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RE: Truth tellers
8/4/2014 12:22:15 AM

Montague Keen 8-3-14… ” All people on Earth must live in peace. This cannot be altered. It is THE PLAN”

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica41This is a message with many heartening-for-humanity points.

"...The plans of the Cabal have not been successful. They have not been allowed to start World War 3. Yes, dear, it is true that BATTLESHIPS have been LIFTED OFF PLANET EARTH and placed where they can do no harm. Ships from the US, the UK, Germany, and of course, Israel. They are at a loss as to where their ships have gone. No longer will they be allowed to wage war in their efforts to bring about world domination.

"Many of you have donated to the fund that will help us to set up the Centres in your world. These will help you through the difficult times when all that you take for granted today will be no longer be available to you. You need to learn to be self-sufficient for a while, until you come together, create FREE ENERGY, and grow your food, etc. You need to learn to live without the things you take for granted today. This change is coming and you cannot hide from it, for it has already begun. Veronica is finding the right people, who have the knowledge necessary to advise you on all aspects of life in the light. Please assist whenever possible.

"Wake up to the fact that all that you are told on TV and in the newspapers is designed to keep you asleep and in fear. You are in an US and THEM situation. 99% are being led by the nose to their destruction by the 1%. How can this be so?

"You were surprised, this week, to find that the Roman Catholic Church is JEWISH. The Jesuits are Jewish also. So Jews have been hiding behind different labels for 2000 years. Ask yourselves what all the wars were about? The simple answer: it is the shedding of blood that is required. The energy of FEAR in war situations is the oxygen of life to those who control your world... The important thing you need to take on board is that THEY CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU !

"You are on the road to freedom and light. Prepare for it. Think about how you will survive when all the structures that you presently accept as part of your life, disappear. You will create new structures, but this will take time and patience. This guidance we hope to provide through our Centres. Both sides of life are working together to create a better world for all. We will not abandon you."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 3 August 2014

Veronica, my dear, your work with Andrew [Bartzis] is proving very successful. It is releasing truth which explains all that has confused and puzzled people for years. I told you that August was the month for revelations. Soon, you will see the full picture. You will know what steps need to be taken in order to remove all that is dark and corrupt. The plans of the Cabal have not been successful. They have not been allowed to start World War 3. Yes, dear, it is true that BATTLESHIPS have been LIFTED OFF PLANET EARTH and placed where they can do no harm. Ships from the US, the UK, Germany, and of course, Israel. They are at a loss as to where their ships have gone. No longer will they be allowed to wage war in their efforts to bring about world domination.

I tell you now that NO ONE RACE WILL DOMINATE YOUR PLANET. It will not be allowed. All people on Earth must live in peace. This cannot be altered. It is THE PLAN.

There are some ETs supporting governments which have dark intent but they will not succeed. The Divine Plan stands: nothing can change it, and our work on both sides of life will ensure this.

Our grateful thanks go out to all those wonderful people who have become what we see as an Army of Light, who work on the ley lines to ensure that the energy is released. They will have their place in history and will deserve it. They are doing a sterling job. One day, they will see for themselves the importance of their work. Activating the ley lines is the most important work you can do at this time. You are rescuing your planet. What more important job could you do !

I am aware how distressed you are, my dear, as you see the slaughter of a noble and peaceful people [in Palestine]. What does this tell you about those in whom you were asked to place your trust? This is their plan to take over your world. All who keep silent and close their eyes to this slaughter are as guilty as those who drop the bombs. What is being rained down on these poor helpless people is PURE EVIL. Who will support you when they come calling on you? This is a takeover: they want it all, and that includes you !

Refuse to be part of it and make clear your feelings. Refuse to assist in the takeover of humanity. Refuse to be a HUMAN SACRIFICE. Do not buy into whatever package of FEAR they come up with next.

The ebola outbreak was carefully planned. It is intended to create FEAR, to allow them to remove more of you. Such 'outbreaks' are well planned in advance and timed so that you take your eyes off what they are doing. The unenlightened fall for it every time. Stop being SHEEP. Do your research and take responsibility. Such ploys worked in the past but you are aware of their games now.

