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RE: Truth tellers
7/7/2014 2:15:54 AM

Montague Keen Message 7-6-14… “Veronica is Moving to Create ‘The Ireland Centre’” (contribution opportunity)

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica37For those who wish to assist Veronica (and Monty) to purchase the Centre in Ireland, here is the Donation page. I sense that this is an important time to "crowd fund" this mission by Veronica(and family), as the work is greatly needed in Ireland, at this moment. We each have our Earth locations of mission, and this particular one, between Tara and Uisneach, is of the utmost significance.


Montague’s Message for Sunday 6 July 2014

It is not easy for me to ask my dear wife to leave the house we shared together. It is a house in which we knew great happiness. To leave her family and go to Ireland to work on your behalf. It takes high energy beings to work on the blocked energy. The reason her visits to Tara have been so successful is because she and three others were involved. They used their own energy to release what has been blocked for hundreds of years. This work is of the greatest importance to humanity. Everything will change when all the natural energy is released. It will expose the Dark Ones and make living on Earth very difficult for them and all who oppose you.

On the 26 June, Veronica, D and M, set off to view a possible Centre. They had no idea that it would indeed be perfect. It is on a direct line from Uisneach and Tara. This ensures wonderful energy. They were very excited with their find, which they were guided to, of course. This would facilitate working at both Tara and Uisneach on a regular basis.

Veronica needs funding in order to acquire this building and to make it into a Centre, our first Centre. We ask that you please consider helping Veronica to buy it. It is in the interest of humanity that this be established as soon as possible. Should Veronica not meet the deadline established by the vendor then we will lose what would be a valuable asset for the Foundation. The cost is 420,000 Euros. This can be done if those of you in each country decide to make it happen, for it will be of benefit to all.

There is chaos in your world. Everyone is having a hard time trying to survive. Dark energy is being widely used to cause stress, fear and confusion. The attacks on those such as Veronica, who endeavour to expose the truth, are stepping up. Be aware that you are only one among many others, should you experience this problem. The Dark Ones are in fear as too much light is being released. They cannot survive in it, so they are becoming desperate. They will lash out at all those who shed light on their dark deeds. This is why you must support each other. No one is safe from attack. They do not see you as equal to them, so they dispose of you without a second thought. Be proud to stand for truth, honour and justice for all. Their dark deeds are being exposed and they have nowhere to hide, so they brazen it out in the hope that you may forget what they have done.

The amount of confusing information is on the increase, so be discerning. Know who you can trust. If it sounds too good to be true, then recognise that this is indeed the case. The Shift is not going to be easy but every assistance will be given to guide humanity through these difficult times into the light. This is your year. Give all the energy you possibly can, to enable the light to remove all that is dark. Do not look to others to do this for you. Every one of you needs to take responsibility. Make plans to work together, for when you stand together, everything is possible.

The Cabal continues to dream up new ways to create FEAR. Do not fall for it. Check all the details before you accept what is being broadcast on your TVs, etc. Remember, they have many times in the past killed their own, in order to ensure that you believe you are under attack. Keep calm at all times. Consider carefully the "story" that they are trying to force on you. You are more awakened now, so you are able to make a mature appraisal of what is being said. Refuse to be dragged into the STRESS which the Cabal is creating. You are not being attacked by outside forces: they just want you to believe that you are.

Please make informed decisions on all the food that you put into your bodies. Do the best you can to get good wholesome food when possible. Try to keep to natural foods and medicines as much as you can. It is easy to look up all the advice you may need. Our Centres will make this sort of information available for everyone. Respect your body. It is the temple of your soul.

I ask that you now read Veronicas plea for funds for the Centre. I have helped her to write this. You must all have a hand in the changes you wish to see. Veronica has given ten years of her life to work with me, in order to inform you, and help you to see the light. You can make our dreams come true with the release of all the energy that will enable humanity to live in peace together. There will be no more wars or divisions of any sort.

LONDON, 5 July 2014

For humanity to survive it is necessary for me to move to Ireland. I am requested by Monty and the world of spirit to move to Ireland. The blocked energies in Ireland control our world. They must be released. Ireland is the key that will unlock everything.

I have lived in England for 55 years, so this is a huge step for me. It will mean moving away from my three children and five grandchildren. My mission requires me to do this. I do not have money and I do not own the house I live in. So I need your help to buy a Centre in Ireland.

