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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers ~ Syria
10/19/2015 6:00:36 PM

Montague Keen Message 10-18-15…

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica78Message from Montague on Sunday 18 October 2015

As the light in your world increases, it exposes all that is evil and corrupt. There is no hiding place now for all who have put in place the plans to destroy humanity and take over the Earth for their own purposes. Everything at the top of the pyramid of control is TOTALLY EVIL. It must be removed. As they cannot exist without your support, it is your duty to refuse to support this evil structure for one moment longer. Do not pay attention to their false promises, for that is all they are. They have managed to mind control humanity into obeying their every command and law. Ask why they need to control you through the air, water, food and medication, if you are so helpless? Is it because THEY FEAR YOU STEPPING INTO YOUR POWER. This necessitates them using such means to ensure that you remain docile, obedient, and in control. Together, you could take over the running of the Earth for the benefit of humanity, rather than for the elite few who have stolen all that is rightfully yours. There are three seats of corrupt control: Rome, London, and Washington. Once you deal with those who control these seats of corruption, then peace will return to the Earth.

THE ZIONIST/JESUIT CONTROL SYSTEM THAT EMANATES FROM ROME HAS FOOLED HUMANITY FOR FAR TOO LONG. It is time to refuse to be part of their EVIL GAME any longer. Remove your support and laugh at the lies that flow from their mouths whenever they speak. Everything they stand for is BASED ON LIES and CORRUPTION. It has got to stop. Once you close the door of the Vatican, forever, their evil plans cannot be carried out.

The Rothschilds are Jewsuits

Enda Kenny, the Irish Prime Minister, opened the door to the Vatican's satanic abuse and killings, and the paedophilia, which they have carried out for generations. They value the energy they get from the fear of their poor victims. The Irish have suffered much at the hands of the Vatican. The Irish HOLOCAUST was Jesuit planned and executed. They sadistically abused the Irish people. (I, too, was brutally raped by a priest; and I saw first-hand, how they abused the poor orphans. It was criminal, but because it was the Vatican, the perpetrators got away with it.) What they preach, and what they do, are worlds apart. You now have this wonderful opportunity to remove all the corruption from your world. You do not need them. Life on Earth will become a joy when all that was hidden from you by the Vatican is returned to you. There are certain individuals who will enter the Vatican on your behalf when called upon to do so, in order to retrieve what is yours.

This will cause some upheaval for a few weeks, until good people come forward to put in place measures that will ensure energy, food, and water are restored. It is advisable to have supplies to see you through this period. When the corrupt lose their grip on humanity, peace will be restored. You have everything to gain. All you will lose is the corrupt institutions that controlled you.

We, on this side of life, are aware that this is a big step for Man to take. We are also fully aware of all that you will gain by taking this step. The question you need to ask yourselves is, "Do I allow the destruction of humanity, or do I refuse to be part of it; for I, too, will lose my life." In the next two weeks you may see the corrupt make their move. They show no mercy, as they are not capable of it. To them, you are vermin, to be removed and destroyed. The world of spirit is with you every step of the way. Once you make the decision not to facilitate the takeover of humanity, you will stand tall, and do whatever it takes to protect yourselves. The 99% will not be a pushover for the Cabal. They do not have a hope of success without your support.

There is a big effort to suppress the exposure of the satanic abuse and killings in your world. The reputations of the truthseekers will be questioned and trashed in an effort to protect the paedophiles and abusers. This is big business. The truthseekers need your support and protection. Satanic abuse and killings have been part of the control structure for hundreds of years. It is only now being identified and exposed. The Cabal is fighting hard to keep its evil deeds secret. Their practices got them expelled from various countries in times past. It is part of their history. In this time of awakening, everything must be looked at and evaluated. Dark deeds that disgust normal human beings have to be brought out into the open and prevented.

The good people far outnumber the evil ones, so the task before you is not as daunting as you may fear. Once the head of the snake is identified and exposed, then the remainder will quickly lose power. Trust me, IT IS A HOUSE OF CARDS. You have the ability, without much effort, to pull it down. It is all based on dark magic, lies, and corruption. When questioned, it will just fall apart. There is NO EVIDENCE THAT WHAT THEY CLAIM TO BE TRUE, IS TRUE. All the real evidence confirms that it is totally untrue.

At last, humanity has found the truth and will stand by it. You have tolerated this abuse for generations. It is time to say, enough is enough, and this must stop. I will not close my eyes to the abuse of my fellow man for one moment longer. What you accepted as the norm will no longer be accepted. The puppets in power are looking very vulnerable and exposed. Watch, as they try to wriggle out of the truth, and try to confuse you with worthless words and promises. Their time is up. Man is awake to their game, and he refuses to play that game any longer.

