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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/28/2016 10:46:48 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday 25 September 2016

wpd4bc9436_06There are times in the lives of man when a decision must be made: do you stand for truth and justice, or follow the dictates of the puppets that you are responsible for putting into power. You created your own downfall by trusting the LIES of the puppets and casting your vote to support their evil plans for humanity. You have experienced over and over again how the puppets promise you all, and deliver the exact opposite. Remember what Obama promised and then look carefully at what he delivered. More people were killed through illegal wars on his watch than under any other puppet.

Actions speak louder than words, so always judge by actions, not words. The puppets answer only to their masters, never to the people who elected them. The masters are the same the world over, with plans to reduce the population of the Earth. They only want a manageable number of SLAVES left to serve them. You have allowed this situation by not taking the time to study what was being done to you. You sleepwalked into the mess in which you find yourselves today. Too busy with your own individual lives to consider what was being done to the whole of humanity. You silently accepted your water being poisoned and the chemtrails that poison the air you breathe. As for what you now call food, there is no nourishment whatsoever in it.

What do you intend to do about it? I can hear you say, what can I do about it. Together, you can do an immense amount. You can withdraw your taxes until sufficient changes are made to your satisfaction. You want air, water and food, that are suitable for human consumption. When you stand together, you cannot be ignored. Your taxes pay for your destruction. Never look to government to assist you, for the protection of humanity is not on their agenda. They answer only to their masters. The takeover of your world becomes more obvious every day. Take a moment to look for yourselves. The evil cabal got into power by stealth. Remember, my dear, when I first passed to spirit, I showed you who and how this was operating. Banking is, of course, their main tool. They use it mercilessly. They destroy whole countries and the suffering of the innocent, which they crave, is the oxygen of life to them.

It is time to become active. Find your voice and use it for the benefit of all. Humanity is the victim, and you, my dear friends, are humanity. The cabal has locked many of you away in prisons because they fear you. They fear who you are, and what you may do to expose and prevent their evil plans. They fear the few who have the ability to expose and destroy their corrupt power. They arrange for false accusations to be made in order to have their opponents locked up. This is common practice in America, which is totally ruled by the cabal. How sad that the American people still believe the illusion. A rude awakening awaits them. The people of the United States have been conned big time by those same people that they support.

Please engage with your spiritual side as you will find guidance and protection there. This was condemned, of course, by the Vatican. The Vatican wants to create mindless victims who live in fear of hell-
fire, and always obey the Church. But you are spirit, having an experience on Earth. You need to connect with who you are, not who the Vatican tells you that you are. Stop being victims.

There are changes happening which the Cabal cannot stop, much as they wish they could do so. This truth becomes more evident each day. Your bodies are having to cope with the internal changes that must happen in order for you to be able to function successfully after the Transition. The total exhaustion which many of you are trying to cope with, is necessary so that internal changes can happen without causing stress. Once the corrupt are removed from the Earth, all will settle down and a new way of life on Earth will commence. The only religion left on Earth will be LOVE, and it will replace the hell-
fire and damnation of the Vatican. Love will replace fear. Life on Earth will become a beautiful experience once more and our two worlds will come together again. The Cabal will not surrender its hold on your world easily, I can assure you. But they have no option, for they have lost the battle. It is time for them to leave.

My dear, please take care of your health. You are pushing yourself too much. Our friend is opening up to who he is. He needs your support and guidance. The Cabal tried to kill him, but failed, as it was not allowed. Send him love and the power to be who he is.

Always, my dear, your adoring, Monty.

The Montague Keen Foundation
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/4/2016 7:40:58 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday 2 October 2016

In this time of confusion, you cannot accept as truth anything put forward by Church or State. They work together to enforce their agenda for your destruction. They are in a hurry, as many more of you are waking up to their takeover plans. It is most important that you connect with your Soul Family, as this is more important than your blood family. The soul connection is far greater than any blood connection. When you meet your Soul Family, you know beyond a shadow of doubt that this connection is eternal. Nothing can alter it. You stand by each other through thick and thin. Soul connection goes back to the beginning of time. It will survive as it cannot be destroyed.

