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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/12/2015 3:51:38 PM

Exposed, the American ISIS Nexus

The USG's illegal, unConstitutional creation and use of Terrorism is now becoming fully exposed thanks to some very timely, crafty and wise geopolitical moves by Vladimir Putin in the Mideast.

by Preston James

truth_vs_liesSadly, in the World of secret Intelligence, governments often use covert operations to do their dirty work which is not only illegal and disgusting beyond words, but actually constitutes secret acts of war and crimes against humanity.

Yes, these covert operations are usually abject crimes against humanity and often involve Gladio-style false-flag terror attacks, including mass-murder and acts of blatant destruction against innocents and their property.

These covert operations, are usually called “black ops” by Intel insiders because they are done in secret and by using the evil assets of the criminal underworld, the truly dark side of humanity.

The folks that create and deploy such evil, anti-human acts of false-flag and/or Gladio-style terror are two-faced beyond imagination, and show no evidence of even having souls or being human. They are the pure sociopaths, the real bottom feeders of society and have sold their souls for power, wealth and fame. They are NOT the kind of folks you would bring home to dinner or have anything to do with if you could see their true inner self and what they did to get in their high positions of power or to maintain that power.

Thanks to the fact that all secrecy is now in the process of ending, all of these black ops are now highly at risk for exposure and many are now getting exposed. And that is exactly what has been happening for the Israelis, the Americans, the Saudis and other nations. Intel insiders who can no longer stand these crimes against humanity are leaking facts about them and the much of the public at large has become information junkies habitually using the Internet to learn as much as they can about this newly leaked information about these covert ops.

Just within the last few years information has become diffused to the masses via the alternative media of the Internet of the following covert operations:

1- The attack on America on 9-11-01 was an inside job, a gladio-style false-flag attack done by Israel with the help of American traitors. there is so much hard, scientific evidence showing this it is indisputable.

2- The Boston Bombing used a black powder puffer bomb which harmed no-one. It was another DHS drill using crisis actors with prior amputations and fake blood. The proof of this is frankly overwhelming if one checks all of the available facts.

3- The Sandy Hook mass-shooting was a DHS/FEMA Capstone two day drill using crisis actors. There were no dead kids, no dead teachers, no dead Lanzas and in fact no Lanzas at all ever. The whole set of so-called victim families were moved into this town as part of this covert operation which was a virtual only false-flag attack on the Second Amendment. The proof of all this is overwhelming for anyone that checks out all the available facts.

4- JFK was murdered by a high level USG criminal conspiracy involving the JCS, CIA, LBJ and top members of the US Diplomatic corps. We now have the death bed confession of E. Howard Hunt, career CIA Officer with a long, provable track record of participating in numerous black ops for the CIA to destabilize foreign governments. The evidence is so overwhelming only someone who has been bought by the Establishment would ever claim Oswald still was the lone gun man that did it. Actually there is 100% proof he never fired a rifle that day and was even standing in the doorway of the Book Depository in Dealey Plaza.

5- The Gulf of Tonkin incident that was used to justify the invasion of Vietnam has now been proven to have never occurred at all. This was admitted by Robert McNamara who was secretary of defense at the time before he died and faced justice in the highest court.

The list of black ops that have been disclosed in the last several years is a very long one and includes massive drug trafficking of large amounts of illegal narcotics into America by the CIA and the Mexican and South American drug cartels that they set up and manage. many folks are now beginning to realize that almost anything bad that happens in society at a mass level is related to a covert operation by some segment of the USG, Israel or certain Intel factions working for special interest groups.

When one questions these folks about their motives for conducting such illegal covert activities, their typical response is that we live in a desperate world and “the ends we must have to protect national security requires and justifies the necessary means used”. Intel folks who question this privately to their superiors usually get the pep talk, “you are a big boy (or big girl) now and this is just the way things are done and have been done like this for many years. We can’t change the system, we have to work within it”.

The bottom line is that these self-serving slime balls use national security as a blanket excuse and justification to do lots of dirty work for the Banksters and other special interest groups they represent or receive big payments or perks from.

All secrecy is now ending and this itself is creating massive EXPOSURE for the USG’s dirty deeds of secret terror and black ops used to engineer and justify illegal, unConstitutional foreign wars of aggression.

Because these soulless slime invoke so-called “national security” to keep their evil dark deeds of fomenting synthetic terror in abject secrecy, they have historically been protected from public exposure. That is until now.

Of course all these US covert operations are done to increase the power and reach of the USG and those who have hijacked it in the first place the RKM Banksters. And they often use these covert operations to create chaos, massive social problems and wars to serve as an excuse to pass more draconian laws, take away more freedom, and gain more power.

The result is usually more taxes paid by US taxpayers. The USG then spends more on defense for defense industry cronies which provides them kickback, perks and often “set-aside allocations” in offshore numbered accounts. Of course many of these covert operations are designed to serve as secret justifications for geopolitical maneuvering and engineered, staged wars of aggression in order to yield vast war profits for many of the entities involved, especially the RKM Banksters and their associated international corporations.

But as many political analysts understand, these covert operations and provocations that are used to “justify” all these illegal foreign wars (wars which have been completely unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared and unwinnable) do actually yield vast profits for the RKM Banksters and their associated crony corporations. They have also yielded vastly increased power for centralized governments like the USA, the UK, Israel, and Saudi Arabia who finance these enterprises and participate in the creation and training of Terrorist groups.

These ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Al Nusra Terrorist Groups (created, trained, financed and directed by Israel, the CIA and Saudi Arabia) are known for their brutality against civilians and anyone who gets in their way. But now the tables have turned and judgement has fallen on these terrorists fighting a secret proxy war for Israel, America and Saudi Arabia.And now that this truth has been exposed this proxy war in no longer secret.

