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RE: Truth tellers
1/29/2014 3:08:47 AM

Montague Keen Message 1-26-14

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica19Kp note: have not read this in detail, but I do see that there is a request for all who are called, to do energy work with the ley lines of the planet.


Message from Montague Keen - January 26, 2014


Veronica and I are both happy and excited that we have managed to bring so many people together from all parts of the world to restore the Divine Energy of Planet Earth. We are deeply grateful to all who readily responded and expressed a wish to come together as one big family of light and love. We have chosen the date: Sunday the 2 February 2014.

We ask that you gather at SUNRISE or at SUNSET: both, if at all possible. Gather at the sacred places or choose to meditate. Use your minds in whatever way you see fit, to bring about the release of energy. You do not even need to leave your bed, as your positive thoughts will add to the mass of energy needed.

We are aware that sunrise and sunset occur at different times in different locations, but those are the most important times of the day in which to carry out this unique exercise. Veronica, and one or two of her helpers, will go to GLASTONBURY in the west of England. She is praying for clement weather. Should there be an attempt to prevent you accessing these places, never mind, just be nearby. You can use your minds, your consciousness, to achieve our aims. Veronica is concerned that it has not been possible to reply to everyone.

Mark will make suggestions in his message today. Every single one of you is important. Everyone can have an input. It does not cost you money, just your time. It is so wonderful to have so many countries involved, all eager to take part. We have created a huge family of like-minded people. This is a first. Let us ensure that this is a memorable event that transcends all barriers of language or creed. Together, we can bring about the changes your planet is crying out for. You are the architects of the future. This event will enter historical folklore and will be recounted over and over again for generations to come. I cannot stipulate enough, the importance of this action.

Be joyful as you come together. Create a massive vortex of energy, all around you, with love and laughter filling the air, as you gather in peace and harmony. This is but the first of many such events. We intend these to be done at regular intervals henceforth. We will guide the way, always working together to create peace and justice, where sadly, none exists at this time. Let not age be a barrier, as you are never too old or too young to create miracles, for this is what you are endeavoring to do on this day.

I ask that you now take time to read what Mark has painstakingly prepared as your introduction to the great importance of ley lines.

Welcome and embrace The Magician of the Ley.

May he be with you to guide you and encourage an interest in these most sacred sites and the ley lines that make them so. We in Spirit will join you on this day of days, when you take it upon yourselves to rescue your planet, so that future generations can enjoy their lifetimes on Earth.

Together, we will make this happen. Both sides of life working together as never before. To the wonderful people who willingly give of their time to enable our endeavors to be enjoyed by all, please ensure that all countries know the date and time, so that arrangements can be made to take part. Remember that together you are powerful: you are the 99%, so you cannot be stopped. You are the awakened.

My dear, it will not be possible for you to write with me next Sunday, as you will be taking part in the Ley Lines recovery ceremony. Enjoy being with like-minded people.

My love will guide you, as always. Your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

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RE: Truth tellers
2/2/2014 4:39:45 PM

Well, Surprise, Surprise… TSA Body Scanners are “Useless”, Former Agent Says

by kauilapele

tsa_body_scannerWell, well, well, from this RT article, "The Transportation Security Agency was aware that, before they were even introduced, the full-body scanners used at airport security checkpoints were flawed, according to a former TSA agent who alleges employees regularly peered and laughed at travelers."

I'm not at all surprised. The whole scenario of body checks, and baggage inspection, and the "mad rush to get all of your computers out, take your shoes off, jackets too, and 'All items out of your pockets'" crap... all of this is being illuminated quite nicely these days. The TSA scanners are the focus of this article.

" “We knew the full-body scanners didn't work before they were even installed,” Harrington wrote in the article published Thursday. He went on to describe how a trainer described the machines as “****” and said that they could be subverted if a would-be hijacker simply wore metal on the side of their body.

“"We quickly found out the trainer was not kidding,” he continued. “Officers discovered that the machines were good at detecting just about everything besides cleverly hidden explosives and guns. The only thing more absurd how how poorly the full-body scanners performed was the incredible amount of time the machines wasted for everyone.”"


'Useless' TSA scanners provided endless fodder for employees, former agent alleges

The Transportation Security Agency was aware that, before they were even introduced, the full-body scanners used at airport security checkpoints were flawed, according to a former TSA agent who alleges employees regularly peered and laughed at travelers.

Jason Edward Harrington, who spent years for the TSA as he studied for a creative writing degree, wrote a long piece in Politico detailing the ineptitude and casual jokes that often came at the expense of the agency's own inability to prevent an airplane hijacking.

