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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/28/2015 3:21:56 PM

Gary Ruskin, U.S. Right to Know 11-24-15… “Journalists Failed to Disclose Sources’ Funding from Monsanto: A Short Report”

by kauilapele

us_right_to_know_logo_1gmo_NOT_20This was also published at Alternet, with the catchy title,

"New York Times and Washington Post Journalists Failed to Disclose Sources’ Funding From Monsanto (also: New Yorker, The Atlantic, ABC News, Forbes and others)".

I'm sure a few have heard of journalists who write, and/or scientists who do research, about GMOs, and then, lo and behold, you later find out they were funded by... (drum roll)... Monsanto... or Syngenta... or Pfizer Genetics, etc. etc. This article by Gary Ruskin of US RTK exposes what has been going on here... a grand conflict of interest. So let the grand exposure begin (and/or continue).

I've posted the US RTK article here, since it has links to all of the articles cited.

Thanks to G for headsing me up on this one.

"Following a Columbia Journalism Review article on whether science journalists should accept money from corporate interests..., U.S. Right to Know reviewed recent articles to assess how often journalists and columnists quote academic sources without stating that they are funded by the agrichemical giant Monsanto, which produces pesticides and GMOs. Our review found 27 articles quoting (or authored by) university professors after they received Monsanto funding, but without disclosing that funding.

"The principal effect of failing to reveal these conflicts of interest is to unfairly enhance the credibility of Monsanto-funded academics, and their support of GMOs and criticism of organic food, while detracting from the credibility of consumer advocates.

"One remedy for this problem is that when journalists write about food, that they carefully ask their sources whether they have any conflicts of interest, where they get their funding from, and whether they receive any funding from food or agrichemical companies like Monsanto, or their PR front groups.

"That, however, may not be enough. Professor Kevin Folta [of the University of Florida] received Monsanto funding, yet repeatedly denied ties to or funding from Monsanto. Reporters – and readers — should be aware that such deceit by Monsanto-funded academics has recently occurred, and be on their guard against it."


Journalists Failed to Disclose Sources’ Funding from Monsanto: A Short Report
Posted on November 24, 2015 by Gary Ruskin

Following a Columbia Journalism Review article on whether science journalists should accept money from corporate interests, and whether there is adequate disclosure of sources’ corporate ties and conflicts of interest, U.S. Right to Know reviewed recent articles to assess how often journalists and columnists quote academic sources without stating that they are funded by the agrichemical giant Monsanto, which produces pesticides and GMOs.

Our review found 27 articles quoting (or authored by) university professors after they received Monsanto funding, but without disclosing that funding.

This is a collapse of journalistic standards. When reporters quote sources about food issues such as GMOs or organic food, readers deserve to know if the sources have been funded by Monsanto or have other conflicts of interest.

The principal effect of failing to reveal these conflicts of interest is to unfairly enhance the credibility of Monsanto-funded academics, and their support of GMOs and criticism of organic food, while detracting from the credibility of consumer advocates.

Our review found that many top media outlets quoted either University of Florida Professor Kevin Folta or University of Illinois Professor Emeritus Bruce Chassy without disclosing that the professors received funding from Monsanto. According to documents published by the New York Times, Professor Folta received Monsanto funding in August 2014, and Professor Chassy in October 2011, if not before.

Many of these journalistic failures occurred at influential news outlets: newspapers such as the New York Times, Washington Post and Chicago Tribune; science publications such as Nature, Science Insider and Discover; magazines such as the New Yorker, Wired and The Atlantic; as well as broadcast outlets like ABC and NPR.

Following is a list of news articles quoting (or authored by) Professors Folta and Chassy — after they received their Monsanto funding – but failing to disclose that they had received the Monsanto funding.

