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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/20/2016 4:22:08 AM
Hi Linda,

Thanks for your post. As many times as I have posted about 9/11 people just don't want to believe what really did happen. How anyone could even think to trust the government now is beyond me.

Maybe Jim or Diane could give you a lesson in how th post the document you are talking about. Only read a little of it, but it was good what I read.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
4/26/2016 10:18:53 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday April 24, 2016

Martin Luther King

The struggle for complete control of your world has never been greater than it is now. The web of control has ordered its minions to ensure the masses do as they are told. The elimination of the White Race is openly happening all around you. I tell you that you cannot afford to ignore the many indications of this. You must preserve and protect your race. Look at what is happening in Europe, in order to understand what I am drawing your attention to. The control centre is showing its hand, as time is fast running out for them to gain complete control of the Earth. Because of the work that is being carried out, the Schuman Resonance is rising every day.

Here is a video explaining what this means

Soon, those in the Cabal will find themselves totally exposed and at the mercy of the masses that they have tried to destroy. The work you do each day with M has exposed just how the control system operated. It was successful for the sleeping masses; but not anymore, as the masses are waking up, thus increasing the light in your world. All those in power, are doing all within their means, to hold you in servitude to the Cabal. Their loyalty is totally to the Cabal.

You have to do your own research and make your own decisions. The OBAMAs of your world do not serve humanity, they only follow the orders of their masters within the Cabal. The decisions that you make now, will have a great impact on the Earth and the future of humanity. Every day you see their plans to destroy Europe. They try to make you feel guilty for not welcoming others into your countries. In 1925, they planned to create reasons to wage war on certain countries, so they could force the so-called refugees into Europe. They have financed this invasion. You have enemies on Earth that you have no idea about. They control everything and they want rid of you. Their false promises, gestures, and their displays of caring for the masses, are done to fool you into trusting them. Their actions tell a totally different story. They poison the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the water you drink, as well as taking taxes from you that cause poverty for the masses. Those are the facts. Religion and politics work together to destroy humanity.

Each one of you needs to ground yourself and open your eyes and ears to the TRUTH. Stop believing the Cabal's propaganda tools, its TV and newspapers. Believe only what you have researched yourself, and know to be true. Take responsibility for your lives and stop being puppets which vote for their own demise. Go to the ley lines, obelisks, and spheres etc, and remove all the dark energy from the Earth. Look at the control grids, which until now, you were unaware of, because they were hidden from you.

Yes, it was clever, my dear. It was all done under your noses. They did not need to hide it, because they never expected for one moment that one day, you would awaken and see their control grid and remove it. YOU ARE AT WAR. At last, you can see your enemy in all its darkness and deceit. When you stand together as humanity, supporting each other, then the Cabal will cease to exist. They fight a dirty battle. Their main objective is to destroy humanity and take over the Earth at all costs. Their greed knows no bounds !

Again, I appeal to the people of Ireland, to stand together, and take back your power from the Vatican and the State. Lead the world to freedom, free of dark control. You can do it. Become, once again, the mighty people you once were, before the Vatican sent Patrick to destroy you, and all the evidence of your great past. Lead humanity to FREEDOM. You know you can do it. You are almost there. Ignore the pressure being put on you to conform to what the Cabal dictates. Your future depends entirely on the decisions you make now.

Refuse to continue to be part of the EU, which has been set up to destroy your individuality, your race, and your humanity. Those who want to destroy your race, protect their own so-called race, with laws that would astound you. Come out of the MELTING POT called the EU, for it is all part of the TAKEOVER PLAN. Be suspicious of those who try to force you to vote 'Yes'. They are just obeying orders. The LIES and DECEIT in your world at this time are overwhelming. It is their last ditch effort to hold on to control. Their existence depends on whether you obey their commands, or instead, say NO to their evil control. They are at your mercy, for the tables have turned.