It is essential to research the truth. Your government's agenda is NOT FOR THE HUMAN RACE. They plan to take everything from you in order to create an Earth where they alone own everything. They have been planning this takeover for thousands of years. They created an education system that would dumb down the population to such an extent that you automatically obey their corrupt laws. THEY CONNED YOU, but now you are waking up to this deception and you are prepared to stand against it. You are refusing to accept the Cabal's decisions. Every week, you are growing in strength, and your numbers are growing every day. As your minds emerge out of the mist of confusion and camouflage, you see the truth and you stand by it.

You hold the trump card, for without you fighting their wars, they are helpless. Refuse to do anything that will hurt your fellow man in any way. Stand together. Do not prescribe their drug-based "medicines" that kill so many of you. It is all part of the plot to remove you from what they want to see as their Earth.

You will see what will happen in America very soon. This will be the first country to be completely taken over. The American people are refusing to open their eyes to see clearly what is being done to them. The USA is responsible for the death of millions of your fellow human beings. Its Government is desperately crying out for World War III. The US Government is trying every trick, black magic or otherwise, in order to start another war.

Do not accept their propaganda as there is not a word of truth in it. They are fighting for their corrupt survival. Live only from your heart, not the head that has been corrupted by their so-called Education System. For the last 2000 years, you have struggled to survive because of what was put in place by what you now call the Vatican, which is 100% corrupt. Its ceremonies, fine clothes and fine words, cannot hide its dark deeds and plans.

You now have the opportunity to change all that, to replace it with justice for all. The truth can be exposed so that just action can restore humanity and the Earth to what they once were, and to what they should be. You have nothing to fear except fear itself. Refuse to cooperate with the forces of evil that have controlled you for all of your lives, and the lives of your forefathers before you.

The takeover of the Earth will cease, the moment a sufficient number of you refuse to serve the Cabal. Then peace will be restored. The Banks are a product of the Cabal. They have served their purpose to enslave humanity. Banking is the product of evil minds: those who do not belong on Earth but who want it for themselves.

You sing about love, you write about love, but do you live your lives through love? Love has been degraded by your controllers so that you will not truly connect with it. Love is above and beyond everything else. Its importance and its value are priceless. When you connect with another in love, pure love, selfless love, you connect with the Source. You have it all . . .

Open your eyes and your minds. Do not accept anything without researching what you are told through government, religion, TV and newspapers. You are told only what your controllers want you to know. Do you wish to continue to live your lives as mere puppets, always obeying without question all that your controllers command of you? Become free, free to think for yourselves. Free to connect with Source and become who you are. You are beings of light having an experience of life on Earth.

There are so many of you on the Earth at this time and you are recognising each other for who you were in other lifetimes. You are all on Earth to ensure the Transition will go smoothly, for it cannot be prevented. It will be difficult for many of you. The Cabal will fight dirty in its attempt to hold on to power but its days are numbered. Be prepared, my friends, to take control. Firstly, ensure that all war stops immediately. There must be no more killing. Destroy all weapons of war to ensure that they can never again be used. Then enjoy your newfound freedom. Work together to restore the Earth by ensuring clean air and water, as well as food that is good and wholesome for humans and animals alike. It will be hard work, my friends, but I can assure you that it will be worthwhile. Make plans and be prepared.

My dear, we are concerned that your health is suffering. Please take care. We have plans that cannot be disclosed as yet. Trust, my dear, trust !

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/12/2016 2:21:58 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday 9 October 2016

I am filled with dismay as I look upon what is being forced on you by corrupt governments. The lies and the disinformation that is being fed to you from all fronts is horrific. The NWO, hiding behind its many disguises, the Vatican, the Crown, and the governments, as well as the newspapers and TV channels that they own. They are all singing from the same hymn sheet while pretending to have come to the same conclusion, all by themselves.

