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RE: Truth tellers
9/7/2013 5:34:45 PM
Creation. I think this is very good.

Only one thing. We call God -God, some call him Allah, some call him Budda, he is also called The Great Spirit, but they all are the same, because we were all created by the Divine Creator, who is not he/she but the DIVINE CREATOR.

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RE: Truth tellers
9/8/2013 2:26:03 AM
Chemtrails, Dumbing Down, Black Ops, NWO-- O'

It's on the News

Believe it or not, what I show and talk about on this video is on the news every day on every channel. You'll see what I mean when you get to near the middle of this video.

It includes documents and pictures of what is going on in our environment and what is affecting our health and weather.…

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RE: Truth tellers
9/18/2013 3:28:36 AM

Montague Keen, September 15, 2013

Mahatma Gandhi

The prison walls are crumbling. You are now seeing the corruption that has engulfed and enslaved humanity for what it is. The structure of the pyramid is becoming blatantly obvious and those at the top of it become more nervous each day. They obeyed their off-planet masters without question, believing that their plans were guaranteed success. They never considered, even for one moment, what they might do if humanity should wake up, as they thought they had covered everything to ensure the success of the plans. They have control of your lives from the moment of birth until you depart the earthly plane.

The fact that so many of you have awakened, even though everything was against you, is a miracle in itself. Those brave people who took the first steps to expose the corruption will never be forgotten when the history of your world is written. When you consider all that is being done to keep you in the third dimension, it is not surprising that some are still entrapped within it. Those are the people who are now being used to judge and attack the people who have moved on. This is happening all over the world.

Think with your hearts. You know in your soul what is truth and what may be questionable. It is a difficult path that you are negotiating at this time of change, when confusion, deceit and downright lies, are aimed at you from so many directions. Guidance is available. You just have to ask. You all need to raise your consciousness and leave all that was three dimensional behind you. Those of you who are awake must be ever vigilant to ensure you are never lured into the traps that have been carefully placed to entice you back into the third dimension.

The great effort to awaken humanity has served to shine a light on the truth. It exposes the false statements that are used to try to force you to accept a war. You made a choice: you do not want to kill nor do you wish others to kill in your name. The days are over when people foolishly believed that it was their duty to kill or die for a cause. Now, you ask, “Whose cause? Who gains from war?”

The answers to those questions become more obvious as each day goes by. Your stand on this, will make war obsolete. This is why your actions, your thoughts, and your beliefs, are so important. The desire for peace is gathering momentum. It will succeed !

You are finding your feet and realising who you are. You are taking back control of your lives as those who had oppressed you, flounder, and look for ways to hold on to control. They have had it all their own way until now. Pity them, as this is a new way of life for them. Do not judge or show aggression, as that would take you down to their level, and you really do not want that at this time. You are in the process of creating a world where everyone lives in peace. A world where love is the guiding rule and all are equal. The changes that need to occur in order to achieve this, will happen in the not too distant future. Are you prepared in your heart and soul to embrace the changes that so many are doing their utmost to bring about on your behalf ?

Each one of you should be asking, “What can I do to contribute to these changes? Can we help in any way?” It is when you learn to come together and work together that you will triumph over the evil. The Cabal keeps you in a little box, soaking up its propaganda on your televisions that is used to control your mind. NLP [Neuro-linguistic Programming] is used as well as subliminal messaging. Until you understand this, you cannot protect yourselves from it. Think about it: you actually pay for your own prison guards !

Talk with each other, just as they did in ancient times. They knew how to live, then. They shared everything. This is how they were educated. I can assure you that they fully understood how the universe worked. They understood the importance of ley lines. Now, you are seeing how these great tracks of natural energy were blocked in order to suppress the energy lines that encompass your world. This, in itself, is a crime against humanity, that needs to be put right. All that has been altered on Earth in order to suppress and control you, will come to light, and you will be given assistance to put it right. You are well on your way to doing this. Light is being shone on so much in order to assist you.

