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RE: Truth tellers
9/22/2014 2:43:07 AM

Montague Keen Message 9-21-14…

by kauilapele


"...traumatic changes. They are necessary in order to raise your vibrational energy in preparation for the completion of your mission. We are assisting you. We try to lessen the pain of this journey.

"Many of you are reliving past experiences in order to trigger memories of who you are, in order to help you relate to what is expected of you in this lifetime.

"You are but weeks away from the biggest surprise of your lives. All those who still sleep will be forced to awaken to the TRUTH and will have to deal with the reality of it. Many, like me, have tried to gently awaken you, but fear has kept you locked into the false reality. It is better to be awake, aware, and prepared.

"There is a battle raging all around you which is just outside of your 3D vision, so that you cannot see it clearly. Those who can see it, try to make you aware of it. All the false flag operations should alert you to what the Cabal is up to, and what it is prepared to do, to try to hold on to power.

"Look to the future that you are in the process of creating. No injustice, no war: all living in harmony, without barriers created by religions and states. This is when our two worlds will come together in peace and love. Please send light and love to those who are needed to help create a better world for all. Together, you will do it."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 21 September 2014

My dear, you are experiencing many traumatic changes. They are necessary in order to raise your vibrational energy in preparation for the completion of your mission. We are assisting you. We try to lessen the pain of this journey. You must become who you are. You will complete this journey. Beware of those who try to infiltrate with promises of assistance, who speak of light and love, but whose only intention is to destroy the light. The attacks you sustained on your visit to Ireland hit you badly. You are beginning to recover from it. That person still tries to harm you and our work, but he will not succeed. He is exposed. The effort which the Cabal is putting into trying to prevent the gathering is quite revealing. It exposes how terrified they are of anyone releasing the energy there. The planned gathering cannot now take place as there has been too much interference with key people. We will do what we intend to do, but will not give the Cabal prior notice of it. We will take them by surprise when the timing is right. Those who demand that you expose everything on paper have no idea how foolish this could be. They are still trapped in 3D mode and cannot see outside of it.

Many of you are reliving past experiences in order to trigger memories of who you are, in order to help you relate to what is expected of you in this lifetime. It helps you to become more aware of the dangers lurking around you, as the dark ones search for any weakness that they can pounce on.

My dear, it was necessary for you to experience, again, the death you experienced in Egypt at the hands of a high priestess. She stole your energy. It is now time to call back that energy as it is yours. It was a very painful experience. I ensured you were not alone. It revealed so much information and it explained much about this life. Many, many of you from Atlantis, have returned to repair the damage that was done at that time. You are meeting each other and working together to restore the light. There are others on Earth who wear MASKS to hide the truth of their intentions. Earth is not a safe place to be, so you cannot afford to let your guard down for one moment. The foolish who seek attention, jump on any bandwagon to cry fraud and corruption. They are used by the Cabal to see fraud where none exists.

You are but weeks away from the biggest surprise of your lives. All those who still sleep will be forced to awaken to the TRUTH and will have to deal with the reality of it. Many, like me, have tried to gently awaken you, but fear has kept you locked into the false reality. It is better to be awake, aware, and prepared.

The reason for the Centres, worldwide, is to enable you to create a world of plenty, and to remove all that is corrupt. Think about it . . . the Cabal produces all the food, and it provides the water and the money which you now need to exist. When it is removed (and it will be), what are you left with? Where do you go for help?

Those who live in fear will try to say that I am creating fear. I just show you what is fast coming your way. Those who have lied about the intentions of their countries, have done a great disservice to humanity. Your help is needed to prepare and to create the Centres, and to call on those who are willing, to serve in those Centres. Your donations will make this happen. Veronica needs to set them up before she passes to Spirit. Those who suggest that she wants you to provide her with a new home, could not be further from the truth. Ask yourselves, would she really choose to move away from her family at the age of 77 ? She undertook this work before she returned to Earth. I, Monty, prepared her for it. I had to rejoin The Network on the other side, in order to guide her from there. Together, we try to prepare your future life on Earth as it should be, with all the corruption removed. Each should take part in bringing in the light. Help is available for those who need it.

