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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/16/2016 11:26:25 PM
Hi Folks,

Don't know if you read Zap's report or not, this was on his site this week

No wonder they say we are living an illusion, nothing is as it seems.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
8/16/2016 11:34:56 PM
Message from Montague on Sunday 14 August 2016

You are living through turbulent times, "TRUTHS" that up till now, you believed were set in stone, are being exposed as PURE FICTION. Go with what you know deep in your heart to be absolute truth and ignore what had been accepted as truth. Facing the actual truth is never easy, as you have lived your lives trusting what you learned through education and religion to be beyond question. You are in a time when truth must be faced. The corrupt must be exposed as having used and abused humanity for their own evil ends. Humanity is being helped to recognise who they are and to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

Those who are on Earth right now to assist in this process, mysteriously turn up out of the blue, sometimes with financial help, others to give information on matters of concern. You recognise each other and you know that the information given is to be trusted. There are, of course, others on the dark side, who try to infiltrate and destroy. They come bearing gifts of insight, in order to gain a foothold. But their true motives are quickly revealed, so I advise caution at all times. Nothing is as it seems, never forget that.

Real progress is being made, though many do not realise it. David Icke is contributing a great deal to the awakening of humanity. This is his role in this life and he executes it with great gusto. He is a remarkable man, pure in heart and soul.

Many of you are still afraid to open your eyes and minds and face the truth. You do not want your lives to change, so it scares you to even think of change. Coming out of the prison in which you have been held all your life is always daunting at first.

Your future is LIMITLESS. It is all you could wish it to be. All that needs to happen is the chains of slavery must be removed, never again to enslave mankind. At the moment, I know this is a huge leap of faith, as all you have ever known is hardship, as you struggled to survive from one oppressive regime to another that is inflicted on you. No matter who you vote for, all you ever get is more of the same, with even more restriction of your life. It is time for change, my friends, and the remedy is in your hands.

Prepare for your future by removing all unnecessary drug-based medication that is not absolutely necessary. Always find the alternative natural remedy that will help you without damaging your precious body. In times past, there was not the illness that you have today. Your bodies are being systematically attacked. Remember, illness equals profit for the drug companies. It is all part of keeping humanity down. You worry about survival leaves no time to see that it is all part of the great plan to reduce the population.

This is a good time to research who you are, your true history, to find what your true role is in this Great Change. Connect with your sacred places, your ley lines, open your soul to the spiritual energy that abounds in these places which is pure sacred energy.

TV and newspapers are used to separate you from who you are. They create a totally false concept. Their propaganda is used to mind control you into accepting as normal what is in fact a slave existence. You have been trained to obey from the moment you are born. The real slavery begins at five years old when you are officially mind controlled by the state to obey its corrupt laws. Children are never allowed to think, as thinking and researching for yourself is discouraged. You must OBEY. You go through your life without ever understanding why you are on Earth or what you have to look forward to in the afterlife.

The afterlife fascinated me. I enjoyed researching it, and I can assure you, it is so much more wondrous than you can imagine. When you break free from the shackles of Earth and experience real freedom, it is beyond anything you can ever imagine. Veronica can tell you of my great excitement when I passed to the World of Spirit. It was everything I had expected and more, so much more it was.

The energy on Earth is changing. Each one of you experiences this in many different ways. The dark energy must be removed, it cannot be allowed to remain on Earth. All the damage will be repaired. There are forces on Earth which are ready to begin this process of removal. There is so much help in place, ready and willing to clean up the mess and to prepare for your future. It is looking good, all is in place. The future is everything you could wish it to be.

We need to get the right people in place. I know that with your prayers and good will, everything will go as planned. Pray for those who are in need of your prayers, so that they are free to carry out their mission for mankind. Together, we will create a future that you can only dream of now. Peace, harmony and LOVE will be the norm. No more war, no more EVIL MINDS creating "REASONS" to declare war. Their lies will never again be believed. They are finished forever. Their reign will quickly be forgotten as your bright new future begins.

My dear, there has been movement forward. That is good. Be careful who you trust, as they will continue to set traps. It is more hopeful this week. Forward we go, my dear.