Believe in your mission and know that you will succeed. Remember . . . everything happens in our time, not yours. So do not give in to impatience, as this slows things down. We will act at the moment we see that all is in place. We will succeed. Stick to your resolve and keep reminding yourself that you are not playing the Cabal’s game anymore. No more cannon fodder will be provided, no matter what excuse is manufactured for war. Mankind no longer wants to play war games in order to amuse and enrich the Cabal whilst CULLING THE POPULATION in the process. You ask how humanity could have been so blind to all this for so long: mind control is the answer.

It is time to come together as ONE BIG FAMILY which is scattered all over the world. Its members now wish to get to know each other again, and to share knowledge and experience of life on Earth. See yourselves creating a peaceful world, as this is why you are on Earth at this time. Let the blindfolds fall from your eyes and the shackles fall from your limbs. Free your minds and see, not what you are told to see, but what you actually see. Enjoy the freedom which you are creating. We are at your side to guide and protect you. Stand tall and know that you are on the right path.

My dear Veronica, those who are destined to be with you, will be at your side. Try not to worry about this. I will never leave you.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
9/18/2013 3:31:42 AM


I just shared the following thoughts in a Comment:

The only way this info will spread, I do believe, is if ‘we-the-people’ spread it via our own ‘media.’ The rest of them are likely scared to death! It is up to us to get the word out!

We can choose to be scared, too, I guess, but our very lives are truly at stake! What are we going to choose now?

I”ve felt and known for a very long time that Neil has the ‘real’ truth, but he’s been going at it pretty much on his own. Now he is plainly asking for our help – if we value our very lives and those of our loved ones. We are in the teeth of it now . . . We either stop them or commit our lives to a hell the likes of which I think we cannot really imagine. !J

While everyone has been offering support and help on my blog, I have known that the story to which we were responding was not the ‘real’ story. This fact got to me, and so I closed our Comments section. Today, I’m opening Comments again so that you all can respond to what I do believe is the real story. Neil sounds the alarm in very clear terms: our very species is at risk. While it may appear to be a scary thought, I think if we do not permit ourselves to be divided, but stand together against the cabal, in reality we have nothing to fear.

Love and hugs to all!


Ø “We’re being played…they are pulling a back door trick, while lulling us into thinking they’re defeated.”

Ø Cabal pulling off massive gold theft in Indonesia – melting, recasting, and fraudulent re-stamping – as they attempt to hijack the assets and move them to the West

Ø Keenan reveals his own Financial Doomsday Weapons against Cabal – see them for yourself

Ø Cabal admits genocidal plans against humanity – claims to want a way out

Ø Cabal families at each other’s throats – who will cut a deal? And will the world allow a deal to be made once the truth is known?

Ø Rothschilds blame Vatican, Rockefellers hunt Rothschilds, Bushes blame everybody – while still trying to start a global war

Ø Keenan demands end to Monsanto, Chem-trails operations aimed at mass murder

Ø World Court forming to bring the cabal to justice, as Keenan reveals the Black Book, The Book of Maklumat, The Book of Conveyance, and an original of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement.

by Michael Henry Dunn

September 17, 2013 – Neil F. Keenan is done rattling the saber – he’s pulling the sword from the scabbard and preparing to use it. He has caught the banker-bloodline corrupt cabal red-handed in one last desperate attempt to hijack the wealth of the nations and to reassert their murderous dominance over our planet. As powerful new allies have flocked to Keenan’s banner in recent weeks, Keenan has pulled the veil from the cabal’s most cunning deceptions. We have been told they are nearly defeated – they are not. We have been led to believe the Accounts are almost back in the hands of the rightful depositors – while the cabal mounts a massive theft of the assets. Our bloggers and freedom fighters have told us we are almost there – while the plans for genocide proceed unstopped. In a series of extraordinary meetings this week, Neil Keenan confronted one of the dark sect’s top chieftains in a face-to-face showdown in the heart of the cabal’s lair. A series of talks with European leaders followed as the battle to defeat the enemies of humanity moves into what looks to be its climactic phase.