There is a battle raging all around you which is just outside of your 3D vision, so that you cannot see it clearly. Those who can see it, try to make you aware of it. All the false flag operations should alert you to what the Cabal is up to, and what it is prepared to do, to try to hold on to power.

Do not fall for the fairy stories of some, who try to lull you into a false sense of security, leaving you open to the plans of the Dark. This is the End Game: you have decisions to make. Once the light is established on Earth, everything will become clear. It is very tough for those who expose the truth. They are being attacked from many levels. Those within the Cabal fight for their existence, but they do not belong on Earth. Their effort to take over your world has failed. You are now living through the final stages of their effort to take complete control of your planet. This is not pleasant; WAR never is. Their lying efforts to start World War 3 are not working for them, so they are desperate and dangerous. They lose power each day. Those who are awake, can see through their lies, and will not support them. Help each other to remove fear. No matter what the Cabal does to create fear, do not buy into it.

Look to the future that you are in the process of creating. No injustice, no war: all living in harmony, without barriers created by religions and states. This is when our two worlds will come together in peace and love. Please send light and love to those who are needed to help create a better world for all. Together, you will do it.

My dear, the attacks on you show how our work is feared by the Cabal. Rest assured, they cannot prevent our mission. Please rest, you will need your strength.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
9/27/2014 4:11:39 PM

Major Revelations by Gordon Duff on VT Radio 9-22-14…

by kauilapele

This is a sense I have, that this is a very SIGNIFICANT radio program, particularly the revelations of Gordon Duff from a Russian report he received. That portion begins at about 44:00. Video notes are below.

Published on Sep 23, 2014 [recorded Monday 9-22-14]

Gordon Duff unloaded new shocking Russian Intelligence that ties in with other sources and names those responsible for planning and carrying out 9/11. Gordon tells you WHO did and WHO let go of Israelis caught during that day before they could bomb the tunnels and bridges. Never in history has so much Intel been dumped on 9/11 in one radio show!

Other subjects covered were as follows

The war in Ukraine has gone nuclear! The IEAE says that initial analysis shows that a Lance nuclear missile hit the factory that exploded outside of Donetsk. Lugansk coud have also been hit with a nuclear weapon. Only Israel still uses the Lance missile.

Russians are very upset over the Ukraine situation and have released more intelligence concerning 9/11 that will shock everybody that listens to this interview! US Intelligence wants you to share this information with as many others as possible and bring them to for the truth that nobody else in alternative media will report on.

Gordon also covers project "Able Danger" which is a project started after IEAE put out a report stating that the bombing of the federal building at Oklahoma City was done with a micro nuke. That's what did the damage and they proved it! This project was started to investigate the missing nuclear weapons stolen from the Pentax nuclear facility in Texas that went to Israel! They used the stolen US micronukes at 9/11, OKC, Bali, Khobar Towers in Saudi arabia and in the Bali bombing and others.

Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad asset to blackmail Clinton into stopping investigation of the nuclear weapon that took out federal building in Oklahoma City.

Note by Glenn: It makes sense that Drudge got his start on Lewinsky since US Intel has already reported that Drudge is an Israeli agent and was funded by Mossad agent Rupert Murdoch!

A Tomahawk cruise missile hit the pentagon after a group of investigating the missing nukes "Able Danger" was called into an emergency meeting into the room that was hit by the cruise missile! 35 of 50 of that investigative team was killed!

Special business people in Manhattan were protected on 9/11 by inviting them to a private golf outing by Warren Buffet! But that was only a cover, these CEOs of key firms in the World Trade Center were in reality kept secure at an Air Force base!

The investigation of the Israeli theft of our micro nukes is being investigated by a grand jury in Houston Texas right now.

Remember the fertilizer plant in Texas that blew up spectacularly? That was one of the locations where these stolen nuclear weapons were stored at for awhile. They blew it up to cover their tracks and evidence.

Israelis had planned to blow up Lincoln and Holland tunnels and the George Washington Bridge. Israel planted jammers that jammed the radios of police and firemen in New York City and these jammers have been recovered and are in evidence in Houston.

The Israelis caught trying to blow up George Washington bridge were released to an FBI agent who was a Mossad agent authorized to carry FBI ID! He let them go!

The Israelis caught trying to bomb Lincoln tunnel were released to the police commissioner of NYC and released by him never to be seen again!

