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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/10/2015 3:19:59 PM

Putins next move on the grand chessboard?

Has a rogue faction in the Pentagon and NATO just committed an act of war against Syria and was this designed to provoke Putin to display his new electronic warfare system called the Dome of Protection? Or was it an attempt to start a full scale air and ground war in the Mideast or even WW3?

by Preston James and Mike Harris


According to a Star and Stripes article on December 7, 2015, Syria has accused US Led Coalition aircraft of hitting a Syrian Army base and killing three soldiers in an airstrike on Sunday, December 6, 2015.

Not only has the USG denied this attack was theirs, but has actually blamed it on the Russian Federation.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/15/2015 3:01:16 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, December 13, 2015

You must realise by now that we in spirit can see what is going on in your world. I chose to make you aware of what is being done to wipe out humanity. There are just a few unawakened people who object to this, as they do not wish to know the truth. That is entirely their own decision. They want me to lie to you, and tell you that all is well, and that Agenda 21 does not really exist. I cannot do this.

Before my passing, Veronica and I, made a pledge that we would bring forward whatever information was necessary to protect humanity. This is what we are doing. Agenda 21 cannot be achieved without your input. I ask that you do not just take my word for this. Do your own research and learn the terrible truth for yourselves. My dear wife has dedicated her life to protecting humanity and the Earth. Agenda 21 is being rolled out by so many, including the Vatican, which is firmly pushing it, along with your politicians.

Acquaint yourselves with what Agenda 21 covers, and you will be shocked to the core. Nothing will ever belong to you again: not your CHILDREN, your homes, nor your possessions. These will all become the property of the state. Is this what you want?

It matters not what political party is in power as they all support Agenda 21. You are being lied to about absolutely everything. The climate is what they are pushing this week. Again, it is all manipulated science, to which some will put their names, as long as the price is right. Why are they pushing Global Warming now? This is one huge scam in order to remove what little freedom you have left. They are doing everything possible to make human life on Earth almost impossible. They want you to be controlled, including what you do and what you say, and how you live your life. They are even preventing you from growing your own vegetables, which is something I very much enjoyed when I was on Earth myself.

You are on a slippery slope to extinction UNLESS ACTION IS TAKEN. They are in power everywhere. All you can do is to refuse to give your consent to them, to prevent them from making the changes they want. Remember, it is GOVERNMENT BY CONSENT. They are helpless without your consent.

Please research the MAGIC SPEAK that is used by them. When you say NO MORE WAR you are actually ASKING FOR MORE WAR. As the word NO does not exist, language is an important tool which can be used against you. They are very clever, but once your minds are open to their magic speak, you can be one step ahead of them. It is possible to get out of this dilemma that you are in. They cannot hide their plans anymore. Every day, their plans are being exposed. Soon, they will have nowhere to hide and they will find themselves at your mercy.

When you (the 99%) come together, nothing can stop you. All it takes is to switch off your television, as it controls your mind. Explore what you, in your own society, can do. Communicate with each other and natural leaders will emerge, and by sharing your research, plans can be made. I am fully aware that many people still do not want to face the facts, no matter how many false flags they experience. But only you can stop these false flags. They have no conscience. They sacrificed 3000 people on 9/11 and made a lot of money out of it. This is what you are up against. I agree that it is not a comfortable situation. Always remember, THEY CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOUR ASSISTANCE. They do not have the know-how, so some of you take their money and turn a blind eye to the result of what you did.

Take control of your lives and make your own decisions. Stop accepting what others have decided for you. They do not have the right to destroy human life on Earth. They can only do what YOU ALLOW THEM TO DO, so the ball is in your court. You do not have the luxury of time. It is fast running out. Your future, and the future of the Earth, should be the number one priority in your minds, rather than the trappings of a Christmas holiday.

Christmas is just a fairytale they invented. I have explained, many times, that IESA CHRIST lived hundreds of years before the fairy story was invented. Make it a family time, for when families come together to share love and light, as the energy from this is very powerful.

