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RE: Truth tellers
4/1/2014 4:38:40 AM

Kevin Annett 3-29-14… “Jesuit involvement in the NINTH CIRCLE rituals at the Mohawk school is confirmed”

by kauilapele

kevin_annett_galactic_connection_140318_snip_3This is the second half of the post by Kevin Annett, the first part of which you may read here. The first paragraph is from the end of that post.

Jesuit involvement in the NINTH CIRCLE rituals at the Mohawk school is confirmed

Jesuit involvement in the NINTH CIRCLE rituals at the Mohawk school is confirmed in correspondence from school Principals as far back as 1922. Similar Jesuit sacrificial rituals involving small children and newborns at Catholic Indian schools in South Dakota and Omak, Washington are attested by eyewitness Clarita Vargas in an affidavit entered into our docket material.

Further evidence in this case will be disclosed in upcoming Agency Bulletins.

Issued by the Public Information Agency of the Office of the Chief Prosecutor

29 March, 2014, Brussels, Belgium

Endorsement of Mohawk school excavation by tribal elders, bones from dig

Buttons from dig and eyewitness

Bones from dig and first TV broadcast of evidence

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RE: Truth tellers
4/1/2014 4:39:49 AM

Kevin Annett 3-31-14… “Massive Deaths of Aboriginal Children in Canada is officially admitted, as Genocide Verdict and Kevin Annett’s work are finally vindicated”

by kauilapele

kevin_annett_rep_kanata_flag_from_video_140331Massive Deaths of Aboriginal Children in Canada is officially admitted, as Genocide Verdict and Kevin Annett’s work are finally vindicated
Posted on March 31, 2014

Historic Breaking News from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) – Monday, March 31, 2014

Massive Deaths of Aboriginal Children in Canada is officially admitted, as Genocide Verdict and Kevin Annett’s work are finally vindicated

“Canada, the and the Vatican stand guilty as charged as disestablished criminal bodies” – International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels

A Special Report from ITCCS Canada with Commentary by Kevin Annett
Vancouver, Canada:

Seventeen years after Rev. Kevin Annett publicly disclosed evidence that over 50,000 children died in Canada’s church-run “Indian residential schools”, Canadian governments have finally confirmed this genocidal mortality rate after releasing hitherto-concealed death records from the schools. (

Until this week, government and church officials have either denied or stayed silent about Rev. Annett’s documented estimate. But previously “segregated” statistics of the deaths of residential school children made public last Friday by different provinces indicate that “tens of thousands” of these children died in the facilities, which were operated primarily by the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada.

In British Columbia alone, government records indicate that nearly 5,000 children between the ages of four and nineteen died in the residential schools until 1956, although the schools continued in operation until 1996, putting the total death figure even higher. Rev. Annett’s research established that the high death rate of over 40% of the students was the result of deliberately infecting them with tuberculosis and denying the sick treatment. (

“This news officially confirms what our Court established in its lawful verdict of February 25, 2013” stated George Dufort of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels today.

“Canada and its churches, the British Crown and the Vatican stand guilty as charged as disestablished criminal bodies and can no longer have any lawful or legitimate constitutional authority if the rule of law is to be followed”.

This week’s official admission of massive deaths in the Indian residential schools comes on the heels of shocking new evidence showing that a Vatican and Church of England child sacrifice cult known as the Ninth Circle operated at the same schools for over a century, including at the Mohawk residential school in Brantford, Ontario. (, March 29, 2014)

Kevin Annett was reached at his home in Nanaimo, British Columbia today and provided the enclosed you tube commentary on the remarkable news.

“I always knew their lies would fall apart, and persistence would pay off” remarked Kevin.

“But I’m thinking now of all my friends who died after struggling to see this day come about, like Bingo Dawson, Billie Combes, Ricky Lavallee and Harry Wilson – some of the eyewitnesses to the Canadian Holocaust who went public at great personal risk. This is their victory, as it belongs to all the missing children. But it will only mean something if Canadians act on this final proof of Genocide by church and state to enforce the verdict and arrest warrants of the Common Law court.

“Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Queen Elizabeth, Joseph Ratzinger and twenty seven other officials belong behind bars. And more than that, it’s now time to establish a constitutional Republic in Canada that is free and independent of the British Crown and the legacies of Vatican-sponsored Genocide”.

Details of the plans to act upon this recent acknowledgement are discussed in Kevin Annett’s attached you tube commentary.

Issued by ITCCS Canada and ITCCS Central, Brussels-based

31 March, 2014

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RE: Truth tellers
4/2/2014 3:04:48 PM

A Crack in the 9-11 MSM Wall?? Kevin Barrett, VT, 4-1-14… “NY Times references Silverstein’s WTC demolition scam”

by kauilapele

silverstein_guilani_vt_barrett_article_4-4-1This piece by Kevin Barrett of VT represents, to me, a "crack" in the main stream media armor around 9-11. Maybe a small one, but it is there. It's a rather "oblique" reference, mind you, but it is clear... reporters (at least one of them) at the NY Times know something has been going on around all that 9-11 "conspiracy theory" stuff.

