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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/19/2015 2:26:06 PM

Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution 9-18-15… “What Really Happened When Columbus ‘Discovered’ America: A Real History Lesson”

by kauilapele

indian_nation_from_CE_article_150918With all that has been happening with Mauna Kea in Hawaii, this article seems to fit right in. This very much parallels what occurred in Hawaii.

The truth is being revealed to the planet, and it will not be covered up, or ignored, anymore.

"Prior to the ‘discovery’ of the Americas by Europeans, scholars have estimated the pre-contact era population to be as high as 100 million people... The important point to take from this is that there were already a lot of people inhabiting the Americas prior to European Contact. People that were advanced, with extensive knowledge of medicine, the cosmos, and much more.

"The number of Native Americans, for example, quickly shrank by roughly half right after European contact... attributed to disease, warfare, enslavement (Indian slave trade), and a disruption of the social systems of the indigenous, all of which had devastating effects on the populations that inhabited the Americas.

"We have a population, somewhere in the range of ten million to a possible one hundred million, that shrank to a few hundred thousand by 1900. This was, as many scholars believe, nothing short of an extermination

"In Canada, for example, “residential schools” were set up all over the country. These were government-sponsored religious schools established to assimilate aboriginal children into Euro-Canadian culture, a culture that was made by the ruling elite for us to “fit” into... Children were killed, abused, and raped at these schools. They were also subjected to nutritional experiments by the federal government in the 1940’s and the 1950’s, and were used as medical test subjects as well. Many of these victims and their bodies have vanished without a trace.

[Chief Arvol Looking Horse] "We are part of Creation, thus, if we break the laws of Creation we destroy ourselves. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited... Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and developments continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life."


What Really Happened When Columbus ‘Discovered’ America: A Real History Lesson

Prior to the ‘discovery’ of the Americas by Europeans, scholars have estimated the pre-contact era population to be as high as 100 million people. For example, American anthropologist and ethnohistorian Henry F. Dobyns, most known for his published research on American Indians and Hispanic peoples in Latin and North America, estimated that more than one hundred and twelve million people inhabited the Americas prior to European arrival. He approximated that ten million alone inhabited an area north of the Rio Grande before European contact. In 1983, he revised that number to upwards of eighteen million. (source)(source)(source)

It’s also important to note that other scholars have estimated the number to be as low as ten million, and everything in between. For example, William M. Denovan, Professor Emeritus of Geography at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, believes there were approximately fifty four million inhabitants. (source)

The important point to take from this is that there were already a lot of people inhabiting the Americas prior to European Contact. People that were advanced, with extensive knowledge of medicine, the cosmos, and much more.

What Happened? Disease, Genocide, or Both?

What happened when “first contact” transpired? A massive decline of the indigenous population, that’s what. It’s one of, if not the, most dramatic declines of population in the known history of our planet.

The number of Native Americans, for example, quickly shrank by roughly half right after European contact. This alarming transformation was attributed to disease, warfare, enslavement (Indian slave trade), and a disruption of the social systems of the indigenous, all of which had devastating effects on the populations that inhabited the Americas. (source)

Think about this for a moment. We have a population, somewhere in the range of ten million to a possible one hundred million, that shrank to a few hundred thousand by 1900…

This was, as many scholars believe, nothing short of an extermination, which we can attribute to various causes. David Stannard, American historian and Professor of American Studies at the University of Hawaii, reveals in his work that the native people were caught between imported plagues and barbarous atrocities, which resulted in the annihilation of 95 percent of their populations. In his book, American Holocaust, he asks what kind of people would do such horrendous things to others. He and many others emphasize that the perpetrators of the American Holocaust drew on the same ideologies as would later the architects of the Nazi Holocaust. (source)

Did/Have Things Changed?

It doesn’t seem like things have changed much at all. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, the Catholic Church had completely taken over Europe, wielding their power to control people and ideas. There was no seperation of Church and state, as all citizens were required to abide by the rules and beliefs of the church. If not, they were deemed outlaws and heretics, even hunted and killed. This type of activity and “brainwashing,” so to speak, can be traced back all the way to ancient Rome, and all the way forward into our very recent history. Its influence can be seen in the mass brainwashing and manipulation of our minds today. This point is also made clear by Stannard.