Keenan is done with words – he reveals in an extraordinary video the ultimate “Financial Doomsday” weapons in his possession – and warns that the time has finally come to use them.

Keenan warns the world that we cannot take our liberty – or even our survival – for granted in the face of this final move by the cabal. This dark Luciferian sect did not exert pervasive dominance over our planet for these past centuries by giving up easily, or by honoring a single agreement they ever made. They are masters of cunning deception – layer upon layer, web upon web – and history is littered with the corpses of those who thought they had them defeated, only to feel the knife in their backs even as they toasted their own illusive victory. Those who believed the cabal-infiltrated Freemasons would never rise again in America after their dark nature had been revealed in the 1830’s – after thousands of appalled Americans had resigned from the Masonic movement when its twisted designs were revealed by a member (who paid with his life) – they were astonished to find that the movement quietly reappeared in greater numbers in the years following the Civil War, as the Rothschilds’ remorseless plans for the destruction of American freedom moved into overdrive. “I would sooner have believed that slavery itself would revive in America than we would ever see the Freemasons return to power,” said one dismayed enemy of the cabal.

Like a horror movie demon, the ghouls of the Illuminati wait until their victims are complacently secure in their conviction that the evil is destroyed before springing upon their sleeping prey.

Overly dramatic? No. Merely the verdict of history. And Neil Keenan and his allies are determined to make sure it doesn’t happen one more time. It is now or never. And the weapons he has long held back he is now ready to use.

The Black Book in Keenan’s possession documents every fraudulent transaction, every theft, every account movement, every withdrawal made by the hardened criminals at the uppermost tiers of the oligarchy, going back decades. Every time one of them opens “the black screens” it is like a fingerprint, and the money is traced. Their names, their crimes can be revealed to all. These are Financial Doomsday weapons, and their exposure will have unpredictable consequences – but faced with the imminent return-from-the-dead of the cabal’s plans to murder billions of human beings, Keenan is now revealing them to the world. The documents are already in the hands of journalists, of lawyers, in multiple secure locations throughout the world, ready to be released.

Meanwhile, Keenan reveals information regarding the ongoing theft of Global Account gold from Indonesia by the Cabal.

The Elders have guarded the assets for decades without being compensated according to agreement. That has left them vulnerable to bribery – or to coercion where bribery fails. For years it was American General Rosier stealing massive amounts of gold, and today the name of General Lorin has surfaced as the new thief. Now Bush family henchman Richard Armitage is working with General Lorin to continue the cabal’s proud tradition of shameless plundering. Planeloads full of gold are leaving Indonesia for Hong Kong, where it is melted down, whereupon new bars are created with phony stamps, ready for shipping out to the West.

Keenan dared to venture into the heart of the cabal’s lair to meet with a notorious cabal bloodline chieftain (his nobler titles are a sham – a crime syndicate boss should be called by his right name). All very civilized, of course. Cordial conversations over dinner as Keenan revealed his knowledge of their last cunning devices and called them out on their genocidal operations.

“I’m going into the lion’s den,” he informed this writer. “But I’m bringing some catnip with me.”

Keenan is still Keenan.

He called them out on Monsanto. He called them out on chemtrails. He called them out on genocide. And he warned them that it must all stop now. In the extraordinary video accompanying this article, Keenan reveals that the families at the top of the banking system are looking for a way out. They know they are vulnerable. They have believed that they can survive because they control the world banking system – and who can operate without them? This has been their trump card – while they have calmly proceeded with their plans to mercilessly slaughter billions of human beings. Now they say they too want to see the Cabal come to an end.