On my last visit to Ireland we found the perfect building for this project. It is in a direct line from Tara and Uisneach. Its ENERGY is incredible. It is perfect in every way.

I ask you to please contribute in any way that you can. No amount is too small. Together, we can make this happen. Time is of the essence. I have 9 weeks to find the deposit of 40,000 Euros. Everyone who contributes will be acknowledged; their names will appear on a plaque in the entrance to the Centre.

We are creating our future. A future without the corruption that has destroyed our world and almost destroyed humanity itself. We are now fighting for our survival. The blocked energy must be released.

My friends and I had great success at Tara on the 26 May and the 23 June. This must continue. There are forces amongst us whose only objective is to cull humanity and to destroy all that humanity needs to survive. We cannot sit back and allow this to be done to us. Every day more evidence of this is exposed and we are shocked that this has happened without our knowledge. This is our opportunity to take control and to allow the light to penetrate, expose and remove all that is dark and corrupt.

Please help me do this.

With love and light, Veronica.

Believe in yourselves. You can do it.

My dear, rise above all that is done to you, as it will not go on forever.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
7/9/2014 2:12:43 PM

Kevin Barrett VT, 7-8-14… “ISIL funded by US to break up region” or, “How to be a ‘Big Daddy’ and get a free Rolex”…

by kauilapele

veterans_today_kevin_barrett_banner_3This article (and interview) with Kevin Barrett (on PressTV) is brilliant, in my view. He exposes and calls out the whole MSM story about ISIL (ISIS) and lays it bare for all to see. Here is a link to the video ((YouTube version) that's Part 1; Part 2 has been removed, so view at PressTV for the whole interview).


Bigdaddy’s Rolex: Your tax dollars at work
(click to enlarge)

One more thing... "Isil leader Al Baghdadi"? Doesn't that sound like a possible CIA-fake-named leader? Yes I know there's Baghdad, Iraq. But... "Baghdadi"... kind of sounds like "Big Daddy" to me. And who's "Big Daddy"? Could it possibly be "THE USA CORP" and associates? (aka, "the deep states").

My "guess"... only the "Big Daddy" (aka, "the deep states") would give a Rolex to the "Baghdadi 'Big Daddy'"!


ISIL funded by US to break up region

Press TV has conducted an interview with Middle East expert Dr. Kevin Barrett to talk about ISIL militants operating in Iraq.

What follows is a rough transcription of the interview:

Press TV: let’s start with what our guest Mr. Korb said. He says the US has not been providing any weapons to these insurgents, the assistance has been nonlethal. First of all, tell us about those comments. What you think there and basically where are these weapons coming from? Who has been pouring these weapons and funds into the region that is now, apparently in the hands of these extremist groups, especially the ISIL, which is fighting not just the Syria, but in Iraq now?

Barrett: Well, Mr. Korb is being a bit disingenuous suggesting that the Assad government in Syria is responsible for arming ISIL due to buying oil from them. I don’t know whether there is any such purchase, but the fact of the matter is that is obviously not where they are getting their arms.

They are getting their arms from the deep state network that ties together the sort of unofficial real governments, not the elected governments, but the deep states of the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel, maybe throw in Qatar, if you want to.

There was a Safari club that united the deep state apparatuses of these countries in the past and something like it is still undoubtedly in place. So, the US has two policies. One is its official policy, which is opposed to ISIL and similar extremist Takfiri groups, which says it wants to hold Iraq together and so on.

But the real policy is being run by the unofficial deep state, the government that has nothing to do with the elected officials who are supposed to be in charge. This is a plutocracy, which intersects with organized crime. And this is the real government of the United States of America.

Unfortunately we do not have a democratically elected government here anymore. We do not have a Constitution anymore. So, this imperial deep state has been taking US taxpayer dollars and probably a lot more CIA drug-smuggling dollars. There is a massive drug smuggling operation. US military planes are flying heroin from Pakistan straight to the United States. Every day a plane full of heroin is leaving Pakistan, heading for the West. The massive profits from this are being used to arm ISIL and to do other secret errands of this deep state.

So ISIL is massively armed and funded by what we might call the real deep state of the West, which is an organized crime organization. And it would be nice if the official government would stand up against it to implement the official policy for the region, which would be better than what is being currently carried out by this organized crime effort. They have armed ISIL vastly more than they have armed the government in Iraq.

