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"KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/10/2010 5:53:27 PM
"KNOW THYSELF" - Shakespeare

Sounds simple doesn't it? When you know yourself you will be much more able to determine what you want. Will had the right idea, didn't he?
There are a couple of simple exercises that have really helped me and I hope you find them useful too.
There are no right or wrong answers and I would encourage you to write them down.
Think about your answers, but don't spend too much time on them. The things that come up almost automatically when you take time to ask yourself these questions will be your core desires rising to the surface.
Deep down we know what we want, yet much of our time is spent focusing on what we don't want. You simply MUST shift your focus onto what you do want and away from what you don't want.
The following simple exercises have really helped me and I thought they might be of help to you too.
Don't procrastinate writing down your answers to these questions. Just do it and you'll be amazed what you'll discover by taking these simple little steps.

Your friend,

What does your perfect "fun" day look like?

Where are you?
Who are you with?
What are you doing?

NOW....what is your perfect work day?

Where is your office?
What are the activities you are doing?
How much money are you making?

These days must not be the same. A mistake that many of us make is spending all our time working without separating from those work activities. We need time that is totally separate from our work. Making a habit of spending at least one day a week not doing work will renew your mind, body and soul. We Need This!
I have been one of the worst at this...but I am now making a concerted effort to have one day where I don't work each week. For me, it's Sunday. For you it might be Saturday or Monday. Whatever day you choose to give yourself permission to not do ANY work....just do it! Follow through with your intent and I promise, you will feel better and get more accomplished on the days that you have your normal work schedule. "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Mary Hofstetter

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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/10/2010 6:33:00 PM

Hi Cheryl, Strange that you should ask because to me nothing is ever perfect. I'm always looking for just a little more.

My pefect day is usually with my 2 grand daughters either swimming at the beach--- yes a beach in the middle of Ohio's corn fields. Perhaps we are just out for some adventure. The week ends they come are non-work times. Anything can wait a day or two. My other fun times are with my quilting, or carving buddies. My Audabon friends and our activities bring me much joy too.

As for work. Well I'm retired. So on line networking work is really just another fun time for me. If it were really work I wouldn't be doing it. Marketing is pleasurable as it fits into my daily schedule where ever I want it to be.

Thanks for inviting me Cheryl and I look forward to other responses.

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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/10/2010 7:16:02 PM
Hi Mary,

Thanks for your response. By "Perfect Day" I think of what makes me happy and helps me unwind and not feel pressured. We're all different and hopefully by doing this exercise will see what it is that we really love and what renews and refreshes us.

For me....

My perfect day would be spent in my house on the Oregon coast, walking along the beach with friends, and maybe part of the time walking along and reflecting alone. Later, back at the house we are all talking and visiting as we pitch in to cook a great meal together. Someone's firing up the grill, maybe we'll have grilled salmon or halibut, or maybe steak.

We're just being casual, relaxed and enjoying one another's company. Lots of laughing and fun. Everyone is free to come and go, there is no pressure. I have a number of great friends like this...we don't have the opportunity to all get together very often. But when we do, it's a wonderful time of connecting and renewing our friendships and I love those times. I can think of all sorts of scenarios but this is the one that popped into my brain first.

More about my perfect work day later.

Thanks for dropping by and posting. It sounds like you really love to spend time with your grand daughters...and you're enjoying your retirement. That's fantastic!

Have a blessed day,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/10/2010 8:38:21 PM
Hi Cheryl and Mary,

I'm glad you have started this exciting topics. In the world where everybody is attempting to create some success and realize what happiness is, this is a very good start to address those issues.

The timeless question about our purpose and why we are here is popping up here and there, even in your topic appears to be an underlining question.

In my own quest in determining and answering those question I have come to the realization that the answers are much more obvious than we think.

Many of us believe that being financially independent, having top technological devices, knowing the main trends and such things is the most important parts of our lives.

Yet in the quest of being in trendy areas, we are losing such things like friendships, social interactions, connection to nature, connection to oneself and realization that our happiness lies inside of us not outside.

We are capable in the middle of the storm have a quite heart and positive outlook on things. We are capable with our bear hands to create what we need at any time through our lives, yet we are giving away our sovereignty to those who present themselves as gurus or those who tell us what is right or wrong and feed us with fears to gain controls over us.

I recommend to you and anybody else to start self-discovery with help of this site.

It gave me great starting point of my new life-venture. I hope it will give you the same.

Bogdan Fiedur
Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: "KNOW THYSELF" - A Few Simple Ways to Help Yourself Do This"
10/11/2010 12:48:56 AM

What does your perfect "fun" day look like? Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing?

If I can use my time-machine, I had the most fun when my favorite Aunt was alive (Aunt Mary) she would visit my parents house every Saturday night, and my cousin Barbara, she's much older than my sisters & I, and we'd sit at the kitchen table, just a bunch of females, yacking and looking thru the The Star and National Enquirer at the worst-dressed famous women and their exploits. My aunt and cousin are both very boisterous talkers and they both had all sons, so escaping to our house was their time-out. I wish I had those Saturday nights again, and I'd like to have a dog again, so my perfect "fun" day would be a ladies-night at Mom's kitchen table with loud-mouthed fun relatives and a pile of tabloid magazines and a dog to play with, I haven't had one for a long time because my son is very allergic. (boys!)

NOW....what is your perfect work day? Where is your office? What are the activities you are doing? How much money are you making?

My perfect work day would be not having a headache, having a day where people in my biz groups actually read and know what they're doing and advertise every day without being reminded, without asking me obvious questions, without them sitting there for several days, doing nothing, waiting for big results from ONE AD they posted 4 days ago, and then telling me the ad sources don't work for them. <eyeroll!> ...and not staying up late or getting up early or getting eye strain from the computer.

My perfect office would be at home, it IS, so that's a good thing.

The activities I would be doing are...the same thing I always do, online advertising, good thing I like it. Preferably with less confused people and stronger promoters.

I would be making ENOUGH MONEY. How much is enough? To pay for all living expenses, buy a summer and winter house in different climates in USA, maybe a mansion on every continent, each with 4 acres of land and the house right in the center and the properties landscaped into walking paths and flower-mazes. I like MY house so I'd have this exact floorplan rebuilt on every continent. I'd have enough money to go to the dentist with a pile of cash and not worry about the stupid insurance rules about one root-canal & crown per year. I'd go to the dentist with several bags of candy and a pile of cash, and sit there in the chair with the candy on my lap while the drilling is done, and then have my candy picnic so the dentist has something to do for my next visit, that dentist will have a continuous income, and so will the candy industry.