  1. New York Times: Taking on the Food Industry, One Blog Post at a Time. By Courtney Rubin, March 13, 2015. (Also ran in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune.)
  2. New York Times: Foes of Modified Corn Find Support in a Study. By Andrew Pollack, September 19, 2012.
  3. Washington Post: Kraft Mac & Cheese Just Got Duller. You Can Thank (Or Blame) ‘The Food Babe.’ By Michael E. Miller, April 21, 2015. (Also ran in the Chicago Tribune.)
  4. Washington Post: Proof He’s the Science Guy: Bill Nye Is Changing His Mind About GMOs. By Puneet Kollipara, March 3, 2015.
  5. Nature: GM-Crop Opponents Expand Probe Into Ties Between Scientists and Industry. By Keith Kloor, August 6, 2015.
  6. NPR: Is The Food Babe A Fearmonger? Scientists Are Speaking Out. By Maria Godoy, February 10, 2015.
  7. New Yorker: The Operator. By Michael Specter, February 4, 2013.
  8. The Atlantic: The Food Babe: Enemy of Chemicals. By James Hamblin, February 11, 2015.
  9. Wired: Anti-GMO Activist Seeks to Expose Scientists Emails with Big Ag. By Alan Levinovitz, February 23, 2015.
  10. ABC News: Scientists Developing Hypo-Allergenic Apples. By Gillian Mohney, March 22, 2013.
  11. Science Insider: Agricultural Researchers Rattled by Demands for Documents from Group Opposed to GM Foods. By Keith Kloor, February 11, 2015.
  12. Columbia Journalism Review: Why Scientists Often Hate Records Requests. By Anna Clark, February 25, 2015.
  13. Discover: Open Letter to Bill Nye from a Plant Scientist. By Keith Kloor, November 10, 2014.
  14. Discover: How to Balance Transparency with Academic Freedom? By Keith Kloor, February 27, 2015.
  15. Discover: Anti-GMO Group Seeks Emails from University Scientists. By Keith Kloor, February 11, 2015.
  16. Forbes: Zombie Retracted Séralini GMO Maize Rat Study Republished To Hostile Scientist Reactions. By Jon Entine, June 24, 2014.
  17. Forbes: Did The New Yorker Botch Puff Piece On Frog Scientist Tyrone Hayes, Turning Rogue into Beleaguered Hero? By Jon Entine, March 10, 2014.
  18. Forbes: You Can Put Lipstick On A Pig (Study), But It Still Stinks. By Bruce M. Chassy and Henry I. Miller, July 17, 2013.
  19. Forbes: Anti-GMO Scientist Gilles-Eric Seralini, Activist Jeffrey Smith Withdraw from Food Biotech Debate. By Jon Entine, May 29, 2013.
  20. Forbes: Malpractice On Dr. Oz: Pop Health Expert Hosts Anti-GM Food Rant; Scientists Push Back. By Jon Entine, October 19, 2012.
  21. Forbes: Scientists Smell a Rat In Fraudulent Genetic Engineering Study. By Henry I. Miller and Bruce Chassy, September 25, 2012.
  22. Forbes: The Science of Things That Aren’t So. By Bruce Chassy and Henry I. Miller, February 22, 2012.
  23. Des Moines Register: Consumers Are Misled About Organic Safety. By John Block, October 10, 2014.
  24. Gainesville Sun: Genetically Modified Foods Face Hurdles. By Jeff Schweers, June 29, 2014.
  25. Peoria Journal Star: Hybrid Crops That Used to Offer Resistance to Rootworm No Match for Mother Nature. By Steve Tarter, June 21, 2014.
  26. Gawker: The “Food Babe” Blogger Is Full of ****. By Yvette d’Entremont, April 6, 2015.
  27. Louis Post-Dispatch: California Labeling Fight May Raise Food Prices for All of Us. By David Nicklaus, August 19, 2012.

This is merely one example of two professors who were not identified as received funding from Monsanto, and yet these two professors received major traction in the media as “independent” experts on GMOs and organics. The only reason the professors admitted to receiving Monsanto funding was due to emails uncovered by Freedom of Information Act requests filed by U.S. Right to Know, a consumer group.

