Sara Blow is credited with "Today's tip of the day " on my site. When you visit and click you will find Sara's Adlandpro profile. Smile Sara ! ! ! Today's tip is EXERCISE. Bend, stretch, reach and walk coupled with water detoxifies your body and stregthens your joints. Gardening is one of my favorite ways to accomplish my exercise routine. Planning and making gardens is good exercise but don't forget to stop and enjoy the results. Volunteer work is a good way for me to get exercise. I assist groups at our local park as a trail guide, wildflower monitor, and help with our festivals, etc. There again, I couple the exercise with something I enjoy doing. At the Bluffton Senior Center, I measure cloth once a week. There is a lot of reaching and stretching involved and I get to enjoy the texture and look of all the pretty fabrics I handle. 8 oz. of glucosamine a day will put PEP in your step for both you and your pets.l