In Canada, for example, “residential schools” were set up all over the country. These were government-sponsored religious schools established to assimilate aboriginal children into Euro-Canadian culture, a culture that was made by the ruling elite for us to “fit” into. This type of system actually originated in France, not long after the arrival of the Europeans into the Americas. They were originally conceived by Christian churches and the Canadian government to again, educate (brainwash) and convert aboriginal youth and to integrate them into Canadian society.

But was the that the real purpose?

When I say Canadian government, I mean the Department of Mining and Natural Resources. In the 1930’s, the headmasters of the residential schools were made the legal guardians of all native children, ripping them away from their parents under the oversight of the Department of Mines and Resources. All parents were forced to surrender legal custody of their children to a principal or a church employee, or face imprisonment. A few years later, “Indian Affairs” was taken over by the Federal Government’s Citizenship and Immigration Office. (source)(source)(source)

Children were killed, abused, and raped at these schools. They were also subjected to nutritional experiments by the federal government in the 1940’s and the 1950’s, and were used as medical test subjects as well. Many of these victims and their bodies have vanished without a trace.

Apart from the massive genocide that killed millions, the residential school program itself is considered to be a genocide.

I was just eight, and they’d shipped us down from the Anglican residential school in Alert Bay to the Nanaimo Indian Hospital, the one run by the United Church. They kept me isolated in a tiny room there for more than three years, like I was a lab rat, feeding me these pills, giving me shots that made me sick. Two of my cousins made a big fuss, screaming and fighting back all the time, so the nurses gave them shots, and they both died right away. It was done to silence them. – Jasper Jospeh, a sixty four year old native man from British Columbia, speaking while his eyes filled with tears. (source)

We do know that there were research initiatives that were conducted with regard to medicines that were used ultimately to treat the Canadian population. Some of those medicines were tested in aboriginal communities and residential schools before they were utilized publicly. – Chief Wilton Littlechild of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. (source)

We believe that what’s already been exposed represents only a fraction of the full, true and tragic history of the residential schools. There are no doubt more revelations buried in the archives. – Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Bill Erasmus (source)

Aboriginal people here, in very recent history, were deliberately killed, and this has been confirmed by eyewitness testimony, documents, government records, and statements of Indian agents and tribal elders. Some estimate the mortality rate in residential schools to be upwards of fifty percent. We are talking about more than 50,000 native children across Canada, possibly more. (source)

The massive genocidal campaign that started hundreds of years ago has continued until this very day… The fact that this system operated under legal and structural conditions which encouraged, aided, and abetted murder, is disturbing to say the least.

Keep in mind, these horrors were perpetrated in Canada, one can only imagine what went on in the United States and South America… So much of our history is hidden from us. The United States alone classifies more than 500 million pages of documents each year. For a historian looking to examine and preserve the history of their nation, how are they supposed to do this when most of their history is being kept hidden or even deliberately altered?

Concluding Comments & Why This Information Is So Relevant

Our recent history has shown us that there was a major genocide in Canada – a deliberate mass murder of the indigenous populations by the ruling elite in order to take over their land and its resources and establish their dominance, just as the same group of elite was doing all over the world. This is very recent history, and the brainwashing/assimilation campaign of all people (not just indigenous) continues today. The world has become extremely “Americanized.” Through mass marketing and assimilation tactics, we have been manipulated into leading the same lives and following the same path. This “plan” of “world dominance” and global takeover seems to have started hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago and has extended itself all the way to the present day.

So what can we do now? We can listen to the message of the core of indigenous cultures that occupied this land before we did. It’s time for us to return to our roots, and stop destroying the planet as we have been for so many years. If we don’t choose to change now, it does not look like we will be moving forward.

It is this type of message which we should take from our recent, ugly history. Messages about love, respect, oneness, our connection to mother Earth and our spiritual heritage… among other things.