The TSA decided to begin using full-body scanners in 2010, after an Al-Qaeda extremist tried to ignite a bomb in his underwear on a Christmas Day 2009 flight from Amsterdam to Detroit. The reaction was overwhelming and immediate, with civil liberties advocates asserting that a potential traveler would unnecessarily expose themselves to TSA agents, and that the radiation from the machines was dangerous.

Despite controversy, the agency pressed on an eventually doled out between $130,000 and $170,000 for each of the hundreds of machines in an effort to ramp up security at airports across the country.

“We knew the full-body scanners didn't work before they were even installed,” Harrington wrote in the article published Thursday. He went on to describe how a trainer described the machines as “****” and said that they could be subverted if a would-be hijacker simply wore metal on the side of their body.

“We quickly found out the trainer was not kidding,” he continued. “Officers discovered that the machines were good at detecting just about everything besides cleverly hidden explosives and guns. The only thing more absurd how how poorly the full-body scanners performed was the incredible amount of time the machines wasted for everyone.”

The problem evidently went uncorrected even after the public caught on. A blogger named Jonathan Corbett attracted millions of views to his YouTube page by proving its possible to simply place a gun sideways on one's leg to bring it through security undetected.

“Finally, the public had a hint of what my colleagues and I already knew,” he wrote. “The scanners were useless. The TSA was compelling toddlers, pregnant women, cancer survivors – everyone – to stand inside radiation machines that didn't work...behind closed doors, supervisors instructed us to begin patting down the sides of every fifth passenger as a clumsy workaround to the scanners' embarrassing vulnerability.”

Harrington is not the only TSA employee to complain about his time with the agency, with employee happiness ranked at or near the bottom of all government agencies polled in annual job satisfaction surveys. The full-body scanners made the day more cumbersome, Harrington noted, while the Image Operator (IO) room quickly turning into a place where bored employees could find a laugh.

“Just as the long-suffering American public waiting on those security lines suspected, jokes about the passengers ran rampant among my colleagues: Many of the images we gawked at were of overweight people, their every fold and dimple on full awful display,” he wrote.

“Piercings of every kind were visible...One of us in the IO room would occasionally identify a passenger as female, only to have the officers out on the checkpoint floor radio back that it was actually a man. All the old, crass stereotypes about race and genitalia size thrived on our secure government radio channels.”

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RE: Truth tellers
2/10/2014 5:11:19 AM

Montague Keen, February 9, 2014 – MUST READ!!!!!

Posted on

Veronica, my dear, and all those who stepped into their innate power and took the first steps to return the Divine Energies of the ley lines to the people of the world, instead of to the few who had redirected them to themselves in order to exclude the 99%. One day, you will understand the magnitude of what you achieved on the 2 February 2014.

We thank Mark for the many hours he spent, studying the maps, in order to establish the whereabouts of the most important ley lines. We will continue this work. We cannot give dates until a few days in advance, in order to protect you all. However, a newsletter will be produced which will give you advance warning. This will give you time to decide where you will go, and where you will meet, etc. Coming together as one, multiplies the energy released. Your first effort surpassed all expectations. We see you as our team on Earth. This team will expand as time goes on, and as more people come to realise the positive results that can be achieved.

If you had any idea of the effort the Cabal puts into trying to prevent you connecting with the ley lines, you would be astonished. They used all the power they could muster, but could not prevent the pure of mind from doing what was asked of them.

We told you that the power of the Dark Ones is fading. They are desperate. We told you that you do not need guns and tanks to reclaim what is yours by right. All it takes is for good people to come together in peace and harmony and to link together world wide. It was like A GIANT WAVE OF BEAUTIFUL ENERGY, going all around your world as each continent embraced the sunrise. It was pure love and light. We, in Spirit, thank each and every one of you who took part in this unique event. Each time you do it, it will become more powerful. This is a very important year. We must not lose the momentum.

My dear wife had a difficult time climbing to the top of the Tor in Glastonbury, in the early hours of the morning. She suffers from heart and lung problems, and is suffering from a severe lung infection. My deep gratitude goes to Dave and Mark, who held her hands and supported her on the ascent. It was a tortuous climb in the darkness and it was severely cold. She had to stop many times to fight for her breath. It was her determination to reach the top that gained her the admiration of Dave, Mark, and the World of Spirit. Personally, I am deeply indebted to both Dave and Mark for taking care of my dear wife. Dave has filmed the sunrise, so you will be able to share the wonder of it all.