The US won’t even deliver fighter planes to Iraq that have been paid for. The US disarmed the Iraqi army years ago and never really rearmed it. And currently Nouri al-Maliki is going to have to turn to the Russians and to Iran for help, because the US is actually helping this extremist Takfiri “too extreme for al-Qaeda” ISIL establish this bogus caliphate, smear Islam, and smash the countries of the region. That is the real policy here

Press TV: First of all, do you think that a transitional government, the idea that was proposed in Geneva would have worked and was the solution? Why didn’t it work? And who was responsible there? And also how that election in Syria has changed things in your opinion? And why do you think the US is calling it a farce?

Barrett: The problem is that a transitional government, which conceivably could work if there were UN supervised elections that were honestly observed by all sides – that probably could be something that could be worked out in some time in the future – but that is not what the US is asking for in Geneva. The US is trying to push “Assad must go” as a prerequisite for anything else. In fact the Syrian people did vote for President Assad in the recent elections. In fact all of the polling data shows that he does have majority support in Syria.

I’m not a huge fan of President Assad and I am not sure I’d vote for him if I were a Syrian, but I’m not a Syrian. It’s not my business. Syrian people have the right to determine their own future and hostile foreign observers, including al-Jazeera, the state service from Qatar said at the lowest point of Assad’s popularity he was still polling 55 percent positive support. And it is much higher now that the so-called resistance has revealed itself a gang of liver-eating lunatics.

So, I think that Mr. Korb is being again very disingenuous by trying to claim that the US was supporting Syrian people against the Assad government. That is just not the case. It was basically following consciously or unconsciously the Oded Yinon Israeli plan to break up Middle Eastern countries into pieces. The US has been used by the Zionists to create these divisions: sectarian divisions, ethnic divisions in Middle Eastern countries in order to break them up.

And if you look at what the actual US policy is in the countries, you will see that it’s always officially mouthing some kind of platitude like what we are hearing from the mouth of Mr. Korb, but the reality is always working to enable these Takfiri militants and anyone else who is helping to break up these countries. For instance, the stalling that has been going on over Iraq, where the US says we won’t give the Iraqi government any arms to fight against these extremists until basically Prime Minister Maliki resigns in favor of some new so-called inclusive government.

Well, that’s actually a non-starter and the purpose of saying that isn’t to actually make it happen. The reason the United States is putting that forward is simply to stall to allow ISIL, which is funded by the American deep state, to grab more territory. And likewise in Syria, it’s the same thing. The US is putting forward proposals that are complete non-starters. Keeping Iran away from the table in Geneva, saying Assad – who clearly has majority support in Syria, anyone who says he doesn’t is a liar or a lunatic – saying he must step down. These are complete non-starters.

The whole purpose is allow extremists and sectarian secessionist forces in the Middle East to do their dirty work, to break up these countries into little pieces in line with the Oded Yinon for the balkanization of the Middle East. That is the real US policy that is being pursued by the real government of the United States, which is the organized crime deep state, drug-smuggling deep state of the United States in control of the US and US Middle East policy. The Zionists have a huge hand in that. That is the real policy and I guess Mr. Korb just hasn’t gotten the memo.

Press TV: Who do you think is responsible for the arrival of ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq? And we know according to one report, it is the world’s richest terror group with one and a half billion pounds in its coffers. Where is this money coming from?

Barrett: It’s coming from some of the same places that have funded various insurgencies and counter-insurgencies all over the world, which again, is this deep state that the empire uses to do its dirty work. The same places that have funded the destruction of Ukraine, the five billion dollars that Victoria Nuland said went to destroy Ukraine, the same kinds of sources are giving similar sums to the Takfiris and other groups in the Middle East who promised to destabilize the region.

This is the destabilization doctrine which is now the core of US policy. So that money is coming from US taxpayers. There is the official aid that is being sent, the nonlethal aid being sent to the so-called good terrorists, the pro-American people who have absolutely zero support in the region…but behind the scenes, the real action is where the weapons are being secretly given to ISIS. And this has been going on for quite some time. It is the same method all over the world. The US empire does this everywhere: it essentially covertly arms and funds groups in a way that is deniable.

It is done behind the scenes. So this money is coming from US taxpayers, it’s coming from masses of profits of CIA-linked drug smuggling which have been estimated more than one and a half trillion dollars a year, which gets laundered through various corrupt corporations.

