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RE: Truth tellers
6/4/2014 10:23:50 PM
Montague Keen, Sunday, June 1, 2014

So much has happened since we last wrote, my dear. I want you to know that you achieved great success in Ireland. This is why the cabal retaliated as it did; otherwise your visit would have been ignored. [ BLACK PAINT was poured over the Lea Fail after my visit. The Lea Fail is an ancient monument on Tara that is sacred to the Irish people.]

In 2012, on the Hill of Tara by the Lea Fail, when you revoked the control that the Vatican had over you, when you clearly heard the beat of ancient drums under your feet, they attacked it with a hammer. Are they frightened of you, my dear?

[Comment from Veronica: Before I went to Ireland, a big blue eye had desended on me as I lay in bed. I felt it had come to warn me that they are watching me. It happened again in the Hotel in Dublin.]

The network and I are grateful to all those who took the time to meet and talk with you in Dublin. You met some very special people who will walk this path with you. Ireland is waking up. They are a highly intelligent people who can tap into ancient history and knowledge: it is in their souls.

You now fully understand why Ireland is the key that will unlock everything. This key is being turned, and with the will of the people using the power of their minds in meditation, they can help you to reveal all that was hidden, and thereby restore the light of love to humanity. Use the photographs of TARA to concentrate your energies as you meditate. Your future depends on this. Please continue the work on the ley lines. All this contributes to the success of this mission. Freedom from the control system is within your grasp: so go for it. You will do this, my dear. I know that you were exhausted after all the walking and climbing of hills and stiles, etc. It was difficult for you but you knew it had to be done. You must return to Ireland as soon as possible to take things further. This exercise must be continued until complete success is achieved. Know that those who walk with you were specially chosen to do so. We, on this side of life, are orchestrating everything, but unfortunately, you have to do the heavy work. We are grateful to all those who have assisted you in this, whether financially, or by offering an arm to help you climb those steep hills, or through their words of encouragement.

Your success on the Hill of Tara is beyond question. You have seen the evidence for yourself. We watched as you read out Andrew’s Revocations [Andrew Bartzis] beside the Lea Fail. That, my love, will be remembered in years to come. Those who poured the paint over this ancient monument only showed their ignorance of the importance of Tara. The energies go deep underground where the cabal cannot penetrate them. Only the pure of heart can release them.

The Expedition to Ireland that you and Andrew are planning is of great importance to your planet. It is important that as many different nationalities as possible take part. You must come together as one, without reference to race or creed: just humanity, as one powerful group restoring the light. The Irish people will welcome you and will be happy to explore their most sacred places with you.

I know how much it meant to you to visit UISNEACH, my dear. Yes, it is the most amazing place, full of spirit, druids, ancient kings and queens of Ireland: they never leave it. The climbing was tough on you but there were kind souls on hand to assist you. There is so much to see and experience there. One visit is not enough. Once you connect with it, it never leaves you.

You used the energy of the CAT STONE as you sat on it to read Andrew’s Revocations. It is time for humanity to remove the corruption and realise that everyone can live peacefully together on Earth. There is no need for war. You are being asked to kill your own kind. Why would you want to do that? Why are you being asked to do that? The cabal wants to reduce the population and they are using you to do it for them. You are manipulated from cradle to grave, and you are only just waking up to this fact. Action is needed now to remove this manipulation. Otherwise you will not survive. You need to take action as it will not happen without your full cooperation. Do not allow yourselves to be lulled into a false sense of security by believing well-meaning “channelers” who are fed information straight from the ARCHONS, who pretend to be deceased souls or names from the past. You will all have to be active in the removal of the corruption. We can help and advise you, but you need to take responsibility. Equip yourselves with all the necessary information, as knowledge is power.

You will find the Irish everywhere. They were always great travellers, so this information will resonate with them and hopefully bring them together once more, to create a peaceful world for all. The truth can no longer be ignored.

My dear, Marcia’s wedding was a splendid affair. We in spirit wish Marcia and Paul a long and happy life together.

May I request assistance by way of love and light for a wonderful soul, HF, who is fighting against corruption in the British Law Courts, single handedly. She stands to lose her livelihood and home, due to the blatant manipulation and lies of law firms, insurance companies, and the negligence of the judiciary. IF SHE IS SUCCESSFUL IN HER ACTIONS IN THE COURTS, HER SUCCESS WILL HAVE A HUGE IMPACT ON THOUSANDS OF OTHERS WHO HAVE BEEN FAILED BY THE COURTS AND WHO HAVE SUFFERED AT THE HANDS OF THE CORRUPT ELEMENTS OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION. Please take a few moments to send her love and light so that the truth may prevail. Also, send love and light to the Royal Courts of Justice so that others who are struggling may also benefit at this time.

