"Veronica survived the attack on her life last week. It hurt her body but she will recover. She is who she is, so she will complete her mission. She has become a threat to the Cabal because of the energy she is able to release in Ireland. This is why she foolishly took the opportunity to go there, without looking at the possible consequences. She needs to be in Ireland but the financial help is not coming in fast enough. A decision needs to be made. Do you want to create a world of light and peace, or carry on, just as you are, waiting to be culled?... For things to move forward, the Irish Centre must happen.
"How badly do you want peace, truth and harmony? How badly do you want to feed the hungry and provide homes for the homeless? How badly do you want to wake up each day with a clear conscience and know that you did your best to create a better world for all? Time is running out. There is no time to be complacent. Action is called for. How can you continue to close your eyes to the brutal corruption that cannot be hidden anymore? This is your big chance. The timing is right for you to remove all the corruption of the past. Are you up to it, or will you continue to hide behind your worn out excuses?
"What is happening in Ireland now is that outside influences are forcing the will of the government to act in a way that is detrimental to the Irish people and to Ireland itself. I call upon the women of Ireland to once more step forward and act in unison to remove the corruption. Women everywhere need to realise that it is feminine power that will succeed in making the changes necessary to take Planet Earth into the light. The men will support you. This is what must happen for us to survive. This is the End Game.
"...TIM SMITH of Chicago, in the USA, does not represent me in any way. Neither does he speak for me. He has NOTHING to do with my Foundation, nor will he ever have... I do not wish anyone to be led astray. Many are trying to infiltrate. They are causing problems. It is their desperation to survive that drives them on. One can only feel sorry for them."
Montague’s Message for Sunday 7 September 2014
The gloves are off, my dear. The REAL BATTLE of Light and Dark is now out in the open. It has shown its ugly face and the lengths they are prepared to go to, to hold on to power. They are showing their faces now; this is how desperate they are. What you have experienced in the last few weeks shows clearly how EVIL and CORRUPT they are. They will stop at nothing to try to hold on to power.
What was done to you was criminal. I have warned you many times in the past that
the Cabal wants you dead !
They failed again, this time, but the suffering you experienced is regrettable. They come to you, speaking kind words, understanding words, offering all kinds of assistance . . . they are only there to help. It is the method they use to infiltrate, to establish contact. Then the mask falls and the anger and control are displayed before it quickly changes to kind words again. When they think they have all that they need, they then play the heavy hand, and tell you that they have taken over. "Spirit has sent them".
I, Montague Keen, would like to make it clear that there is light, but also darkness, in the spirit world. When next someone comes to you and says that spirit has sent them, check if it is from the light or the dark side of spirit. It is important that you know how to defend yourselves. When someone appears on the scene, all kindness, and wanting only to be of service, check and double check who that person really is, and what is their real motive. These methods were used to take over your world in the first place. It worked then, and so they do it again and again. You must be awake and aware. Remind yourselves that you are in a battle to the end.
Veronica survived the attack on her life last week. It hurt her body but she will recover. She is who she is, so she will complete her mission. She has become a threat to the Cabal because of the energy she is able to release in Ireland. This is why she foolishly took the opportunity to go there, without looking at the possible consequences. She needs to be in Ireland but the financial help is not coming in fast enough. A decision needs to be made. Do you want to create a world of light and peace, or carry on, just as you are, waiting to be culled?
For things to move forward, the Irish Centre must happen. That KEY must be turned. How badly do you want peace, truth, and harmony? Use some of the money that will become useless to you when the banks fall, as it could be used now to enable you to defeat them. Andrew Bartzis fully understands what is going on. He has also explained to Veronica that she needs to be in Ireland for things to change. But she cannot do it without your help. She has put her life on the line in order to help create a better world. What are you prepared to do? Veronica is fighting a vicious battle for your survival. Are you prepared to help her? Veronica is who she is: she will not be defeated.
Again, I ask for your help, for the young man who is persued by the Dark Forces. HE IS IN GRAVE DANGER. HE NEEDS YOUR HELP TO SURVIVE. Please send your love, light, and protection. He must be protected from all that is EVIL. His role in your world is of great importance. This is why it is in the Cabal's interest to destroy him. Are you going to allow that to happen? He is a great threat to them.
How badly do you want peace, truth and harmony? How badly do you want to feed the hungry and provide homes for the homeless? How badly do you want to wake up each day with a clear conscience and know that you did your best to create a better world for all? Time is running out. There is no time to be complacent. Action is called for. How can you continue to close your eyes to the brutal corruption that cannot be hidden anymore? This is your big chance. The timing is right for you to remove all the corruption of the past. Are you up to it, or will you continue to hide behind your worn out excuses?
What is happening in Ireland now is that outside influences are forcing the will of the government to act in a way that is detrimental to the Irish people and to Ireland itself. I call upon the women of Ireland to once more step forward and act in unison to remove the corruption. Women everywhere need to realise that it is feminine power that will succeed in making the changes necessary to take Planet Earth into the light. The men will support you. This is what must happen for us to survive. This is the End Game.
I, Veronica Keen, need to point out that TIM SMITH of Chicago, in the USA, does not represent me in any way. Neither does he speak for me. He has NOTHING to do with my Foundation, nor will he ever have.
I do not wish anyone to be led astray. Many are trying to infiltrate. They are causing problems. It is their desperation to survive that drives them on. One can only feel sorry for them.
My dear, life is a real struggle when so much is pitched against you. You know the outcome, it will be as we have shown.
Always at your side, your adoring, Monty.