My dear, your work with M is showing measurable results. You see the Schuman Resonance rise after every exercise you do. You have a lot to deal with. Although it seems hopeless, you know in your soul that you will succeed. It matters not how many TROLLS the Cabal produce to lie about you, they are wasting their time. We will do what we set out to do.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
5/3/2016 5:56:24 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday 1 May, 2016

Humanity is awakening FAST. Evidence of this is calculated each day by the Schuman Resonance as it races to total enlightenment. All negativity is being exposed. Those who thrived and prospered at your expense, now find themselves powerless to hold on to control. The Cabal's only hope of survival is to try to force World War III on you, and this will not be allowed. Their control is at an end. All their control systems are falling apart. They find it difficult to find support for their corrupt schemes. Every day, many more people release themselves from the control grid. Doing the REVOCATIONS helps the mind to let go of all the evil control so that you become FREE to think, act, and live as you wish. It exposes the puppets for what they are: puppets acting for an EVIL so VILE that it cannot show itself.

Look at the awakened. They look radiant as they carry within them the Light of Truth. Once awakened, it is never possible to return to slavery. Freeing the mind is a joyful experience: go for it. Think about this, my friends. If the Cabal had approached humanity, openly stating what they wanted, there is no way that humanity would have agreed to their demands. Humanity would NEVER have agreed to kill off other humans at the puppets' request, yet that is exactly what they conspired to achieve. They created mythical reasons why man should go to war and kill his fellow man, wiping out countries and civilisations. ASK YOURSELVES WHY. Because the Cabal cannot exist without the ENERGY OF FEAR, KILLING, HUNGER, and SUFFERING of all sorts. It is the oxygen of life to them. This must be understood. Ask yourselves this: why do you continue to pay taxes for the POISON that they put in your water, the poison they spray on you every day, which also contaminates the land, and the poisonous chemicals that are forced on you by the medical profession. You cannot remain passive on this subject. Your survival depends on the actions you take on this matter. Think, my friends, you are supplying the money to these puppets to destroy you !

Look with love in your hearts to your fellow human beings. You are all on the road to survival. You are all at different stages, but I assure you, all will eventually have to travel this road. Those who think "I am doing alright. It does not affect me" are greatly mistaken. You are advancing rapidly as the Schuman Resonance proves each day. The energy work you carried out with M just shows what each and every one of you could do, if you put your minds to it. Believe in yourselves, learn what you are capable of, and take back your power. Move forward into the light of truth and love.

It is exciting to observe the awakening. It's like watching a seed come to life, as it raises its head above the earth, grows, and blossoms into a beautiful being of light. Earth is a beautiful, bountiful place to be. It will be seen again in all its glory when the corrupt cease trying to destroy it. They do not belong on Earth but they want it for themselves.

The religion of LOVE that was the religion of ancient Ireland will once again become the norm. Teaching and helping each other will become part of living life on Earth again. Organised religion will be but a memory of the DARK OLD DAYS OF OPPRESSION AND CONTROL.

Through our Centres, we will advise on health. This is our number one priority. We must get people off drug-based medicine, so they become healthy again. We will show people how to produce good quality food without pesticides, etc. Water, without which humans could not survive, will again be pure and without additives of any sort. It will be a huge adventure, learning to live as FREE HUMAN BEINGS in a society that has the interests of all at heart.

We are proud of each and every one of you who puts his head above the parapet and takes the courage to make a difference to your world and humanity itself. See yourselves as The Army of Light, expanding your light in all directions. Success is yours, my friends. It is coming sooner than you think.

My dear, you are coping well. The circumstances are volatile. It is not an easy task. Another puppet almost got through the net. You were right in what you suspected, my dear. They will go to any lengths and pay any price to prevent you completing your work.

Be careful who you trust as they come in all guises. They are more easily exposed now. Be alert when new people approach you. It is just a matter of time now. We are almost there.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
5/20/2016 1:59:21 PM

RT 5-19-16… “Americans must know ‘shocking’ details of 9/11 report classified pages – congressmen”

by kauilapele

rt_cube_logo_150_19In spite of the "this is just the tip of the iceberg about 9-11" for most of us, but perhaps it was the "ultra asleep" types in the US need, as a starting point. The fact that this release is supported on "both sides of the aisle" (meaning Republicans and Democrats) says something about this.