Remove every last vestige of the control system from your minds. In your hearts, you know what is right and what is not. Live by that knowledge. Use your energy to ask that all the right actions take place. Release the divine energy from the ley lines and the sacred places for the benefit of mankind. Ask that all that must happen, will happen, as it should, to assist humanity to regain control of the Earth so that all can live in peace. This is your moment to come together and be counted. It is all there for the taking.

My love, you really must rest whenever possible. I know it is exciting as you see everything now being exposed. You have waited a long time for this and contributed much to its exposure.

Always at your side. Your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers ~ Syria
11/3/2015 2:50:34 AM

Montague Keen, Sunday, November 1, 2015

My friends, each day you see yet another step being taken to destroy humanity, and what do you do? What are you prepared to do?

What the Cabal is dropping on you from the sky, is destroying the human body. Thought signals are also being used to control the human mind. They are killing you and yours, yet you continue to serve them and believe their lies. When will this stop? I find it hard to believe that the human race has become so stupid, so docile, so blind, and so helpless, that it accepts what is being done to it without question. You need to find your courage, in order to refuse to accept what is being done to you. Humanity must survive; so stop the killings and the destruction that has become a way of life on Earth. You make it so easy for the Cabal to get rid of so many through false flag operations. There will be another one in the United State soon. As long as you sit back and do nothing, they will go on killing and destroying everything, until you get off your knees and refuse to be part of their evil plans. By assisting them, YOU ARE GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION. When you pass over, you will see the enormity of the destruction for which you are responsible. It will take centuries for the Earth to fully recover from the terrible damage you are responsible for inflicting on it. How do you think you will cope with this, when you pass over, and you have to face what you have done. For face it you will, be in no doubt about that.

You are each responsible for your actions. Taking orders is never accepted as an excuse. Open your eyes and stop kidding yourselves that your life is okay, and that that is all you are responsible for. This is not true. You have a responsibility to each other. You are the human race. Those who have caused war after war in order to remove large numbers of you, could not have done it without your assistance.

Another part of their plan is to destroy all the evidence of life on Earth BEFORE THEIR ARRIVAL AND TAKEOVER OF HUMANITY AND THE EARTH. You, the people, are victims of the greatest fraud in the history of your world. Those who control you and want rid of you, have changed the history of your world. They control education, medication, and the media, in order to mind control you.

Wake up, you are prisoners on your own planet! All that is rightfully yours, has been taken from you. They are slowly, painfully killing you. YET YOU CONTINUE TO SERVE THEM ! How can this be? Why have you given all your power to those who have no respect for you at all? What more can we in spirit do to awaken you, so that you will take action and refuse to assist them in the destruction of the human race?

There are those on the Earth, that though they look like you, are most definitely not human. Their agenda is the annihilation of humanity so that they then have the Earth for themselves. They will no longer have to hide their true image and origin. Every day now, you see the truth of what I have warned you, happening right before your eyes. The Cabal wants war at any cost. They need war in order to survive on Earth. Are you prepared to go on killing for them? When will you give a thought to your own kind?

This is the time of year when you remember those who have died in wars. You should remember too, those who were killed so that the Cabal could thrive on Earth. Please do not be guilty of glorifying war, for there is no glory in killing. It destroys the souls of those who do the killing. War was never part of life on Earth before the Cabal arrived here. So ask yourselves, WHY WAS THIS SO ? Everything bad and corrupt has been instigated by the Cabal. It is all they understand, for it is their way of life.

You do not have the luxury of time to waste. Your time is fast running out. Stop being pathetic victims and take responsibility. Stop being complicit in the destruction of humanity. Do not serve those with evil intent. The Cabal needs armies to do its killing. Is that what you came on Earth to do?

See the Earth as precious to life. Visit all those ancient sacred places and experience their energy. The Cabal is destroying them, and all the links to your ancient origins. They deliberately bomb them. Armies are instructed to destroy all evidence of your true past and your real history which would show you who you really are. You must unlearn all you were taught in the last 2000 years.

When the Vatican falls (and fall it will), you will find all the evidence you need to see clearly when and how man was manipulated into giving up his true path. He was forced to accept religion, which is THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. It has taken a long time for you to see and accept this truth, as you were blinded by the lies, manipulation, and platitudes, that hid the evil intent behind religion. When you see things as they are, not as you are told they are, then at last you will be free.