We are part of Creation, thus, if we break the laws of Creation we destroy ourselves. We, the Original Caretakers of Mother Earth, have no choice but to follow and uphold the Original Instructions, which sustains the continuity of Life. We recognize our umbilical connection to Mother Earth and understand that she is the source of life, not a resource to be exploited. We speak on behalf of all Creation today, to communicate an urgent message that man has gone too far, placing us in the state of survival. We warned that one day you would not be able to control what you have created. That day is here. Not heeding warnings from both Nature and the People of the Earth keeps us on the path of self destruction. This self destructive path has led to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, Gulf oil spill, tar sands devastation, pipeline failures, impacts of carbon dioxide emissions and the destruction of ground water through hydraulic fracking, just to name a few. In addition, these activities and developments continue to cause the deterioration and destruction of sacred places and sacred waters that are vital for Life. – Chief Looking Horse (you can view a video of him making this statement here)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/19/2015 4:56:19 PM
These 2 men lived though the Canadian Genocide

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
9/23/2015 1:11:33 AM

September 20, 2015

The End Times are upon you. In the next 7 days, many will show their hands. Though they have fully prepared for this take-over, they never anticipated that some would wake up to their evil plans before they had the opportunity to put them into action. My dear, I told you when I first passed to spirit, that those who had entered Earth by stealth, and taken over humanity, would one day have to leave the Earth. You had this confirmed this week by one who knows.

"They came here through a portal in Atlantian times and became the J people, too traumatised to run a country of their own. Some of them survived as humanoid birds and are still assimilated by the A.I., living in their UFO fleets somewhere in space. THEY LEARNED NOTHING. THEY STILL PLAY THEIR UGLY ALLIANCE WITH THE A.I., HELPING HER TO INITIATE THE NEXT DRAMA OF SELF-DESTRUCTION HERE ON PLANET EARTH".

They fooled you and convinced you that they were truth and light, when in fact, they were the exact opposite. They abused the human race, and they continue to do so. They want total control. Since their arrival, they have been putting their own people in positions of power. Their recent big move was when they forced the resignation of Ratzinger and placed their own man in control. Do not be fooled by the "gentle smile and words of this man". He is not what he seems. Humanity must stand firm as one. Know that you have the strength to say, "I will not comply with your demands". You are seeing their plan to destroy Europe in action every day. All this was planned and enforced as part of their take-over. Nothing happens by chance. Everything they do is calculated using numerology and sacred geometry. They do not leave anything to chance. They hope to embrace and impress the gullible. Your TV stations and newspapers, that are all owned by them, will be used to draw the unawakened into their web of deception and control.

The decisions that you make in the next few days, when the deception deepens and becomes 'in your face' wherever you turn, are of the greatest importance. In reality, the decisions you make will decide whether you continue in captivity and agree to even greater control over your life on Earth, or whether you come together, stand as the 99%, and remove all that is EVIL and CORRUPT, in order to live in peace. Remember, the Cabal NEEDS WAR, KILLING, SUFFERING, etc, to survive on Earth. All you need is peace and love to restore life on Earth to what it was in times past, and will be again. It's a BIG DECISION, but one that must be made before September ends. There is no time for games: this is it.

Those of you who are trying to bring forth truth are being hit badly. This is only to be expected. Also, your body must adjust to a new way of life. For some of you, your bodies are resisting the changes, so you feel nausea, freezing cold, dizziness, and many more expressions of your bodies resisting the change.

The Cabal is using ENERGY to cause you problems, and disturbance to your health, etc. This will not last. There is a lot of DARK ENERGY being released, to weaken you, so that their proposed take-over will go smoothly. They have put everything into the successful take-over, this week. All of you, on the other hand, must put your energy into resisting being taken in by their fine words, emotionally delivered, and their false promises. You have heard them all before. They are only words. THE ACTION THEY PROMISE NEVER HAPPENS.