Perhaps the best part (for me, at least), is when Kevin writes, "Along with referencing the WTC demolitions, Times journalist Michael Powell subtly informs us that he has been reading my Veterans Today articles castigating Silverstein...".

Or maybe the best part is the absolutely perfect clip with Edward G. Robinson. Perfect... especially for all of us... in this moment.

Here's a link to the NY Times article.


NY Times references Silverstein’s WTC demolition scam
Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today, 4-1-14...

The New York Times promises “all the news that’s fit to print.”

Until now, the Times apparently believed the controlled demolitions of three World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 was news that was unfit to print.

But today, on April 1st, 2014, the Times has finally published an apparent reference to World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein’s mother-of-all-insurance-scams. And no, that is not an April Fool’s joke.

Today’s Times exposé of Silverstein’s boundless greed and chutzpah is headlined:

For a Ground Zero Developer Seeking Subsidies, More Is Never Enough

Journalist Michael Powell seems to have snuck one by the Times editors by writing that Silverstein “has internalized a developer’s rule of thumb in New York: Only a rube puts much of his own money at risk. Billions of dollars in Liberty bonds, insurance money, developer fees: Year after year, Mr. Silverstein has shaken the public tree and benefits have fallen to the ground.”

This alludes to the fact that on 9/11, Silverstein shook the three World Trade Center skyscrapers, and a multi-billion-dollar windfall “fell to the ground” – at free-fall speed.

When he bought the largely vacant, money-hemorrhaging, condemned-for-asbestos World Trade Center in July of 2001 – just two months before 9/11 – Silverstein (obviously not a rube) put up less than $15 million of his own money while doubling the WTC’s terror insurance policy to $3.5 billion. On 9/11, he skipped his customary breakfast in the Windows to the World restaurant atop the North Tower, allegedly due to a lucky dermatologists’ appointment. Everyone in the restaurant that day died. Silverstein’s family members also cancelled WTC appointments that morning.

The 9/11 demolitions-without-a-permit allowed Silverstein to collect double indemnity on his terror insurance policy by claiming that his “losses” were the result of two completely separate and unrelated terror attacks. You don’t have to be an Edward G. Robinson of a claims adjuster to know that there’s something fishy about a guy who buys a white elephant, doubles the insurance, takes a “total loss” two months later, and sues for double indemnity based on a bizarre twist in the policy.

The Times article points out that Silverstein’s new WTC, like the old asbestos-ridden one, is largely vacant. So Silverstein “wants to shake the tree again” – to the tune of $1.2 billion more in public funds, on top of the countless subsidies and insurance-fraud payouts he has already extorted.

Will Silverstein shake the Unfreedom Tower so billions more will “fall to the ground” at free-fall acceleration? Somebody had better keep a close eye on this guy’s insurance policies…and make sure he isn’t hiring any more Israeli and/or Bush-owned “security” firms.

Along with referencing the WTC demolitions, Times journalist Michael Powell subtly informs us that he has been reading my Veterans Today articles castigating Silverstein:

“Now Mr. Silverstein wants to shake the tree again. In March, as Charles V. Bagli reported in The New York Times, he asked the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to guarantee up to $1.2 billion of his construction loans. The authority’s board could vote on the proposal this month.

“As chutzpah, this was impressive. As public policy, it was less salutary."

Powell’s tongue-in-cheek salute to Silverstein’s chutzpah appears to be a sly reference to my many satirical articles on the same subject. If you google “Silverstein chutzpah” the first of 344,000 results is my piece:

Chutzpah, Thy Name is Silverstein! Larry Wants More Billions for Blowing Up the WTC

In that article I created The Larry Silverstein Award for Chutzpah Above and Beyond the Call of Duty, which has since then been awarded to Andrew Adler (the Zionist editor who published an op-ed calling on his beloved Mossad to assassinate Obama), Israel lobbyist Patrick Clawson (who publicly called for the false-flag murder of Americans to start a war with Iran), and Judge John Walker (who refused to recuse himself from a 9/11 truth lawsuit even though he’s George Bush’s cousin).

It’s great to see that the New York Times is reading Veterans Today, and that our nation’s newspaper of record appreciates VT’s untiring efforts to give Larry Silverstein the public flaying he deserves. But it’s way past time for the Times to pick up where it left off on November 29th, 2001 – when it questioned the “baffling” collapse of WTC-7 and marveled at the “steel members in the debris pile that appear to have been partly evaporated in extraordinarily high temperatures” – and come right out and tell the truth about 9/11 directly, rather than between-the-lines.

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RE: Truth tellers
4/2/2014 3:10:37 PM
These articles are so informative, I hope everyone reads about the horror the children go through. Thankful that we are almost to the end of this horror. Things should be interesting on April 7, 2014

Kevin Annett Article by Cara St. Louis of VT 4-1-14

by kauilapele

kevin_annett_galactic_connection_140318_snip_4I'm just placing the link here, in case any would like to view another article about this.

Article link

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RE: Truth tellers
4/2/2014 4:18:15 PM
Hi Everyone,

This is on the wall, but wanted to make sure it doesn't get buried. It is very interesting and she is on the money. Watch it and learn what is happening to the in America and world.


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