And now finally the CIA has been caught with their pants down running and supplying ISIS in Syria and is checkmated and exposed for this to the whole World. And these Terrorist (mercenaries) of theirs in Syria are getting blown to hell by Russian and naval air-power as well as Assad’s crack fighting forces.many are defecting and deserting. ISIS is now collapsing and some are coming forth and fingering those governments that supported their creation and deployment and this is becoming a huge embarrassment for America right now.

The CIA is now completely exposed as creating, training, supporting and deployed terror as a covert tool of state. This of course now directly leads to exposure of the fact the the Bush2 Administration was deeply involved in attacking America on 9-11-01 and are some of the biggest terrorists and torturers in history, if not the worst. Actually Russia is now fighting a secret war against the CIA and its RKM private army of mercenaries in Syria, and are doing do at the request of their long time ally, the sovereign nation of Syria.

Yes, in this case payback is now a real ***** and for the first time many are now coming to realize that not only did Israel and the American Administration deploy high level Terror to attack America on 9-11-01, they lied to and psychologically manipulated good Americans to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to be die and be horribly wounded and disabled in order to fight wars for Israel and the RKM all as part of the plans to construct the new Greater Israel, a secret plan requiring millions of US soldiers to be used as cannon fodder in order to commit genocide against innocent Arabs who just happen to own land that Israel wants.

2-303x320The covert engineering and use of synthetic Terror has allowed the RKM and its cutouts like the USG to create these engineered, staged wars to earn huge war profits for the RKM Banksters and allow cheap acquisition of natural resources for those large international corporations that control the USG, folks they are creating these wars for.

This whole reality is of course one of the deepest secrets of the USG and the entities that hijacked it in 1913, the RKM City of London private FIAT Banksters. By taking over the US monetary production and distribution system with absolutely no accountability or any checks and balances from We The People, the RKM Banksters have been able to asset strip We The People and drag us into their illegal, unConstitutional wars since 1917, using these mind-kontrolled Americans as their cannon fodder.

Yes, Americans have been deeply mind-kontrolled by the CMMM which is owned by six Media Moguls who answer to a large investment corporation with foreign ties.

The CMMM has been functioning as an illegal News Monopoly, an actual New Cartel. It is able to quash truth and keep a steady stream of Big USG Lies, false-narratives and USG propaganda dispensed to the American masses. And it has been able to do an incredibly effective job keeping the truth from the American masses and even much of the World.

The CMMM’s major victory so far has been creating justification in the minds of American families that it is a great and noble thing for them to offer up their children to “serve” in the US Military. Sadly this too often results in their children dying horrible violent deaths or being seriously wounded and disabled in these illegal, unConstitutional foreign wars fought for the RKM Banksters and their cutouts and assets to make big war profits and acquire even more power.

No government using covert agencies, cutouts or mercenaries ever wants this exposed to the World at large. Therefore deniability is always a top concern for any government when they use these criminal acts.

Russian fighter_rockersBut now as a result of some of the most brilliant geopolitical maneuvering in history, Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has created a complete checkmate in Syria. This checkmate has completely exposed USA, the CIA, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey for creating, training, financing and supporting ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Al Qaeda and the rest of these Mideast Terrorist groups.

Not only is this remarkably embarrassing, this complete exposure has been followed by USG admissions that admit that ISIS et all was a creation of the USG, has caused much of the rest of the World to turn against the USG and to see America as an aggressor nation that uses and foments World Terrorism.

Not only is the use of Terrorism a violation of US Law, the US Constitution and various International laws and the Geneva Convention, but is is an anathema to everything America is supposed to stand for.

But it gets even worse. Not only has the USG used criminal factions in Intel and the Military to foment World Terrorism, especially in the Mideast and in NYC and DC on 9-1-01, but has worked very hard using its Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) to wrongfully project blame on Two Mideast nations.

The USG wanted to attack these two nations Afghanistan and Iraq on behalf of the RKM Banksters and used these CMMM provided false narratives, big USG lies and propaganda to justify the completely illegal, unConstitutional invasion and destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq.

US Military and Intel do not allow any public dissent while working in these entities. We do know for certain that there has been a great deal of dissent since folks like Alan Sabrosky, PH.D. and Steve Pieczenik, MD, PH.D. went public and informed many in the US Military High Command and Intel that a criminal faction in the US Administration, Militarily and Intel used Israel to attack America on 9-11-01.

In fact never in American history has there been so much dissent within the US Military High Command and American Intel as now over these newly uncovered and admitted US covert operations that have not only gone bad but become completely exposed.

Folks in the US High Command and Intel cannot actively dissent, the system is too tightly wound to allow that. Instead they have been leaking information like crazy and this has been published and broadcast not only in the alternative media of the Worldwide Internet, but has even been driven into mainstream network news, a real first. But also, numerous retired spooks are now openly speaking out against these USG Intel crimes which suggest that a major power shift inside the US Military High Command and Intel is now underway.

And actual evidence of this is the fact that so far the US Military has not been fully deployed in a major air and ground war against Syria or Iran as the RKM and Israel so desperately want. Instead, the various criminal elements in CIA and the US Military have continued to use mind-kontrolled mercenaries and CIA air assets to commit their acts of war and crimes against humanity.

US Military guards Afghan Opium production and gets caught.

And thanks to “rebel at heart” Geraldo Rivera who was able to covertly slip a major news story through the cracks of the CMMM that the US Military was protecting the Afghan Opium crop. We now know for certain that the US Military has been harvesting it and trafficking it into America using remote controlled global hawks and using this black money for their Mideast black ops.