Many of you have donated to the fund that will help us to set up the Centres in your world. These will help you through the difficult times when all that you take for granted today will be no longer be available to you. You need to learn to be self-sufficient for a while, until you come together, create FREE ENERGY, and grow your food, etc. You need to learn to live without the things you take for granted today. This change is coming and you cannot hide from it, for it has already begun. Veronica is finding the right people, who have the knowledge necessary to advise you on all aspects of life in the light. Please assist whenever possible.

Wake up to the fact that all that you are told on TV and in the newspapers is designed to keep you asleep and in fear. You are in an US and THEM situation. 99% are being led by the nose to their destruction by the 1%. How can this be so?

TV is their method of control. It draws you in and infects your mind. It controls your every thought and action. It shows you what you 'need' in your life, and what you cannot live without. It blinds you to who you are and what you are capable of. You become one of the HERD: all singing from the same hymn sheet. Like a mouse on a wheel, you constantly run but you never get anywhere.

When you wake up to who you are and what you are cabable of, you will wonder how so few could have destroyed so much on Earth. Some of you are still falling for the lies, thus allowing them to dictate how your world should be run, in the mistaken belief that their puppets have your best interests at heart. But this is not so. It is time to stop being sheep.

You were surprised, this week, to find that the Roman Catholic Church is JEWISH. The Jesuits are Jewish also. So Jews have been hiding behind different labels for 2000 years. Ask yourselves what all the wars were about? The simple answer: it is the shedding of blood that is required. The energy of FEAR in war situations is the oxygen of life to those who control your world.

The important thing you need to take on board is that THEY CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU !

Take back your power. This is your planet.

You are on the road to freedom and light. Prepare for it. Think about how you will survive when all the structures that you presently accept as part of your life, disappear. You will create new structures, but this will take time and patience. This guidance we hope to provide through our Centres. Both sides of life are working together to create a better world for all. We will not abandon you.

My dear, try to take time to rest. I ask all of you to send your love and protection to one who is being held by the dark.

My love is with you always. Your adoring, Monty.

Please watch the following video:

An Interview with Andrew Bartzis (Part 5)

as this contains important information.

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RE: Truth tellers
8/13/2014 4:00:03 AM

Montague Keen Message 8-10-14… “2014 will be remembered as the year in which the Light won the battle”

by kauilapele


"It will take time and patience to remove all they [the Cabal] have set in place in order to keep humanity down and controlled. They cannot believe their carefully thought out plans (the plans they spent years putting into place) will not be successful. As the Great Awakening progresses, each day you absorb the new energy which will sustain you as you progress on the difficult path to full consciousness and enlightenment. The Cabal has many plans up its sleeve to try to slow down your awakening. Do not buy into them... This "ebola threat" is one such diversion...

"Open your eyes to your own power, and see yourselves as powerful Beings of Light who are awakening from a deep slumber. Recognise your power to say no. We are the 99%, who do not want this to continue. We will not support your unjust wars!

"All have a divine right to live in peace. When one is attacked, it affects all of you, for you are humanity. It is those who were expelled from Mars who decended on Earth. They descended in the East and they took control of humanity. They then insisted that life began in the East; though in fact, the demise of humanity began with them in the East. They took control of your planet through education, banking, religion, etc. Look to the West for the TRUTH and you will find it. All that you were taught was totally wrong. This was done in order to keep under control. Everything will become clear when your true history is revealed and understood. That, my friends, will be your real awakening.

"...your work on the ley lines and places of power is producing the desired results. Please keep it up. May I ask you to also send your love and light to someone who is being held by the Cabal in an effort to prevent him carrying out his mission. Mind control, sleep deprivation, chemicals in the food: these are all being used on an innocent being of light whose only purpose in life is to enable humanity to live in peace and harmony. Together, we can ensure his release, and proceed with our work on Earth. Together, we can move mountains. Together, we will remove all that is EVIL and CORRUPT from the face of the Earth. Then humanity will live in peace and the New Age will begin.

"...2014 will be remembered as the year in which the Light won the battle, and the Dark Ones were defeated; removed forever from the face of the Earth... Many of them will choose to leave the planet. Many will be deactivated, so that never again will they be able, through death and destruction, to harm any other planet in your solar system...

"Both sides of life wish to thank those who have kindly donated for the purchase of the Centre in Ireland. Please continue to help, if possible. The Centres around the world will be provided by the people, for the people."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 10 August 2014

So much is being orchestrated to try to bring you down and to prevent your work. They will not be allowed to succeed. In their desperation to find a way to start World War III, they are lashing out at everyone they perceive to be in their way. All they can do now is to buy time, as their inevitable demise is written in stone: they cannot, and will not, survive.