How often does it happen that journalists present other academics funded by food or agrichemical companies as “independent” sources and without disclosing their corporate funding?

One remedy for this problem is that when journalists write about food, that they carefully ask their sources whether they have any conflicts of interest, where they get their funding from, and whether they receive any funding from food or agrichemical companies like Monsanto, or their PR front groups.

That, however, may not be enough. Professor Kevin Folta received Monsanto funding, yet repeatedly denied ties to or funding from Monsanto. Reporters – and readers — should be aware that such deceit by Monsanto-funded academics has recently occurred, and be on their guard against it.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/28/2015 3:45:13 PM

Sunday November 22, 2015

There are so many factions, all vying for control in your world today, and you cannot trust any of them. You have unknowingly allowed this state of affairs to happen. You forget that each one of you is a sovereign being who is entitled to be on Earth. You were conned by these interlopers, who persuaded you to hand over your power to them. Politics was their idea, as was religion and banking, all specially designed to make you servile to them. They have taken all that is rightfully yours. Now, each one of you must TAKE BACK YOUR CONSENT FROM THEM. You must use your voice to do this, if possible, in groups, as this makes it more powerful. Without your consent, religions and politics cannot function. Politics and religion are only in place to control your lives. Each day they kill you a little more, through the air, water, food and medication. Sometimes they also use guns and bombs to create fear in you. What more do you need them to do to you, before you wake up and refuse to comply with them.

What happened in Paris is but a small part of their overall game. Before you give credence to the latest bogey man, remember Osama Bin Laden. They continued to fool so many with that myth, long after he was dead and buried. They knew he was dead. Do not fall for their stories this time.

Your enemies have access to knowledge that was once yours. They removed it from you and now use it against you. I have tried, so many times, to open your eyes to the fact that there are those amongst you, who, though they may appear to look like you, are not like you. They want the Earth for themselves.
MICHAEL TSARION explains this on You Tube.

Paris, Islam, Zionism and the Red Papacy

Take this valuable information, share it, and act on it. I have always said, "nothing is as it seems." What is portrayed in your world as good, is totally evil. They plan many more attacks like the one in Paris. These are effective, as they give them permission to curtail your freedom of movement even further. When government is complicit in killing its own people, then good men need to stand together to expose such actions. Remember, they can only act with your consent, so indirectly, you too, have blood on your hands. The reports you see on television are pure fiction. They all give the same story, as they are all obeying the commands of the cabal.

There is a move afoot to chip the US Army, to make complete robots of the soldiers. How dangerous that would be, as they could then be controlled by an Artificial Intelligence. They do not want humans on Earth. They want their New World Order.

They have manipulated your minds so that you see as NORMAL, what they do to kill and maim you. The diseases now prevalent were commissioned by them and released to destroy humanity, yet they constantly tell you that they protect you. How evil is that? You cannot afford to remain as silent, obedient slaves. You need to find your voice. That is all you need. Say loudly and clearly, "I REFUSE TO ASSIST YOU TO WIPE OUT HUMANITY AND TAKE OUR WORLD FROM US. IT IS TIME THAT THEY RETURNED TO THE PLANET WHICH THEY DESTROYED BEFORE THEY ENTERED THE EARTH. They are not welcome on Earth. Tell them to take their false religions with them. They have destroyed all that was good and wholesome on the Earth. WEALTH is what they live for. It drives them to do unspeakable things in order to acquire it. They do not have souls, nor conscience, which leaves them free to kill and steal.

Be grateful to those kind souls who take the time to meditate on the ley lines and sacred places, to release the sacred energy which will enable mankind to have the strength to remove all that is evil and corrupt. People are beginning to tell the truth. Two journalists: one, Irish, and one, German, have refused to comply with the lies anymore. They have exposed the truth. Pray that many more journalists will follow their example. This is when you know that you have got through to the masses.