You, my dear, went through a similar experience when I passed to spirit. My lawful Last Will and Testament was set aside by my blood family because you were not a Jew. You know that it was my dearest wish to ensure that you were looked after, but as you found out to your cost, the corrupt rule, and people suffer as a consequence. You have survived, my dear, against all the odds. The court system is a den of vipers that I would not wish on anyone. Send love and support to all those who are caught up in it.

Our mission is on its way and more people join it every day. All are welcome. Take it steady, my dear, as you are not as young as you used to be ! Love will light the way.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
6/7/2014 5:35:29 AM

Kevin Barrett VT 6-6-14… “Bilderberg plots New World Order agenda”

by kauilapele

veterans_today_kevin_barrett_banner_1Although there's "nothing new", necessarily, about the Bilderbergers objectives in this piece, I liked the points Kevin made about "the world is fighting back".


Bilderberg plots New World Order agenda
15_Bilderberg_2014_Generic-300x231Every year, the world’s most powerful people meet in secret. Their agenda: total world domination. Big media observe a near-total blackout.

It sounds like dystopian science fiction, or a conspiracy theorist’s worst nightmare.

The strangest part is that it’s true. The 2011 destabilization of Syria, the 9/11/2008 Goldman-Sachs-led controlled demolition of the world economy, and probably even the 9/11 false flag events were all plotted or okayed by the Bilderbergers.

Fortunately, the world is fighting back. The rise of the internet-based alternative media has shredded the secrecy surrounding the annual Bilderberg conference, allowing the people a glimpse of what their masters have in store for them. And the nations resisting the Bilderbergers’ world takeover attempt, led by Iran, Russia and China, are gaining ground.

That is why this year’s Bilderberg conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, which ended on June 1st, was an exercise in damage control.

The Bilderbergers’ first concern, according to journalist Daniel Estulin, is the rise of Iran, Russia and China. The gas deal between Russia and China – and Iran and Russia’s successful defense of Syria against NATO-led aggression – have raised grave questions about whether the Bilderberg-led West can continue its world-domination scheme.

May 2014 brought bad news for the Bilderbergers. Russia, stung by NATO skullduggery in Ukraine, announced that it is spearheading a new Eurasian Economic Union. Meanwhile, China has just called for an Asian Security Alliance that would include Russia and Iran. All of this, on top of the Russia-China gas pipeline deal, suggests that the world is spinning out of the Bilderbergers’ control.

In response to these setbacks, the Bilderbergers are contemplating a “grand bargain” with Iran. They recognize that the West’s Zionist-driven economic sanctions have failed. The sanctions have simply led to Iran trading with China and Russia rather than the West. Ending the sanctions could set off an economic boom in Iran, allowing the West to share in the profits.

A “grand bargain” could help situate Iran as an independent third party rather than a full-fledged fire-breathing member of the new Eurasian anti-West alliance. This could represent a big win for Tehran, turning it into world’s-most-courted debutante. It would signal the West’s belated acceptance of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, and put an end to the bullying, threats, and violence that have characterized the West’s policy toward Iran since 1979.

The Bilderbergers’ next concern, according to Estulin, is the rise of anti-EU sentiment in Europe. The success of nationalist parties in the recent European Parliamentary elections represents a direct challenge to the Bilderbergers’ long-term vision of a US-EU alliance ushering in the New World Order.

Estulin’s source says the Bilderbergers put this item on their agenda even before the recent EU elections. He says the New World Order elite is worried that “a nationally driven and divided Europe would be reluctant to take globalization for granted.” Indeed, the EU’s destruction of national sovereignty is supposed to be the model for what is in store for the whole world. If the EU sputters and dies, the dream of an American-European-Zionist New World Order dies with it.

The Bilderbergers are also worried about the blowback from Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA spying. They are worried that American and especially European citizens will demand privacy protections that will impede the NSA’s “total information awareness.” (The NSA is the all-seeing-eye at the top of the New World Order pyramid depicted on the US dollar bill.) The Bilderbergers discussed strategies for defeating the privacy-rights advocates and continuing their progress towards a world in which everyone and everything is under total, permanent surveillance. They recently gained a small victory by limiting a German investigation into NSA surveillance and blackmail of that nation’s leaders.