It will take time and patience to remove all they [the Cabal] have set in place in order to keep humanity down and controlled. They cannot believe their carefully thought out plans (the plans they spent years putting into place) will not be successful. As the Great Awakening progresses, each day you absorb the new energy which will sustain you as you progress on the difficult path to full consciousness and enlightenment. The Cabal has many plans up its sleeve to try to slow down your awakening. Do not buy into them.

This "ebola threat" is one such diversion. They just want to cause FEAR and PANIC. Foolish people fall for it every time, and create panic. This is just what it is designed to do. Their tools of control – your TVs and newspapers – will fill your minds with fear of ebola, convincing some that they actually have it, even though there is no outbreak. This is total MIND CONTROL IN ACTION. Although it has always worked in the past, surely you are sufficiently awake now, to see through it, and not fall for it again?

Open your eyes to your own power, and see yourselves as powerful Beings of Light who are awakening from a deep slumber. Recognise your power to say no. We are the 99%, who do not want this to continue. We will not support your unjust wars!

All have a divine right to live in peace. When one is attacked, it affects all of you, for you are humanity. It is those who were expelled from Mars who decended on Earth. They descended in the East and they took control of humanity. They then insisted that life began in the East; though in fact, the demise of humanity began with them in the East. They took control of your planet through education, banking, religion, etc. Look to the West for the TRUTH and you will find it. All that you were taught was totally wrong. This was done in order to keep under control. Everything will become clear when your true history is revealed and understood. That, my friends, will be your real awakening.

I have pointed out, many times, that those who may look like you are not necessarily just like you. Those who decended and took control are in no way like you, only in outward appearances. Their agenda is to wipe you out, keeping only enough of you to act as slaves for them. Up to now, they have succeeded. Look around you: the evidence is staring you in the face, but until now, you have been blinded to it.

Their species was never meant to be on Earth. They do not belong here. Open your eyes: they poison the air you breathe, your crops, your water, and still you do nothing. They remove those "in power" who speak up and question what is happening. The Vatican has used FEAR to keep the masses down and in control, obedient only to them. THIS IS MIND CONTROL AT ITS MOST EVIL.

Again, I say to you, your work on the ley lines and places of power is producing the desired results. Please keep it up. May I ask you to also send your love and light to someone who is being held by the Cabal in an effort to prevent him carrying out his mission. Mind control, sleep deprivation, chemicals in the food: these are all being used on an innocent being of light whose only purpose in life is to enable humanity to live in peace and harmony. Together, we can ensure his release, and proceed with our work on Earth. Together, we can move mountains. Together, we will remove all that is EVIL and CORRUPT from the face of the Earth. Then humanity will live in peace and the New Age will begin.

Yes, I know it is hard work now, as a lot is being asked of you. The rewards of your struggles will live forever in the history and in the minds of Man. You, my friends, are the people chosen to carry out this work. This is why you have come together on Earth at this time. You will lead the way. 2014 will be remembered as the year in which the Light won the battle, and the Dark Ones were defeated; removed forever from the face of the Earth.

Many of them will choose to leave the planet. Many will be deactivated, so that never again will they be able, through death and destruction, to harm any other planet in your solar system. They must never again be allowed to infect any species with their evil way of life. The truth, my friends, must be faced and lessons need to be learned. Never again will you allow the takeover of your planet.

Veronica is having computer problems. Some of her emails are not allowed to be sent. She needs to contact MAT W, as his work is of interest. Also F S S, who visited Ireland recently. Would these people please make contact.

Both sides of life wish to thank those who have kindly donated for the purchase of the Centre in Ireland. Please continue to help, if possible. The Centres around the world will be provided by the people, for the people. These are the steps that need to be taken in order to set yourselves free. They will provide a stage for information to be shared, and for the guidance and help that will be needed as you enter the New Age of Enlightenment. You have to UNLEARN all that the Cabal ensured you learned, step out of 3D thinking and living. Together, go forward in truth and light, in a world where peace and love are not just talked about, THEY ARE LIVED. This is our purpose. Are you with us on this ?

My dear, all these problems are sent to try you. They do, but you can and will rise above them. Your friends are there for you. They were chosen. Go forward in the sure knowledge that you will walk your path with dignity in light and love.