Are you prepared to create a better world for future generations, or do you want to condemn them to live as helpless slaves like you? You have been given all you need to know, to enable you to make the necessary changes. Self respect and confidence is all you need now. See the Earth with love in your hearts, just as ancient man did. Open your hearts and minds to the truth. You can make the changes that will restore love and light to the Earth.

My dear, you face such challenges. Great effort is being put into stopping your work. You know the end result. You have been shown. The awakening is happening. In an effort to stop it, massive pressure is being put into starting another world war. They care not the cost. It is the Cabal’s only hope of successfully taking the Earth from humanity.

We watch over you, my dear. We surround you with love and light.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers ~ Syria
11/15/2015 5:27:38 PM
Fine out just what is really going on.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers ~ Syria
11/16/2015 11:03:59 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, November 15, 2015


You, my friends, will have cause to remember those words in the months ahead. You have been warned by many that “they” will go to any lengths, and do whatever it takes, to start World War III. You must be prepared for this. Know that the attack is not on your country in particular. It is just a means to an end. Your love needs to be sent to Paris to help France recover from this heinous attack on its people. This is the second time France has been used to create fear in Europe. The same strategy is always used. Go back in history and check it out for yourselves. The masses are easily led, so it is up to the awakened to ensure you are not pressured to accept more laws that will restrict your freedom; or should I say, what little freedom you still have left.

Notice how quick off the mark, the PUPPETS were, to tell you that it was ISIS. This is an act of war, they hope! THOSE VERY SAME PUPPETS WHO CREATED ISIS, also armed it, and continue to export arms to them. They ask you to believe that ISIS is so stupid as to leave a passport at the scene of their crimes. Can you credit this!

In all the carnage and mayhem of 9/11, a passport in perfect condition was found, belonging to one of the pilots. A pilot whom you were asked to believe, crashed a plane through steel columns, straight into a building.

In the Charlie Hebdo incident, you saw on film a man on the ground being shot in the head at point blank range, but no blood came from the head of that man. Once again, a passport was left at that scene. Why would these killers leave their passports as calling cards?

Europe is under siege. Listen to the words of BARBARA LERNER SPECTRE as she tells you, in no uncertain terms, who is responsible for what is happening in Europe. Study the ancient history of Europe and know who you are. It is with such sadness I look at what is being done by those who do not even belong on Earth.

To the people of Europe, remember you have a strong history behind you. Come together and support each other in this time of trauma. Your real enemies have stated their case. You must come together and protect yourselves.

Killing to achieve political aims has always been done. You only have to look at your history. Such killings always precede a war. On 9/11, 3000 people were sacrificed so that “THEY” could attack Iraq in order to destroy all the historic evidence that was held there. As the attack on Paris was happening, the puppets were in full flow, telling you that “IT IS AN ACT OF WAR”. A WAR THEY SO BADLY NEED AND WANT.

Are you awake enough to see what is being done to you? They know that the sheep are so easily led. When you are awake, you can see clearly what is being done, and who is doing it. You stand fast, and refuse to be drawn into war, or to giving up what little freedom you have left. Be awake, be aware, and be alert, to what is being proposed, which will further interfere with your lives.

This is a difficult time for all of you. It’s always darkest before the dawn. No matter what they do to instill FEAR, know that they are losing power, and you are becoming stronger each day. Your light is exposing and eliminating their dark power. They cannot hide what they do anymore. You now see through their scams and attacks, so they feel exposed. Those who still serve and support them, should think about their own future. The Cabal can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

For those of you who would like to know your true origins.
Viewable on
YouTube, duration 9 hrs 33mins.
It covers everything that humanity needs to know.

We in spirit also have great respect for Michael Tsarion. His understanding of your ancient history is second to none. Michael is one of the “greats” of your time who should be listened to. You all need help to understand why things are the way they are on Earth at this time.

You cannot hide and pretend it is not happening. It is all around you. You have nowhere to hide. Face it and deal with it. I promise you that they fear you, as you are the 99%. Do not accept anything at face value. Check all the facts for yourself. People are being paid to give you false information through the television and newspapers. Soon, even they will not be able to live with themselves and the LIES and PROPAGANDA they are responsible for delivering to the public. Who can you trust? Trust only yourself after thorough research of the facts. Your future is in your own hands. Handle it with care, it is precious.

Deal directly with your Creator. Connect with your spiritual side and let your heart always be your guide in every decision you make. Return to the person you know you are, before the interference of those who took control of the Earth and led you astray. Your soul has had many lives; like an actor, you have played many roles. You sometimes had lessons to learn, at other times, you were the teacher. You are your soul, not the overcoat you wear now. Your soul is many thousands of years old. It is the real you. When your life on Earth is over, you will return to who you truly are. Then, and only then, will you know all the answers.