So they buy arms for whoever the empire wants to destabilize, or rather for the opponents of whoever they want to destabilize. And then of course, the Saudis, Qataris and other Gulf actors, there is a lot of oil money from the Gulf that is also kicking in. So that is where the money is coming from. It is certainly not coming from oil purchases made by Assad. Talk about ridiculous conspiracy theories. I have been called a conspiracy theorist and I have never come up with anything quite that outlandish as this story that Assad wants to undermine himself by creating Takfiri terrorists to slaughter his soldiers and to dismember his country. That is completely ludicrous. Mr. Korb, you should be ashamed of yourself.

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RE: Truth tellers
7/9/2014 4:50:20 PM

The Life of The Land is Preserved in Righteousness

The Life of The Land is Preserved in Righteousness

By the Keenan Team


“The surrounding ocean and life within and beneath are under my protection. Our history and all the bones of the dead are under my protection. Our culture and traditions are under my protection. Every Kanaka Maoli and non-Hawaiian, who is a citizen or subject of the Kingdom, is under my protection. Everything throughout this Archipelago, to include all the sacred Heiau and ancient burial sites, is under my protection. It is my anointed and sacred duty to protect our Kingdom and perpetuate our culture and traditions so that they continue throughout the ages, well after the time when we are all gone. Every good and bad thing that happens throughout this Kingdom is my kuleana; I am the King and answerable only to Akua, God of the Most High.” His Majesty Edmund Keli’i Silva, Jr., King of Hawaii

As we continue along the golden brick road toward a deeper understanding of relevant geopolitical events occurring on both the national and worldwide stage, let us turn our focus of attention toward The Kingdom of Hawaii. It is little known in the West the process by which the Kingdom of Hawaii was annexed by THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION and later in 1959 to “officially” become its 50th State.


On January 17, 1893, facing the threat of personal injury and possible death of her loved ones, Queen Lili’uokalani was forced to abdicate Hawaiian Sovereignty. Composed primarily of U.S. nationals and backed by the U.S. military, an emergency provincial government seized total control of Queen Lili’uokalani’s nation. The details leading to and surrounding this surrender and subsequent theft of the Hawaiian Kingdom are abominable, illegal and indisputable.


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RE: Truth tellers
7/21/2014 2:29:45 AM

Montague Keen Message 7-20-14… “Open your hearts and welcome the light, as it will change everything for the better”

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica39There are several uplifting parts to this message from Monty. Here are a few that struck me.

[PS... it looks as if they (we) have raised about 36,000 euros for the Ireland Center (okay, "Centre")).]

"The Awakening is now preventing the Cabal from being successful with its FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS. The majority of the population now sees these staged events for what they are. They will not work any more, no matter how convincing they may appear. That formula can never work again... All their efforts to start World War III have been exposed and they will continue to be exposed.

"These next few weeks are of great importance. Much can happen. Open your hearts and welcome the light, as it will change everything for the better. Once you see the past and how controlled you were; how they destroyed your quality of life, you will have no more fear. Rather, you will look on those who controlled you with pity and you will wonder how you could ever have accepted them as superior to you.

"The Vatican is facing the end of its rule. It cannot be allowed to survive. Surely by now, everyone has opened their eyes to the TRUTH. It is responsible for forcing so many to live and die in FEAR. It has destroyed so many lives... The ancient religion of love, practised in Ireland before Vatican rule, will surface again, and people will embrace it and live in peace.

"You, each one of you, is now responsible for creating the future you wish to see. No more lies: everything out in the open, completely transparent, as it always should have been.

"Take responsibility and make it happen. It is in your hands, as you are the architects of the future you wish to see. Prepare for the demise of the old system of control. Make a pledge to your children and all future generations that you will take all the necessary steps to assist the transition, and that you will no longer assist, or pay lip-service, to the corrupt control system that now binds you."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 20 July 2014

The Awakening is now preventing the Cabal from being successful with its FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS. The majority of the population now sees these staged events for what they are. They will not work any more, no matter how convincing they may appear. That formula can never work again.

All their efforts to start World War III have been exposed and they will continue to be exposed. Humanity has moved on from gullibly believing all that it is told on television and in the newspapers. The so-called experts are wasting their time trying to convince the awakened to believe their lies. Those days are over.

These next few weeks are of great importance. Much can happen. Open your hearts and welcome the light, as it will change everything for the better. Once you see the past and how controlled you were; how they destroyed your quality of life, you will have no more fear. Rather, you will look on those who controlled you with pity and you will wonder how you could ever have accepted them as superior to you.