Do not allow the false flags and other atrocities which the Cabal uses, to create fear in you, as this is exactly what they want. Many have chosen to sacrifice themselves in order to protect humanity and the Earth. Your enemies are many. They use many guises to hide their ill intent: religion, banking, and politics; but you, my friends, are the 99%. Without you, they are nothing.

Listen to those who explain the truth. Those who go back in history to a time when "they" came on to the Earth and took control. Once you understand, then, and only then, will you get the full picture. Together, you can stop the killing in all the needless wars that serve to destroy humanity and your heritage. Think about it. Talk about it. Act on it. It's in your hands.

My dear, you are right. Those little laser lights that flash on you are a form of attack. They are losing their grip. This leads to mistakes. Be on your guard. Concentrate on gaining freedom for the one. It may not seem like it, but the light is extending. It is removing the influence of the dark.

Take good care of yourself, as you have work to do.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/1/2015 12:03:03 AM

Montague Keen, Sunday, November 29, 2015

How much longer will you just sit back and watch the needless slaughter of your fellow humans. You can no longer hide from the evidence. It is all around you and yet you do nothing. You listen to the blatant LIES being relayed, over and over again, by those who want rid of you, “the useless eaters”. What must they do to spur you into action? Your taxes supply the money for this killing machine to continue.

There is ONE SOURCE behind all the wars and the oppression. They become more obvious to you every day, and yet you allow them to continue. They have a foothold in every country. They plan well, for they have had years of practice. It is time you saw through their camouflage and recognised them for who and what they are, before they do any more damage to humanity and the Earth.

Reality must be faced and dealt with. It is when I returned to spirit that I saw clearly what was taking place. I have tried to open your eyes to it ever since. Time is running out. You must act. Do not sit passively by, and feel helpless. This is just what they want. When the 99% say “I will not comply”, then they are rendered useless. They cannot take over without your assistance. In fact, they are in fear of you waking up to their evil plans.

You now see clearly how they stage false flag operations such as 9/11 and 7/7. You have recently witnessed two in France. It is no problem for them to stage a few deaths to enforce their agenda. They enjoy the spectacle. It is interesting how they are there to film it, and how they advise their own to avoid such places, in advance. Surely, this is telling you who did it.

They are like a cancer, spreading their tentacles all over your world, driven by a desire to take over the Earth. They know how their false flag operations produce fear, which they thrive on, and it gives them the opportunity to stamp down even more fiercely on you, as they take away what little liberty you have left. How many more false flag events will it take, before you come together and say enough is enough. Look at your lives and how controlled you are. You do not own anything at all. You are not at liberty to do anything without the state’s permission. When did all this come into effect? Governments are now forcing vaccinations on you; vaccinations which you know contain a cocktail of questionable substances. Why do they not force you to eat good wholesome food, organically produced? They are telling you, in every possible way, that they want to kill you and take what you have! They have already chosen those whom they want to remain as slaves, to serve them without question. Such individuals will be devoid of any human qualities, as they will be operated by artifical intelligence.

Please assist all those around the world who are trying to rescue you from such a fate. They face all sorts of attacks, even when sleeping. What you are up against is so EVIL that your minds would have difficulty trying to comprehend it. They are not of your world and yet they are amongst you. They took control of everything humanity needs to exist on Earth. They created religions which they ensured would oppose each other, in order to create conflict. Politics, banking, etc; all came from them. Now that they are being exposed, they lash out at those who try to enlighten you about what is actually happening, as opposed to what they tell you is happening. They control everything in your lives, from birth to death. Now, as they lose their grip, they have become even more dangerous. So always be on your guard !

Do not be deceived by their false smiles. Look at their actions. They are ruthless and deadly in their determination to achieve world domination. You ask, “Who can we, humanity, trust? Who speaks for us?” Only you do, and when you do it with one voice, then the 99% will be heard. You will produce a just government that will answer only to the people. It will rotate at regular intervals. Weapons of war will never ever again be produced or required. Such things were introduced by them, since they need them for their survival on Earth. They need your fear and the SPILLING OF BLOOD.