Always at your side. Your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
8/18/2014 2:10:04 AM

Montague Keen Message 8-17-14…

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica43Here's my thing about this Monty message... as much as I know there are going to be quite major changes on this planet, I have never seen a scenario where "all hell breaks loose". There has been, for years, talk and talk and channelings and channelings and talk and talk and channelings and channelings and talk and talk and channelings and channelings, that "the sky will be falling so stock up 10 years of survival food and make sure your security bunker is ready." And all that. And it has never come to pass.

Of course it could. But from what I have "seen", it won't.

As Monty did say, in this message, "you are the architects of the future. You must ensure that it is a future where wholesome food is available. It is time to prepare. So plans need to be made so that everything proceeds without problems." I love having my own garden now, and living with a few people who also have a garden. So perhaps many are being drawn into groups where this may occur.

So bottom line, for myself, at least, is "Be at Peace, and follow Guidance," hold the visions, hold the planet in the Light, and remember that we are together in this.

"You are many, they are few. Never forget that. Protect the vulnerable amongst you. You are up against pure evil that is prepared to go to any lengths to achieve its goal. So do not be fooled by outward appearances. They may look like you, but rest assured, their main aim is the destruction of the human race. They will be defeated, but how quickly this will happen depends on you.

"Many obstacles are being put in the way in an effort to try to prevent our Centres being established. We hope to have the one in Ireland by the end of September if enough money comes in for it. Please help us to help you to learn a new way of living life, ready for when all that is now in place falls apart, as it will in the near future. You must be prepared to go into survival mode at first. Then start to restructure life on Earth by learning new ways to live. You must remove all that is toxic from your lives. By 2016, everything will have changed. The downfall of the Cabal will result in the disappearance of the "food chain" as you know, for they own and control everything you now depend on. When they pull the plug on everything, where will you be, if you are not prepared? Use this time to learn, and decide how you will cope.

"Many of you are distressed by the revelations regarding the ritual killing of children that happen in many parts of your world... Now that the truth has been presented to you, are you prepred to open your eyes to it, or do you want to continue to close your eyes to it? You cannot hide from it. Facts must be faced. It is time to prepare for all eventualities. Spirit is there for you, to assist you in creating a better future for all humanity.

"Look to your future now; the future that together you will create. Many are leaving your planet. They have accepted that their days in control are fast coming to an end, and they could not face humanity because of the terrible crimes they have committed against you. Some will brazen it out in an effort to hold on to what they have. Decisions need to be made calmly as to how to deal with such people. Their crimes against humanity are difficult for many of you to comprehend. Humanity has been hated and plotted against for a long time but you were blinded to it. Now, you have to take control and be responsible for your planet and all the life upon it."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 17 August 2014

There is a war raging on Earth that is unseen by those who are still locked into 3D thinking. Those of you who are awake and aware are going through very difficult times. Look again at how Atlantis was destroyed: the frequency of key individuals was stolen thus rendering them powerless and compliant. This is exactly what is happening in your world now. Are you going to allow humanity to be wiped out? For this is indeed the plan which the Cabal is working towards.

Right now, the Cabal is holding one whose work on Earth is of great importance. Your help is required to release this person so that his mission can be completed. Please include him in your ley line meditations. Include all others who are having their frequency stolen at this time. You are being given all the information necessary to prevent the takeover of your planet. It is up to all of you to get involved in protecting humanity from the Cabal.

You are many, they are few. Never forget that. Protect the vulnerable amongst you. You are up against pure evil that is prepared to go to any lengths to achieve its goal. So do not be fooled by outward appearances. They may look like you, but rest assured, their main aim is the destruction of the human race. They will be defeated, but how quickly this will happen depends on you.

Wake up, take control, and open your eyes to the truth. It is being revealed to you every day. Your ley line work has released so much that cannot be kept hidden any longer. You see what happens when you come together. Work together for the good of humanity and the protection of your planet.

Again, I ask that you use some of this energy to ensure the release of this young man.

Many obstacles are being put in the way in an effort to try to prevent our Centres being established. We hope to have the one in Ireland by the end of September if enough money comes in for it. Please help us to help you to learn a new way of living life, ready for when all that is now in place falls apart, as it will in the near future. You must be prepared to go into survival mode at first. Then start to restructure life on Earth by learning new ways to live. You must remove all that is toxic from your lives. By 2016, everything will have changed. The downfall of the Cabal will result in the disappearance of the "food chain" as you know, for they own and control everything you now depend on. When they pull the plug on everything, where will you be, if you are not prepared? Use this time to learn, and decide how you will cope.

