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RE: Truth tellers
3/26/2014 5:04:32 PM

The Truthseeker (3-23-14): Media ‘staged’ Syria [and Iraq, and Ukraine, and...] chem attack

by kauilapele
I put this here as it brings light to all of the "revolutionary" type events going on right now, presents the evidence, and discusses why it is being done. Also I put it here as it feels as if it would be one that could be shown to "those who usually watch the main stream media".

Video notes:

Published on Mar 23, 2014
BBC 'total fabrication from beginning to end' of Syria 'atrocity'; call to revoke visas for intel agents posing as reporters in NATO targets; CIA caught infiltrating CNN, and Operation Mockingbird is back.

Seek truth from facts with UK Member of Parliament George Galloway; Illinois University Professor of International Law Francis Boyle; investigative reporter John Helmer; ordinary Syrians; and Ukraine covergirl 'Julia'.

Read the full transcript:

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RE: Truth tellers
3/26/2014 5:55:06 PM

Caleb Maupin, RT, 3-25-14… “​US leaders reject democracy, once again”

by kauilapele

whitehouse_rt_article_140325I found this article, by Caleb Maupin of RT, an excellent summary of how the US of A Corporation speaks out of both sides of its mouth at the same time. That's quite a talent, probably something like a ventriloquist.

If, as a country, "you don't comply" with that Corporation, it will send in its "trouble causers" and foment a "revolution" in the name of "democracy"... which, of course, is another word for "control by the West (cabal)" of that country.

Caleb Maupin describes many examples of that.

"At this moment, the countries that the US seeks to overthrow and destabilize are all part of an emerging global alliance. They have all declared some measure of economic independence. They have sought to reconstruct the economy to serve themselves, not billionaires in the US and Europe. US leaders... do not care if there is massive public support for such regimes. Any country that refuses to bow before the economic hegemony of the West... is targeted with subversion and attack.

In the New World Order declared by George H.W. Bush in the aftermath of the collapse of the USSR, no country is allowed to develop independently. The world economy is to be controlled by the billionaires on Wall Street and the London Stock Exchange, and all who demand independence are to be threatened, sanctioned, bombed and destroyed. The bombing of Libya, the invasion of Iraq, the attack on Serbia, all served to beat down leaders and regimes that refused to accept economic domination by the United States.

...the will of the people, in every corner of the globe, is for independence and freedom. The global setup of economic domination by Western powers is highly unpopular... the people continue to demand economic independence and national liberation. Leaders like Patrice Lamumba, Mao Zedong, Hugo Chavez, Alexander Lukashenko, Hassan Nasrallah, and Evo Morales continue to emerge, and people continue to rally around them. The prosperity, freedom and happiness offered by those promoting western economic "development" has simply not materialized, and globally, the human race is rejecting the path offered by Wall Street and London."


​US leaders reject democracy, once again

In Crimea, some may be surprised by the US’s blatant rejection of a clear democratic mandate for independence, as leaders in Washington constantly boast of being “defenders of democracy.”

Back in 2003, George W. Bush justified his invasion of Iraq by saying he was “bringing freedom” to Iraq and “removing a dictator.” In 2011, Barack Obama justified sending cruise missiles to Libya by calling Gaddafi a “tyrant.” The US currently gives material support to insurgent groups in Syria, allegedly because Assad is a "dictator."

Children in the United States, from a very young age, are indoctrinated to believe that the US fights for “freedom” around the world, and enemies of the US are simply those who reject it. The nauseating rhetoric of the US being “the greatest country in the world” is accompanied by a historical mythology that in each military conflict, from the conquest of the Philippines in 1899 to the Cold War, the US government was motivated merely by a desire to “defend” and “spread freedom” and to fight against “dictators" and "oppressors."

This narrative is simply false. An examination of the world situation shows that the rejection of the popular will of Crimea is nothing new. In numerous instances, the US government has considered popular leaders chosen by democratic elections to be illegitimate and worked to undermine them, and in many other instances, the US backed unpopular and oppressive autocrats.
The 2009 coup in Honduras

In 2009, the Honduran military removed President Manuel Zelaya, who had won in a democratic election. After overthrowing the elected government, Roberto Michilletti, the general who led this violent coup was declared “Congressman for Life.” Since the coup, there has been a campaign of fascist violence in Honduras. Over 30 journalists have been assassinated. Human Rights Watch reports that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender activists are also being exterminated, with 70 of them already targeted and killed.

The coup has resulted in economic horror. The World Bank reports that 59 percent of the country now lives in poverty, with the level of extreme poverty growing each day. Fifty-one percent of the population is unemployed. Honduras now also has the highest murder rate in the entire world.

A couple and their child have breakfast amid the garbage at the municipal rubbish dump, 20 km north of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. (AFP Photo / Orlando Sierra)

A couple and their child have breakfast amid the garbage at the municipal rubbish dump, 20 km north of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. (AFP Photo / Orlando Sierra)

The US did not send in cruise missiles to “defend democracy” when Zelaya was overthrown. The response was the opposite.

Zeleya, the democratically-elected president, had dared to align with Bolivia and Venezuela. He had rejected the rule of Wall Street and led Honduras into the Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America (ALBA). When he was violently overthrown, the US embraced the military leaders who did so and has continued to align with them.

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RE: Truth tellers
3/28/2014 2:17:05 PM
Interesting News

Dynamic Duo Weekly News 3-27-14… “The only news show to start of with ‘false flag’ news”

by kauilapele
I found myself viewing this today, and actually enjoying listening to it, which is why I post.