Mayor of NYC directly involved with planning of 9/11 attack!

Much more in this incredible interview! Please share with all patriots and share on all walls and groups on facebook so everybody learns the truth about 9/11 and more! Please LIKE my page on facebook at as I will have a more detailed article up soon on this!

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RE: Truth tellers
9/29/2014 3:28:04 PM

Montague Keen Message 9-28-14… “Together, we will succeed”

by kauilapele


"There is a great need for humanity to wake up. You are being sucked into another war by the LIES that are being told to you by the politicians. They just alter the wording each time. Are you so feeble-minded that you do not ask, “Why go back to kill those that you pretended to “rescue” last time.”

"Start with loving yourself, your family, your extended family, and your fellow man. Show that you care, by refusing to approve the invasion and killing of innocent people. It is hard to watch from this side of life, as we can only help you by exposing the truth, in the hope that you will take the time to investigate the facts for yourselves. How many times in your lives have the same excuses been presented to you? How many times have you had to face the terrible fact that you were LIED TO ? As the Cabal runs out of time, its LIES become more URGENT.

"Humanity is in a dire situation. It must not be lulled into a false sense of security, no matter how convincing it sounds. I lived on Earth many times, and I might say, many times with Veronica. She knows me and I know her. We trust each other. Our aim is to rescue humanity and the planet. We have plans that you are not aware of, as yet. This is why there have been three attempts on Veronica's life in the last four weeks.

"You have the opportunity to create a better world. A world without corruption and without war. A world where love is valued and respected, where all live in peace. We can do it!"


Montague’s Message for Sunday 28 September 2014


There is a great need for humanity to wake up. You are being sucked into another war by the LIES that are being told to you by the politicians. They just alter the wording each time. Are you so feeble-minded that you do not ask, “Why go back to kill those that you pretended to “rescue” last time.”

You are your brother's keeper. The killing is being done in your name. All it will achieve is to buy the Cabal a little more time. Please do not turn a blind eye to the plight of those who are being slaughtered in your name, with bombs which are paid for by your taxes. Where is the LOVE in your lives? Have you forgotten that you should love one another?

Start with loving yourself, your family, your extended family, and your fellow man. Show that you care, by refusing to approve the invasion and killing of innocent people. It is hard to watch from this side of life, as we can only help you by exposing the truth, in the hope that you will take the time to investigate the facts for yourselves. How many times in your lives have the same excuses been presented to you? How many times have you had to face the terrible fact that you were LIED TO ? As the Cabal runs out of time, its LIES become more URGENT.

You are on the Earth for such a short time. You will have to live with the decisions you made whilst on Earth when you return to spirit. Your soul is forever; it supports you through many lifetimes. Your body, however, is of no consequence; it houses your soul whilst on Earth. Many souls have returned to the Earth to rescue it. They were in Atlantis when it fell. They do not want to see the same outcome for Planet Earth again. They are connecting from all over the world and they recognise each other and work together to protect humanity. Please be mindful of the fact that some have been fooled by beings who pretend they bring information from spirit. There is no hierarchy in the world of spirit, so those who give themselves elevated titles are suspect. There is no substance in there channellings.

Humanity is in a dire situation. It must not be lulled into a false sense of security, no matter how convincing it sounds. I lived on Earth many times, and I might say, many times with Veronica. She knows me and I know her. We trust each other. Our aim is to rescue humanity and the planet. We have plans that you are not aware of, as yet. This is why there have been three attempts on Veronica's life in the last four weeks.

The planned visit to Ireland was sabotaged. The Cabal FEARS it: what does that tell you?

She is trying to find a way to get there but she needs protection. First, she needs to recover, but she is no spring chicken. Her spirit is willing, but her flesh is weak and needs to recover. She will set up the Centre in Ireland with your help, and this will help humanity to cope when the Transition occurs. There will be Centres all over the world. You have our word on that. The lies put about by the Cabal and those who serve it, about Veronica, have been vicious and totally untrue. Beware of those who spread such lies. They do not have your best interests at heart. Through the Centres, humanity will be helped to construct a new way of life, with respect for all living creatures being paramount. Together we will do it.