The one who calls himself Pope Francis is trying to make you feel guilty for trying to protect Europe. I assure you, the Vatican knows all about guilt, for it is a weapon it has used effectively for centuries. The Catholic Church has unlawfully killed millions of innocent people over the years. They enjoy the bloodshed, while the fear it produces is the oxygen of life to them. Their true history would shock you to the core. The Vatican is not what you were told it is, far from it.

You ask, who speaks the truth at this time of confusion. Putin alone is telling you the truth. He does not want war. He wants to protect his people and his country. Evil men seek his removal, those same evil men who have brought humanity to its knees. These men and women have infiltrated every country and conned their way into positions of power and then followed their honed plans to take over your world in order to bring about their New World Order.

Do not believe them. Do not allow yourselves to be fooled by their displays of "friendship and concern" for mankind. Your removal from the Earth is the goal. They are well versed in the lies with which they manage to fool some of you. The majority of you can now see these lies for what they are, and you recoil from them. You must protect your species. The future of mankind is in your hands. It is a huge responsibility, so handle it with care.

I passed to spirit 12 years ago. The pressure for the NWO has escalated enormously since that time. 9/11 placed a huge question mark over the blatant lies you were told at that time, and the Cabal was not prepared for the questions you raised. That was the beginning of the end for the Cabal. Scientists and engineers exposed the lies told to you by the US Government. Think about this, my friends, the US Government was happy to kill 3,000 people so they could invade Iraq. This proves beyond any doubt that they do not care a jot about you. How could you ever trust them again?

You see the way they use their false flag events to enforce their control over your lives and your countries. Killing is a way of life to them, it matters not whether they are using war, satanic killings, famine, floods, or a holocaust. You cannot remain silent one moment longer. Defend yourselves, but not through force. Refuse to fight the wars that uphold their corrupt regimes. This Cabal is using everything possible against you, but the power is in your hands. Refuse to comply with their orders.

America is about to experience just what the Cabal is capable of. Although people can see the Fema Camps, all prepared, yet still they do nothing. What will it take to wake people up? Your minds are occupied with the election of a President who will always follow the orders of the Cabal. It does not matter who is elected. They kill anyone who is likely to stand up to them. Remember President Kennedy !

The Native American people have experienced having everything taken from them. They are to be admired, for they are strong because they know who they are. They have retained their knowledge and still live by it. The other Americans are those who fled other lands seeking a better life. They are a mixture of everything. Their roots are in other countries. Now, they must stand together for truth and justice for all the people of America, irrespective of where they originated.

Now ask yourselves, why does America want to destroy Russia? Look back to when the Tsar and his family were assassinated. The Russian people suffered. It is to their credit that though they suffered, they recovered. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn writes brilliantly about this terrible time of suffering. Together, the Russian people have made their country great once more. They have recovered and are doing well with Putin, a leader who cares for them. Now, here comes the Evil Cabal, foaming at the mouth, demanding war. They want to destroy Russia again. But Russia is not your enemy. Your rulers are your enemy.

Look at all the countries that have been destroyed since 9/11. It is all part of the plan. I tell you, my friends, THIS IS HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF, for the same people are still pulling the strings. How much longer will you put up with it. It is all a massive conspiracy. Everything you have learned, whether at school or university, it is all lies. This is what controls you. You are trapped by the lies. Seek the truth or perish. With truth comes freedom from control and the strength to deal with corrupt regimes.

Step into your own power. It is there, waiting for you to become who you are. The Earth in all its magnificence, is yours to restore to what it once was. Those who invaded the Earth have a choice, whether to live on Earth as humans, or leave the Earth forever. They must be allowed to leave. No matter how tempted you are, never lower yourselves to their level by seeking revenge. They are not worth it. When all this negative energy is removed forever, life on Earth will become blissful and peace will reign supreme. This must be your aim for the future of mankind. It is all in your hands.

My dear, your friend has advised you well. Your health will improve in time. You are up against a mighty enemy whose aim is your removal. Much is done to prevent us, on this side of life, from doing more to assist. They are losing power and this has come as a shock to them. They never expected it, as they believe themselves to be invincible.