Your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/3/2016 11:49:51 PM

Montague Keen: Big decisions now being made by governments

wpd4bc9436_06Big decisions are now being made by governments. Do they continue to support the corrupt regime that is demanding a New World Order and the elimination of 90% of the human race? Or do they follow their conscience and protect their fellow humans. Your governments are struggling with this question. You, my friends, must use your energy to stand together and support your fellow man. The corrupt have gone as far as they dare but they are vastly outnumbered. The awakened have found their voice. They say, NO, we have no wish to have a NEW WORLD ORDER forced upon us. Use your newfound confidence to refuse to support the New World Order in any way you can. It is not what you want and you are the majority.

When the English people said NO to the EU, this was the first nail in the coffin of the New World Order. Now, you must take every opportunity to refuse to assist in even the smallest way, those who want to destroy you. You need leaders to come forward that people can rally around to find their strength. You are on the road to victory, I promise you. This victory is assured. Humanity will thrive, once more, when all the GM ‘food’ is removed, the chemtrails are stopped, and your water is pure. All the illness that plagues your lives now, will quickly disappear. Life on Earth will become a wonderful experience once more.

The people must find and use their voice. Together, you can make all the changes that are necessary to restore health and welfare. Thousands are on Earth at this time to assist you in the transition from all that was dark and corrupt. It has taken time and effort to get you to this stage. You have to make a joint effort to complete the transition. When you fully emerge into the light, you will find that it is everything that you could ever have wished for.

FEAR will be used by the Cabal in every possible way to try to stop you. But you are many, they are few, so do not fall for the fear. Yes, fear always worked in the past; but you are wiser now and you know what you want. You have no wish to exist in the Cabal’s New World Order. They have no respect for human life, they despise you. They see you as useless eaters. Need I say more? The Cabal’s plan is falling apart and they are in shock. The English people actually said NO to them, shock horror !

Now you are seeing other countries, led by Germany, also saying a resounding NO. This is what we have been waiting for. The first steps are being taken. It will go from strength to strength. This is history in the making and it will be talked about for generations to come.

Our two worlds will come together. You have no idea how much this has been blocked. Your DNA is being restored. I know that this process disturbs some of you: the strange pains, the exhaustion, but it is all part of the restoration of your DNA. The Cabal has done much to prevent this, as they will not be able to control you when you become the powerful beings of light that you are. The Cabal is fearful. They do not know what to expect when you actually see them for what they are. You will look on them with pity because they worked and planned for so long, only to be defeated at the last hurdle. All their evil plans have come to nothing.

Connect again with the Earth. Look at it with eyes wide open and see it in all its glory. Understand how it works, its different weather patterns, and connect with all its sacred places, restoring them where necessary. Energy portals are opening up to assist you to connect with who you are. There are more wonders in your world than you could imagine, but many have been hidden. More is opening up for you, more than you could image, and it is all yours. Soon there will be no more taxes, no more money worries. All that will go, as a new way of life will open up for you without the stress of today’s existence.

To restore your health, look to the ancient remedies. It’s all there. Ancient people knew exactly which herb to use, all natural and beneficial. The ancients never heard of “side effects”, such things were invented by the drug companies to protect themselves.

Who do you trust? Look to your heart, you will find the truth there. In your logical mind you will find only what the Cabal has taught you. This cannot be trusted. I have reminded you, many times, that you will have to unlearn all that your parents taught you, and of course, all that the Cabal has ensured you learned through education. Everything was stacked against you to prevent your awakening, but it failed. Now you must go forward into the light with love in your hearts, in the sure knowledge that you will restore the Earth and all of humanity to all that it was intended to be. Be strong, be prepared, and be brave.

My dear, all those who have helped to show the way are being attacked. It is to be expected, as they do not know any better. They are full of fear, so they lash out at everyone. You know the truth, no matter how they try to twist it. Please send love and justice to those all over the world who are trapped by the Cabal. They need your assistance.

My dear, be very careful who you trust, as not everyone is as they appear. Words are cheap, actions bear fruit. This is not a time to take chances, so be on guard at all times.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

RE: Truth tellers ~ 9/11 Documentary Review
9/12/2016 1:55:32 AM
Myrna, I just saw this documentary on CNN Presents ... wanted to contribute this essay review to your forum ... this is study material and the site has more links
1. Order of Events: The movie started out with two French brothers named Guidden and Jules Naudet who planned on making a film a boy becoming a Man and with the help of fire fighter James Hannlon. They then picked a man named Tony who was a probe at the same station as James. The followed him around for five weeks, watching him clean dishes, wash the engines, paint tools, and make beds, nothing exciting was really happening and then on September 11th it all changed. The fire fighters that were on duty that morning responded to a call about a possibly gas leak, they saw the first plane hit the 1st tower and instantly responded to the scene. Once they arrived to Tower 1 the chief instantly talked to the authorities of the Tower and then learned that the elevators were no longer working and to get to the floor that was hit, they had to use the stairs to climb 78 flights to see what was going on. While evacuating the people that were around and coming up with a plane, more stations had come to help in any way that they could, in all this happening the second plane hit tower 2. Tony the probe was off duty that day a long with other guys but eventually they all got called in and were waiting patiently until they were given instructions on what to do.