It was never the Taliban who executed folks for growing poppies; it was always the CIA and their US Military assets that guarded it, harvested it and trafficked it for more huge amounts of black ops money. And folks wonder why the supply of heroin inside America and so many other nations is now abundant and even cheaper.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/12/2015 3:56:57 PM

A Couple of Prestons (James, that is), 2 of 2… 10-9-15, “Israeli-American Terror Machine exposed, checkmated and decimated in Syria”

veterans_today_banner_NEW_152veterans_today_preston_james_banner_39First off, thanks to Roberto for “heads-ing up” me on these two. The first blockbuster was posted here.

As a possible result of all the exposure happening right now with the cabal’s operations, might I suggest to them (the cabal-ites, that is) to stock up on some of these (perhaps a wise investment for “ordinary people” (aka “useless eaters”) would be to buy a case or two of them and sell for $5 each outside of, say, the US Capitol, White House, CIA headquarters, Sen. John McCain’s office, etc) (hey, each case would net you $317!!).

“It’s been an especially tough last several weeks for Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen infiltrators in the Pentagon and the CIA, and for Israeli Likudists… [b]ecause their Israeli-American Terror Machine been completely checkmated in Syria thanks to the bold and incredibly sensible efforts of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who is now decimating ISIS at the request of Syria, one of Russia’s allies in the Mideast.

“Both the US Administration and the Pentagon have now admitted that the USG has been supporting the FSA [Free Syrian Army] which was supposed to be fighting ISIS but instead was trying to displace President Assad… a highly ranked retired American General has now even admitted that the USG allowed ISIS to exist and develop.

“President Obama has now admitted that the USG has been supporting ISIS and the FSA.

“…these admissions and the Russian Federation checkmate against ISIS and the FSA also marks the coming end of the ability of the PNACers, and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens to keep their deepest darkest secrets about all their engineered, staged terror they have fomented all over the World to manipulate America and its allies into fighting their secret proxy wars in the Mideast.

“…for the first time many Americans will connect the dots and will begin to understand that since the USG has now admitted supplying and supporting the big ISIS terror machine in the Mideast as well as the FSA in its attempt to displace Assad, all terror anywhere in the World has been synthetically engineered and deployed by this Israeli-America terror machine.

“…Putin’s deployment of Russian federation air power has show that the folks who hijacked the Pentagon and the US war machine were never serious about eradicating terrorism… they were the ones that created it synthetically and deployed it around the World…

“Now that this international Israeli-American secret Terror machine has been exposed, checkmated and decimated, we no longer need the Department of Homeland Security or the unConstitutional TSA. Nor do we need a militarized American police trained by the Israeli espionage front the ADL to view the American Public as domestic terrorists to be shot down for any perceived minor non-compliance for any reason.

“When payback is arranged covertly by some very angry, incredibly experienced “Intel Cowboys”, payback comes in unexpected but nonetheless definite ways, not perhaps as direct as folks desire but perhaps the only way possible given the complicated circumstances.

Stay tuned because all secrecy is now ending.

“Numerous insiders have claimed for the last few years that the RKM was cornered and would become checkmated and decimated eventually. Now this is happening.”


Israeli-American Terror Machine exposed, checkmated and decimated in Syria

Thanks to Putin’s remarkable decimation of ISIS in Syria and checkmate and exposure of the Israeli-American Terror Machine, there is no longer any need for Homeland Security inside America.

It’s been an especially tough last several weeks for Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen infiltrators in the Pentagon and the CIA, and for Israeli Likudists.

Why is this so? Because their Israeli-American Terror Machine been completely checkmated in Syria thanks to the bold and incredibly sensible efforts of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who is now decimating ISIS at the request of Syria, one of Russia’s allies in the Mideast.

And the Israeli-American terror Machine is now being exposed for hijacking the CIA and working very hard at American taxpayer expense to foment terror all over the World in order to falsely blame Mideast Islamics and justify wars of aggression against innocent Mideast nations. And we know now for certain that these wars are really secret proxy wars for Israel using American soldiers as cannon-fodder.

Yes, they have created and deployed synthetic terror and used it to hijack the Pentagon and the American war-making machine in order to Psyop and manipulate dumbed-down Americans to be willing to fight all these illegal, unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual Mideast wars, which we now know for certain are nothing more than secret proxy wars for Israel and the *RKM.

This of course feeds vast war profits into the coffers of the RKM Banksters and their associated large international corporations and provides vast increases in secret police state powers to Israeli created Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS is the American version of the Stasi and built to its specifications by Marcus Wolfe who was former head of the Stasi and was hired as a consultant to set up DHS two years before he mysteriously died.

But even more, this Israeli-American Terror Machine has been exposed to many for the first time for what it actually is and what it has done to manipulate American to fight Israel’s proxy wars in the Mideast.

Both the US Administration and the Pentagon have now admitted that the USG has been supporting the FSA which was supposed to be fighting ISIS but instead was trying to displace President Assad.

And a highly ranked retired American General has now even admitted that the USG allowed ISIS to exist and develop.

And it was even reported in the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) that the US Administration admitted that approximately 3.5 million dollars was wasted on each so-called CIA mercenary sheep-dipped to be an FSA fighter which was instead trying to dispose President Assad but failing in that too.

President Obama has now admitted that the USG has been supporting ISIS and the FSA. This probably constitutes a major turning point in the power base inside the Pentagon of the PNACers and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens who have infiltrated and hijacked the Pentagon and have used criminal means to maintain power there.