We will succeed. The right people will be in the right place at the right time. Do try to rest, whenever possible, as you are no spring chicken, my dear. The spirit is willing but sometimes the flesh is weak.

You are always surrounded by love. Your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/19/2016 11:02:41 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday 16 October 2016

I have asked many times that you stand together against those who want to destroy you and to remove you from the Earth which they want for themselves. You still allow yourselves to get caught up in the scams that are designed to trap and enslave you. Please wake up before all is lost. I ask that you look with open minds at this video that shows just how you are conned into killing each other. This is carrying out the work of the Cabal. Is this what you want?



"We must realise that our Party's most powerful weapon is RACIAL TENSIONS. BY PROPOUNDING INTO THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE DARK RACES THAT FOR CENTURIES THEY HAVE BEEN OPPRESSED BY THE WHITES, WE CAN HOLD THEM TO THE PROGRAMME OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavour to instill in the whites a GUILT COMPLEX for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negros to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin the process which will deliver AMERICA to our cause".

AMERICA, you have seen all this come to pass without ever suspecting that MIND CONTROL was used to achieve the aims of ISRAEL COHEN. You fell for the lies that you were told. In effect, you are delivering America on a gold plate to Mr Israel Cohen. Is this what you really want? Do you want to be party to the removal of the human race from the Earth?

It is when you come together and you realise that you have A COMMON ENEMY, then things will change. You just wear different body suits but together you can change the world. Those within the Cabal are infiltrators; on the outside they look like you, but do not be fooled by this. They are nothing like you, but they want what you have.

Their puppets are so dangerous as they are being used to persuade you to vote for them, thus giving them your power. They will go to any lengths to get you to trust them. They want the POWER that you will give them in order to start World War III. You are on the precipice of it. The people of America must give serious thought about who to vote for. All of humanity is depending on you to be honest and to put humanity first.

The Corrupt One wants a war with Russia. She has promised this to those who finance her. Her loyalty is not to humanity. Trust in your ability to research all the options to ensure you make the right decision. You have been distracted by the PARACITES for hundreds of years. This must stop! There are enough of you awake, now, to stop them in their tracks and prevent their takeover. You have witnessed their takeover of most governments, Food Production, Banks and Medical Supplies. You have to hand it to them, they have been meticulous in their planning. You have slept right through the takeover. They are the Great Cancer in your world. It is time to apply the BICARBONATE OF SODA to wipe it out.

Look at Mr Putin. He knows what tricks the puppets are trying to pull. You have only to look at what he has done for the Russian people to know that he is wide awake. Mr Putin is nobody's puppet; he speaks his truth.

Listen to David Icke. Everything he warned you about over the years, has happened. I ask the people of Ireland to flock to his presentation. It is his first time in Ireland. Give him a wonderful Irish Welcome. Listen to his words for he is indeed inspired. He is a LEADER amongst men.

To establish the fact that you cannot trust those in power, I ask that you also read the following article.

UNICEF'S role in sterilizing and killing Sephardic children (by Trees Loverain)


Action is needed. Come together and support each other. Live in your HEART and let LOVE be your guide. Stop being victims of the Cabal.

My dear, trust that things will work out as they should. Though they have attacked you and tried to wipe you out, you are still standing. It is always darkest before the dawn.

Always, your adoring , Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/26/2016 10:40:39 PM

Montague Keen: The Masks Are Disappearing

wpd4bc9436_06The MASKS are disappearing and you are beginning to see what has been kept hidden from you. Those who secretly rule your world and destroyed your quality of life are being exposed. Everything that they imposed on you, whether it was bad food, bad medication, or impure air, it was all intended to destroy you. They fail to admit that it was only those who were foolish enough to be vaccinated that became ill. Cancer is a big winner for them, for as well as killing, they use the FEAR of cancer to force you to follow their advice. Everything negative in your world was designed by the Cabal. They control absolutely everything. They also create the laws which restrict and control your lives. Fear is used to ensure that you obey them. Politics is used to create the laws that ensure you answer to the Cabal. Look at the top of the pyramid, to those who actually wield the power through their lackeys in government.

