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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
7/18/2016 10:44:53 PM
Hope you are all ready for this one, wow.

Message from Montague on Sunday 17 July, 2016

Negotiations continue, deals are being made, and those who are willing, give up their control and work alongside humanity, pleading to be allowed to remain on Earth. It is necessary for them to return to humanity all that they have fraudulently taken. Though they want to remain, they are still reluctant to give up their wealth and status. All that they have, they stole from humanity, and it must be returned. So many of you are only beginning to realise that these ruling classes who took over the Earth have no right to be on Earth, and can only remain if humanity agrees to them staying and working together with you. The complete TRUTH must be exposed so that everyone understands the situation. The truth of who you are, how powerful each and every one of you is, has been kept hidden from you. Your connection with your Creator was severed by religion. All religions must answer for their crimes against humanity.

It was brought to Veronica's attention that two brave souls have begun a legal claim for restitution against the Vatican on behalf of humanity; ANNA MARIA and JAMES CLINTON. Again, I say to you, this is yet another first step. Humanity against the Vatican. Humanity has not yet even scratched the surface of the Vatican's crimes against it. There is so much to uncover at the Vatican, as it is the total opposite in every way to what it pretends to be. The Vatican must answer for its crimes against humanity. I say to you, be prepared, because you have no idea of the enormity of its crimes. The Vatican/Zionist plans for humanity must be prevented. You do not have a choice, your survival depends on it. This Estate Claim and Lien is the frst step forward in exposing the Vatican and what it stands for. Its EVIL tentacles are spread far and wide. It cannot survive in the Light. Don't let the Vatican take you down with it, as it cannot be allowed to survive. The Vatican controls so much more than you could ever imagine, including banking, wars, corruption of all sorts. It cannot and it must not survive.

As the light floods your world, it exposes all that is dark and corrupt. You see David Icke travelling the world, spreading the light of truth, and thousands of people fill the venues. People are ready to open up to the truth. Governments are now seen as your prison guards. They all obey the UNSEEN HAND, from whom they take their orders. All governments are puppets of the Cabal, otherwise they would not be in government. Only when a real leader comes forward will you realise how corrupt your governments are. You need a leader who is guided by his heart, who is prepared to live and work for the good of all humanity. A leader who will refuse to be part of the elimination of 80% of humanity. A leader who will ensure that clean water, clean air, and food without chemicals, are available to all.

Every day now, the Cabal and its lackeys are being exposed. They have a price on their heads. Running to Alaska will not guarantee their safety. World War III will not save them either. 2016 is the beginning of the END of the Cabal's reign of terror. You will experience changes, the like of which you cannot begin to imagine. Do have compassion for those who are ill-prepared to move forward into the light. It will take a little time to learn to live in peace and harmony with each other without the corrupt enforcing their laws and rules on you. You will learn to make decisions based on how your heart sees it and not your head. This will not happen overnight, it will take a little time. Think about it, my friends, you have the opportunity to create a world free of all corruption and all that goes with it. A world where children will grow up without fear of being abused by Church or State. Leave no stone unturned in the removal of the corrupt. This is your big opportunity to create a world such as you would have liked to have grown up in. As you see the big names topple in disgrace, know that this must happen for the light to spread to every country in your world. Find your voice, your time has come. Free your mind from all that holds you back and embrace the light, and become who you are.

My dear, the awakening is exciting, it is gathering speed. Trust the world of spirit to find solutions.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
7/27/2016 1:53:23 AM

Montague Keen 7/24/2016

wpd4bc9436_06The awakening is gathering speed and strength. One only has to look at the thousands who gather all over the world to hear David Icke speak the truth. People are connecting the dots and seeing for the first time that humanity is completely controlled. They are now learning how just 1% has manipulated the 99% into giving up its freedom and control of the world. The Cabal is in fear of the awakening, so its answer to this is to arrange FALSE FLAG operations to cause fear, and hopefully take people’s minds off what is being done to destroy humanity. The Cabal even has its own man at each false flag event, in place ready to film and reportback to them. They are keeping him busy at the moment, rushing from country to country. Yet the gullible still blindly accept it all, no matter what evidence is placed before them. The contrast between the people who are open to the truth, who gather to hear Icke, whose light is so great, and the gullible, is enormous. So much mind control is focused on humanity, especially through television, governments, education, and of course, the DEADLIEST of all, mind control through religion.