Many times I have told you that you are the architects of the future. You must ensure that it is a future where wholesome food is available. It is time to prepare. So plans need to be made so that everything proceeds without problems. The scientists who have been making plans for the future will work with Veronica at the Centres. All information will be shared. Please help make this happen. It is for the good of all, not the few.

Many of you are distressed by the revelations regarding the ritual killing of children that happen in many parts of your world. These rituals are carried out by those you were taught to respect. You were blinded to who they really are, and to the roles they play on Earth. You were shocked to learn what they were prepared to do to you in order to remove humanity from the planet. You are victims of the greatest hoax ever played on your planet. Now that the truth has been presented to you, are you prepred to open your eyes to it, or do you want to continue to close your eyes to it? You cannot hide from it. Facts must be faced. It is time to prepare for all eventualities. Spirit is there for you, to assist you in creating a better future for all humanity.

Having to accept that all you had learned is untrue will create problems. Doctors who blindly accepted all the information given to them as flawless, will be shocked and upset to learn that instead of helping patients, they were in fact hastening their demise. The medical profession has been used as facilitators of the eugenics programme. Death by prescription as designed by the Cabal. Research your health problems and treat yourselves whenever possible, as nature has all the answers. It is time to withdraw from all that is false and unwise. You owe it to yourselves and all who depend on you, to become responsible for your decisions. Do not leave them for others to decide. The Nanny State will disappear without trace. It was designed to entrap you, and it has done so, very successfully.

Look to your future now; the future that together you will create. Many are leaving your planet. They have accepted that their days in control are fast coming to an end, and they could not face humanity because of the terrible crimes they have committed against you. Some will brazen it out in an effort to hold on to what they have. Decisions need to be made calmly as to how to deal with such people. Their crimes against humanity are difficult for many of you to comprehend. Humanity has been hated and plotted against for a long time but you were blinded to it. Now, you have to take control and be responsible for your planet and all the life upon it.

We in spirit will be with you every step of the way. Our worlds will come together when all obstructions are removed. Together, we will create a world without borders, and without conflict of any sort, with freedom to explore and to learn about your fellow man. The universe will open up to you, and life will be a joy once more. The struggle you have endured will be quickly forgotten.

My dear, it is tough dealing with the problems facing you. But they will not last. You will overcome them.

My love is yours forever. Your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
8/25/2014 12:19:53 AM

Montague Keen Message 8-24-14… “Peace should be what you strive for”

by kauilapele


"You owe it to yourselves to investigate everything thoroughly before agreeing to any medication whatsoever. Michael Tsarion painted a very clear picture of what is happening in your world. Take stock of what he has revealed, for it will help you to abandon the mistaken belief that you are being looked after.

"Your world must change. Each and every one of you must BE THAT CHANGE. It is in your hands. We in Spirit, want to work with you, to enable the changes to be brought about. We hope that you will contribute to the Centres which we hope to create, so that you can go forward into a new age with all the knowledge and help you will require to ensure that you have all the assistance you need.

"The Cabal is falling fast as a result of your ley line work... The more effort you put into this work, the quicker you will remove all that is dark and corrupt. It is in your hands. You are not helpless sheep anymore, obeying orders from the corrupt. You are now lighting up the world by releasing all this beautiful energy that was hidden from you for many years. Your work is of the greatest importance...

"I ask that humanity puts all past differences and difficulties behind it, and works together as one, to create your future. Pool your knowledge and expertise, for this is the purpose of our Centres. All information will be shared. This will make the Transition so much easier. Experts are on hand, ready and willing to do this.

"Peace should be what you strive for... Your kind is what you need to protect and preserve... Together... we will create a better future for humanity."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 24 August 2014

You are coming to the end of your struggle for light and truth. You are now seeing the results of your ley line work. All that was hidden is coming to the surface and being exposed, and there is a greater understanding of what was done to keep you in slavery. Now you can see what you need to do in order to take back what is yours.

You were shocked, my dear, when you learned in MICHAEL TSARION’s video,
The Order of the Black Sun, that ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE HAD VACCINATIONS, LATER DEVELOP CANCER. Just what is that telling you?