And Putin has asked the USG to share intel in ISIS and they have refused, quite incriminating don’t you think?

These recent USG admissions and the complete Checkmate Putin has attained against the Israeli-America Terror machine in Syria likely marks the end of their ability to manipulate America to fight any more wars for Israel and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM).

But even more, these admissions and the Russian Federation checkmate against ISIS and the FSA also marks the coming end of the ability of the PNACers, and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens to keep their deepest darkest secrets about all their engineered, staged terror they have fomented all over the World to manipulate America and its allies into fighting their secret proxy wars in the Mideast.

2-303x320This means of course that for the first time many Americans will connect the dots and will begin to understand that since the USG has now admitted supplying and supporting the big ISIS terror machine in the Mideast as well as the FSA in its attempt to displace Assad, all terror anywhere in the World has been synthetically engineered and deployed by this Israeli-America terror machine.

And many will now realize for the first time that this deployment of engineered staged terror has included not only the attack on America on 9-11-01 but the bombing of the Murrah Building as well as so many other major terror attacks such as Khobar Towers.

These major disclosures have now allowed many to connect the dots for the very first time to finally understand how Israel and its Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens, PNACers and top NeoCons who had infiltrated the Pentagon and the US Administration were able to hijack the American War machine and use it to fight Israel’s secret proxy wars.

Not only have these American proxy wars in the Mideast for Israel and the *RKM been completely illegal and unConstitutional, they have constituted serious war crimes against the American Soldiers used as Israel’s cannon-fodder and their families. But it is now becoming obvious as well that these wars constituted serious war crimes against the innocent Afghanis and Iraqis who died and were horribly wounded while the infrastructure of their nations was decimated by American Air power and their homes were destroyed.

And while the CIA has been working with Israel and Saudi Arabia to create, train, arm and pay these ISIS mercenaries and the FSA to depose Assad, destroy Syria and then Iran as a part of the RKM’s secret Greater Israel, secrecy is used to keep much of the USG in the dark so that right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing. Recently the issue of where ISIS was getting all the new Toyota trucks came up and has just recently been resolved. They have been provided by the USG, Israel and Saudi Arabia along with the rest of the support for ISIS and all Mideast terror groups.

This last week, Putin’s Air Power has been decimating ISIS as well as the FSA which both are little more than Israeli and CIA mercenary proxy warriors for Israel and the RKM. ISIS is now on the run with many deserting, fleeing or hiding.

Few Americans ever thought that International Terror would be so easy to checkmate and then decimate, but Putin’s deployment of Russian federation air power has show that the folks who hijacked the Pentagon and the UIS war machine were never serious about eradicating terrorism.

Far from it they were the ones that created it synthetically and deployed it around the World, in the Mideast and especially on 9-11-01 in America.

Americans believed the big lie that the International Terror machine was a spontaneous arising phenomena caused by militant, extremist Islam a growing world movement.

This has now been exposed by Putin’s speedy decimation of ISIS to have been one of the biggest lies ever told by the CMMM. And it now appears that President Obama has now decided to stop supporting the FSA in Syria and allowing the Pentagon to attempt to displace Assad. If true this is major change is US Foreign policy and one that makes good sense.


Now that this international Israeli-American secret Terror machine has been exposed, checkmated and decimated, we no longer need the Department of Homeland Security or the unConstitutional TSA. Nor do we need a militarized American police trained by the Israeli espionage front the ADL to view the American Public as domestic terrorists to be shot down for any perceived minor non-compliance for any reason..

Both of these were set up by Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizen traitors who infiltrated the USG and the Pentagon as part of a large Israeli secret Police machine inside America. The purpose of this large Israeli controlled secret police machine DHS has been to hijack all American Intel and Law Enforcement and to serve as a platform to stage numerous false-flags including all the recent MK-Ultra style mass-shootings which are usually deployed in gun-free zones created by these same folks in the first place. But it has also been designed to be turned against the We The People in case they ever seriously try to take their Republic back from these Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors.

Now ponder this thought. Do you think that all this truth could have ever leaked out the Americans unless there was a group of powerful up-and-comers inside the Pentagon and American Intel who found out that these Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens, PNACers, top NeoCons and Traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD, the FAA and the Administration used Israeli Intel and assets to attack America on 9-11-01?

John-McCain-ISISOf course not. Sometimes payback comes in some very strange seemingly indirect ways. But nonetheless, payback is usually always a real ***** and that is the actual situation in this case.

When payback is arranged covertly by some very angry, incredibly experienced “Intel Cowboys”, payback comes in unexpected but nonetheless definite ways, not perhaps as direct as folks desire but perhaps the only way possible given the complicated circumstances.

Stay tuned because all secrecy is now ending. Consider the recent and very strange exposure of an affair by the man supposed to be the next Speaker of the House and his sudden decision to withdraw is just one incident of many ahead. If you stop and think about all the major leaks and disclosures the last several years you will begin to see the fingerprints of some very crafty Intel Cowboys. As I predicted before you are going to see a continued stream of the secret sins of many crooked, two-faced American Politicians exposed in the weeks and months to come.

Just imagine when all those members of Congress who secretly signed AIPAC Loyalty oaths to place Israel in exchange for large campaign support are completely exposed for what they have done. It is quite interesting however that a significant number of these folks as well as Jewish members of Congress have recently betrayed their AIPAC Oaths to Israel and supported President Obama in his support of the P5+1 Nuclear Power Agreement with Iran which will allow Iran to develop and export inexpensive nuclear power rods with little or no nuclear waste.