It is time to free yourselves. Open your mind to the truth. Refuse to comply with the corruption that has destroyed life on earth. A choice has to be made: do you stand with humanity, or sink into oblivion with the Cabal. For the Cabal will not survive; they know this to be true, as their time is up.

The transition has already started and its consequences will be magnificent. Everything will change on a global scale. It needs mankind to open up to it, be prepared, and take an active part in it. When you do this, the corrupt will no longer be able to function, as without your assistance they will have to accept defeat. You know who you are, those of you who prop up the Cabal. You know that the sooner you withdraw your services, the sooner your world will bathe in the light of TRUTH, JUSTICE, and LOVE, for all mankind.

I ask again that you send love, light, and justice, to one who is held captive in the United States. One whose role in your transition is so great that a trap was set for him. If you feel that you could offer assistance in this matter, Veronica is at her wits end. The need for legal advice is great, especially concerning US law, as it is quite different to that of the UK.

Humanity needs things to move forward as soon as possible. The Cabal sinks to such depths to gain a little time. They will use and abuse to get what they want. The human race needs its freedom, to enable it to live life on Earth as it should be lived. THE UNSEEN HAND that controls your world must cease its reign of terror and withdraw from the Earth. Those who serve it should be prepared to leave also, unless they wish to seek clemency and forgiveness for their crimes against humanity. Those who openly live amongst you, whilst openly claiming superiority, should consider their position, for they too are on borrowed time. One big lesson that humanity will learn is that all the wealth in your world will not buy you the right to remain on Earth after the transition is complete. There will be no place for corruption or the corrupt after this transition.

Veronica has had to cope with yet another shock today regarding the person in the US. We, on this side of life, are working towards freeing the one who is trapped, but Veronica is the one who is physically dealing with it. You have no idea what she is up against. It is an EVIL so dark, so vicious, so corrupt. Veronica’s one wish is to help free humanity so that all can live in peace.

My dear, I know what a shock this was for you. You need to recover from it. Know that nothing can stop this transition, they can only put obstacles in its path. This is what you are dealing with.

I am with you always, my dear.

Your adoring, Monty

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
7/31/2016 3:14:31 PM

The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App… “Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t” (James Corbett) and ““Totalitarianism” and the Future of Surveillance” (Steven MacMillan, NEO)

by kauilapele

pokemon_go_advertHoly crap... I've heard about this thing, but have never played it (nor likely will ever), or seen it played. But ever since I'd seen an image or two from that game, I felt there was something very "Illuminati-ish", even Luciferian about it.

So read the highlights of these two articles and go to the article itself to get into it more deeply. These two reports about the app should help people to think twice before giving in to it (especially parents of children between the ages of 5 and 95).

The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App is Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t (James Corbett, 7-13-16)

"House Resolution 5606, better known by its Orwellian name, the “Anti-terrorism Information Sharing is Strength Act,” would have allowed Big Brother to access Americans’ financial information based on what the government deems to be “suspicious activity.” Given that the DHS has labeled such things as using binoculars, paying with cash, or even “appearing normal” as “possible terrorist activity” in the past (thus making pretty much every human being a possible terrorist), everyone can breathe a sigh of relief that the bill failed.

"But don’t breathe that sigh too deeply, because exactly as that threat to privacy was being extinguished, another one was rising to take its place. It goes by the name of “Pokémon Go” and it is a so-called “augmented reality” game that allows users to capture, train and battle virtual Pokémon by chasing them around through real world environments with your smart phone.

"The Pokémon Go game is prompting scores of people out into the streets to go chasing for wild Pokémon to capture. It is also prompting heists, violence, hoaxes and hysteria... One 19-year-old hunting for water Pokémon in a rural river ended up uncovering a dead body, one IT executive got fired from his job after an online Facebook tirade inspired by frustration at the game, and one YouTuber who was live streaming the game while out Ubering allegedly saw someone get murdered right in front of him…but that turned out to be a hoax.

"...the app requires an excessive amount of permissions on a user’s device, including the ability to read your contacts, find accounts on your device, and access your camera. The app even requires full access to a user’s Google account, which it can then use to read your emails, send emails from your account, browse your Google Drive documents and photos, etc. But apparently that’s just “a mistake” and will be “corrected soon.”