You trust your doctor to give you the care you were taught to expect. So ask yourself, who can you really trust?

You owe it to yourselves to investigate everything thoroughly before agreeing to any medication whatsoever. Michael Tsarion painted a very clear picture of what is happening in your world. Take stock of what he has revealed, for it will help you to abandon the mistaken belief that you are being looked after. You each have to make decisions that will affect how you live your life. You are now learning that all those whom you were taught to trust and revere, want only one thing: the takeover of your world and the removal of two-thirds of humanity. In the past, you believed all the propaganda about wars and the absolute necessity of invading whatever country in order to protect the people. If this is the case, why are they not doing just that, in Palestine?

What you are witnessing everyday is a HOLOCAUST: the total destruction of not just the country but the RACE known as the Palestinians. Who is defending these poor helpless people? Are you turning a blind eye to this slaughter? And if so, WHY?

Ask yourself these questions, as they will help you to see clearly what this plan of destruction entails.

Your world must change. Each and every one of you must BE THAT CHANGE. It is in your hands. We in Spirit, want to work with you, to enable the changes to be brought about. We hope that you will contribute to the Centres which we hope to create, so that you can go forward into a new age with all the knowledge and help you will require to ensure that you have all the assistance you need.

You know that the banks will fall soon. Money will become a thing of the past. You now have an opportunity to put it to good use, by preparing for your future. This is your time of preparation. Once the collapse happens, what use will money be to you? It will become obsolete. Make use of it, now, by planning, and preparing for your future on Earth.

There is no magic wand. You, yourselves, have to prepare. Please help us to acquire the building in Ireland. Then other Centres will follow. But Ireland is the key that will unlock everything. So it has to start there.

There is one on Earth who needs your help. He is being mind controlled, poisoned, sleep-deprived, etc. in order to prevent his work on Earth. He is presently in the USA on a visit. The Cabal is trying to prevent his safe return. He needs you to send your energy, whether through meditation, prayer, light, or whatever method you prefer, to ensure that he is released to complete his mission. It is in the interest of humanity that you do this. Do not ask his name, for that would endanger him. In time, you will know him. Now, he needs your help.

Please continue your work on the ley lines. You can now see that you are releasing your planet from bondage. You have taken the power into your own hands, realised just how powerful you are, and what you can achieve when you work together.

The Cabal is falling fast as a result of your ley line work. Did you expect that when you started out? The more effort you put into this work, the quicker you will remove all that is dark and corrupt. It is in your hands. You are not helpless sheep anymore, obeying orders from the corrupt. You are now lighting up the world by releasing all this beautiful energy that was hidden from you for many years. Your work is of the greatest importance. Please add this young man to it. Believe in yourselves, for you are succeeding.

I ask that humanity puts all past differences and difficulties behind it, and works together as one, to create your future. Pool your knowledge and expertise, for this is the purpose of our Centres. All information will be shared. This will make the Transition so much easier. Experts are on hand, ready and willing to do this.

I have a message for all those involved in the Killing Industry, be they in uniform, producing weapons or making parts for them, or advocating war in any way. I ask them to meditate on what they do. Can they honestly look at themselves in a mirror and say, "I am an honourable man. I am not involved in the destruction of the human race."

You do not have to actually drop the bombs to be guilty. The manufacture and sale of any parts makes you guilty of the slaughter of your own kind. Those who advocate war have a very dark agenda. YOU are not included in their plans, but YOU must carry them out. You are not one of them. You are being used.

Peace should be what you strive for. Not war. War just makes the Cabal richer and more powerful. Your kind is what you need to protect and preserve.

Together, my dear, we will create a better future for humanity.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
9/1/2014 2:40:23 AM

Montague Keen Message 8-30-14… “The Cabal is now just clinging on by a thread”

by kauilapele


"The Cabal is now just clinging on by a thread. Do not believe their propaganda. It's all over for them. Their last hope is that they may be able to fool you for a little longer.

"Many of you still want to cling to what you perceive as your own secure little box. You believe that if you keep your head firmly in the sand, then all this will simply go away. But this change is happening whether you like it or not. This is reality. It has to be faced!"