They drink the blood and eat the flesh. This is told to you, every day, in the Mass. This goes on every day, all around you. It is hidden from you. The authorities are not allowed to prosecute those who are involved. This is how deep the infiltration of evil has become. People turn a blind eye to it, if they want to keep their jobs, and their fellow humans suffer as a result.

We have plans. Your support will help expose and overthrow the takeover. Use the power of your minds to create the right energy that will produce sufficient light to expose fully the evil plans of the dark side.

The world of spirit is fully behind you, and when enough light is present, we will be able to show ourselves and talk with you. We will assist you, I promise you that. This is our mission.

Veronica follows my instructions. She has many important tasks to perform for humanity. Please send strength and healing to her, as her health is not good and she is no spring chicken. Her determination to see humanity free, and life on Earth restored with peace, harmony and love, is all that drives her. Stand together and success will be yours.

My dear, your energy is slowly beginning to return. It takes the heart a while to recover. Please Veronica, you must take rest whenever possible. We need you to be fit for action at all times.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/8/2015 3:04:28 AM

Montague Keen, Sunday, December 6, 2015

As your ‘leaders’ drag humanity further down into the ABYSS, they expose themselves for what they are. I have told you, many times, that it is at the eleventh hour that humanity will awaken, and refuse to co-operate further with this terrible self-destruction. It will happen, my dear, I promise you this. Source will not stand by and see humanity and the Earth destroyed. You will not have long to wait, for people are waking up every day, and they are using their energy to stop this carnage.

Do not believe what you are told on TV and in the newspapers. It is not the truth. The truth is something you must search for. It is all there for those who seek it. You owe it to yourselves to protect and preserve humanity and the Earth. Each day, you see the evidence of what I have been telling you. There is no escaping it. It has to be faced.

You and yours, my friends, are under massive attack from every quarter. The killing is going on all around you. It is not just the bombs and guns. It is the medication, the polluted air and the food. You are in a war zone that only a few can see.

Connect directly with the Source. You never needed a middle-man to do this for you. That just separated you, and broke your own direct connection. Speak to Source as you would to your dearest friend, as that is exactly what you are doing. You are closer to Source in nature than anywhere else on Earth. Churches were not designed to bring you closer to it. They were specifically designed to separate you from it, so as to control you and keep you from your true path. It is necessary now for you to take control of your own lives; to be responsible and make your own decisions. You are all under attack, and attacks come in all guises. My dear wife learned this, to her cost, last week.

Comment from Veronica

About a year ago, an American, D.C., who said he was writing the definitive book on the Afterlife, contacted me and said that he wanted help. D.C. asked me to find a B&B close by, but that was not possible. So I allowed him to stay in my home instead.

He arrived on 1 December, and on the next day, I was made aware that he had a drug and alcohol problem. This alarmed me, as he had not given any indication of it. However, it is in his own voice on tape.

On the 3 December, he had two glasses of red wine at lunch; whereas personally, I do not drink alcohol. When we returned from lunch, I went to my study to check my emails, and on my return to the living room, I told him that David Cameron had started bombing Syria.

He was delighted! This man, D.C., had completely changed. He had shape-shifted. He had been taken over. His eyes were two huge black holes. His face had changed as well as his voice. Now, he was snarling at me, demonically.

I could not believe what I was experiencing. He was verbally attacking me. It was very nasty. I summoned up all the strength I could muster and told him firmly, in a clear voice, to “GET OUT OF MY HOME IMMEDIATELY.”

He was screaming at me. So I called in a neighbour to protect me. D.C. got his case and other possessions, and was still shouting at me as he stormed out of my home. He almost took the door off its hinges as he banged it closed.