Note that it is connected to this other RT article, "Bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia passes the Senate", which some may wish to read.

"The 28 classified pages from a congressional report on 9/11 contain many details on who supported the attackers, but “nothing about national security,” members of Congress from both parties say as they urge President Barack Obama to release the pages.

"Congressman Rick Nolan, a Minnesota Democrat, characterized the documents as “shocking,” saying that there is plenty of material in the report that would open the door for the families to take legal action.

"Representative Walter Jones (R-North Carolina) has been pushing for transparency on the matter for years. He introduced House Resolution 14, which urges the president to declassify the report, and believes that it will get enough sponsors attract the White House’s attention.

"Nolan said that after he read the 28 pages, he believed much more strongly that families of the victims of 9/11 should be able to sue the Saudi government or whoever it may be who was responsible, adding that a bill giving them such power has a chance to pass in the House."


Americans must know ‘shocking’ details of 9/11 report classified pages – congressmen

The 28 classified pages from a congressional report on 9/11 contain many details on who supported the attackers, but “nothing about national security,” members of Congress from both parties say as they urge President Barack Obama to release the pages.

Following Tuesday's vote in the Senate to allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia for its alleged involvement in the attacks, there is a growing movement on Capitol Hill to pressure Obama to follow up on his April comments, when he indicated that he would declassify a 28-page report rumored to implicate the Saudis.

Congressman Rick Nolan, a Minnesota Democrat, characterized the documents as“shocking,” saying that there is plenty of material in the report that would open the door for the families to take legal action.

“It’s very detailed. It has the names of the people who supplied money to the 15 Saudi Arabians who participated in the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The bank account numbers, where the money went to,” Nolan told RT America’s Ed Schultz.

While he said that he wasn’t at liberty to give any details, Nolan said that people should “use [their] imagination a little bit” when trying to guess who funded the terrorists who participated in the 9/11 terror attacks.

“And I can tell you that the rumors that have been circulated, I didn’t see a whole lot of anything to negate those rumors.”

Representative Walter Jones (R-North Carolina) has been pushing for transparency on the matter for years. He introduced House Resolution 14, which urges the president to declassify the report, and believes that it will get enough sponsors attract the White House’s attention.

“I am very hopeful. Yesterday Senator Bob Graham flew up from Florida, who has been a real staunch advocate for declassifying the 28 pages,” Jones said in an interview with Schultz. “He and I and Congressman Steve Lynch… met with [Director of National Intelligence] James Clapper over in McLean, Virginia, to have a discussion about trying to get President Obama [to declassify the papers.]” Lynch is a Democrat from Massachusetts.

Jones said that Clapper and the directors of the CIA and the FBI will make recommendations of their own to the president as the heads of the nation’s intelligence agencies. However, the North Carolina congressman said that the papers contain no information that could have national security information to be worried about.

“We will hope that the president will keep his word that he has given twice to the 9/11 families that he would try to declassify this information,” Jones said. “I, along with many members of Congress… have read the 28 pages. There’s nothing about national security in there.”

In recent weeks, CIA chief John Brennan has warned against the release of the 28 pages, referring to the information contained within as “uncorroborated,” “unvetted” and“inaccurate.” Jones, however, said that he does not believe this characterization is correct, and that the issue at hand is revealing critical information to the American public.

“As members of Congress, when we go over there, they watch you read, you can’t even take notes in the classified setting. No one ever said ‘Congressman, you should not believe everything you read in these 28 pages.' Not one time did that happen to me or any of my colleagues,” Jones said.

“If this was about national security, if there was anything in here that threatened the national security of this country, I wouldn’t be supporting it, nor would my colleagues of either party.”

Nolan said that the release of information about activities leading up to the 9/11 attacks is critical for the public to make foreign policy decisions.

“If we’re gonna be spending trillions of dollars, if we’re gonna be taking America’s finest young men and women who’ve stepped up to serve our country and go to war, we better know who our friends and enemies are,” Nolan said.