Waking up to the truth is never an easy option, but know that it must be done. You can see how well organised the 1% are, SO THINK HOW IT WILL BE WHEN THE OTHER 99% GET ORGANISED.

There are so many wonderful souls amongst you who will lead you forward into the light. Do not look to religion or politics, as these do not operate in love and light. My friends, the world of spirit walks this minefield with you, hand in hand. We can do it ! Together, we will do it !

Veronica, we are fully aware of the opposition you face. They have so much to lose that they will go to any lengths to prevent you and your like from spreading the truth. Though it makes life very difficult, they will not win. You know you will complete your mission. We bring the right people to you. Sadly, they too, get attacked. They need to be strong and see the attacks for what they are. These next few weeks are of great importance, so be on guard at all times. My friends, the future is in your hands.

Veronica, it is hard for me to see what you are going through. You know what it is possible to accomplish and this is what drives you forward.

My love is with you, always.

With you, my dear, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/17/2015 12:04:49 AM

Gordon Duff VT 12-14-15… “NEO – How John McCain Crippled Obama’s War on ISIS”

by kauilapele

veterans_today_banner_NEW_180veterans_today_gordon_duff_banner_52In part, I believe this article points out some of the difficulties this "transition President" (who is somehow or other enabling the transition from "cabal-neocon-controlled" US to a "for the people and the planet" US) has had to face.

[Jim Dean] "While we type we see the US coalition doubling down with talk of major ground troop movements into Iraq now. There is no mention of asking for permission from Iraq to do this so far. The play, or a fake, seems to be “I’ll raise you ten combat divisions, not counting the Turkish army”.

[Gordon Duff] "A story leaked out of Washington credits Senator John McCain... with derailing the Obama administration’s “coalition bombing campaign” in Syria and Iraq. McCain and key right wing extremists... have placed a “political shield” over terrorist targets in Iraq and Syria, something that has frustrated American pilots, silenced by the threat of imprisonment or worse.

"American pilots flying over Iraq and Syria have quietly leaked their story for over a year now but no news agency will carry it. They say they have flown over oil tanker convoys 4 lanes wide at times and been told to stay silent.

"McCain, chairman of the powerful Senator Armed Services Committee, has strangled America’s efforts to the point where there are no sufficient munitions available. America is flying operations over Syria and Iraq with the aging F 16 recently upgraded for improved all weather capability using typical payloads of World War II era iron bombs. Note that John McCain’s personal trips to Syria, meeting with the heads of ISIS and al Nusra, deeply parallel his earlier actions in Vietnam when as a prisoner of war McCain trained North Vietnamese air defense forces to shoot down American planes and made dozens of anti-American propaganda broadcasts."


NEO – How John McCain Crippled Obama’s War on ISIS

"You just can't make this stuff up!"...Jim W. Dean

“You just can’t make this stuff up!”…Jim W. Dean

by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor, …. with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

[ Editor’s Note: This article on NEO became number one for the week after being up half a day. You will find out why below with Gordon mixing up some old with something new, as only he can do.

While we type we see the US coalition doubling down with talk of major ground troop movements into Iraq now. There is no mention of asking for permission from Iraq to do this so far. The play, or a fake, seems to be “I’ll raise you ten combat divisions, not counting the Turkish army”.

Ahhh…don’t you just love the spreading democracy coalition with the likes of Turkey and the monarchy states? Mass media so far has not uttered a harsh word or even raised a question of illegality. And Mr. Moon at the UN is keeping a low profile. He seems to love calling for moderation but not caring much when it never works. Is that leadership…or foolishness?... Jim W. Dean ]


– First published … December 14, 2015 –

"Sone bird McCain" - How is he working for now?

“Song bird McCain” – How is he working for now?

A story leaked out of Washington credits Senator John McCain, empowered by America’s corrupt congress to oversee Pentagon programs, with derailing the Obama administration’s “coalition bombing campaign” in Syria and Iraq.