It seemed that because of his weakness for alcohol and drugs, he was easily taken over by a demonic entity. In that state, he was extremely dangerous. This experience was most disturbing for me, so please understand if I have not replied to your email. Should he cause me further problems, I will consider releasing the recording which I have of him, as I tend to record everything.

This was an attempt by the Cabal to get to me. In my desire to share light and truth, I placed myself in danger. It was a shock to have to deal with such vile darkness.

A lesson has been learned !

Use this holiday season to connect with family and friends. Share your desire for a better world for all. See all the manipulation for what it is: killing and destroying the whole infrastructure of countries, and robbing them of what little resources they have. It is the most despicable of crimes. Do not support it.

You will experience many more false flag events. They need you to be in FEAR, so that you will agree to whatever they ask. They want to control your every movement.

Meditate whenever possible, to lift yourselves out of the darkness that is all around you. This will reconnect you with your higher selves. It can be used to spread the light.

England pushed hard for war, as they needed an excuse to place more controls on the people. Expect false flag events to pop up everywhere, but never on their doorstep. It is ALWAYS THE SAME FORMULA. It always works: create the fear and the majority of the people will then agree to anything. I told you it would get worse before it got better. With everyone’s help, it will get better.

Each one of you has a guardian angel. Please connect with it. I had to ask permission of Veronica’s guardian angel in order to be able to work directly with her. They are there for you alone. Just think about that for a moment. They are waiting for you to connect with them. The spirit world is waiting for your request for help. We cannot interfere unless invited. Assist those who work on your behalf, whenever possible, as they have taken on a heavy burden. Cease to be just one of the masses, led like sheep to the slaughter. You each possess an eternal soul. You are on Earth for what seems like just a moment in relation to your soul’s whole existence. You chose to experience the ending of the Dark Control and its removal from the Earth. When peace is restored (and it will be) you will then have the opportunity to establish a better world for all. This is your mission.

My dear, the Dark Ones use everything possible to get to you. They will continue to do so, as they are fighting for their existence. Though you were badly shaken, you are recovering. It was a tough lesson. The research you share everyday, is a thorn in the side of the Cabal, so they try to remove you.

We are at your side.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/8/2015 3:08:32 AM

veterans_today_banner_NEW_171veterans_today_preston_james_banner_43Deep-Black Murder Incorporated (Intro part; bolded text in the original)

by Preston James, December 2, 2015

More and more information about the Alien ETs, recovered and back-engineered Alien anti-gravity craft and the US Secret Space War Program is leaking out. This is occurring in small baby steps, but is now accelerating. Insiders who plan to make sudden major disclosures are terminated with extreme prejudice by those in the top positions of Majestic. Insiders now claim that about 70% of Majestic members want disclosure. Within the 30% who don't, several (the "Select Few") control private World Banking, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Wars of acquisition for profit, and illegal Narcotics trafficking and are dead set against losing any control over these high level, incredibly profitable "rackets".

This article is written for the clandestine, spook community and ex-military with some working knowledge of Intel and the UFO/Alien ET “problem”, and folks with high level national security credentials.

If you are not up to speed on UFO or Alien ET issues, you are probably wasting your time reading this article, because you would perceive this information as incredulous and absolute bunk. It’s a long article, so you may want to come back and read it in sections.

It is very difficult to obtain information about the American Secret Space War Fleet and Majestic, the deep-black secret “Study and Control” Group for all UFO and Alien ET matters and related high technology. It is exceedingly difficult to get actual valid information about Majestic (MJ) and the Alien ET Agenda (“Alien Agenda”) which is now being deployed through privatized, highly specialized, Black, Deep-Black and Beyond-Black Defense Contractors hijacked by an evil alien group.

To those who claim that such matters in this article could never be kept so secret and therefore must be fantasy or bunk, all one has to do is look at all the personal testimonies now emerging as videos from folks with validated identities and high security clearances. And if one considers the incredible secrecy surrounding the Manhattan Project during WW2 and all the various mechanisms that evolved after the Roswell “crash and recovery” in 1947 and the new National Security Act. Mechanisms such as extensive compartmentalization with special access, provide complete cover for certain programs.

