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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
11/9/2011 2:07:17 AM

Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for the link. Although I sell for Family Christian Stores myself, I'm a fanatic for anything Thomas Kinkade, so there's a Calendar that I'll probably just have to have from these folks...

2012 Thomas Kinkade Painter of Light Wall CalendarThomas KinkadeRetail Price: $15.99CBD Price: $10.49Have A Terrific Week My Friend,Phil
“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
11/9/2011 3:01:38 AM
Hi Phil,

Thanks for dropping by....I love the light in Thomas Kincaid's painting as well. Very beautiful! I'm happy to be sponsoring Christian books, bibles, etc....what better way to give people a resource that will benefit them and family & friends. My business partner and I just got our affiliate info and we put the link on our Real Estate website on a page we developed called,
"Got Peace?" the info was taken from a sermon that our main pastor taught last year, and Roisann (my friend and business partner, felt compelled to create a special page on our site).

We know we've gotten a lot of clicks on the page, and several folks have mentioned they like the page. The bottom line in our business is who we are in Christ, & not how much money we make. Money is good, but it's not the main thing in life. I know you know what I mean. Happy to see you promote Christian resources as well. We just recently thought that adding this would be something of real value for others. The privilege is of knowing Jesus Christ is just an amazing gift that we've been given. I recently read your testimony Phil about when you were so sick in the hospital. Thank you for sharing this info. It will make a difference for some. We don't know when or who maybe...but I know that it will.

In Christ's Love,

Your sister ~
Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
11/12/2011 5:25:48 AM
What a great topic! I really enjoyed reading all the comments, compering them to my experience.

What is most common to each my day could be described as "using" eyes and ears more than mouth (could it be accidentally having 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth :) ). Psychotherapy, physiotherapy and healing seances consider a "dedicated listener and observer" . So, my stepping out of this professional routine welcomes some walk,talk and fun.

(New Belgrade's GHETTO - Block 62 - where I live,i n the midst of the pics is Block 63 and right corner pictures notorious Block 45 - well known for crime and narcotics)

I live in those white buildings on the left side, and near the red right-sided buildings is river Sava with a beautiful mall (app. 4 miles long) and a many raft restaurants and floating river clubs, but also with a fitness area 20 meters close to the river.

fitness area

Could you imagine better place for Sarita and me, to be happy and playful dogies?

Sarita and Russian Samoyed
her friend

After enjoying my cold ness coffee I usually take the "sweating hour" in fitness area, while Sarita runs around with her friends.

For me: "KNOW THYSELF" means no more than KNOW WHAT ARE YOUR PLEASURES and never miss to please yourself :) . It is not always easy, and I have spent over 48 years in learning that, but ... better late than never.

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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
11/22/2011 5:29:00 PM
Hi Branka,

Thanks for your wonderful pictures and comments. It's neat to see where you live and see your corner of the world. That latte/coffee looks yummy. Sarita and the Russian Samoyed look like they are enjoying the view. Knowing and understanding what makes us (as individuals tick) is an important part to finding peace and happiness in this life. Glad you're well on your way.

May God bless you and show you the rest of the way.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
11/23/2011 4:03:38 AM
Great Resource for online Bibles, Books, Music & Gifts.
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