McCain and key right wing extremists, working in concert with Turkish, Israeli and Saudi intelligence, have placed a “political shield” over terrorist targets in Iraq and Syria, something that has frustrated American pilots, silenced by the threat of imprisonment or worse.

Reports from pilots and sources up and down the Pentagon chain of command tell an interesting story. Considering America’s years of experience at “precision bombing” and the vast intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities of the world’s largest military, America’s utter failure in curtailing ISIS and her dozens of “sister organizations” has been inexplicable.

American pilots flying over Iraq and Syria have quietly leaked their story for over a year now but no news agency will carry it. They say they have flown over oil tanker convoys 4 lanes wide at times and been told to stay silent.

They report mysterious aircraft dropping supplies to ISIS and al Nusra, they are silenced on that as well. The most common report, however, is massive parking lots filled with hundreds, even thousands of Humvees, Abrams tanks, artillery pieces, support vehicles of all kinds, all “hands off” at the orders of the Pentagon.

US troops entering Kuwait - We have come a long way since then.

US troops entering Kuwait – We have come a long way since then.

In previous bombing campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, American pilots and drone operators admittedly suffered “collateral damage” at levels from 50% to almost 90% by some estimates. This could be the reason the US has somehow ordered pilots, both “cockpit” and “desk bound drone,” to “stand down” when they find juicy targets of opportunity.

They say it isn’t, that many of these targets are totally in the open or “well worth the risk.” In fact some pilots are totally dispirited from seeing the same “fat targets” over and over while they are sent after road checkpoints or abandoned buildings.

McCain, chairman of the powerful Senator Armed Services Committee, has strangled America’s efforts to the point where there are no sufficient munitions available. America is flying operations over Syria and Iraq with the aging F 16 recently upgraded for improved all weather capability using typical payloads of World War II era iron bombs.

Note that John McCain’s personal trips to Syria, meeting with the heads of ISIS and al Nusra, deeply parallel his earlier actions in Vietnam when as a prisoner of war McCain trained North Vietnamese air defense forces to shoot down American planes and made dozens of anti-American propaganda broadcasts.

McCain was pardoned by President Nixon when facing court martial and his records sealed and “whitewashed” by the press.

Crippled Operations

America is beholding to Turkey for the use of an airbase for operations in Syria and Iraq, bombing runs that restrict loiter time and can require air refueling as America’s aircraft carriers are now being kept in port with rare forays into the Pacific or Indian Ocean, all on McCain’s orders.

Even America’s huge airbase in Qatar, home to the B1B and B52 fleet of heavy bombers, seen over Kobani, is now “frozen” and “off limits” for anti-ISIS operations.

Making the Case

Taking the anonymous statements of half a dozen pilots and extrapolating a pattern requires support, both direct and anecdotal. Below we list some factors used:

  • Traditionally, the US reports some collateral damage while foreign press is more forthcoming. However, there are almost no reports of collateral damage by US planes with the exception of assertions by Russia and Syria that coalition planes are actually actively flying air support for ISIS and al Nusra operations, bombing power stations and “accidentally” hitting Syrian Army units involved in critical operations.
  • US capability, advanced weapons and targeting capability, when combined with the available aircraft in the US inventory at over 1000, should have made all movement and resupply in both Iraq and Syria through use of “kill zones” and impossibility within two weeks. A year later and ISIS heavy armour convoys are as safe on Iraq roads as though they were snug at home in their mother’s arms.
  • Failure to bring America’s A-10 “Warthog” squadrons to Iraq, the only planes America has in its inventory capable of obliterating oil convoys and other ISIS assets, is more than curious, it is criminal.
  • That Russia, within weeks, was able to destroy hundreds of “fat targets,” command centers, fuel and ammunition depots, equipment storage facilities and training camps, most of which had been “up and running” through the entire coalition bombing campaign but untouched, speaks volumes as to the truth of reports by American pilots of “hands off” orders.
  • America’s refusal to share targeting data with Russia may well be more than simply politics. Sharing this date would reveal patterns of deception and misdirection that would, we believe, inexorably lead to exposure of the American led bombing program as a sham.

