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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/11/2010 1:15:29 AM
Hello Dear Cheryl,

Thank You so much for Your Invite to this Great Forum My Friend!

Certainly Nothing is more Important than to "Know Thyself" and, this is certainly also one of the Main Purpose of Our Own Life. Through Trials and Errors, We are slowly Learning about Ourselves; about what it is that We Like or Dislike; and, with each New Step Achieved, a New Perspective is bringing New Things that We Want. Interestingly, We are such Grandiose Beings that this Process simply keeps repeating itself in a Never Ending Way always giving Birth to a New Perspective and New Things that We Want to Be, Achieve or Have. This is What Makes Life so Interesting, Challenging and Full of Surprise.

For me, the Perfect "FUN" Day certainly incorporates the following Elements, and they are somewhat in the right order... Solitude, Listening to Music, close to a Fire or a Candle, Meditation, Being in Nature, Surrounded by Wildlife, Trekking or Snowshoeing with my Girl Friend, Relaxing, Having a Gastronomic Dinner with a Glass of Red Wine in Family, Playing some Fun Games and Laughing, Networking with Friends Worldwide, Solitude, Listening to Music, close to a Fire or a Candle.

For me, The Perfect "Work" Day certainly incorporates the following Elements, and they are somewhat in the right order... Solitude, Listening to Music, close to a Fire or a Candle, Meditation, Being in Nature, Receiving People at Our Villegiature Resort, Contributing at Making People's Life Better, Teaching Workshops about "Nature as a Guide", Animating "Sacred Fire" rituals, Bringing People On Guided Tours in Nature, Networking with friends Worldwide, Solitude, Listenic to Music, close to a Fire or a Candle.

And, You know what... the more I Move Ahead in Life, the closer My Perfect "Work" Days are to My Perfect "FUN" Days... and, I LOVE IT! ;-)

Love & Light Blessings,


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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/11/2010 7:23:43 AM
Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for your great post. I believe you're quite right about losing our connection to people and nature. These are very important and that's one of the reasons that my "perfect day" involves friends, sharing, laughing, eating, togetherness. It is just something that reminds me of what's important and who I enjoy being around. It also helps me reflect on my you said. It's hard to do this in the bustling busy days that most of us find ourselves caught up in much of the time.

I appreciate your comments.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/11/2010 7:50:53 AM
Hey there Kathleen,

Great to see you and to read about your "perfect day of fun and of work"....I really thank you for your response. It's so interesting how everyones answers are so different. Ask yourself how you can re-created your perfect fun day. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with your aunt and cousin when they came over. Isn't that a nice memory!

Now, ask yourself how you can shift your mind enough to re-create another perfect day that would be just as much fun. Since your aunt has passed there a way for you to do this? I guess we all have memories that make up our perfect day. Hmmmm....are we living in the past when we remember these perfect days, or are we simply using our memory to honor our special day and the people who made them so memorable and enjoyable.

Your perfect work day sounds like you enjoy what you are doing but would like to have people take responsibility for their own success. That would be nice wouldn't it. Sometimes people just want to be told what to do without expending too much of their own brain power. We can keep hoping on this count. I'm glad you enjoy your work online. That's great!!!

Thanks for your post, I enjoyed reading about your perfect days and what that would look like.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/11/2010 5:13:01 PM

Dear Cheryl,

thank you for the invite here, very interesting topic is this you have started.

Here are my answers to your questions..... :))

What does your perfect "fun" day look like?
Being a person who loves the sun so yes it would be at the beach for sure!
Where are you? At the beach
Who are you with? ...with my gang of girls, their boyfriends & some more friends :)
What are you doing? just lazing it out ...guitar, singing dancing just goofing 'round n having fun!

NOW....what is your perfect work day?
Perfect work day would be when I get done all that I have to do by 5.30pm n I leave office smiling n satisfied!

Where is your office? 20 min; walk from where I live
What are the activities you are doing? I am manager coordinator & trainer of a leading beauty & hair academy.
How much money are you making? enough for now :)
Hope I've done this correctly :)
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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/13/2010 6:54:29 AM
Hi Alain,

Always giving birth to a new perspective and new things that we want to be, achieve and have...I like what you said in regards to this. Yes, this is what makes life interesting and challenging & full of surprise.

It does sound like your perfect fun day and perfect work day are becoming more and more alike. It seems that this is being true to who you are, and maybe we all should allow these two perfect days to merge together into being the same kind of day. Maybe instead of hectic busy work days & then separate time off days trying to relax and not think about work we should encorporate tranquil work environments and work spaces into a simple lifestyle of work, play and life in general.

Discovering what it is that renews our souls and gives us pure enjoyment each day is something to be sought after. It sounds like you are experiencing this Alain and that you are constantly reaching and growing.

Thanks for sharing your great insights Alain.

Take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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