By the way the fact that this Agreement with Iran has been actuated and sanctions are now being removed is a major defeat for the Israeli Likudists and Bibi Netanyahu, and both are in shock and furious over this. This was the first major checkmate for the RKM and now the Russian federation’s checkmate of ISIS in Syria is the second checkmate but is actually perhaps a total and final checkmate to Israel and the RKM and the beginning of the end of their World hegemony and hijacking of the USG and the Pentagon.

As this Israeli-American Terror Machine continues to be checkmated, exposed and understood, can you imagine how great the ramifications will finally be and how large the war reparations will be to all those American soldiers and their families, and Iraqis and Afghanis will become.

And add to this the reparations Israel and the RKM will also have to pay to Palestinians for illegally stealing their land, and committing so many crimes against humanity against them, including theft of land, tyranny, murder, mass-murder, genocide and other clear acts of war like blockading them and preventing delivery of supplies needed to live. After all Germans have been paid Billions in reparations to Jewish survivors and their families from the Nazi Labor Camps. Since the Israelis are acting like Nazis to the Palestinians shouldn’t they too have to pay massive unending reparations to the Palestinian survivors?

Numerous insiders have claimed for the last few years that the RKM was cornered and would become checkmated and decimated eventually. Now this is happening. This of course makes them very desperate and dangerous, but they also understand that one wrong move could get them turned to glass now that who they are and what they have done has been exposed.

Do not forget that the RKM and Israeli’s use of their Samson option nuclear blackmail using planted nukes in many of the cities of the World has now become understood by the new American High Military Command as well as the Russian federation. Any more use of nukes by the RKM and Israel like which was done on 9-11-01 at the Twin Towers in NYC will no longer be tolerated and will likely result in a major attack on those who ordered it and any remaining nuclear stockpiles.

* RKM is an abbreviation to represent the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, a term coined by VT Financial Editor Mike Harris whose VT radio show is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 PM CST. Mike Harris started using this descriptive term Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) after extensively researching the true but hidden history of the nation of Khazaria and its connection to Rothschild World Zionism now centered in the City of London. The RKM operates out of the City of London, a separate nation inside the UK which has its own police force and diplomats and pays no taxes to the UK government, like the Vatican. The RKM has deeply infiltrated America and hijacked its manufacturing and distribution of money and most of its institutions of government, uses the US Military to fight its proxy wars for Israel and to earn massive profits. The RKM uses UK, Israeli and American Intel factions to traffick in illegal narcotics to generate massive “off the books” money for black ops and payoffs to politicians and government officials they “own”. And it has now been recently disclosed by former Representative Cynthia McKinney (a true stand up American Hero) that any newly elected member of Congress receives a visit from AIPAC and must sign a Loyalty Oath to place Israel’s security first even before America’s or they will be denied political funding and AIPAC will make a well funded effort to vote them out of office. Obviously until Members of Congress stop taking and obeying these illegal, unConstitutional, treasonous and seditious oaths to Israel, the USA will remain little more than an Israeli/RKM provincial territory and servant.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/14/2015 4:15:13 AM 10-7-15… “MONSANTO TANKING: Posts $495 million quarterly loss and plans to eliminate 2,600 jobs” by kauilapele

monsanto_sign_yahoo_article_151007monsanto_NOT_2This is actually taken from the original post, which has the full text, but I liked the title. So I used that one.

It does appear that pro-GMO-glyphosate-control-the-world Monsanto is reaping the appropriate rewards for what they've been trying to do to this planet.


Monsanto posts 4Q loss, to eliminate 2,600 jobs to cut costs

[ title: MONSANTO TANKING: Posts $495 million quarterly loss and plans to eliminate 2,600 jobs]

WASHINGTON (AP) — Monsanto Co. said Wednesday it will eliminate 2,600 jobs as part of a cost-saving plan designed to deal with falling sales of its biotech seeds and herbicides, which pushed its quarterly losses deeper into the red.

The job cuts will reduce the company's 22,500-employee workforce of by about 12 percent over the next two years.

The St. Louis-based agricultural giant predicts the move will generate between $275 million and $300 million in annual savings by the end of fiscal 2017. The cost of the reorganization — which will streamline sales, R&D and other departments — is estimated at $850 million to $900 million.

Monsanto's last round of layoffs came in June 2009, when the company slashed 900 jobs.

CEO Hugh Grant pointed to the negative impact of foreign exchange rates as well as falling crop prices that have squeezed farmers.

"Despite weakening global currencies and commodity prices we continue to view this as a time of opportunity," Grant said on a call with analysts.

Monsanto has struggled in recent quarters to deal with slumping corn prices in the U.S., which have reduced demand for its best-selling product: genetically-enhanced corn seeds. Farmers are shifting more acres to other crops due to a surplus of corn from last year's harvest. Even with that shift, 2015 is expected to bring the third-largest corn harvest on record, squashing prices and limiting farmers' profits.

Monsanto's biotech seeds have genetically engineered traits that help farmers increase their crop yield, despite their higher costs.

Monsanto announced the lay-offs as it reported a $495 million loss for its fiscal fourth quarter.

The company posted a net loss of $1.06 per share, compared with a net loss of $156 million, or 31 cents per share, a year ago. Losses, adjusted for one-time gains and costs, were 19 cents per share. That was still below the average estimate of eight analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research who were looking for a loss of 1 cent per share.

The company's sales also missed Wall Street forecasts, falling more than 10 percent to $2.36 billion during the period. Four analysts surveyed by Zacks expected $2.89 billion.

Sales of Monsanto's best-selling product, biotech corn seeds, fell 5 percent to $598 million. Meanwhile, the company's chemical business, led by Roundup weed killer, also fell 12 percent to $1.1 billion.