Of course, they are the Cabal. But there are factions within factions, and the leading families are at each other’s throats. The American cabal families are still going full tilt for global war, and word has it that the European banking families are in danger of their lives from the Bushes and Rockefellers. One thing is certain – the ten leading financiers (with the “chieftain” at the table) who sat down with Neil Keenan in a certain banking capital last week would have us believe that they do not think of themselves as the cabal…and that they know the cabal is finished.

The Vatican is evil and cannot be trusted. Who says so? Why, the cabal, of course – they’re reportedly very upset with how they’ve been misled by Rome. Those nasty Vatican boys lied to our dear honest bankers? How appalling! Honor among thieves…you reap what you sow, gentlemen. You might try looking that up in the good book – along with “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not steal.”

Keenan emerged from his confrontation to warn us all: we must take back the keys to the kingdom – don’t let the Vatican retake control, or we’re in for a hundred years of hell.

Neither side can be trusted. We must see actions. The Accounts must be freed. The chemtrails must end. Monsanto and HAARP must be dismantled.

And the truth of who they are and what they’ve done must be told to the world.

Their day is done. The world is awake. And they will be brought to justice. They have believed that we are the sheep and they are the wolves. We are reclaiming our freedom.

The new international security force, the soon-to-be-completed World Court of Human Rights, the 178-nation consortium, all are now aligned to prevent this last back-door crime from turning victory into defeat. But time is short. We must act now.

The extraordinary video attached to this article should be immediately distributed throughout the world. Reblog it, Skype it, Facebook it, e-mail it, Twitter it, turn it into a hundred million hits on Youtube. Nothing less than humanity’s survival is at stake.

More enormously important news is imminent. Crucial updates will follow in the coming days.

Only our silence, only our complacency allows them to win. Only our raised voices, only our united determination ensures our freedom. Wake up now!

I will close with a direct quote from Neil Keenan:

“Let those who hold secrets release them so they may be heard. Let everyone stand and let it be known they are not sitting down any longer, that they value the liberty and safety of their families because this is what is at stake. We must let it be known to the Cabal that we know what they are up to and that we have our little birdies singing to us now telling us it is time for them to say goodbye….All the Elite take a hike…..Hit the road Jack and don’t you come back no more!”

Michael Henry Dunn


Here are a couple of photos fof the Blue Book, which establishes the bloodline lineages of these cabal families, how they evolved, and where they are today. This is who we’re fighting: the people from the Blue Book who illegally control the assets of the off-ledger accounts. They are the elitists who control all the industry of the Western world, to whom all the dots connect. These are the people who received OUR bailouts, OUR money!

SAM_5192 - Version 2

Here are couple of photos of The Black Book, whose entries are all hand-written. The history of the Global Off-ledger Accounts on the black screen is in this book. This is the Book that exposes the cabal. Now you can understand why this book is priceless.

Screen Shot 2013-09-17 at 9.33.06 AM

Screen Shot 2013-09-17 at 9.53.20 AM

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RE: Truth tellers
9/30/2013 1:57:00 PM
I think this week's is wonderful, as they all are, but some weeks they just make more sense to me.

Montague Keen - September 29, 2013
Albert Einstein

It is happening, my friends. You are doing a wonderful job of raising the consciousness of so many. Look around you and see the reaction of the Cabal to this. They are using Chem Trails almost non-stop now, in an effort to keep humanity under control. You are seeing one false flag operation after another. They are becoming careless in their efforts to create fear, so that you will willingly give up more of your precious freedoms. Please do not fall for all this propaganda. They will not hesitate to kill as many as necessary in order to create panic and fear. Understand this: THEY FEAR YOU, THE AWAKENED !
You have nothing to hide, but you have everything to gain, by being strong and fearless. You are the 99%, all standing together with the belief in your hearts that you were chosen to bring about the great awakening that will lead to the return of peace, harmony, and the removal of all that has kept you in servitude and darkness. Your day has come. You will learn who you are and what was done to you. Humanity is coming together and no divisions will ever separate you again.

