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RE: Truth tellers
9/14/2014 3:28:30 AM

RT 9-12-14… “1.8mn people, 11km line: Catalonians stage their biggest independence rally”

It’s not just happening in Scotland. It’s in Spain, as well… in Catalonia. Also in the Basque. This shows that those wanting to restore their place in the world are now stepping up and taking action. Part of the reason … Continue reading

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RE: Truth tellers
9/14/2014 4:21:33 AM

Another Konrad Stachnio, NEO 9-12-14… “Putin is Becoming the Face of the Global Resistance Movement”

by kauilapele

putin_evolutionThis article by "The Stachnio" had some great points, I felt. Here are a few that I saw...

... [from French volunteers in Donbas] "Those who carry out this terrorist operation in the Donbas are minions of the international mafia oligarchs. You must understand that we are dealing with the third world war. It began in Libya, then moved to Syria and now to Donbas. We can see that Russia is one of the few countries that have challenged and personally fight globalism. It’s kind of the Reconquista. We’re here to help Russia in this fight. We’re not here to earn money, we do not take any money from anyone . In fact, we spent a lot to get here.

"So why Putin, the ‘Russian KGB apparatchik’, post-Soviet agent’ as the media call him, is gaining such popularity in the world? I do not know how much Russia spends on PR. But I know how much the United States spent on it and the sum are really big. However, this flock of sheep begins to see more and more that something is wrong. They begin to realize that Uncle Sam overdone a little bit and he is going to overdo even more and American stories about ‘terrorists’ will not change anything when the armoured cars will ride under your window and shoot at journalists as it happened in Ferguson. And you, without a trial can be pulled out of the house and put on the rest of your life in CIA prison, for example, in Poland. And all of that in accordance with the ‘democratic’ rights as at the time of NSDAP and Reichstag fire.

"America has become a fascist country as Germany in the past. That fact is very hard to understand to the most of the people... Global ‘oligarchs’, as we can see do not really like the freedom of information. And precisely on this field, they lose with Mr Putin.

"People around the world are becoming increasingly against the international oligarchy, hypocrisy of politicians and the media. Putin as the only one leader of great country caught this surging wave of hatred to 0.0001% of the richest people and the puppet politicians... Putin in his attitude fosters people around the world showing that you can resist the big money, influences and media propaganda. That is why so many volunteers come to Ukraine and fight with Kiev junta.

"People are starting to work together and enjoy the fact that they rise from its knees of sanctions, tax cuts and economic collapse. They begin to see what happens and who got them into it. whereas, Putin walks with these people hand in hand using this trend. He is not afraid of it, does not suppress it as the Western media and Western ‘elite’ do on every level.

"[Putin aide Sergei Glazin] These activities should be directed towards undermining American military and political power, based on the issue of the dollar as a global currency. First of all, such measures should include the denial of the use of the dollar in mutual trade and refusal to invest in foreign exchange reserves in dollar-denominated securities. Dollar instruments should be regarded as extremely risky and their use should be avoided... And of course the most important task is the liberation of Ukraine from the national-revolutionary regime established by the United States."

And check out the Brzezinski quote at the end, to see what the NWO idea of democracy is (democracy = hegemony = world supremacy... talk about out-of-control ego).

[Note: a few words that are here may perhaps have been result of word processor "autocorrect".]


Putin is Becoming the Face of the Global Resistance Movement

The next volunteers who want to fight with the ‘Global oligarchy’ came to Donbas. This time they are French. People from Serbia, Spain, Germany, France, Polish, Israel, the United Kingdom and Greece already fought with Kiev junta. Recently, volunteers look younger: people over forty went earlier to the militia, now the average age wanting to join the army DRL ranges from 18 to 30. More and more people do not trust the corporate media and they see what’s going on in the world. If I did not speak English, unfortunately I would never learn from the media in my country (Poland) what is really the situation in Gaza, Ukraine and the Middle East. ‘One of the French volunteers who fought in Donbas quite bluntly puts it:

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RE: Truth tellers
9/14/2014 4:29:55 AM
Sounds like the Oligarchs to me and not the USA. Anything Soros is involved is meant for his profit. He and his partners/investors are the culprits. Seems we have the issues as the Polish to me. Oligarchs like Soros has been preying on their own since 1913. Such takeover takes time you know. If you've lived more that a half a century you have a inkling of the truth. If you've lived longer, you have had plenty of opportunity to change things. We should all be working together to overcome the real evil but we are too busy playing their game.