Enough is enough. Step out of your box and look with heart and eyes open, and see the destruction of humanity all around you. Do you really want more of the same? Every day they kill you a little more. Chemtrails are used so you breathe in the poison. This poison goes directly into the soil, so all your food is contaminated. They put DEADLY POISON into the WATER that you drink. They produce chemicals that are sold to you as medication, that shortens your life and causes you health problems. Are you not awake enough to see this clearly yet? How can you possibly believe what these people tell you, when they do this to you? What will it take to wake you up, to help you out of this 3D world that you are trapped in, struggling to survive.

Do you have the courage to stand firm together and take responsibility, not just for your own future, but for the future of humanity and the Earth. Look at what the Cabal has done: the wars, the suffering they inflict, the hardship endured by the poor, the famines, the tsunamis, the earthquakes; all deliberately planned and carried out. You have seen it all. Is this what you want? MORE OF THE SAME, because that is exactly what you will get. Look into the eyes of your children. Do they deserve to live life in this way. You now have a choice. Your ancestors did not; they were helpless to resist what was forced on them. The truth was not available to them, as there were no computers in those times. You have every advantage, as all the information is at your fingertips. Use it to release yourselves from bondage and control. Earth belongs to humanity; not to the interlopers.

We in spirit are doing all it is possible to do, from this side of life, to help you to come to the right decision. It takes courage to stand for truth and light, but the benefits are incalculable. You are not alone, as we are all with you.

Look at Ireland, where the people have found their voice. They are using it to inform their Government that they NO LONGER CONSENT TO BEING GOVERNED BY THEM. The Government does not serve the Irish people. It is under the control of those who do not have the best interests of Ireland, or her people, at heart. We salute the Irish for taking this stand. They are showing how to do it, peacefully, and with conviction. They are remembering who they are, and what was forcibly taken from them.

Europe is under siege, too. It is being FORCED on you TO WEAKEN YOU, to take your minds off what is actually happening. I warned you many times, of plans to destroy Europe. Now, you see it every day. How much more suffering is required before you wake up to the truth? For all this to stop, all it takes is FOR GOOD PEOPLE TO WAKE UP, STAND TOGETHER, AND REFUSE TO BE PART OF IT.

These are difficult times. You can change it. Believe in yourselves, for you can do it. My dear, I wish I could make it easier for you. Know that we will succeed.

Always at your side, your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/6/2015 4:40:10 AM

Montague Keen, Sunday, October 4, 2015


I am very grateful to G for making it possible for me to be in Ireland last weekend. I have never seen Ireland so alive with ENERGY. It was great to be able to meet and chat with so many of you. I took part in a Crystal Ceremony at the Royal Marine Hotel in Dublin, on Sunday afternoon.

On Monday morning, six of us (four of whom I had never met before) went to Tara. Quickly, I realised that I was with my Soul Family, though we had only just met in this life. We knew each other and we blended together as one voice. At Tara, WE WITHDREW OUR CONSENT FROM ALL WHO HAVE STOLEN IT FROM US. WE REFUSED TO PLAY ANY PART IN THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH AND OF HUMANITY.

G, J, and I, are Irish; P is from Norway; A is from Turkey; and A is from Holland: yet we were ONE ENERGY ! It was such a wonderful experience. I thank them for their input and for being the Beings of Light that they are. The memory of the six of us at Tara will live with me for many years to come. Thank you. We did make a difference !

Until we meet again, much love, Veronica.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/12/2015 3:47:50 PM

Montague Keen Message 10-11-15…

by kauilapele


"Every day, it becomes more obvious that the final big push is about to happen. Those involved gathered in the United States and made their plans to create the New World Order. They have planned a huge FALSE FLAG OPERATION that will help them to remove many from the Earth.

"Go to your sacred sites and to the ley lines, and release the sacred energy that is the lifeforce of humanity.