McCain on a field trip with his al-Qaeda - ISIL buddies

McCain on a field trip with his al-Qaeda – ISIL buddies

The political issue that few outside Washington can understand is how an American politician like McCain, whose “long game” could be anything, treason, personal gain or “he knows something we don’t,” can govern or even overrule the White House.

That answer is not simple, that American military commanders are inherently, and we are saying a majority, deceptive, disloyal and conspiratorial. Since Obama was elected, Washington has been deluged with rumors of a military coup against the government.

Literally thousands of military officers have been “cashiered” for misconduct of all kinds, sexual, gambling or incompetence, with the real underlying reason being treason.

For decades, AIPAC, the Israeli lobby in Washington, was believed to control congress, the press and the American military. In recent months, however, it has become clear that AIPAC has always acted in concert with Turkish intelligence services and the powerful Saudi lobby.

As al Qaeda has moved from “terror group” to “loyal American ally,” pulling a decade of conspiracy theorists into the mainstream, the exposure of the Israeli, Turkish, Saudi alliance with the American right and their love affair with ISIS is also coming into focus.

With that, with the right and all that cash, all that influence and the bizarre and unfathomable Mr. McCain, more is coming into focus as well, how America’s Air Force may actually be ISIS’ air force.

Another explanation would be welcome but thus far is not supportable by facts.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/25/2015 3:36:29 PM

Montague Keen, December 20, 2015

The release of humanity has begun. Ireland is taking the first steps to release humanity from captivity.

Their time has come to turn the key that has waited so long for humanity to be sufficiently awake to recognise what needs to be done. Since my passing, I have been guiding Veronica on this. Now, others have got the message and done their own research on it. I thank them for their input. I have always told you that Ireland is the key that will unlock everything. The Irish are now awake. They have come together and they are refusing to allow the banks to rape Ireland again.


The Jesuits took control of Ireland and imprisoned the Irish minds. They control the Irish people to this day. Even JULUIS CAESAR, 49BC, 2064 years ago, wrote more about the killings in Ireland than modern scholars today with the exception of Michael Tsarion.

The Irish must begin to turn that key, firstly by refusing to be raped again by the banks; then with guidance, they physically unlock what is right there under their feet. The removal of the Vatican and all its trappings forever, is a must. The Vatican controlled the Irish and prevented them from knowing who they are. As I have said many times, Michael Tsarion is a remarkable man who has devoted his life to unveiling the truth. Listen to his words, for he speaks truth.

Humanity can never be free until the Irish unlock what was hidden from you. I promise you that once Ireland turns that key, every country in your world will be free. The corrupt will no longer be able to force their corrupt laws on you. Take back your power. You know that together, nothing on Earth can stop you. Then you will take back your world. The Irish Government knows that it cannot force the whole population of Ireland to co-operate with the corrupt banks. People power does work. We in Spirit have been guiding you, inspiring you to come together. I assure you that the afterlife is not what the Vatican has told you it is. In fact, everything you were taught by the Vatican is FALSE, totally wrong. You have the power to change everything. The time is NOW. You are not helpless. You are finding your strength and your power.

You have seen the discussions that Veronica has had with those on Earth who know the answers. You need to make the changes that will remove all obstacles that have held you in servitude, as slaves to your oppressors. Connect with your Creator, and become, once more, the Spiritual people you were until your oppressors entered your world and destroyed all that was good. Think about it, peace is within your grasp. Peace is something you have never experienced. Go back in time to what the world was like before the decision of your oppressors to create chaos in order to bring about the New World Order that will completely destroy humanity. This needs every country on board to prevent it happening. Refuse to serve your oppressors for one moment longer. You do not wish to find yourselves guilty of assisting in the destruction of mankind.