These programs are taken completely “Black” (hidden from plain sight), unacknowledged or unacknowledgeable, even within the same defense contractor board or even by many US Presidents, controlled by an absolute need to know, except by the Select Few top controllers of MJ. And consider the incredible advances in 24/7 surveillance, allowing instant corrections for any apparent or developing breeches of secrecy.

This “instant and total surveillance” backed up by rigid rules of disclosure associated with immediate, complete terminations with prejudice, provides a staggeringly effective firewall to major disclosures. And yet over time they have been happening anyway through word of mouth and then via the Alternative Media of the Internet.

Many leakers and whistle-blowers have given their lives because they couldn’t any longer accept the incredible evil and the high level dirty rackets run by the Select Few anymore. When some deeply embedded in these Black, Deep-Black and Beyond-Black programs begin to truly understand the incredibly evil effects on society, especially the withholding of free energy and new methods of healing or even preventing illness, it literally makes them feel they can no longer stand it and have to do something.

Those who have been terminated because of this actually number in the thousands, but the number of humans mass-murdered and used as cannon-fodder in wars to increase the profits from the Select Few’s Worldwide Rackets numbers in millions and are due to increase dramatically unless the Select few die of old age before they start a full-scale nuclear WW3 (they are actually getting closer by the day), or displaced from power.

This article is an attempt to kick open the door of secrecy much wider and provide as much information as possible to Veterans Today readers who may find it usable. Why do I do articles like this in view of the actual dangers and years of threats and multi-modal harassment? Yes, there seems to always be an enormous cost paid by whistle-blowers and truth-junkie/authors, as many at VT have learned the hard way. I have been asked to do this, while at the same time so far being provided cover and protection by the largest single land and cattle owner in the Western hemisphere. I hope this sourcing and protection continues.

Although several VT Directors may have Secret Black, Deep-Black and/or Beyond-Black Secret Space War and even MJ status, the information in this article was not provided by any of them. Many of us know that the top VT Directors effectively use and support “open-source” Intel collection and sharing which is what VT is really based on. Why is VT so into open-source Intel? Because governments of the World can no longer support deep cover spies and collect Intel through older conventional methods because they no longer work.

The best Intel is gained from “friends” on the ground in actual situations, referred to as Human Resource Intel. This is something that the USG lost when American Intel was pretty much destroyed by numerous Soviet era spies that infiltrated US Intel, especially Jonathan Jay Pollard, who was actually a KGB or GRU spy whose reports ended up at the Kremlin.

The CIA’s James Angleton was responsible for the murders of many elected politicians and civilians in his sheep-dipped cover as a mole hunter. We know now for certain he was deeply involved in the murder of Marilyn Monroe and the complete compromise of the Vatican using pedophile honey-traps. Sadly it turns out he was also the main actual mole in the CIA the whole time, operating directly on behalf of Israel. However, despite what most Mossad officials believe that Israel Intel is superior, it was been completely penetrated by Soviet moles and this network is maintained in utmost secrecy even to this very day. yes Israeli Intel and defense is still completely penetrated by “left behind” Russian Intel who kept secret assets in place in Israel after the fall of the Soviet Union.

The ramifications of this are staggering because we know that all NSA raw feeds are downloaded from US satellites direct to Israel as a secret equal Intel partner. Bottom line, all western Intel including Israel, US, UK, German, and French Intel and Defense, and all NATO members have been and are still completely penetrated by an old Soviet mole network which has gone to work for Putin and the Russian Federation. This means that Putin and the Russian federation has all their Intel and Defense secrets and this give Russia a huge advantage. So far Putin and the Russian republic have not shared this Intel with the Chinese. It has been alleged that our W-88 and missile guidance secrets by the Clintons, and it has been alleged that Rumsfeld and Cheney provided defense technology to the North Koreans our supposed enemies.