Another Example of USA CORP Stealing a Nation… Jim Dean & Konrad Stachnio, RT 9-13-14…”NEO – Poland is becoming 52nd state of the United States”

The more these reports get out there, I feel, the more people will start getting the entire picture about what the USA CORP has done over the decades. It’s more and more apparent that it has operated (and is still … Continue reading

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Truth tellers
9/14/2014 3:18:55 PM

Here is more info

Preston James VT 9-13-14… “Ending the Continuing Stream of America’s Secret Shadow Government Psyops”

This is quite the comprehensive history article by Preston, and certainly goes well with David Wilcock’s Financial Tyranny series. There is a lot of excellent reading here, and I’ll just leave this with a few of the highlights, from my … Continue reading

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RE: Truth tellers
9/14/2014 9:08:59 PM

Montague Keen Message 9-14-14…

by kauilapele


"This is your big opportunity to create a world where all life is valued and respected. Until now, you were led to accept whatever was forced upon you. When enough of you wake up to the fact that you can now change it, you will do so. Come out of the fear mode...

"Those who remain locked into 3D thinking cannot foresee a way out, so they try to force it on others. They fight for their future too. They now attack those who strive to move forward into the light. Like the proverbial SNAKE, they use sly methods to slide in unnoticed. Then, their real intentions are exposed...

"What you are experiencing is the separation of those who have moved into the light from those who try to force their 3D thinking and way of life on all. Those of you who have progressed to the 4th and 5th dimension, find it increasingly difficult to communicate with those still trapped in 3D."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 14 September 2014


Your dreams of a just world for all will become a reality, in spite of all the obstacles that have been placed on your path. There will be justice for all displaced people everywhere. When enough people join with Spirit, we will be able to right all the wrongs. There is a massive campaign going on right now to make people more compliant. It is being done mainly through chemtrails. This is preventing many from waking up. It explains why there is so much complacency, and why they are accepting without question the murder and mutilation of children.

This is your big opportunity to create a world where all life is valued and respected. Until now, you were led to accept whatever was forced upon you. When enough of you wake up to the fact that you can now change it, you will do so. Come out of the fear mode. Believe in yourselves, for each day, more people awaken and join you. It takes courage to stand for truth, and to question everything and make your own decisions.

There are species on Earth which try to steer you away from your spiritual path. I recall the first time that Veronica and I shook hands and chatted with Spirit. How excited we were. This will become the norm, once the Shift happens and we move closer to you. We look forward to answering your questions, as so many of you do not have any conception of what life is like on what you call The Other Side. I can tell you, it is glorious! So unlike life on Earth. You have much to look forward to.

These changes will happen soon. In fact, they have started. This is why there is a huge effort to distort the truth and to attack those who dare to speak it. It is interesting to see how many just follow the one who shouts the loudest, without ever questioning whether they speak the truth. That is what sheep do. You have been sheep for 2000 years. It is time to make a new start and enjoy life on Earth, not just endure it. As you come out of the darkness into the light, you will learn to become who you really are, without fear. Think of the rose as a tight bud, which, as it grows, blossoms into the most beautiful flower. This is how it is going to be for you. Your light will shine through.

Peace will never be found through war. The coming together of humanity through love and trust will achieve peace. Those who remain locked into 3D thinking cannot foresee a way out, so they try to force it on others. They fight for their future too. They now attack those who strive to move forward into the light. Like the proverbial SNAKE, they use sly methods to slide in unnoticed. Then, their real intentions are exposed.

You, my dear Veronica, are being targeted big time. It has been very difficult. Whom do you trust? What you are experiencing is the separation of those who have moved into the light from those who try to force their 3D thinking and way of life on all. Those of you who have progressed to the 4th and 5th dimension, find it increasingly difficult to communicate with those still trapped in 3D.

I suggest that you listen, once again, to the recording of the reading which Andrew Bartzis did on Wolf Spirit Radio, YouTube. That reading explains so much. I ask Andrew, "Do you stand by that reading?" If this is your honest reading, then why have you bowed to the Cabal? Did you get that reading so badly wrong? You talked about Ireland and its importance, etc. You gave Veronica the correct information on D and how he has not fully manifested yet. You said that he needs healing to come to terms with who he is, and that he needs to connect with the hive mind, so that there can be a free exchange of information. Everyone has to stand for truth, not hide from it.

My dear wife has endured so much recently. There was an attempt to steal her energy and her frequency, by those who professed to be of the light. I ask that she steps back from meeting people, except those whom she trusts. Her work regarding the Centres will continue but only the awakened collective will contribute, as they fully understand what will be needed when the Shift happens, as they are part of the future. Those still locked into 3D, will continue on another timeline. Those who share this vision of the future will understand and work with us, to create a better world for all. It is sad to see so many who are still like sheep, too frightened to leave the herd and embrace the light. Courage and strength of character are needed to create a future without war and injustice.

My dear, it is necessary to rest and be with friends. I did warn you that September and October would prove stressful and difficult to cope with. The Cabal is using everything in its arsenal to try to prevent the light and to attack all who dare to expose the truth. We, in the network, are always there for you. Our work will succeed.

Know that you are loved. Your adoring, Monty.


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