Everything in your lives will change, nothing will remain the same. Those of you who are prepared, will be fine. But those who have not prepared, will be in distress. These are the ones that will need your help.

Our Centres will provide such help. They will have people who will help everyone to make the transition. We have asked for help to set up the first one. Unfortunately, we have to use the Cabal's monetary system to provide the funds required to purchase the Centre. People will be taught how to live without the Cabal's control system, to which you have become so accustomed. You need to help the change to happen as quickly as possible, so that the killings stop. It is all in your hands. So prepare to move forward, out of the 3D reality that controls every aspect of your lives. Every legal paper is telling you that you are nothing: nobody. You do not own your house, you do not own your car. Read the documents that you blindly accept and sign. These should tell you that all is not as you believed and hoped it to be. You have been fooled, lied to, and deceived. You need to wake up to all this and take the right steps to change it.

Through our Centres, we will guide you through the mire of deception. I ask that you help to make them happen, as they will benefit all who seek truth and light. So many wonderful people have offered to help at the Centres. They have studied the necessary disciplines that will provide information on how to grow food and provide free energy; the ability
to survive the disasters which you are now trying to cope with. Come together and go forward into the Age of Light and Love.

The Vatican is facing the end of its rule. It cannot be allowed to survive. Surely by now, everyone has opened their
eyes to the TRUTH. It is responsible for forcing so many to live and die in FEAR. It has destroyed so many lives.

The ancient religion of love, practised in Ireland before Vatican rule, will surface again, and people will embrace it and live
in peace.

You, each one of you, is now responsible for creating the future you wish to see. No more lies: everything out in the open, completely transparent, as it always should have been.

Take responsibility and make it happen. It is in your hands, as you are the architects of the future you wish to see. Prepare for the demise of the old system of control. Make a pledge to your children and all future generations that you will take all the necessary steps to assist the transition, and that you will no longer assist, or pay lip-service, to the corrupt control system that now binds you.

I promise you, your future is beyond your wildest dreams! It is all there, waiting for you to take the necessary steps to make it happen. So believe in yourselves. You can make it happen.

You find yourselves at a crossroad where a decision must be made: do you stick with the 3D controlled thinking, or step into a brighter future with confidence, in the sure knowledge that any assistance you may need to create a better world for all, is right there waiting for you to take the next steps.

There can be no standing on the sidelines, as a decision has to be made, and made soon. The progression into the light cannot be delayed. Step out of the FEAR and move forward, or remain in the fear of life itself, and continue an existence, possibly worse than you have experienced up till now, for it would be without light.

Think carefully of your options before making a decision. Veronica and I have endeavoured to show you the choices but the decision is yours.

Please keep up your splendid work on the ley lines. One day, you will realise the importance of this work which will open many doors for you.

My dear, your workload increases each day. You bear a heavy load. You know in your soul that your mission will succeed, for you were shown the end results.

My love constantly surrounds you. You are never alone.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

NB. Monty has just reminded me that I forgot to add what he had written to thank all who have donated.

Both sides of life wish to extend our deep gratitude to all those who have donated towards the purchase of our first Centre. All the names will be written on the wall so that they will never be forgotten. They made it happen. They have taken the first steps into a better future.

Thank you.

[Kp note: click here to see what the donation total is.]

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RE: Truth tellers
7/28/2014 4:50:36 AM

Montague Keen Message 7-27-14… “Every day you become more awake and aware of your own power”

by kauilapele


"My friends, every day you become more awake and aware of your own power. You are now seeing for yourselves how things changed when you began the work on the ley lines. I cannot stipulate enough the importance of releasing this ENERGY. Please continue and intensify this work as it is your SALVATION. The evidence of this is everywhere. Know that the Cabal's inability to start WW3 is due to your work on the ley lines, obelisks, and all such structures of control. You are becoming powerful beings of light once more.

"There are those among you who are so locked into the 3D mentality that FEAR keeps them imprisoned in it. They lash out at all who advocate light and love. They try to gather other 3D people around them. They attack those who wish to progress into the light. They take a grain of truth, embellish it with all the darkness within them, and use it in an effort to destroy the inevitable. They should know that the light will not, and cannot, be extinguished. The great change will happen in spite of these lost souls.

"Every day, you witness the massacre of the innocent, but you do nothing to stop it. Do you not think that, one day, they will come to your door? Who will speak up for you? Every one of you is a PALESTINIAN. That is just a label. It is humanity that is being killed off. Yet you are standing by, closing your eyes to it. If you want platitudes from heaven, then you have come to the wrong site. Our purpose is to create a better world for all.