Because Israeli Intel is unknowingly 100% infiltrated by assets which then provide all such NSA downloads to Russian Federation Intel, all NSA and American Intel has been completely compromised and the Russian Federation has it all on an ongoing basis. If NATO, the USA and Israel is stupid enough to go to war with Russia this would likely result in a glaring defeat on all fronts since all their deepest defense secrets have been unknowingly fully compromised through Israel to Russia.

It turns out that Israel supposedly America’s strongest most loyal ally in the Mideast is not only its enemy because it attacked America on 9-11-01 but has served as the biggest leak of American Intel, one that even surpasses Pollard, but actually shares the same left behind network which the Russian Federation has continued to use for their own benefit. Fortunately President Putin seems more inclined to avoid war than start one like the USA is now known for ever since it became part of the World’s biggest terror and war matrix which includes Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and NATO along with the USA.

And we now know for certain that Pollard was sheep-dipped to appear as an Israel spy as so many Mossad were during those days. If you doubt that this Soviet penetration of Israel Intel and Defense was complete, just consider the case of Marcus Klingberg, one of the top Bioweapons experts in Israel, who was caught being a deep-cover mole for the Soviet Union in the early 1960’s. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison and was just released and left Israel to live in France with bis family. If he had not been exposed by a double agent he would never have been caught, like most Russian moles deeply embedded in Israel Intel and Defense. There are many more moles left over from the old Russian network who are “dual citizens” like him in Intel and Defense in Israel, America, and the NATO members which have never been exposed and are so slick they never will be either.

Right now, VT has by far the best open-source Intel of any agency or organization anywhere. You will not find such immediate breaking news based on actual “on the ground” reports anywhere else but VT. A big thank you to the top Directors of VT who allow this kind of article even though they may not agree with its content or conclusions. No other major publication would allow this kind of story which exposes such deep secrets. Makes you think VT has some serious muscle behind it.

Some insiders have claimed the Mossad old boys and the Likudists are really the last bastion of the Soviet Empire, but stay tuned because the PNACers and top NeoCons have been working hard instituting numerous Gladio-style, real false-flag (such as 9-11-01) and pretend false-flag attacks (such as the Boston black powder puffer-bombing and Sandy Hoax) inside America in their major effort to transform America into their own Neo-Bolshevik Stasi-style Police State to replace the Soviet Union which collapsed upon itself. Unless stopped the Select Few are going to order many more because one of the main parts of their Globalist NWO Agenda is to “get the guns away from the People”.

This is deemed necessary in order for them to institute their Globalist NWO Agenda in final form. Without getting the guns of Americans, they know that the attainment of their full Agenda is going to be impossible. Right now thanks to the Worldwide Internet, their own secret Police DHS and their allies in the US Military High Command as well among many secret defense contractors, a major split is occurring and increasing by the day as many are beginning to connect the dots and understand the criminal insanity of how those Select Few who really run MJ and all the Secret Black programs.

The best way to collect usable Intel is from a very large network of friends and like-minded individuals all over the World who can observe actual events on the ground in real time. Truth is a right of all the People and is the only way to stop the World’s largest Organized Crime Cabal (the Khazarian Mafia) run by the City of London World Zionists (WZs) who use the Israeli Likudist Cutouts, stateside “Israeli-first” Dual and Triple Citizen Traitors (PNACers and top NeoCons) including the notorious Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) to do their dirty work.

In this article you will learn that it is the same entity and Select few that share the same secret Alien ET Agenda to terraform Planet Earth and get rid of all humans in due time and why. Yes, the big secret here is that the Globalist NWO Evil Agenda was actually created by and is actually driven and controlled by one single Alien ET Group which is not what it presents itself as, that is, it is neither an alien or an ET. The Globalist NWO Agenda is actually an Alien Agenda that is so incredibly evil that it is unimaginable to most normal folks.


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