The most disconcerting and ominous item on this year’s Bilderberg agenda was a forum on criticisms of Barack Obama’s foreign policy. Daniel Estulin quotes the Bilderbergers:

“Critics of the US president blame him for betraying America’s leadership overseas, citing failures to defend American interests in Syria and lately in Ukraine. Obama’s newly announced doctrine calls on scaling down reliance on military force and using diplomacy and collective action instead. Bilderberg members will discuss whether this policy is doomed.”

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RE: Truth tellers
6/11/2014 2:14:11 AM
Folks, you just got to watch this one. I didn't think anyone could sound so DUMB. And he is an arch bishop ??????????
St. Louis Archbishop Didn't Know Sex With Children Was a Crime - NBC News
The St. Louis Archbishop embroiled in a sexual abuse scandal testified last month that he didn’t kno...

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RE: Truth tellers
6/16/2014 2:54:32 AM 6-12-14… “Bee Killers Sponsor National Pollinator Week (And 3 Ways They Are Killing Bees)” and “Bee FOR Bees”

by kauilapele

bee_the_changeFound this at NesaraNews (PS, if you feel drawn to, please send Light and Love to John McH., who was recently hospitalized).

I also point those interested to this Facebook event, Bee Against Monsanto, on August 16 (although I would re-title this, and add the intent, "Bee FOR Bees").


Bee Killers Sponsor National Pollinator Week (And 3 Ways They Are Killing Bees)

rcumminsConcerned about the bees and the butterflies? Interested in celebrating National Pollinator Week? It’s happening next week, June 16-22.

And it’s brought to you, in part, by none other than Monsanto and Bayer.

New York March Against Monsanto. Glynnis Jones / Shutterstock.comNew York March Against Monsanto. Glynnis Jones /

In 2007, the U.S. Senate designated a week in June as National Pollinator Week. Every year, the Secretary of Agriculture signs a National Pollinator Week proclamation. As the public has grown increasingly concerned about the link between toxic chemicals and the die-off of bees and monarch butterflies, National Pollinator Week has evolved into the Pollinator Partnership. The Pollinator Partnership is a nonprofit that describes itself as “the largest organization in the world dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems.”

Who supports (i.e. funds) the Pollinator Partnership? Among others, Bayer and Monsanto—the very companies that are killing pollinators with insecticides and genetically engineered crops.

It’s all part of a well-documented, well-funded (and shameless) public relations campaign by the pesticide industry to give the appearance of “caring” about the die-off of bees and butterflies, while diverting attention from the cause of those die-offs—highly profitable products made by Monsanto and Bayer.

Let’s take back National Pollinators Week. By spreading the truth about the connections between Monsanto’s genetically engineered crops, Bayer’s neonicotinoid insecticides and Colony Collapse Disorder.

In honor of Pollinator Week, share this article. And make plans to join a pollinators celebration that hasn’t been taken over by the agrichemical and biotech companies: Bee Against Monsanto’s Global Swarm to Save the Bees on Aug. 16.

Three ways Monsanto and Bayer are killing the bees:

1. Monsanto’s genetically engineered, herbicide-tolerant “Roundup Ready” crops

In 2000, scientists discovered that genetically engineered traits in pollen can be transferred to bees though their digestive systems.

Researcher Hans-Hinrich Kaatz, a leading German zoologist, released bees in a field of canola that had been genetically engineered to tolerate Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. He then fed the canola pollen to younger bees and observed that the bacteria in the guts of the young bees took on the traits of the canola’s modified genes.

Kaatz’s research predated Colony Collapse Disorder. That term, for the disappearance of bees from the hive, wasn’t coined by scientists until 2006.

With the mass death of bees yet to come, the discussion of Kaatz’s findings focused less on how Monsanto’s genetically engineered herbicide-tolerant “Roundup Ready” crops could harm bees, and more on his research’s suggestion that all types of bacteria could be contaminated by engineered genes, including those that live inside the human digestive system. Scientists warned that this would impact the bacteria’s vital role in helping the human body fight disease and aid digestion. Even worse, if the antibiotic-resistant gene used in genetically engineered crops crossed over to bacteria, it would cause human infections to become resistant to antibiotics.

The warnings were prescient. Kaatz’s work foreshadowed the correlation between the increase of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops in the human diet, and the rise of gastrointestinal disorders, immune diseases and antibiotic resistant infections.

Inadvertently, he also predicted how the increased use of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops would spur Colony Collapse Disorder in bees.

When Colony Collapse Disorder hit in 2006, others picked up where Kaatz left off.