Be prepared to move with the changes that are happening all around you. To the Irish people, BECOME THE WARRIORS YOU ONCE WERE. You are so close to success.

My dear, I never said it was going to be easy. Conserve your energy for when it is needed to take all this forward.

We will succeed.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Message from Veronica:

The Cabal does not give up. Having just had to deal with D.C.’s attack, I am now being attacked by IAN K. again. He is now using the name DEREK KERRY. He has once again launched attacks both on me and the Foundation. G.W. has been working with me again for the last year. He withdrew for a while due to the pressure of his own work. G.W. is a great support to me. I wish Ian well and I hope he manages to sort his own life out.

Those who contributed to the Centre in Ireland are fully aware that it will happen when the timing is right. It now looks like 2016, when Ireland is celebrating the 1916 rising, and the fact that Ireland is rising and will remove the Cabal and all corruption. They will succeed.

Ian, sometimes things need to be postponed due to circumstances. Do not judge the Foundation, or me, by your standards. It will happen. There has never been a single doubt about that. Sorry Ian, you are wasting your time with this one. I wish you well. Try to find your own path.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/30/2015 2:22:56 PM

Montague Keen, Sunday, December 27, 2015

Though you may not see it clearly, you made great progress in 2015. In spite of the effort of religion and State to keep you under their control, many of you bravely stepped into the light, refusing to be cowered into submission. Now you see clearly how everything that, in the past you had accepted and trusted, is all part of the Great Plan to remove humanity from the Earth. You were encouraged to be instrumental in your own destruction. How EVIL is that? You willingly put on their uniforms, killed for them. You destroyed sacred places and objects that had survived for a reason, so that man would learn who he is and his true history. The Cabal wants all evidence of humanity removed from the Earth. The mind-controlled amongst you are happily doing this for them. They proudly show off their medals, their rewards for destroying humanity. How sick is that? The moment you put on their uniform, whether Army or Police, you lose your humanity. You become robots who obey those you serve.

Through meditation, you can connect with your higher selves, to find your strength. Many from the time of Atlantis and Lemuria returned to Earth to ensure you do not make the same mistakes they once made. Connect with their meditation or simply do whatever works for you. The Cabal has ensured that you are bombarded by mind-control every moment of your lives, through the use of language, symbols, “music”, education. Unless you live in a remote, undiscovered place, where all the trappings of modern life do not exist, you are fighting a battle with the control system. Until you can see it clearly, you do not stand a chance. Once you awaken to it, IT LOSES ALL ITS POWER OVER YOU AND YOU ARE FREE. Then you see those who impose their will on you, forcing you to live as caged animals, too scared to step out of line. You wonder how the human race could have come to this sorry state. You, yes each one of you reading this, knows in his heart that you are on Earth to make the necessary changes for humanity to take back control, to ensure that humanity continues to live life on Earth. Those who do not belong on Earth can leave unhindered. Those who wish to ask for forgiveness, who pledge to serve and assist humanity to restore the quality of life for all, can do so. When all the illness that the Cabal has manufactured in its laboratories and imposed on humanity no longer exists, life will become easier. The Cabal destroyed the quality of life for all humans. All this will stop. They are finding it harder to impose their vile medication and vaccinations on an awakening humanity. The power lies with the 99% and they know it. Come together and make 2016 the year that corruption in all its many forms is removed from Earth. Do not assist their FALSE FLAG operations, or their propaganda. FREEDOM is your goal.

Veronica, you need to conserve your strength. Much is expected of you. 2016 is Ireland’s year to complete what was started in 1916. COMPLETE FREEDOM, NOTHING LESS. Freedom from State and a religion that had such an evil stranglehold on Ireland. When Ireland is free, then all of humanity will be free, never again to be raped by banks or religion. Be brave, my Irish friends, you are almost there. Your future is in your hands.

We surround you with our love, my dear, to counteract the evil attacks. You know without doubt we are on the right track.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

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