"Life is very tough for Veronica. Please send love and light. We ask a lot of her and she gives without question. Those on Earth right now, with missions to fulfill, are all going through difficult times. There is a massive power struggle happening: the Light versus the Dark. The Dark will fight to the bitter end for its survival. They do not care who or what they destroy in the process. THIS IS THE END GAME."


Montague’s Message for Sunday 27 July 2014

My friends, every day you become more awake and aware of your own power. You are now seeing for yourselves how things changed when you began the work on the ley lines. I cannot stipulate enough the importance of releasing this ENERGY. Please continue and intensify this work as it is your SALVATION. The evidence of this is everywhere. Know that the Cabal's inability to start WW3 is due to your work on the ley lines, obelisks, and all such structures of control. You are becoming powerful beings of light once more. The Dark extinguised your light, but through your energy work, you are removing the dark controls that bound you to them. Now, every day, you cut more chains and remove more blocks. Through this work, you will reinstate a world of love and peace for all. Every country will be part of this great awakening and the coming together of humanity. 1 August is LUGHNASAD. I ask that you put special effort into your ley line work on that day. YOU ARE WINNING THE WAR OF LIGHT OVER DARK. Keep up the momentum and all wars will cease and justice will be restored.

There are those among you who are so locked into the 3D mentality that FEAR keeps them imprisoned in it. They lash out at all who advocate light and love. They try to gather other 3D people around them. They attack those who wish to progress into the light. They take a grain of truth, embellish it with all the darkness within them, and use it in an effort to destroy the inevitable. They should know that the light will not, and cannot, be extinguished. The great change will happen in spite of these lost souls.

Everything, and I mean everything, will change. Nothing in your lives will be the same after the Transition. For this, you need to prepare, and equip yourselves with as much information as possible, so that you will not be floundering in darkness when the dark falls. Greater minds than Veronica decided that Centres are needed, in order to provide help and guidance to humanity. I, myself, and some of the greatest minds who have walked the Earth, have come together to work with her in order to assist humanity. Veronica knows our plans. She agreed to work with us before returning to Earth. The Dark Cabal is using everything in its power to prevent this happening. They can no longer hide what they are doing. Think for a moment what she is up against. She was attacked again, last week. We have to constantly increase her protection. She made a commitment to help rescue humanity and that is what she intends to do. She is not alone. There are many throughout your world, though you may not be aware of them yet. Each is working towards the same end. So instead of criticising, you should look into your own hearts and ask how you can help to rescue humanity and this beautiful planet.

Every day, you witness the massacre of the innocent, but you do nothing to stop it. Do you not think that, one day, they will come to your door? Who will speak up for you? Every one of you is a PALESTINIAN. That is just a label. It is humanity that is being killed off. Yet you are standing by, closing your eyes to it. If you want platitudes from heaven, then you have come to the wrong site. Our purpose is to create a better world for all.

Through our Centres we can do just that. To those who have donated, we extend our grateful thanks. You are the ones who want a better world and are prepared to take the steps to make it happen. It is necessary to come together as one and become the power. You are the 99%. You decide what you want and together you can create it. When thought and emotion come together, you can make it happen. Believe in yourselves, not the puppets who pretend to be "in power". They all answer to the ONE CONTROLLING POWER.

IT IS TIME FOR ALL THOSE GAMES TO STOP. Truth must be revealed. Then, mankind can come together in the light. Once you overcome FEAR, you can step into your own innate power where nothing can stop you. So be brave. Forget all that has divided you which has been man-made to reduce your power. The Dark's greatest FEAR is humanity coming together and realising who they are: a real power to be reckoned with. The Dark will disappear in a flash when this happens, for they fear you. Together, you have nothing to fear from them, as without your support they are helpless. Have the courage of your convictions and stand together.

Life is very tough for Veronica. Please send love and light. We ask a lot of her and she gives without question. Those on Earth right now, with missions to fulfill, are all going through difficult times. There is a massive power struggle happening: the Light versus the Dark. The Dark will fight to the bitter end for its survival. They do not care who or what they destroy in the process. THIS IS THE END GAME.

My dear, they are trying to cause confusion around you. Do not buy into it. What is meant to happen will happen, and in your soul, you know that.

Always at your side, your adoring, Monty.


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