Religions will be exposed for what they truly are: all man-made, and designed only to keep you in fear and control. They have been used to create reasons to fear people who did not belong to the same religion as you. They have been used as reasons for war and misery for so many. This must stop right now. Be the first to speak out and say, "I do not fear anyone because of what he chooses to believe". Only those who use religion to force their will on others should be examined carefully and requested to adjust to the new age of peace.

The change is happening as it is meant to happen and it cannot be stopped. All the money in the world will not prevent it happening. The Cabal has no choice in this matter. A greater mind than theirs has put all this in motion and is watching over it. It will happen. Adjustments are being made to your DNA and consciousness to assist all of you to cope with the many changes you will encounter during the change-over. You are all doing a splendid job by sharing your research and helping others to make the shift on time.

Your human bodies will become stronger and will welcome the removal of all the chemical attacks they have had to endure. When the body has clean air to breathe and good food to eat, life on Earth will become so different. Disease is man-made, designed to keep you down. It will become but a memory of the dark times. We will have Centres in every country to help you to create a life worth living on planet Earth. Life will become a beautiful experience on an Earth whose real beauty has been hidden from you.

Everything becomes clear when you return to spirit. You watch in horror what is being done to countless innocent human beings in an effort to create a New World Order in which mankind is but a servant, who exists only to obey the whims of the Cabal. This had to be brought to an end as it could never be allowed to happen. Earth is part of the universe and cannot be taken over by the Cabal as it does not belong to them.

Without your assistance they are useless. You have the power to stop the slaughter and to bring peace to your world. Are you up to the job that is asked of you? For this is your mission on Earth. You agreed to this before you returned to Earth. We in spirit are watching every move, every thought, and every word, that is uttered by the Cabal. We know their plans, so we advise you. For those with special missions, the time has come to implement those missions without question. You know in your hearts who you are, and what is expected of you. You are the creators of the New Age of Enlightment. It does not matter in which country you reside. Coming together in harmony removes all the false barriers that the Cabal has created in order to keep you apart. You have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Veronica, my dear, you were greatly saddened recently when talking with some lovely Irish ladies, who were adamant that the removal of Vatican Rule in Ireland was of great importance to them and to Ireland. You were shocked to discover that although they are removing the outer trappings of the Vatican, they are still locked into the false beliefs of this corrupt institution which were instilled in them through education. They need to understand and come to terms with the fact that the doctrine that has been taught to them is false. For there is no hell, etc. When they make the sign of the cross, they open themselves to lower dimensions. You have to be strong and confident. Love, and love alone, is all you need.

Brain waves are being used on many of you without your knowledge or permission, in an effort to prevent you from becoming active. It is important that you support each other, and assist those who are under attack and unaware of it. They may appear to be overshadowed. They may change, and this change can be observed by those of you who are alert and aware of such happenings. Forget and discard what is said by them when they are overshadowed, as it is not coming from them. It is what the Cabal instructs them to say or do. Always be on guard for this, otherwise you will fall into the trap of believing what is being said by the controllers or a 'walk-in'; whichever label you wish to give it. The Cabal will go to any lengths to try to hold on to control. Pity them, but do not waste your precious energy on anger or revenge. For such a reaction is three dimensional. You, on the other hand, have raised your consciousness to a higher level of being. You are above all that 3D thinking and actions.

As you draw closer to the light, all this will become abundantly clear to you. Then, we on this side of life, will be able to visit with you openly. We will be seen and we will talk with you. All barriers will be removed. Love, and a belief in your own innate ability, will bring this about. Those who are meant to be on the Earth will remain, while those who are not of the Earth will have no choice but to take their leave, for they cannot survive the energy of the light. They face exposure, and to continue to hold a human appearance will not be possible.

Together, you must go forward with love in your hearts, as you welcome your fellow beings of light from all over the world. One big, happy family of light and love. This is your mission. You will achieve your goal. We are always with you.

Veronica, welcome the many changes you are experiencing, as they are all part of the awakening. My love is with you at all times.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

The Montague Keen Foundation

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