Noting "several global and industry headwinds" Monsanto said it expects full-year earnings in the range of $5.10 to $5.60 per share. The company also said it will repurchase $3 billion in shares under an accelerated buyback plan over the next six months.

Earlier this year Monsanto attempted to grow its global business by making an unsolicited bid for competitor Syngenta AG. But in August Monsanto abandoned the plan after the Swiss chemical producer rejected an offer of nearly $47 billion.

A combination with Basel-based Syngenta would have made Monsanto the world's largest producer of farming chemicals, in addition to its existing market-leading biotech seed business.

Monsanto shares rose 39 cents to $87.93 in midday trading. They have fallen 26 percent since the beginning of the year, while the Standard & Poor's 500 index has dropped roughly 4 percent. The stock has decreased 20 percent in the last 12 months.

Truth tellers ~ How The Fukushima Exclusion Zone Was Swallowed By Nature
10/14/2015 6:34:39 PM
Never-Before-Seen Images Reveal How The Fukushima Exclusion Zone Was Swallowed By Nature

Polish photographer Arkadiusz Podniesinski traveled to the site of the Fukushima nuclear disaster last month to see the location with his own eyes. When he obtained permits to enter the roughly 20km (12.5 mile) Exclusion Zone, he was confronted with a scene similar to one from a post apocalyptic film. Podniesinski previously photographed the area around the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

“It is not earthquakes or tsunami that are to blame for the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, but humans,” writes Podniesinski on his website. He undertook the project so that he could draw his “own conclusions without being influenced by any media sensation, government propaganda, or nuclear lobbyists who are trying to play down the effects of the disaster, and pass on the information obtained to as wider a public as possible.”

Podniesinski shows a radiation reading of 6.7 uSv/h

Abandoned vehicles are slowly swallowed up by nature on a stretch of road near the power plant

These contaminated televisions were collected and piled up as part of the cleaning efforts

This aerial photo taken by a drone shows one of the dump sites that contain thousands of bags of contaminated soil

Bags of radioactive soil are stacked one on top of the other to save space

NOTE: Visit link, attached to title to see more graphics

RE: Truth tellers ~ Syria
10/14/2015 6:58:27 PM
I remember some of the early developments via shares in another community where communities were bombed and many women and children were grossly injured. As a HUMAN 1st as well as a Veteran, I understand the Syrian people needed help; however, I did not agree on the method of 'arming rebels' against the established government. Citizens in the United States of America disagrees with it's government and the BLESSING is elections EVERY 4 YEARS; whereas this has not been an option in Syria. I understand rebels wanting the freedom of electing their government officials; however, I do not agree with the United States joining 'rebels' against their government, because the same ideology could work against the USA with a band of 'self-proclaimed rebels' wanting to take over the White House.

Even though Syrian families suffered much blood shed, allegedly by their sovereign government, I do not agree with 'rebels' being supported to do military battle against their established government via help from 'sovereign' governments. To express this in terms understandable to a 'child' ... it is like a parent encouraging a 'child' of another 'parent' to violate their own parent.


A Couple of Prestons (James, that is), 2 of 2… 10-9-15, “Israeli-American Terror Machine exposed, checkmated and decimated in Syria”

veterans_today_banner_NEW_152veterans_today_preston_james_banner_39First off, thanks to Roberto for “heads-ing up” me on these two. The first blockbuster was posted here.

As a possible result of all the exposure happening right now with the cabal’s operations, might I suggest to them (the cabal-ites, that is) to stock up on some of these (perhaps a wise investment for “ordinary people” (aka “useless eaters”) would be to buy a case or two of them and sell for $5 each outside of, say, the US Capitol, White House, CIA headquarters, Sen. John McCain’s office, etc) (hey, each case would net you $317!!).

“It’s been an especially tough last several weeks for Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen infiltrators in the Pentagon and the CIA, and for Israeli Likudists… [b]ecause their Israeli-American Terror Machine been completely checkmated in Syria thanks to the bold and incredibly sensible efforts of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who is now decimating ISIS at the request of Syria, one of Russia’s allies in the Mideast.

“Both the US Administration and the Pentagon have now admitted that the USG has been supporting the FSA [Free Syrian Army] which was supposed to be fighting ISIS but instead was trying to displace President Assad… a highly ranked retired American General has now even admitted that the USG allowed ISIS to exist and develop.

“President Obama has now admitted that the USG has been supporting ISIS and the FSA.

“…these admissions and the Russian Federation checkmate against ISIS and the FSA also marks the coming end of the ability of the PNACers, and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens to keep their deepest darkest secrets about all their engineered, staged terror they have fomented all over the World to manipulate America and its allies into fighting their secret proxy wars in the Mideast.

“…for the first time many Americans will connect the dots and will begin to understand that since the USG has now admitted supplying and supporting the big ISIS terror machine in the Mideast as well as the FSA in its attempt to displace Assad, all terror anywhere in the World has been synthetically engineered and deployed by this Israeli-America terror machine.

“…Putin’s deployment of Russian federation air power has show that the folks who hijacked the Pentagon and the US war machine were never serious about eradicating terrorism… they were the ones that created it synthetically and deployed it around the World…

“Now that this international Israeli-American secret Terror machine has been exposed, checkmated and decimated, we no longer need the Department of Homeland Security or the unConstitutional TSA. Nor do we need a militarized American police trained by the Israeli espionage front the ADL to view the American Public as domestic terrorists to be shot down for any perceived minor non-compliance for any reason.

“When payback is arranged covertly by some very angry, incredibly experienced “Intel Cowboys”, payback comes in unexpected but nonetheless definite ways, not perhaps as direct as folks desire but perhaps the only way possible given the complicated circumstances.