Kevin Barrett and Jim Fetzer discuss quite a variety of news that's been happening this week. "The only news show to start of with 'false flag' news"...

Here's their YouTube home page:

(PS... you may want to avoid this if you are a Dick Cheney fan.)

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RE: Truth tellers
3/31/2014 4:09:52 AM

Montague Keen Message 3-30-14… “Finalizing the Vatican Illumination”

by kauilapele

20140330-090152.jpg[Kp note: this feels like a perfect "wrap up" of the Vatican Illumination process.]

"Concentrate your efforts on: The Dogali Obelisk, Via delle Terme di Diocleziano, The Obelisk Augustus in Piazza del Quirinale, The Obelisk of Augustus in Piazza dell'Esquilino...

"By raising the frequency of these three obelisks on Sunday 30 March, and then saturating the remaining ten obelisks with love and light on Monday 31 March, we will have the desired outcome, sooner and more powerfully. This will inflict greater dissent, disorder, and confusion on the Jesuits."


Montague Keen Message 3-30-14

The response to our request for assistance to release the energy from the obelisks and ley lines of Rome was heartening. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm with which this work was carried out. So many of you are now awake to the real source of your control and enslavement and you have decided to take whatever steps are necessary to restore light, peace and harmony to your war-torn world.

Every day, you see the demands for WAR increase. This is actually telling you that they are running out of options: for them to survive, they need a war. All their plans to create World War 3 have come to nothing. Many people have awakened and will no longer accept their lies; these people have seen the light and can no longer be manipulated as they were in the past.

The New Moon on Sunday 30 March, and Monday 31 March, are particularly good days for our meditation on the obelisks in Rome.

Concentrate your efforts on:

The Dogali Obelisk, Via delle Terme di Diocleziano
The Obelisk Augustus in Piazza del Quirinale
The Obelisk of Augustus in Piazza dell'Esquilino

By raising the frequency of these three obelisks on Sunday 30 March, and then saturating the remaining ten obelisks with love and light on Monday 31 March, we will have the desired outcome, sooner and more powerfully. This will inflict greater dissent, disorder, and confusion on the Jesuits.

Our work on the obelisks and ley lines has uncovered a lot. This work must continue until the last vestige of the old control system is gone forever. You have made a commitment to carry on with this work through meditation, until all that is corrupt is exposed and removed. This is the most important work that you have been asked to carry out. We need you to encourage as many as possible to do this work with us.

What you achieved on the 25 March was remarkable; especially as it was your first attempt at working with these obelisks. You are stepping into your own power and you are realising that you do not have to feel helpless ever again. You are becoming the people in control, the 99%. You have decided that the killing must stop, and you have chosen to live in peace with your fellow man.

There is another problem that concerns Veronica: the sytematic abuse of children. There is one individual, Kevin Annett, who is doing all in his power to expose the killing of helpless, innocent children, worldwide. We, in the world of spirit, admire and support this brave man of courage. He deserves the support of all right-minded people. Now that this abuse is out in the public domain, it must be condemned, and fully reported. Compassion must be shown to the poor children whose lives have been destroyed by those who strive for power, many of whom do not belong on your planet. Let Kevin Annett be a fine example of what can be achieved when one has the courage to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

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RE: Truth tellers
4/1/2014 3:39:42 AM

Kevin Annett 3-29-14… “Urgent Public Communique and Update from The International Common Law Court of Justice — Trial of Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Anglicans to commence April 7

by kauilapele

kevin_annett_galactic_connection_140318_snip_2The second part of this post by Kevin, will be posted next, separate from this.

Urgent Public Communique and Update from The International Common Law Court of Justice

Trial of Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Anglicans to commence April 7

Issued under the auspices of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

Saturday, March 29, 2014 , 8 am GMT


1. The Trial of Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Anglicans to commence April 7 with Opening Presentation by the Prosecutor’s Office – The Court establishes tighter security after a Vatican-sponsored “black ops” disruption team is dispatched to Brussels.

2. A Public Information Agency is established to publicly disclose the Prosecutor’s evidence during the trial – The first report of the Agency follows.

3. Children’s remains and records ordered destroyed by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, acting for Queen Elizabeth – Mass graves of trafficked children are identified in Canada, Holland and the United States, and are linked to the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult.

The Secretariat of the Court has today released the following public statement:

Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), Adolfo Pachon (Jesuit Superior General) and Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury) will stand trial in absentia on Monday, April 7 after refusing to challenge or deny the criminal charges made against them in the Trial Division of the Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.

The Prosecutor’s Office will commence its case against these three chief defendants on that day and will present evidence linking them to the trafficking, torture and death of children, and to the concealment of these crimes.

The Court has delayed the opening of the trial by one week, from its original commencement on March 31, after it received confirmation that a covert operations team has been dispatched by the Vatican to disrupt and destroy the work of the Court. The team consists of paid agents of the so-called “Holy Alliance”, the Jesuit-run spying and assassination agency responsible for the silencing and murder of papal opponents.

The Court has accordingly established new security arrangements for its members and especially its key public spokesman, Reverend Kevin Annett, ITCCS Field Secretary. The Court’s initial sessions will be closed, and conducted at an undisclosed location. However, the Prosecution’s evidence presented to the Court will be made public during the trial through a newly-established Public Information Agency attached to the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.

The first announcement from this Agency follows. See and for further updates.

ICLCJ Communique 29 March, 2014



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