In 2010, Terrence N. Ingram, a commercial beekeeper for 55 years, published an article in 2010 in Mother Earth News that detailed the struggles he’d had since his neighbors started spraying Roundup on their genetically engineered herbicide-tolerant soy in 1996. He went from producing 15 tons of honey a year down to four.

“The bees never had a chance,” he wrote, “and all of the hives were dead before winter.”

In 2012, his bees disappeared while he was out of town. This time it wasn’t the neighbor’s herbicide sprays, it was the Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDA). Under the pretense that Ingram’s hives were infected with foulbrood, the agency destroyed them to prevent the spread of the disease.

Ingram believed IDA’s action had more to do with his 15 years of research into the effect of Roundup on honeybees. His suspicions were fueled by the fact that IDA’s theft included the hive of a queen bee that may have had a genetic resistance to Roundup.

“Knowing that Monsanto and the Department of Agriculture are in bed together, one has to wonder if Monsanto was behind the theft to ruin my research that may prove Roundup was, and is, killing honeybees,” Ingram told local Prairie Advocate reporter Tom Kocal.

Ingram hasn’t been able to get his bees back. But his hunch that Roundup was killing his bees is gathering support.

The suspicions voiced in Ingram’s 2010 Mother Earth News article were backed up with scientific evidence in 2013, when plant pathologist Dr. Don Huber published a paper written for the Center for Honeybee Research that names glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, as a possible cause of Colony Collapse Disorder.

According to Huber, “The exposure, physiological damage, and biological impact of glyphosate are consistent with all of the known conditions related to CCD. Of all of the potential individual factors implicated in CCD, glyphosate is the only compound extensively used worldwide where CCD occurs that impacts all of them.”

2. Monsanto’s insecticide-producing, genetically engineered “Bt” Crops

In research from 2001-2004, Hans-Hinrich Kaatz conducted another investigation into the impact of Monsanto’s genetically engineered crops on honeybees. This time, he looked at “Bt crops” that have been genetically engineered to produce insecticide.

Kaatz found that genetically engineered Bt toxin didn’t kill healthy honeybees.

But as it turned out, not all the bees in his study were healthy. Just by chance, some of the bees were simultaneously exposed to a parasite along with the engineered toxin. In that group, there was a “significantly stronger decline in the number of bees.” According to Kaatz, the bacterial toxin in the genetically modified corn may have “altered the surface of the bee’s intestines, sufficiently weakening the bees to allow the parasites to gain entry.”

Because of the harmful effect that the pollen of Bt crops could have on bees, in 2012, Poland’s Agriculture Minister Marek Sawicki imposed a complete ban on growing MON810 corn, a Bt crop that is the only genetically engineered crop grown in the EU.

3. Monsanto’s genetically engineered seeds treated with Bayer’s insecticides

Looking at the science, it’s hard not to wonder if Monsanto isn’t killing bees intentionally. Especially when the company buys out a bee research firm and proposes use genetic engineering to address Colony Collapse Disorder.

It’s bad enough that Monsanto produces genetically engineered crops that screw with honeybees’ gastrointestinal health, making them more susceptible to disease. But here’s the kicker: Monsanto also treats its genetically engineered seeds with a class of systemic insecticides that’s straight-up toxic to bees.

Insecticides known as neonicotinoids, or “neonics” for short, are the smoking gun of Colony Collapse Disorder. Bee colonies began disappearing in the U.S. one year after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency allowed these new insecticides on the market in 2004-2005.

A pile of studies implicate neonics in bee die-offs. Neonics are nerve poisons that disorient bees so they can’t make it back to the hive. They also trigger immune system failure, causing the bees to fall prey to opportunistic infections. Last year, the EU imposed a two-year ban on all neonics.

Monsanto routinely treats its seeds with neonics. Unlike insecticide sprays, neonic seed treatments cause the insecticide to spread through every cell of the plant as it grows. The insecticide is present and active in the plant’s pollen and nectar.

Take something that’s toxic to bees, get it to grow in plants’ pollen and nectar, and you’ve got a bee-killing machine.

Monsanto has a partner in this crime. It’s Bayer, the main manufacturer of neonic insecticides, as well as Syngenta, who together with Bayer controls the neonic market. They’re partners in, part of their massive public relations disinformation campaign to distract the public and policymakers from thinking that pesticides might have something to do with bee death and destruction.

We can’t let these companies control what the American public knows about Colony Collapse Disorder. Celebrate National Pollinator Week by exposing their crime and the cover-up. Share this article and make plans to join the Global Swarm to Save the Bees on Aug. 16.