Veronica was impressed by the MICHAEL TSARION exposé on the manipulation of humanity. I implore you to take the time to watch it and see how you are manipulated. This is Tsarion at his best. His work is of great importance.

The Age of Manipulation (Michael Tsarion)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

This is the control system that binds and controls you, exposed and explained. Please take note of it. Your very existence is at stake. The solutions are in your own hands. We in Spirit, can guide you, but you need to take action yourselves. Closing your eyes to it will not make it go away.

You have the opportunity to create a better world. A world without corruption and without war. A world where love is valued and respected, where all live in peace. We can do it !

It has been a very difficult time for you, my dear. Your spirit is strong. You know we will succeed. The month of October will bring many changes. Be on guard at all times. The light is spreading, and soon the dark will be overtaken by the light.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Please understand that because of the attacks on my life, it has not been possible to reply to emails. The battle has been brought to my doorstep. It is relentless.

However, I shall not give up. Together, we will succeed.


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RE: Truth tellers
10/1/2014 12:46:09 AM
This is exciting. A lot here, but interesting.

Preston James VT 9-30-14… “Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned”… “Majestic-12 has decided that Disclosure will be allowed”

Alright. Here I was, at about 12 midnight, ready to go to bed, and this thing (article) pops up. I knew I needed to read it, then post it. I felt very drawn to its message, and I feel it … Continue reading

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RE: Truth tellers
10/5/2014 4:20:27 AM

Governments seize colloidal silver shipments being used to successfully treat Ebola patients

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Thursday, 2-Oct-2014 09:37:02

(NaturalNews) Efforts to bring natural Ebola treatments to suffering West Africans have been squelched by the World Health Organization (WHO), which recently blocked multiple shipments of nanosilver solution measuring at 10 parts per million (ppm) from entering the region, leaving thousands to suffer needlessly.

WHO officials also reportedly called off a trial at an Ebola isolation ward where local health authorities were set to begin administering the silver, which the U.S. government previously demonstrated is highly effective against Ebola. WHO ordered the trial not to proceed despite the fact that it had earlier voiced support for experimental treatments.

Both WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have given their blessing to experimental therapies for Ebola, citing a lack of proven treatment options. But when it comes to using therapeutic silver, all bets are off, it seems.

Authorities block small shipment of nanosilver three times
According to the Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF), efforts to ship nanosilver into Sierra Leone have thus far failed. The organization has been trying to deliver a shipment of 200 bottles of nanosilver 10 ppm, and 100 tubes of nanosilver gel, to no avail. At this point, the shipment has been returned to the U.S. for the third time.

"That parcel, shipped Air Express at a cost of $3400 to Sierra Leone on August 20, never made it out of Paris," reads an NSF action alert. "Air France has yet to find a reason for that. But it made its way back to the US again, apparently for the 3rd time without being delivered to Africa."

People are dying, and bureaucrats are still playing politics with silver
Formerly classified documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) reveal that antimicrobial silver solutions like the kind NSF is trying to deliver to Africa have proven benefits in fighting Ebola and other forms of hemorrhagic fever. Research conducted by the DOD and several other federal agencies back in 2008 confirmed this, though health regulators largely ignored it.

A presentation entitled "Silver Nanoparticles Neutralize Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses," which revealed exactly what its name suggests, was buried and kept secret for years. In essence, investigators determined that simple silver solutions neutralize viruses like Arenavirus and Filovirus, both of which are related to Ebola.

Interestingly, the research was conducted with the backing of the DOD's Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the U.S. Strategic Command Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction. The presentation was given by researchers from the Applied Biotechnology Branch, 711th Human Performance Wing of the Air Force Research Laboratory.

But not a single mainstream media outlet reported on the presentation, and to this day its findings have been largely ignored by establishment health authorities. Sadly, this political quagmire -- nanosilver is an obvious threat to pharmaceutical interests, and thus is being marginalized -- is resulting in thousands of needless deaths in West Africa with no end in sight.

Contact your representatives and demand that nanosilver be used in Africa
NSF is calling on 10 million people to write their representatives and demand that clinical trials be conducted on nanosilver in Africa. The group says doctors and nurses need nanosilver to protect themselves, and patients need it to overcome the disease. Recommended dosages for each application are available at the following link; at the bottom of this page, you can also contact your representatives by inputting your zip code:

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