"Secondly, the game’s privacy policy contains such gems as: “We may disclose any information about you (or your authorized child) that is in our possession or control to government or law enforcement officials or private parties.” What could go wrong?"

Pokémon Go, the CIA, “Totalitarianism” and the Future of Surveillance (Steven MacMillan 7-29-16)

"If anyone doubted that a percentage of the global population are akin to zombies, the incidents following the release of Pokémon Go have surely convinced you. Despite the game only being released in early July, we have already seen a man driving into a tree and a women getting locked in a graveyard whilst chasing these furry little creatures.

"In February 2003, the CIA-funded venture-capitalist firm In-Q-Tel made a strategic investment in Keyhole, Inc., a pioneer of interactive 3-D earth visualization and creator of the groundbreaking rich-mapping EarthViewer 3D system. CIA worked closely with other Intelligence Community organizations to tailor Keyhole’s systems to meet their needs. The finished product transformed the way intelligence officers interacted with geographic information and earth imagery.”

"Like so many new technologies in our digital age, Pokémon Go is constantly gathering information on the user and then openly admitting that they will share this data with anyone who wants it.

"Speaking at this year’s Comic-Con, Oliver Stone... had some very insightful views on the new craze and the growing business of data-mining... in a recent article, Stone denounced the game as a “new level of invasion” and a new form of “totalitarianism:”

"“I’m hearing about it too; it’s a new level of invasion... They’re data-mining every person in this room for information as to what you’re buying, what it is you like, and above all, your behavior. Pokémon Go kicks into that. It’s everywhere. It’s what some people callsurveillance capitalism; it’s the newest stage. You’ll see a new form of, frankly, a robot society, where they will know how you want to behave and they will make the mockup that matches how you behave and feed you. It’s what they call totalitarianism.”

"Pokémon Go looks more like a Trojan horse of the CIA and the wider intelligence-security-data-mining-Big-Brother complex, than just a silly, innocent game. With all these connections to the State Department, the CIA and the DoD, no wonder some countries are reportedly considering banning the game."

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/1/2016 7:56:55 PM

Montague Keen 7/31/2016


At this time of great change, it is important that you do the Revocations (Andrew Bartzis) as often as possible, so that you build up your inner strength and free yourselves from all the controls that were placed on you by religion and state. You will be amazed with the results. You will feel free and in control. The removal of the corrupt control will bring about major changes. You must be prepared to cope with these changes. Do not look to your governments to help or advise you, as they are part of the problem. Strength of mind and confidence in yourself is a must. It is through the Revocations that self-empowerment is achieved.

Much of what is revealed will shock and distress you, but you have to release the old corrupt ways of the past. Those you were taught to trust and revere are the very people who held you in bondage. I say to you once more, "Nothing is as it seems", always keep that in mind.

Governments serve only the HIDDEN HAND, never the people, so do not expect them to protect you. Governments have undertaken to wipe you off the face of the Earth. They do not want 80% of humanity. You must wake up to who and what your governments are, and look honestly at how they are involved in the extermination the human race. It will shock you to the core when the penny drops and the realisation dawns on you that just maybe you are assisting them in their evil plan. When you fully understand the extent of the corruption, then and only then, will you be able to take the necessary steps to refuse to comply with their evil plans.

The great awakening is spreading its wings far and wide. You can see the light energy around people as they release themselves from the constraints of the dark past. Learn to smile again, for you have much to smile about. You are awakening from the nightmare which the Cabal had created for humanity. As the shackles fall away and the prison bars disintegrate, lift your face to the sun's healing rays and welcome its light into your life.

Those of you born in the last 2000 years have never known freedom. It was then that the takeover began. The Vatican and company have overseen it ever since. With freedom comes huge responsibilities, you must not fall into the trap of carrying on as the Cabal did. No, my friends, new thinking is needed to ensure the old ways are dead and gone forever. Give some thought as to how you would like life on Earth to be; a wonderful experience for all of humanity, not just the few. You must ensure that never again will people be without food and a home. Poverty was used to produce the kind of energy the Cabal needs to survive on Earth. Understand that the whole of humanity is going through this big shift together and it will be harder for some to cope with it. Together, you will come through it. It is what you have waited for, hoped for, prayed for, now it is within your grasp. Savour every moment of it, for you have worked hard for it.You are the creators of the New Age.