Alexis Baden-Mayer is political director of the Organic Consumers Association. Ronnie Cummins is national director of the Organic Consumers Association.

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RE: Truth tellers
6/16/2014 5:07:24 AM
I love Monty and this one is so good. Things are coming to a head.

Montague Keen Message 6-15-14…

by kauilapele


"The light is spreading, my dear. All the hard work is paying off. The ley lines are being activated. Truth is becoming visible and it is being exposed and discussed. This is what we have been working towards for some years: the removal of the invisible bars that had enclosed and imprisoned you.

"Expect the cabal to put up a fight. They will not go quietly. It is public knowledge that they have a plan to use false flag incidents in various key cities around the world on the 22 June. By making their intent public, they may change their minds, thus refraining from exposing themselves further. They are in the defensive mode. There are some factions which want to kill and destroy whatever they can as they are not good losers."

Montague’s Message for Sunday 15 June 2014

The light is spreading, my dear. All the hard work is paying off. The ley lines are being activated. Truth is becoming visible and it is being exposed and discussed. This is what we have been working towards for some years: the removal of the invisible bars that had enclosed and imprisoned you.

Expect the cabal to put up a fight. They will not go quietly. It is public knowledge that they have a plan to use false flag incidents in various key cities around the world on the 22 June. By making their intent public, they may change their minds, thus refraining from exposing themselves further. They are in the defensive mode. There are some factions which want to kill and destroy whatever they can as they are not good losers.

My dear, I need to make you aware of an organisation which has the objective of destroying your work and your reputation. It puts out false information about you and your work. Its members try to prevent others, like Andrew Bartzis, from working with you. They approach all who are in close contact with you. However, those who are SOLID in their beliefs and judgments will not be swayed. The cabal leaves no stone unturned in its desire to destroy you.

Your work with Andrew Bartzis must continue. Humanity is ready to hear the TRUTH. The information that you and Andrew will bring out into the open on the 20 June will expose and explain so much about Ireland to Iran. It is necessary to have this information in order to understand what is being done in your world today. It will surprise many of you and it will expose the lies and corruption that have brought humanity to its knees. You have been lied to, and these lies have cost you so much. This information has been successfully hidden. It was the first step taken in order to imprison humanity. When you know what was done, everything will fall into place.

You have existed in darkness for 2000 years. Now, you have the opportunity to change your world, and become, once more, complete beings of light. When the Dark Ones are completely removed, you will remember what you were once capable of, in times past, when you fully understood how the universe operated. You were part of it; before the vibration was altered. You must now open your minds to all possibilities. Space is no boundary. You can go faster than the speed of light. Once again, it will be proved that the scientists have got it wrong. Things can materialise and dematerialise; this has been established. Everything is thought, everything is vibration. Mankind understood this, thousands of years ago, before he was interfered with, so that the cabal could take control. I have explained many times that this is how Ireland and Egypt were able to connect. Its peoples did not need boats or planes. Now, these capabilities are coming back. Think how exciting this will be. You hold yourselves back through lack of imagination. In the future, everything will be possible.

You are on Earth at this time in order to bring about these changes. No one can stop you; not even the Dark Ones. They have tried hard to make this their world, but they have failed. They are digging their own graves by trying to continue to succeed.

LOVE IS THE KEY that can fix everything. Great joy awaits you. We are all coming together as one. When Man fully understands how the universe works, we will bring forward knowledge of these patterns of change. Then you will live at a soul level. This is the time for which you have been praying and waiting. Your efforts have brought it about; especially those wonderful souls who worked, and continue to work, on the ley lines, obelisks, and all the control symbols. You are now fully aware that these were used to imprison you, and you refuse to allow this to continue.

I am aware, my dear, that we are asking a lot of you. You did agree to this work before you returned to Earth. Yes, it is necessary for you to return to Ireland next weekend to continue what you began last month. That was a great success and the results are there for all to see. Help will come to make this easier for you. You understand what needs to be done. Ireland is waking up to the terrible truth of what its people endured during the Vatican Rule. The whole of humanity will not be free until the Vatican is exposed for what it actually is. Kevin Annett is doing exceptional work on this subject. It would be good for you both to meet and to join forces, where possible. The removal of evil must be paramount. Every last vestige of it must be removed.

Please, Veronica, enjoy Ireland and its wonderful energy. The people are the salt of the Earth.

Take a little time to relax. We do not ask you to work twenty four hours a day. You need time to unwind and relax occasionally. There is no better place on Earth to do so than Ireland. You need to recharge your batteries in order to complete our work.

Forever by your side. Your adoring, Monty.


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