Montague’s Message for Sunday 31 August 2014

The light is making progress, my dear. It was necessary for you to go to Ireland again to release more energy. You saw it flowing. This needs to happen regularly until the Awakening is complete. I know that the journey is physically demanding for you, and I know what you experienced at Dublin Airport last evening. It was a pain that took your breath away, causing your body to double up in agony. I thank the doctor who took the responsibility to look after you on the flight. It was a frightening experience, especially as you were all on your own. In your heart you knew you would get through it. No matter what is thrown at you, my dear, you know without doubt that you will complete your work on Earth. It was kind of T. and M. to finance the trip, as you could not afford to do it yourself.

What a wonderful experience you had at TARA. Even the weather changed so that you could go to the Lea Fail to release the sacred energies. You saw it flow and I shared your excitement. This will bring light to so much more. Your meditation for that special young man was heartfelt and effective; it did bear fruit. The fact that there was drumming at Tara during your visit was no accident. You know that Ireland is the key, and that key needs to be turned for humanity to go forward into the light and attain complete freedom. All that is false and corrupt will be exposed in this light.

Your visit to that wondrous and most sacred of sacred sites, Uisneach, was spectacular. A never to be forgotten occasion. Again, my dear, you released sacred energies to the world. What you saw was the universe responding to your visit. The sky displayed its gratitude for what the three of you were accomplishing there. [Photographs were taken.] Doing the meditation for the young man, in that place, was very important. But all the climbing exhausted you, my dear.

Sadly, it was all too much for you. The collapse you experienced at the Airport [Dublin] is telling you that you need to take care of yourself. I remind you, my dear, that you are no spring chicken! You do not have the stamina to do such climbs on hills; even those of such great importance, without help.

The Cabal is losing its grip. The evidence of this becomes more obvious each day. Their lies are not believed anymore. All their false flag events fall on deaf ears. Your Heads of State look more and more ridiculous and confused as their game is up! They are now trying to negotiate their survival.

The choice is yours now. Do you wish to have them living amongst you? Will they ever be able to fully relinquish their hold over you? Could you ever trust them to behave honourably after the terrible ordeal they have put mankind through? Since they have shown no mercy, should they expect it from you?

These things must be discussed and you may have to face this sooner than you think. Be prepared, as you are the very ones who will be making these decisions. How do you see your future? There will be an enormous amount of help from other planets whose inhabitants have been planning ways to help you to restart life, once all the controls and restrictions are removed. Do not fear this, as it is what your souls have cried out for. We in Spirit have been planning this moment also. Know that you will be looked after.

The reason for the Centres we will build is to help you to create a better life without all the restrictions you have had to cope with in life under the Cabal. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the contributions you have made for the Centre in Ireland. It is not humanly possible to write and thank everyone personally. There are not enough hours in the day. Veronica is working on many levels and on different projects. Please understand this. We hope that you will continue to support the effort to purchase this property. We have paid the deposit but there is still a long way to go. It will be your gateway to a better future for all of humanity. In these Centres, you will have Spirit working directly with humanity, showing you the way forward so that you avoid the pitfalls of the past.

The Cabal is now just clinging on by a thread. Do not believe their propaganda. It's all over for them. Their last hope is that they may be able to fool you for a little longer.

Many of you still want to cling to what you perceive as your own secure little box. You believe that if you keep your head firmly in the sand, then all this will simply go away. But this change is happening whether you like it or not. This is reality. It has to be faced!

You have nothing to fear but the fear itself. Those within the Cabal are past experts at keeping you in FEAR. This is how they control you. Know who you are, for when you step into your own power, nothing can stop you. You will create a future that, until now, you have only dreamed of. Use the money that will soon be obsolete to help create this future.

Veronica is exhausted. It has been a gruelling week for her. The forces of evil have created many challenges for her. The young man I have asked you to send love and light to, at this moment is going through his Awakening. This will free him from the cruel grip of the Cabal. It is a most painful process. He needs your help. You will know him when he frees himself and you will be proud that you helped him.

Please continue your wonderful work on the ley lines. When the energy is completely freed, you will rejoice as never before. Humanity owes you a great debt. People will want to thank you for your work to free Planet Earth. Together, we will succeed. We are almost there.

Veronica, I beg you to rest. This week has taken its toll on you. We need you there to oversee the Centres. We must be prepared to arrange the help that will be necessary when the collapse of the Cabal occurs.

My love helps you to cope with all that is thrown at you. Forever, your adoring, Monty.


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