Stay tuned because all secrecy is now ending.

“Numerous insiders have claimed for the last few years that the RKM was cornered and would become checkmated and decimated eventually. Now this is happening.”


Israeli-American Terror Machine exposed, checkmated and decimated in Syria

Thanks to Putin’s remarkable decimation of ISIS in Syria and checkmate and exposure of the Israeli-American Terror Machine, there is no longer any need for Homeland Security inside America.

It’s been an especially tough last several weeks for Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen infiltrators in the Pentagon and the CIA, and for Israeli Likudists.

Why is this so? Because their Israeli-American Terror Machine been completely checkmated in Syria thanks to the bold and incredibly sensible efforts of Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin who is now decimating ISIS at the request of Syria, one of Russia’s allies in the Mideast.

And the Israeli-American terror Machine is now being exposed for hijacking the CIA and working very hard at American taxpayer expense to foment terror all over the World in order to falsely blame Mideast Islamics and justify wars of aggression against innocent Mideast nations. And we know now for certain that these wars are really secret proxy wars for Israel using American soldiers as cannon-fodder.

Yes, they have created and deployed synthetic terror and used it to hijack the Pentagon and the American war-making machine in order to Psyop and manipulate dumbed-down Americans to be willing to fight all these illegal, unConstitutional, unprovoked, undeclared, unwinnable, perpetual Mideast wars, which we now know for certain are nothing more than secret proxy wars for Israel and the *RKM.

This of course feeds vast war profits into the coffers of the RKM Banksters and their associated large international corporations and provides vast increases in secret police state powers to Israeli created Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS is the American version of the Stasi and built to its specifications by Marcus Wolfe who was former head of the Stasi and was hired as a consultant to set up DHS two years before he mysteriously died.

But even more, this Israeli-American Terror Machine has been exposed to many for the first time for what it actually is and what it has done to manipulate American to fight Israel’s proxy wars in the Mideast.

Both the US Administration and the Pentagon have now admitted that the USG has been supporting the FSA which was supposed to be fighting ISIS but instead was trying to displace President Assad.

And a highly ranked retired American General has now even admitted that the USG allowed ISIS to exist and develop.

And it was even reported in the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) that the US Administration admitted that approximately 3.5 million dollars was wasted on each so-called CIA mercenary sheep-dipped to be an FSA fighter which was instead trying to dispose President Assad but failing in that too.

President Obama has now admitted that the USG has been supporting ISIS and the FSA. This probably constitutes a major turning point in the power base inside the Pentagon of the PNACers and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens who have infiltrated and hijacked the Pentagon and have used criminal means to maintain power there.

And Putin has asked the USG to share intel in ISIS and they have refused, quite incriminating don’t you think?

These recent USG admissions and the complete Checkmate Putin has attained against the Israeli-America Terror machine in Syria likely marks the end of their ability to manipulate America to fight any more wars for Israel and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM).

But even more, these admissions and the Russian Federation checkmate against ISIS and the FSA also marks the coming end of the ability of the PNACers, and the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens to keep their deepest darkest secrets about all their engineered, staged terror they have fomented all over the World to manipulate America and its allies into fighting their secret proxy wars in the Mideast.

2-303x320This means of course that for the first time many Americans will connect the dots and will begin to understand that since the USG has now admitted supplying and supporting the big ISIS terror machine in the Mideast as well as the FSA in its attempt to displace Assad, all terror anywhere in the World has been synthetically engineered and deployed by this Israeli-America terror machine.

And many will now realize for the first time that this deployment of engineered staged terror has included not only the attack on America on 9-11-01 but the bombing of the Murrah Building as well as so many other major terror attacks such as Khobar Towers.

These major disclosures have now allowed many to connect the dots for the very first time to finally understand how Israel and its Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens, PNACers and top NeoCons who had infiltrated the Pentagon and the US Administration were able to hijack the American War machine and use it to fight Israel’s secret proxy wars.

Not only have these American proxy wars in the Mideast for Israel and the *RKM been completely illegal and unConstitutional, they have constituted serious war crimes against the American Soldiers used as Israel’s cannon-fodder and their families. But it is now becoming obvious as well that these wars constituted serious war crimes against the innocent Afghanis and Iraqis who died and were horribly wounded while the infrastructure of their nations was decimated by American Air power and their homes were destroyed.

And while the CIA has been working with Israel and Saudi Arabia to create, train, arm and pay these ISIS mercenaries and the FSA to depose Assad, destroy Syria and then Iran as a part of the RKM’s secret Greater Israel, secrecy is used to keep much of the USG in the dark so that right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing. Recently the issue of where ISIS was getting all the new Toyota trucks came up and has just recently been resolved. They have been provided by the USG, Israel and Saudi Arabia along with the rest of the support for ISIS and all Mideast terror groups.

This last week, Putin’s Air Power has been decimating ISIS as well as the FSA which both are little more than Israeli and CIA mercenary proxy warriors for Israel and the RKM. ISIS is now on the run with many deserting, fleeing or hiding.

Few Americans ever thought that International Terror would be so easy to checkmate and then decimate, but Putin’s deployment of Russian federation air power has show that the folks who hijacked the Pentagon and the UIS war machine were never serious about eradicating terrorism.

Far from it they were the ones that created it synthetically and deployed it around the World, in the Mideast and especially on 9-11-01 in America.

Americans believed the big lie that the International Terror machine was a spontaneous arising phenomena caused by militant, extremist Islam a growing world movement.