Those of you who have a special role to play, know who you are, and you know that you must be in the right place at the right time. Unfortunately the Cabal also knows who you are, and is doing all in its power to destroy you. Please assist whenever possible by sending love, energy and strength, to all who are in the hands of the Cabal. Know that the Cabal can only delay, but not prevent, the Transition. It is written in stone, prophesied by many, throughout the ages. It will happen, for its time has come. This is your moment to make a real difference to the future of humanity. A chance to create a world where love, respect, justice, peace and honour for all, become the norm.

My dear, the stress of the situation is overwhelming you. Think of what you are up against, it is nothing short of a miracle that you have coped this far. A way will be found to overcome what now seems insurmountable. What you are experiencing is the great battle between humanity and the Cabal, light and dark. The Cabal's overlords are losing ground. Trust that the right outcome will emerge and all will be well.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/2/2016 2:17:24 PM
Friday, July 29, 2016 12:00 AM
> Subject: The Clintons - Lynch - FBI Exposed
> Amazing article......
> Interesting article by Mike Greene that explains a lot:
> I'm a former NY PD Detective and former Orange County Sheriff candidate. I conducted local level criminal investigations through high level national and international level investigations (terrorism, espionage, international abductions, crimes on the high seas, etc.). Many of us saw the FBI Directors speech yesterday.
> Like many of us, I was a bit pissed that after Comey described a mountain of very serious wrong doing, his agency was not going to recommend prosecution of the case. Like many of us, I smelled a rat. So, I conducted my own investigation.
> The results of my investigation will astound you and show a clear path to corruption here!
> _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
> Here's my step by step breakdown of this seemingly corrupt decision:
> 1. Lynch was appointed as U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn, NY from 1999 to 2001. Who appointed her? Then President Bill Clinton.
> 2. Lynch resigned in 2001 to join the law firm Hogan & Hartson. This is the same law firm that represented the company MXLogic. MXLogic was the company Hillary first used to set up her private email server and account. Executives from this law firm have also donated to the Clintons.
> 3. From 2003 to 2005 Lynch served as a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. The Federal Reserve Bank is actually a privately owned corporation, compromised of numerous banks. Several of these banks and or their executives have donated to the Clintons political campaigns and to the Clinton Foundation.
> 4. In 2010, President Obama re-appointed Lynch as U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn. In 2015, Obama then appointed her as head U.S. Attorney for the nation.
> 5. A few days ago, as we all know, Lynch met with Bill Clinton, privately, on her private government jet.
> This meeting was a few days before the FBI interviewed Hillary and a few days before todays announcement.
> 6. After this meeting, Lynch said something that no U.S. Attorney has ever said. She first apologized and said she should not have met him (obviously an apology based on her being caught, not apologizing for the actual action). She then states something U.S. Attorneys do not state. She stated her office will be guided by whatever recommendation the FBI gives them.
> Why was this statement ridiculous? She is the head of the US. Justice Department. The FBI is a sub unit of DOJ. She is the top boss, not Comey and not the FBI. Her office decides to prosecute or not, NOT the FBI.
> 7. In 1996 Comey was appointed as a Senate Committee Investigator /Counsel to investigate the Clintons in Whitewater. His findings concluded no wrongdoing with the Clintons.
> 8. Comey and Lynch met back in the early 2000's. Comey was appointed by Bush as the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan.
> 9. In 2002, Bush appointed Comey as Deputy U.S. Attorney and he was tasked with investigating Bill Clintons mass pardons as he left office. Comey concluded that Clinton had done nothing wrong.
> 10. Comey went into private practice in 2005.
> 11. In 2014, Obama appointed Comey as FBI Director. Lynch is Comey’s boss, as she is the head of the parent agency, DOJ. Lynch is the chief law enforcement officer of our nation. Comey holds the number two position in the sub agency, the FBI!!!
> At the end of the day, ……how do we have Lynch, previously appointed by Bill Clinton, and formerly an employee of the law firm that is connected to Hillary’s email scandal, in charge of the investigation into Hillary’s email scandal ?
> Plus, the lead investigative agency led by a man who twice investigated the Clintons and both times found them not guilty of wrong doing, also appointed by the current U.S. President, who appointed Lynch, who is Comeys boss?
> And Comey and Lynch have known each other for decades as well.
> How was this investigation to have ever been legitimate? - Mike Greene

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