It is time for you to understand that your planet has been turned into a huge concentration camp. You are now beginning to wake up to this fact. You are prisoners and you are beginning to see the bars in clear sight, and you are prepared to confront them. Those who control you have created so many ‘laws’: cameras watch your every move and electronic devices surround you, emitting controlling energies. You are bombarded with propaganda that tries to block any semblance of truth from getting through to you.

Try to find that which is real in your world. The weather is controlled and is used to distract you from the real issues. The banks are used to create a noose around your necks, to keep you servile and scared. The religions have excelled themselves by creating FEAR and putting out false information, some of which they now admit is not true and never was true. Falsity. Yet people are still scared to detach themselves and embrace the divine and creation itself.

Be brave and look into your own souls, for there, you will find only love. Remove all the fear that was falsely created to hold you captive. Refuse to take part in the destruction of your beautiful planet. How can you live with yourselves or look your children in the eye, if you go into other countries in order to kill and take over? Dangerous chemicals are released into the atmosphere that kill and destroy the very land you depend upon for your existence. It is time to take resposibility for your actions. There is more than enough evidence which shows that what you are doing is criminal. You are betraying your childrens’ trust and that of your fellow man. The blinkers must be removed from your eyes. There is no excuse for obeying orders blindly, when deep down, you know you are violating human life.

You can no longer sit on the fence. There is more than enough evidence available to you. It has never been easier to investigate the real facts, and to make a decision about which road you will take. Remember, your time on Earth is but a moment, but your soul is eternal. The take-over of your planet cannot be allowed to happen. The Cabal depends on your help to achieve its aims. Without your compliance, they would never have succeeded to the degree we can see today. That is a sobering thought. Many of you have helped in the destruction of your planet and of humanity itself. One day you will have to face that fact.

There are many in your world who are helping you to see the TRUTH; those who have stepped out of the box and are bringing the truth to you. There are also those who tell you it is all going to be so easy. This is done to create a false sense of security, so that you sit back and do nothing. Well, I tell you, nothing is farther from the truth. It is not going to be easy!

On the other hand, it is not going to be anything that you cannot handle easily enough by working together. You, the 99%, are more powerful than the Cabal ever could be. Whereas YOU can do it yourselves, THEY need your help, and THEY CANNOT DO IT WITHOUT YOU.

Believe you can do it and you will do it. The cabal is doing its utmost to destroy the one who has returned to lead the way. I ask that you send love and light to this individual who is going through an extremely difficult time. Subconsciously, he is struggling to break free. Humanity needs him to wake up to who he is, and to remove the shackles that were placed on him so that he can commence his work on Earth. Humanity needs this to happen.

Together, we have started a huge movement. Both sides of life are working on this, together. How quickly we achieve our goal, is up to you. We are always on hand to assist you.

Enjoy the film of the sunrise over the Tor on the 2 February. We thank Dave for braving the bitterly cold wind in order to film it for us. Forward we go, to establish the light throughout your world and in your lives.

I am proud of you, my love, and of what you have achieved.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

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RE: Truth tellers
2/18/2014 5:38:34 AM

Montague Keen, February 16, 2014

A Nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.


Though these words were written centuries ago, they are more relevant today than ever they were then. The words will help you to look with clarity at those who are doing one thing, while telling you that they are doing the exact opposite. It is most important that you wake up to what you are being told to believe, when all the evidence clearly shows the opposite is true. You are in an US and THEM scenario. They are using all the means at their disposal to keep you subservient and asleep. You have to use your intelligence, rely on your own research, and stand by it. They do not want you, in the long term, but they cannot afford to lose you right now. They need you to put everything in place for them, so that they can take over your planet; then dispose of you. This has never been more obvious than it is right now. One would need to be in a coma not to see it.

Switch off your mind controllers and your TVs, and discard your newspapers; since these are abusing you by painting a false picture of what is really happening. Your weather is being manipulated to produce the desired results. They are destroying your world all around you. We warned you of this. Now, you can see it with your own eyes. The more you suffer, the more energy you produce for them. Right now, they desperately need this energy in order to survive; for they are struggling against the light that the awakened amongst you has brought forth on the Earth.

The Ley Line Project served to produce wonderful energy. The gratitude of all should go to those who took the time and trouble to be part of this. I cannot stipulate enough, the importance of these ley lines. This work will continue at regular intervals. It can, of course, be done at any time, but it is when you combine your energies and work as one that you get such magnificent results. You are surrounded by ley lines, all of which need your attention. Your very survival depends on the action you take at this time. You cannot afford to ignore what is right there in front of your eyes. You have got to face the facts. Money will not help you. You need to come together, as your strength is in numbers, and you are the 99%. Step out of your little boxes and make contact with people who have the interest of humanity at heart.