This has now been exposed by Putin’s speedy decimation of ISIS to have been one of the biggest lies ever told by the CMMM. And it now appears that President Obama has now decided to stop supporting the FSA in Syria and allowing the Pentagon to attempt to displace Assad. If true this is major change is US Foreign policy and one that makes good sense.


Now that this international Israeli-American secret Terror machine has been exposed, checkmated and decimated, we no longer need the Department of Homeland Security or the unConstitutional TSA. Nor do we need a militarized American police trained by the Israeli espionage front the ADL to view the American Public as domestic terrorists to be shot down for any perceived minor non-compliance for any reason..

Both of these were set up by Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizen traitors who infiltrated the USG and the Pentagon as part of a large Israeli secret Police machine inside America. The purpose of this large Israeli controlled secret police machine DHS has been to hijack all American Intel and Law Enforcement and to serve as a platform to stage numerous false-flags including all the recent MK-Ultra style mass-shootings which are usually deployed in gun-free zones created by these same folks in the first place. But it has also been designed to be turned against the We The People in case they ever seriously try to take their Republic back from these Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors.

Now ponder this thought. Do you think that all this truth could have ever leaked out the Americans unless there was a group of powerful up-and-comers inside the Pentagon and American Intel who found out that these Israeli-American “Israeli-first” dual citizens, PNACers, top NeoCons and Traitors in the JCS, USAF, NORAD, the FAA and the Administration used Israeli Intel and assets to attack America on 9-11-01?

John-McCain-ISISOf course not. Sometimes payback comes in some very strange seemingly indirect ways. But nonetheless, payback is usually always a real ***** and that is the actual situation in this case.

When payback is arranged covertly by some very angry, incredibly experienced “Intel Cowboys”, payback comes in unexpected but nonetheless definite ways, not perhaps as direct as folks desire but perhaps the only way possible given the complicated circumstances.

Stay tuned because all secrecy is now ending. Consider the recent and very strange exposure of an affair by the man supposed to be the next Speaker of the House and his sudden decision to withdraw is just one incident of many ahead. If you stop and think about all the major leaks and disclosures the last several years you will begin to see the fingerprints of some very crafty Intel Cowboys. As I predicted before you are going to see a continued stream of the secret sins of many crooked, two-faced American Politicians exposed in the weeks and months to come.

Just imagine when all those members of Congress who secretly signed AIPAC Loyalty oaths to place Israel in exchange for large campaign support are completely exposed for what they have done. It is quite interesting however that a significant number of these folks as well as Jewish members of Congress have recently betrayed their AIPAC Oaths to Israel and supported President Obama in his support of the P5+1 Nuclear Power Agreement with Iran which will allow Iran to develop and export inexpensive nuclear power rods with little or no nuclear waste.

By the way the fact that this Agreement with Iran has been actuated and sanctions are now being removed is a major defeat for the Israeli Likudists and Bibi Netanyahu, and both are in shock and furious over this. This was the first major checkmate for the RKM and now the Russian federation’s checkmate of ISIS in Syria is the second checkmate but is actually perhaps a total and final checkmate to Israel and the RKM and the beginning of the end of their World hegemony and hijacking of the USG and the Pentagon.

As this Israeli-American Terror Machine continues to be checkmated, exposed and understood, can you imagine how great the ramifications will finally be and how large the war reparations will be to all those American soldiers and their families, and Iraqis and Afghanis will become.

And add to this the reparations Israel and the RKM will also have to pay to Palestinians for illegally stealing their land, and committing so many crimes against humanity against them, including theft of land, tyranny, murder, mass-murder, genocide and other clear acts of war like blockading them and preventing delivery of supplies needed to live. After all Germans have been paid Billions in reparations to Jewish survivors and their families from the Nazi Labor Camps. Since the Israelis are acting like Nazis to the Palestinians shouldn’t they too have to pay massive unending reparations to the Palestinian survivors?

Numerous insiders have claimed for the last few years that the RKM was cornered and would become checkmated and decimated eventually. Now this is happening. This of course makes them very desperate and dangerous, but they also understand that one wrong move could get them turned to glass now that who they are and what they have done has been exposed.

Do not forget that the RKM and Israeli’s use of their Samson option nuclear blackmail using planted nukes in many of the cities of the World has now become understood by the new American High Military Command as well as the Russian federation. Any more use of nukes by the RKM and Israel like which was done on 9-11-01 at the Twin Towers in NYC will no longer be tolerated and will likely result in a major attack on those who ordered it and any remaining nuclear stockpiles.

* RKM is an abbreviation to represent the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, a term coined by VT Financial Editor Mike Harris whose VT radio show is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 PM CST. Mike Harris started using this descriptive term Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) after extensively researching the true but hidden history of the nation of Khazaria and its connection to Rothschild World Zionism now centered in the City of London. The RKM operates out of the City of London, a separate nation inside the UK which has its own police force and diplomats and pays no taxes to the UK government, like the Vatican. The RKM has deeply infiltrated America and hijacked its manufacturing and distribution of money and most of its institutions of government, uses the US Military to fight its proxy wars for Israel and to earn massive profits. The RKM uses UK, Israeli and American Intel factions to traffick in illegal narcotics to generate massive “off the books” money for black ops and payoffs to politicians and government officials they “own”. And it has now been recently disclosed by former Representative Cynthia McKinney (a true stand up American Hero) that any newly elected member of Congress receives a visit from AIPAC and must sign a Loyalty Oath to place Israel’s security first even before America’s or they will be denied political funding and AIPAC will make a well funded effort to vote them out of office. Obviously until Members of Congress stop taking and obeying these illegal, unConstitutional, treasonous and seditious oaths to Israel, the USA will remain little more than an Israeli/RKM provincial territory and servant.


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