A little over an hour after the planes had hit both towers, the first tower had collapsed, the fire fighters did everything they could to try to get people out and to help as fast as they could. By the time it collapsed they had already started making their way to the tower, because they were tired of standing around and not helping out the people of their city. Around 10:28 the second towered collapsed. After this the city turned into a ghost town, there was debris everywhere, and they surrounding area was covered in a thick white smoke. Once they started finding ways out the fire fighters eventually start making it back there fire house to start seeing who made it out and who did not, everyone...

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/21/2016 4:13:53 AM

Message from Montague on Sunday 18 September 2016

wpd4bc9436_06As the corrupt struggle to hold on to power on Earth, the evidence of their struggle becomes more evident every day. Those who have ruled with a rod of iron, every aspect of your lives, can now be seen as the criminals they actually are. Now, they fear for their own survival. This was never part of their Grand Plan. You know that they cannot survive on Earth without your assistance. The moment you withdraw that assistance, all your problems will cease at once. Their crimes against humanity will have to be answered for. They must first be acknowledged. They are responsible for everything negative that mankind has had to endure. Come together and look at the research. They have never hidden their plans because they never expected you to awaken enough to be able to see what they were up to.

Look around you; those who speak out about what the Cabal has done and their plans for the future, are hounded down and locked up. This is happening worldwide. Are you supporting these people who stood up for truth and justice, or are you being cowardly, pretending it has nothing to do with you? When you stand together with those who have given their lives and their freedom, to help free you from the Cabal's plans, then you will be free. You have a responsibility to stand together. The future depends on it.

There are innocent people in jails and prisons all over your world who were locked up because the Cabal feared them. These people need your support. They chose to return to Earth to rescue you. They were hounded down and mind-
controlled. Many efforts to kill them have failed. Then the Cabal created situations to make it look as if a crime was committed in order to ensure they were locked up, in the hope that the State would kill them. One such is an innocent man whose mission on Earth is of the greatest importance. Your prayers, your love, and your concern, will create enough good energy for him to be set free. There are many such people locked up all over your world. These are people that the Cabal fears will expose their evil plans to take over your world. These innocent people need your help.

The Cabal is still pushing for opportunities to start World War III. Be on guard, do not believe their propaganda. War is never the answer, it just gives them an excuse to wipe out many more of you, which is all part of their plan. Foolish people among you, are happy to don uniforms and kill en masse, your own people. The sooner you step out of the political arena the better. Refuse to accept their plans for war. Take it upon yourselves to plan for peace and security for all. You have no idea how advanced the cabal's evil plans are, and what they have hidden from you. They have advanced technology that would amaze you. They have decided to make your lives on Earth as difficult as possible because they need the ENERGY of your suffering, and your fear, in order to survive.

What will it take for humanity to survive and to thrive on Earth once more. Firstly, it would take the people of Ireland to wake up to WHO THEY ARE and WHAT IRELAND IS. That would expose the Cabal and its lies. That is all it would take for your world to change overnight. This is why the Vatican and the banks have a stranglehold on Ireland that is holding both the government and the people down. The English people took the first step in blocking the Cabal's plans. In time they will come to realise the importance of their Brexit vote. That vote is seen as one mighty step against the plans of the Cabal. You need many more.

Time is of the essence, so prepare to help each other by reaching out to those who need to be rescued from the hands of the Cabal. The power of thought, of words, and of deeds, is what will assist you in releasing those who are trapped. Pray for those who are still held in Guantanamo Bay; THEIR SUFFERING GOES ON BECAUSE THEY NEED YOU TO SPEAK UP FOR THEM. Will you do so?

My dear, your health is suffering because of the stress levels imposed on you. We will succeed. The bond between the three of us can never be broken.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

The Montague Keen Foundation

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