Message from Montague on Sunday 11 October 2015

Every day, it becomes more obvious that the final big push is about to happen. Those involved gathered in the United States and made their plans to create the New World Order. They have planned a huge FALSE FLAG OPERATION that will help them to remove many from the Earth. Veronica, I have explained to you in the past, that the souls will have left the bodies, before disaster strikes. They just shed their bodies, their service to humanity completed. The chaos, the lies, the subterfuge; it is difficult for you to know what to believe. Resist acting like sheep, for each and every one of you has decisions to make. Ensure you do your own research, as those decisions will decide whether you survive and create a world without the corruption that you have had to endure. You only have to look around you to see the Cabal's evil plans in action. People are being paid as mercenaries to destroy Europe. The Cabal proudly boasts that this is what they are doing. It is all there, if only you took the time to look for yourselves. Are you really going to just sit back and allow this takeover of the Earth and the destruction of humanity to happen, without doing anything to prevent it?

Go to your sacred sites and to the ley lines, and release the sacred energy that is the lifeforce of humanity. How can you go on trusting those who poison your air, your food, and your water? This is a BIG QUESTION that needs an honest answer. Is Russia the only country which protects its people? Stop allowing yourselves to be conned into a false sense of security. Be prepared to lead humanity to a new way of life. One that is peaceful and includes all of humanity. You must say that enough is enough. They will have to leave the Earth in the same way that they falsely entered it and took it over. Do not continue to be conned into believing that they are your friends. They just want what you have, and they will try to take it at any cost. They see you as their slaves, nothing more. You exist only to serve them.

Humanity had all the knowledge needed in past times. Look at ancient architecture and ancient writings; in those times, people understood much, and they had the full use of their brains. What you must understand is that the Cabal still has this ancient knowledge and they use it against you. Humanity was deliberately dumbed down; and now, you have only the use of a small percentage of your brain. Mind control is skilfully used to do this, as well as your televisions and newspapers, and more especially education and medication, with the mandatory use of vaccination. Why do you just accept this as the norm? They could not have done all of this without your cooperation. Once, we were all blind to what they were doing to us. But now, you know the TRUTH. What are you prepared to do about it? Remember that whatever you decide, affects all. You are all in this together. Do you wish to survive or to be crushed? They show no mercy, since they are not capable of it. They just crush all who get in their way. They do not possess a conscience. They are driven by greed and power. Look at how they have used their banks to cause misery to crush the poor. Banks were deliberately created to cause suffering and control.

They thrive on your suffering and your pain. It gives them the ENERGY they crave. This is why they continually pursue WAR. It matters not to them, where; for it is the ENERGY of FEAR and SUFFERING which they need to exist on Earth. It does not matter how they present themselves, whether they display their acquired opulence, or representing their "GOD" or not. They do not belong on Earth. It is time for them to leave humanity in peace. Enough of you are awake, now, to understand this, and you know that you need to prepare to move forward. All their citadels of corruption will fall. They are not able to remain, as when all the energy of wars and killings ceases, they are in trouble. For all the suffering creates the energy they need to exist on Earth, so their life line will be cut. They have lived well at your expense for far too long. Look to the future. You can make it all that you would wish it to be.

We, on this side of life, are working at your side to prevent World War III. The Cabal uses every opportunity to push for war in every way they can possibly imagine. Thankfully, you are not accepting their LIES anymore. But they will not give up easily. They will try to destroy as much as they can, before they leave. Just be thankful that they are leaving.

Help will arrive. It is all planned. A new way of life will open up, without the constraints of the past. No more controlling religions or political parties to corrupt and control you, ever again. Your spiritual life will open up, and you will connect directly with Source, once more. No middle men to step between you, ever again. All the false prophets will have to step down when all that they preach is shown to be nothing but control.

It will happen quickly once the Cabal falls, as it will take with it the corruption it needed in order to hold humanity in control. FREEDOM is a beautiful experience. Freedom to think, to see, to feel, to research, and to become all that you can become. It is all before you. Welcome it with open arms.

Veronica, if you had any idea what you and he are up against, you would be shocked. What must happen, will happen; for it cannot be stopped. When everyone decides they want to be FREE, then FREE they shall be.

My dear, I share your frustration. Things are not moving fast enough. But love shines a light that cannot be extinguished.

Always, your adoring, Monty