We try to inspire you to become who you are capable of becoming, and to help you rescue the Earth from those who want to destroy it. Be strong, my friends.

My dear, things will become easier. It is hard for me to witness what is being done to stop you. Be strong, support each other, and look to the future.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
11/19/2015 4:48:24 PM

F. William Engdahl, NEO 11-19-15… “GMO Chickens Coming Home to Roost” (and he ain’t talkin’ about “GMO chickens”)

by kauilapele

new_eastern_outlook_header_17gmo_NOT_19This indicates to me that the overall population of the planet is waking up to such an extent that the elimination of the "GMO corporations" is inevitable.

"...Monsanto seemed unstoppable. With the help of [George H.W.] Bush, who made a decree that no US Government agency be allowed to independently test GMO seeds or their chemicals for health and safety–the fraudulent and totally unscientific Doctrine of Substantial Equivalence–Monsanto could make its own fraudulent doctored tests and give them to US or EU agencies as valid. As a result, GMO seeds took over American agriculture, based on a pack of lies to farmers that they would raise yields and decrease chemical use. Monsanto spread its GMO far around the world, through bribery as in Indonesia, and through the unusual machinations of the Government of the United States. Monsanto paid scientists to lie about its products safety.

"The list of Monsanto abuses and criminal activities is long. Now, however, it seems her chickens are coming home to roost and maybe to do more... 2015 is turning into... a very, very bad [year for Monsanto].

"On March 20, 2015 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, assessed the carcinogenicity of glyphosate, the prime ingredient in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Roundup. They found “evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. Glyphosate also caused DNA and chromosomal damage in human cells... community residents reported increases in blood markers of chromosomal damage...

"The WHO report was followed by a total ban on commercial planting of GMO seeds in the Russian Federation... a decision to ban all GMO by 19 of 28 EU countries... a further devastating blow to Monsanto and the GMO lobby... in September, a Monsanto herbicide again got hit bad when a French appeals court confirmed that Monsanto was guilty of chemical poisoning... the State of California issued a notice of intent to list glyphosate as a carcinogen, the first regulatory agency in the US to determine that glyphosate is a carcinogen...

"These major setbacks have had a serious impact on the GMO and chemicals company. The price of Monsanto stock has fallen from a recent February high of $125 a share by 29%. With sales falling, Monsanto has announced it will slash 2,600 jobs, 12 percent of its workforce.

"...Monsanto has been doing heavy lobbying of the US Congress to pass a national law prohibiting any labeling of food that contains GMO. Although 80 percent of all packaged food sold in America contain GMOs, consumers are kept in the dark because the US is one of the few places in the developed world that doesn’t require food producers to disclose if their products contain GMO as is required by law in the EU.

"Monsanto money may buy the passage of H.R. 1599... But the future of GMO is clearly looking worse for Monsanto and her Rockefeller Foundation backers than at any time since Monsanto’s fateful 1992 White House meeting with Papa Bush."


GMO Chickens Coming Home to Roost

The seven hundred years-old expression, “curses are like chickens; they always come home to roost,” rarely has been more appropriate than to describe what is happening to the world’s largest purveyor of gene-manipulated or GMO seeds and paired chemical toxins. It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of genocidal eugenicists. Monsanto Corporation of St Louis is apparently in a deep decline.

Ever since 1992 when that nasty US President George H. W. Bush conspired–yes, Virginia, conspiracies exist– with the leadership of Monsanto to unleash GMOs on an unwitting American population, Monsanto seemed unstoppable.

With the help of Bush, who made a decree that no US Government agency be allowed to independently test GMO seeds or their chemicals for health and safety–the fraudulent and totally unscientific Doctrine of Substantial Equivalence–Monsanto could make its own fraudulent doctored tests and give them to US or EU agencies as valid. As a result, GMO seeds took over American agriculture, based on a pack of lies to farmers that they would raise yields and decrease chemical use. Monsanto spread its GMO far around the world, through bribery as in Indonesia, and through the unusual machinations of the Government of the United States. Monsanto paid scientists to lie about its products safety.

It used the corrupt Brussels European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to back its position, even when alarming studies such as the famous September 2012 Food and Chemical Toxicology peer-reviewed study by Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini created shock waves around the world. The Seralini study, the first ever long term, two year study of GMO diet with a group of 200 rats found shocking effects. Among them that,”female rats fed Monsanto GMO maize died 2–3 times more than controls, and more rapidly… Females developed large mammary tumors almost always more often than, and before, controls; the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the sex hormonal balance was modified by GMO and Roundup treatments.”