The Vatican/Jesuits, Freemasons, and all secret organizations such as Skull and Bones, etc, are there in positions of power over humanity. Open your eyes and understand that the Cabal only has the power THAT YOU GIVE TO IT. Take back that power and they will quickly run back to the tunnels from which they emerged. Step back into your own innate power and become who you are, as David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, and so many more have done. These people stand for truth. They are your leaders. Stand with them, for together you are unbeatable.

Freedom of expression is essential. Look at Julian Assange and Wikileaks. The British Government illegally entered the Ecuadorian Embassy to arrest him but BRAVE BRITISH PEOPLE WENT TO THE EMBASSY TO ENSURE HE WAS NOT ARRESTED. All it takes is a few brave souls to step forward. Those who have taken it upon themselves to expose the evil that is being used to destroy humanity, deserve your protection. Remember, all it takes for evil to succeed, is for good men to do nothing. Each and every one of you is being called to step forward. Stand together against your oppressors. They are terrified of YOU, as they do not stand a chance against you. When you tell them that you no longer recognize their power over you, they are finished. They only have what you have given to them. It is yours, so take it back. Forget all that you learned from both your parents and your education. THOSE LIES CREATED YOUR DOWNFALL. They created the ball and chain that enslave you. It is time to remove them for good.

Create a just world that in the past, you could only dream of. The opportunity to do this is there for you NOW. All you need is the courage to do so. The satanic structure of control is falling apart. They can no longer hold it together, so all it takes is the courage to remove them from power. 2016 is the year of the exposure of all that is corrupt. The exposure of those who have made slaves of all human beings. They have destroyed the quality of life on Earth for 99% of you. Those within the Cabal strut around, monarchs of all they survey, in a world they have no right to be in. Even this was not enough for them, so they gain pleasure from making your lives miserable. They created banking to ensure that they had total control over your lives. Look at them, do they deserve your respect?

Your fear and your pain are the oxygen of life to them. They are parasites, and you know how to deal with parasites. Never stoop to their level but insist that they cease and desist at once. They only have the power that you give them. When all of you say NO, and mean it, they will disappear without trace, back to the darkness they originated from. Your future is in your own hands. Of course, they will pull a few stunts to try to scare you. They still have not given up on Project Blue Beam: the pretend alien invasion that the United States wants to roll out. Only the unawakened will fall for that. There is mass mind control in America. It is so corrupt and it is totally controlled. This is why they kill more people through their wars than any other country. Is this something to be proud of? So much money for war, while the poverty in America is a disgrace. People beg for food and shelter in America. The poverty has to be seen to be believed. Their Government pretends that all is wonderful but the poverty is very real. The USA killing machine is the best that money can buy. They have no respect for life at all. They try to kid you that it is the Land of the Free. No, my friends, it is the Land of the Slave. The United States is dominated and controlled by a foreign power. The people of the US deserve better. It is sad to see the country deteriorate. All it takes is the courage to make the necessary changes.

So much is being done by Spirit to expose all that is corrupt. This shows you the way forward. The action that you take is your decision alone. We can only show you the corruption. You know, deep in your soul, that all the killing must stop. Your world must be cleansed of all that dark energy. Killing creates such bad, dark energy. This is why satanic killings are so popular among the Illuminati. They cannot get enough of this Dark Energy, for they survive on it.

You have the ability to create the future that you want. All it takes is a little courage. Visualize the future, the Earth you dream of, and then make it a reality. Stop being slaves and take back your power. There is more than enough for all of humanity to live in dignity and peace. This should be your aim.

My dear, the freezing is difficult to bear. It is most painful. We do our best to remove it. You have what seems like many insurmountable problems to deal with and they are getting you down. Try to take a break from work, as it is overwhelming you, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

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