It is important that all barriers are removed. Talk with each other and share your research. Work together on projects that you feel connect with you. The sharing of information and the awakening of minds should be priority No1. You may be surprised at the number of people who are ready; they just need a little encouragement in order to take the first steps into the light. Once you see that light, you can never close your eyes to it again.

2014 was designated by All That Is for Planet Earth to resume contact with the universe. With a little help from the World of Spirit this will be achieved. The evil forces which enslaved humanity and set out plans for the destruction of life on Earth, will no longer be in control. This is the biggest battle your planet has ever had to deal with. The cabal has been planning it for 2000 years. You, on the other hand, have only just awakened to it. This is why you do not have time to waste: speed is of the essence. You are fighting for your very existence and for the future of your planet. Nothing could be more important. Pray that only the truth will resonate with you and that all the propaganda will become blatantly obvious to all. When they recognise that their lies are no longer believed, then, and only then, will they accept defeat. Remember the old adage, “you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.”

The importance of the visit to the Tor at Glastonbury on 2 February was reinforced today, when we, in Spirit, were able to manifest to Veronica something that actually happened there, and the importance of it. One day soon, she will be able to share it with everyone. In her soul she knew she had to make it to the top of the Tor, and so she did. She is now suffering from pneumonia as a result. The video of this historic visit can now be seen, and you will see for yourselves just how cold and bleak it was on that day. Though we pleaded with her to rest, her work is paramount in her life. She is determined to fulfill her mission in this life; and with your help, she will do so.

I thank all who send good wishes, for all thoughts have energy and are most welcome. Never underestimate for one moment the importance of the ley lines. This work must be done by as many people as possible, whether from the comfort of your armchair or by physically walking the lines in groups, if possible.

The great battle in which you are engaged, requires your hearts and minds to be working together as one. You are now taking control of your own lives and refusing to be led like sheep to the slaughter. The history of this time will be talked about for many years to come.

Enjoy Mark’s report of the visit to the Tor, and the video, and prepare for the next ley line experience.

My dear, do please try to get some rest. We in Spirit, surround you with love and light.

Ever, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

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RE: Truth tellers
2/26/2014 3:09:53 AM

Montague Keen Message 2-23-14…

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica20This message has some important (as I see it) information. This is, as I see Energy Work, precisely why many of us are here at this time. It may or may not have to do with ley lines, or vortexes, or other places mentioned here, but the most significant part about Montague's last couple of messages is that they are calling us to follow Guidance, and get out there and DO it. Whatever it is that you may feel guided to do. Even if it is staying "at home" and working with the energies that way, if the intent is healing and Ascension, it will assist.

All of us are valuable in this way. So go out, play with those Energies, and have some fun!! Guaranteed Gaia loves it!


Montague’s Message for Sunday, 23rd February 2014

It is ten years since I passed to Spirit. In that time, I have talked many times about the importance of ley lines. We have had to wait until the timing was right before we could act on this information. Much had to be put in place and the response from all over your world has been magnificent. Now I ask that all you good people study the little film of the
Sunrise on Glastonbury Tor, filmed on the 2nd February, 2014. Some of the most important ley lines in your world pass through this tor. It is imperative that you do all in your power to release this energy as soon as possible.

Our plan is for as many of you as possible to link with this film. Use your minds, your energy, and your intentions to release this energy. As yet, you are not fully aware of just how powerful your minds are. Do this, and together, you will enable this energy to flow once more for the benefit of humanity. By doing so, you will rescue humanity and your planet. If you can manage to gather in groups, it would be even more powerful. This exercise can be undertaken by every person on Earth, from your own homes. It is an opportunity to assert your power and to stop being VICTIMS.

There is a map which shows the importance of the ley lines at the tor. This is why it was decided that Veronica should go there on 2 February. The next few months are of the greatest importance. The future of humanity is at stake. This is a huge responsibility for all of you. Make up your minds that you will do it, and it shall happen. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose but the control of those who have enslaved you for generations. We have guided you to this moment. Now, you have enough information to achieve the desired result.

When the energy is released, your lives will change completely. Your brain capacity will increase and the human being will begin to be restored to his full capacity. You are so much more than you have been led to believe. We are working with you on this transition. There is no time to lose as the cabal is calling for help from all quarters. This is the first time that people from so many countries have taken the responsibility to assert their divine right to live on Planet Earth without interference from those who have enslaved humanity. The Dark Ones have set out to destroy everything that humans need in order to survive. You cannot sit back and allow that to happen. The wonderful thing about releasing the energy is that no guns or arms of any sort are needed: only the power of your minds.


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