Monsanto then set about to kill the messenger by pressuring the Food & Chemical Toxicology journal to hire a former Monsanto employee, Richard E. Goodman, who promptly declared Seralini’s study “unscientific” and deleted it, an act almost without precedent in science journals. A year later both Goodman and the journal’s editor-in-chief were forced to step down and Seralini’s article was republished in another scientific journal. But the scientific character assassination against Seralini had a chilling effect as Monsanto wanted.

Annus Horribilis

The list of Monsanto abuses and criminal activities is long. Now, however, it seems her chickens are coming home to roost and maybe to do more.

The year 2015 is turning into what Britain’s Queen Elisabeth would call an Annus Horribilis, a very, very bad one. On March 20, 2015 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a specialized cancer agency of the

World Health Organization, assessed the carcinogenicity of glyphosate, the prime ingredient in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Roundup. They found

“evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals. Glyphosate also caused DNA and chromosomal damage in human cells…One study in community

residents reported increases in blood markers of chromosomal damage (micronuclei) after glyphosate was sprayed nearby.” Monsanto was hardly thrilled at that we can be sure.

The WHO report was followed by a total ban on commercial planting of GMO seeds in the Russian Federation. There followed as well a decision to ban all GMO by 19 of 28 EU countries, including France and Germany, a further devastating blow to Monsanto and the GMO lobby. Then in September, a Monsanto herbicide again got hit bad when a French appeals court confirmed that Monsanto was guilty of chemical poisoning, upholding a 2012 ruling in favor of Paul Francois, whose lawyers claimed the company’s Lasso weed-killer gave the grain farmer neurological problems, including memory loss and headaches. To add to Monsanto woes, the State of California issued a notice of intent to list glyphosate as a carcinogen, the first regulatory agency in the US to determine that glyphosate is a carcinogen, according to Dr. Nathan Donley, scientist at the Center for Biological Diversity.

These major setbacks have had a serious impact on the GMO and chemicals company. The price of Monsanto stock has fallen from a recent February high of $125 a share by 29%. With sales falling, Monsanto has announced it will slash 2,600 jobs, 12 percent of its workforce, and spend $3 billion to buy back stock shares, a form of financial (as opposed to genetic) engineering—they magically boost a company’s earnings-per-share ratio simply by removing shares from the market.

To make matters even worse, the Monsanto strategic takeover of the Swiss GMO and agrichemical giant, Syngenta, has collapsed. Since 2011 Monsanto’s strategy has been to pair with Syngenta. Syngenta is the world’s largest chemical herbicide and pesticide maker, with a far smaller part of revenue from its patented GMO seeds. Monsanto by contrast is the world’s largest GMO seeds purveyor and seed-owner, but has a relatively small share of profit from sale of its agrichemicals. In late August Monsanto offered Syngenta– infamous for its controversial atrazine herbicide and neonicotinoid pesticides—$47 billion. The Swiss company refused the bid, and Monsanto was forced to withdraw. The reason for the Syngenta takeover attempt was Monsanto’s determination to lessen dependency on sale of its GMO seeds, where problems are obviously mounting, and focus more on profits from weed-killing chemicals. That signals that it is not the “miracle” character of GMO seeds that interest Monsanto. Now they want to focus on toxic chemicals to raise the levels of toxins in animals, crops and the human population.

In a desperate move to hold ground and prevent GMO food labeling in the United States, Monsanto has been doing heavy lobbying of the US Congress to pass a national law prohibiting any labeling of food that contains GMO. Although 80 percent of all packaged food sold in America contain GMOs, consumers are kept in the dark because the US is one of the few places in the developed world that doesn’t require food producers to disclose if their products contain GMO as is required by law in the EU.

A new US law backed by Monsanto and the GMO lobby has passed the House of Representatives and is now being debated in the Senate. The bill, H.R. 1599, misleadingly named “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling (SAFE) Act,” would make federal GMO labeling voluntary, while prohibiting states from labeling GMOs. The aim is to overturn a move by individual states, in absence from national labeling, to force state labeling. A recent New York Times poll showed that 93 percent of Americans want GMO foods to labeled as such, with three-quarters of survey respondents expressing concern about GMOs in food.

Monsanto money may buy the passage of H.R. 1599, which anti-GMO activists label the “DARK act,” intended to keep Americans in the dark about the food they eat. But the future of GMO is clearly looking worse for Monsanto and her Rockefeller Foundation backers than at any time since Monsanto’s fateful 1992 White House meeting with Papa Bush.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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