“Decisions to go to war, with the profound impact that it has on treasury and on blood, are just so profound,” the Minnesota Democrat added. “And the American people are capable of good judgment on these matters.”

Nolan said that after he read the 28 pages, he believed much more strongly that families of the victims of 9/11 should be able to sue the Saudi government or whoever it may be who was responsible, adding that a bill giving them such power has a chance to pass in the House.

“The American people have a right to know. The American people who have been victimized by this have a right to sue. And that’s one of the hallmarks of what American democracy is all about,” he said.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
6/7/2016 10:42:31 PM

Message from Montague on Sunday 5 June, 2016

Ramsey Clark

You will become more aware of your rights as things progress. Never willingly give up your rights, no matter what the argument to persuade you to do so. The negotiations that are being vigorously played out all around you, are becoming more desperate every day. The Cabal is still trying to hold on to its control. They fail to see that they have lost the battle and no longer have the upper hand. They were given a choice: to change, and live their lives on Earth without privilege, or instead choose extinction. Many have already chosen extinction. They are no longer on Earth.

The shift is happening, it cannot be stopped or postponed. Corruption is being exposed and removed. Their lies now fall on deaf ears. Humanity has moved on and there is a refusal to comply with the Cabal anymore. Their empires are dissolving before their eyes and they find themselves helpless to prevent it. You are each experiencing this shift in ways that are individual to yourselves. Many of you find it traumatic and wonder if you have a medical problem. It is just your body adjusting to the New Age that is fast approaching. You have been trapped in negativity for far too long. Embrace the changes as they happen. All the traps that were carefully planned and set for you are now out in the open, obvious to all, and you are not falling for them.

Reach out and protect each other, for one day it may be you that needs help. Moving out of the dark control must be a combined effort, as you are all in this together. Remove everything negative from your lives. It will take time to remove all the old negativity that has become part of living life on Earth. We expect many changes to occur in 2016. You are aware of things speeding up all around you.

You will become free spirits, not restricted by the chains of religion or the restrictions of the Cabal. Life on Earth has become a struggle for survival that has been made harder and more complicated every day. You struggle to survive the poison in your air, water, and food, and the dangerously poisonous medications they have forced on you whilst they assured you that they were good for you. Your survival of this onslaught is a miracle. You are warriors. You have fought a good battle. Now, freedom awaits you.

All the old man-made illnesses will become a thing of the past because the reason for those illnesses will be removed. Nature has provided all you require to survive on Earth, so natural products will take their rightful place once again. The constant need for wars will cease, so there will be no more killing. The extinction of the human race will cease and life on Earth will be free of fear and corruption. Find your voice and speak your truth, safe in the knowledge that you are free to do so.

You will learn the truth about the Earth. This will take a little time, as everything was altered and changed by what is now the Vatican, in order to confuse you, and ensure that you would never find the truth. Worry not, all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. Then there will be peace. The great adventure has begun. It is exciting. Enjoy it, for you have waited many lifetimes for this opportunity to create peace and harmony on Earth. A life where everyone born on the Earth will have a real chance of survival, able to live a drug-free life in peace.

Some parts of your world are making better progress, welcoming the removal of all the negativity. They are prepared to play their part in the shift. A few are still reluctant to pin their colours to the mast. I can assure them that this ship will sail with or without them. You have only to look around you at the squirming politicians, fighting for their survival. They are losing control. Once they lose the confidence of the people, they are kicked out, and quickly replaced by other 'yes-men'. Once the light was shone on them, they did not stand a chance. They found themselves totally exposed. The Cabal does not take kindly to failure, so such individuals are replaced unceremoniously.

Be alert at all times to what is happening. Do not take anything at face value. You should have learned your lessons over the years. Be careful where you place your trust. Your oppressors come in many guises and use others to do their dirty work for them. Sadly, some people can be bought, and are prepared to sell out their fellow man for money. Such actions are not taken lightly on this side of life.

My dear, life is particularly tough. We are trying to find ways to expose the truth. Never give up hope that all will be well in the end. Trust that the outcome will be as planned. This has placed a great strain on you, so we are trying to put things right. Our love is with you, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

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