomprehensible light is born and shines forth; this is the Son of God in whom a person becomes able to see and contemplate eternal life.” (9)

“It is Christ [the Son, the Self, the Atman], the light of truth, who says, ‘See,’ and it is through him that we are able to see, for he is the light of the Father [the All-Self, Brahman], without which there is no light in heaven or on earth.” (10)

This light of the Self is the Christ, which Hindus call the Atman and Buddhists our Buddha nature.

This is a time of religious reunification. It’s a time to recover the Perennial Philosophy or Ancient Wisdom at the basis of all the world’s religions. The Perennial Philosophy is simply the truth of Reality, shorn of all dogma.

It’s time to let go of all schemes that see true believers and infidels, members of the tribe and goyim, believers and non-believers. None of this contains a whit of truth and has stood in the way of the development of civilization on this planet for millennia.

It’s time to emerge from the childhood of humanity and be adult enough to see that we were wrong in all our religious divisiveness and it cost us plenty. God loves all sides, equally. Anyone can reach God who puts sincere effort into it.

As Sri Ramakrishna said: “All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food. All, without any exception, will certainly know the real Self.” (11)

God makes no distinctions among his creations. Only we do. And now, having brought ourselves so much pain and misery with the distinctions we’ve made, surely it’s time to stop.


(1) I presume denominations such as Catholic, Protestant or Presbyterian, Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, etc.

(2) John 14:6.

(3) “Transcript of Interview with Jesus on Biblical Mysteries, Dec. 19, 2011,” Dec. 21, 2011, at

(4) Sri Yukteswar Giri, The Holy Science. Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1984, 6.

(5) Muhyidden Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 3.

(6) Al-Ghazzali, The Alchemy of Happiness. trans. Claud Field. Lahore: ASHRAF, 1971; c1964 19.

(7) J. Krishnamurti, Commentaries on Living. First Series. Bombay, etc.: B.I. Publications, 1972; c1974, 1, 20.

(8) St Catherine of Genoa in Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy. New York, etc.: Harper and Row, 1970; c1944, 11.

(9) John Ruusbroec in James A. Wiseman, John Ruusbroec. The Spiritual Espousals and Other Works. New York, etc.: Paulist Press, 1985, 22.

(10) John Ruusbroec in JR, 74.

(11) Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 818.

Hi Miguel,
Thank you for your post, it has a lot of meaning. I also thank Steve for his post at this time. Isn't it funny how things come into play. I love this sentence as much as anything.
It’s time to emerge from the childhood of humanity and be adult enough to see that we were wrong in all our religious divisiveness and it cost us plenty. God loves all sides, equally. Anyone can reach God who puts sincere effort into it.

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RE: Truth tellers
7/23/2013 4:44:29 PM
GMO foods
and the dangers they bring............
Finally someone in the News Media put up a video about GMO's

more here:
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RE: Truth tellers
7/29/2013 4:37:57 AM
Martin Luther King

The awakened must come together to realise that they have both the strength and the ability to speak out. Your silence has allowed laws to be brought in that will endeavour to silence everyone who disagrees with the Cabal. Right now, every day is important. You cannot sit back and say, "They would never do that". They are doing it !
They are actually building prisons where those they do not require will go. Many of you are blindly helping them to do just that, by saying, "It's my job" or "I have a family to feed". Although it is understandable, look at what you are helping to create for your family and for millions of other innocent families. You cannot close your eyes to what is being done, right in front of your noses. They are so confident, they do not bother to cloak their evil plans in secrecy. They see themselves as fully in control of humanity.
Every one of you has a voice, so use it. The 3-dimensional thinking that you have become accustomed to, must be discarded. This is strictly the mind, it is what you are taught, both by religions and by education: it is your prisoner. Your minds took over from your hearts and souls. You call it logical thinking but it is what keeps you a prisoner and under control. I ask of you, now, to learn to go into your hearts. It will give you a true picture of actual reality and what you can be instrumental in bringing about. Every assistance is available to you. You are not alone. You must take the first steps to extinguish the darkness from your reality.
Be aware that many who were on the path of light have been overshadowed, and may, at times, be giving the wrong information. You must stand firm in your truth. Your heart will be your guide. Many are going through such internal battles as they try to stay on their true path. The Dark Ones are losing ground and they are becoming more vicious in their attempts to hold on to power. Connect with your own Guardian Angel for protection and guidance. What you are living through at this time was planned. It is the final battle between the Lords of Light and the Lords of Darkness. In your hearts, you know that the light will remove all traces of the darkness. This is when the New Age begins and every country in your world will benefit. Peace will be restored.
Our plans for the future are great. We will disclose them on a need to know basis. Focus your minds on truth and do not be side-tracked, no matter how inviting the temptations are, to lure you away. What they promise is all illusion. They are mind-manipulators. Refuse to be taken in by them. Raise your vibration.
Love is the highest vibration. With love in your hearts, nothing can touch you and nothing can distract you. Never allow fear to enter your lives, and never allow it to prevent you from following your divine path. Everyone with a mission to carry out is being attacked, but you can overcome these obstacles, and when you do, you are all the stronger for it. When you live in a world where the darkness rules, you will be tested by what is done or what is threatened. You need to be strong, firm in your beliefs. You need also to understand when others are being attacked and you must support them. Help them to realise what is being done to them. Hold them in love and light.
Meditation will strengthen your connection to the light. Find the way that suits you best and it will help to keep you centered. Try to avoid the mindless rubbish that is all around you, vying for your attention. It is all part of the plan. Do not fall for it.
Ancient portals are becoming active once more. They will spread their light to invigorate the planet in preparation for what is to come. The future that you are creating at this time is of great importance for humanity and for your planet. Go into this with your eyes wide open in the sure knowledge that you are on the right path. You will be instrumental in removing all weapons of destruction from the planet: the killing will cease, all wars will cease, and armies will then be used to reconstruct all that they were so instrumental in destroying. Feeding the world will be a priority. It can be done quickly and efficiently. We have given much thought to everything that needs to be done. As we see the full picture, we are in a position to guide and assist. This is a combined effort, with both sides of life, coming together to rescue humanity and the planet from the dark forces that have engulfed it and are trying to destroy it.
Look to the time when all darkness is removed and your planet is restored, when all of humanity comes together to live as one in peace and harmony. In order to bring this about, you may be asked to make sacrifices, or struggle a little, but nothing will be asked of you that you cannot readily cope with.
When you stand for truth, nothing can get in your way. Just keep in mind that you are in a battle that you will win. Sometimes, battle plans need to be changed, so what it is necessary to alter will be altered, as nothing is set in stone.
We are on the right path and that is what matters. Our numbers increase each day, as more countries open up to the truth. Know that each and every one of you, is welcome and valued. You are each a part of the whole. How nice it will be, when all barriers are removed, and people live as one, all sharing experiences on Planet Earth. It will not be long now.
On a personal level, you are making progress and we share your excitement. You are never too old to learn. I thank those who are advising you. They were chosen for this task. Support with love and kindness, those around you who are battling with the Dark Forces. Hold them in the light. Hold them in love. I ask everyone to please do this, for those who are under attack and are struggling to come out the other side.
I am ever at your side. My love for you will never die. I remain your adoring, Monty.


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