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Mary Hofstetter

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RE: Share Your Ideas About Managing Arthritis
8/26/2010 12:39:31 PM

Tip of the day. To avoid additional pain, fatigue, dependence, social life, self-esteem and self image issues manage the symptoms of arthritis by lowering stress.

I have found one site with some good ideas for reducing stress. They also discuss how stress can't be mesasured. What drives you into dispare, might be something with which I can deal . However, people many times can relate to an incident that perpetrated the arthritis pain.

"During stressful times, the body releases chemicals into the bloodstream and physical changes occur. The physical changes give the body added strength and energy and prepare the body to deal with the stressful event. When stress is dealt with positively the body restores itself and repairs any damage caused by the stress. However, when stress builds up without any release, it affects the body negatively. "

SOURCE The Effects of Stress On Arthritis, Compounding The Burden of Chronic Disease.

This is an easy to read and helpful site when understanding stress and its effects on arthritis symptoms.

Thanks Roger for this great tip.

RE: Share Your Ideas About Managing Arthritis
8/26/2010 2:09:01 PM

Sara, Thanks for the imput. Exercising is one of the tips I wanted to include but you will get the credit for that. When we wake up or get stiff while sitting, the tempation is to not move. In reality it is best to bite the bullet and get moving. Soon the joints co-operate and the stiffness is lessened.

Take note of my next post. I had it all ready before coming and seeing your post. Take note of it...Vitamin C deminishes the chances of getting rehumtoid arthritis. Your kool-aid idea I don't agree. I'm going to go with research.

Mary, I appreciate your comments. What works for one does not always work for others. Getting Vitamin C through fresh fruit is the very best source and some have more than others. What I avoid is the sugar in processed juices. No where have I found any fruit juices that do not have sugar or sugar substitute. Fresh fruit is very expensive and not always available here, so I use the only thing that is in plentiful supply with exception of taking supplements. Therefore, my Kool-Aid. So sorry I disrupted your posting.

You have great advice so I will just read it and learn. :-)

Have a great day,


RE: Share Your Ideas About Managing Arthritis
8/26/2010 2:09:05 PM
Hi Mary

Many year ago when my mother was alive and in her 80s her fingers became stiff and she was unable to open her hand. Her doctor said it was arthritis. A friend told my mother to eat two pennywort leaves every day.

My mother did this and about 12 months later her fingers and pain were back to normal. Her friend had told her she would have to wait over a year for results. She never had a problem again with arthritis for the rest of her life.

Try google search "pennywort arthritis" for more information.

RE: Share Your Ideas About Managing Arthritis
8/26/2010 2:31:25 PM

Today's tip: Eat oranges and drink fresh orange juice. According to WH Foods*, a site dedicated to health and wellness, free radicals do damage to our cellular structure. This causes painful inflammation as the body tries to clean out the damaged parts. Vitamin C prevents the free radical damage that sets off the inflamation and therefore reduces inflammatory conditions such as asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

@Practical Tip: For the best DNA protection, skip the vitamin C-fortified bottled drinks and enjoy a glass of real (preferably organic as organic foods have been shown to contain higher amounts of phytonutrients), freshly squeezed orange juice - or simply eat an orange!

"New research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition adds to the evidence that enjoying a daily glass of freshly squeezed orange juice can significantly lower your risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis." ...The George Mateljan Foundation

So to put it in everyday language, the facts are that the consumption of Vitamin C------not the pill but real fruit means people are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis.,

To manage the symptoms of arthritis, keep it simple. Eat oranges. 

*The George Mateljan Foundation
for The World's Healthiest Foods
The George Mateljan Foundation for the World's Healthiest Foods was established by George Mateljan to discover, develop and share scientifically proven information about the benefits of healthy eating, and to provide the personalized support individuals need to make eating The World's Healthiest Foods enjoyable, easy, quick and affordable.

@European Prospective Investigation of Cancer Incidence (EPIC)-Norfolk study

To find other useful information log into my site. The bookstore, research and testimonies will be helpful in managing the sypmtoms of arthritis.

let's hear it from you other arthritis suffers.

Like everything else, all foods should be taken in reasonable amounts. Everytime that we are told that something is great another report says that it is bad.

Some reports have said that a glass of orange juice a day increases the risk of diabetes in women due to the fact that juice is absorbed quickly whereas oranges have bulk as well. I don't agree nescessarily, but, if you are to add a regular glass of orange to your diet then check your sugars from time to time. It's common sense but we forget.

I hope that this is taken as a positive note as that is how it's intended.

In reply:

I have tried glucosamine long-term but personally I have noticed no good effects.

My arthritis is due to a reduced mobility in joints through wear and tear, my spine and hands in particular. I recently had tests for psoriatic arthritis because I have psoriasis on my hands. This is a form of arthritis that is often over looked. In my case the tests were negative, which for me, was disappointing as I wou;d have had some idea as to why i have particular symptoms.

If you haven't explored this type of arthritis, then do undertake a few minutes of research. It might be useful for somebody.


Hello all.

This tip is for Roger.

Re go to a bee keeper and get some honey. Before you go to bed put honey on your
psoriasis and then put gloves or bandages on affected areas. During the day let air get to affected areas. Do not cover during the day. If you apply honey every night the psoriasis will go away in a few months.

Years ago my wife has
psoriasis of both hands and feet. Specialists could not cure it. After a year of me nagging her she finally allowed me treat her with honey. By this time it was very bad. After 6 - 8 months the psirosis was gone.

Roger any honey will help but some supermarket honey may be mixed or could have been boiled..
RE: Share Your Ideas About Managing Arthritis
8/26/2010 2:38:59 PM
Hello again all.

Roger re last post. For any skin complaint eat fish as many times as you can during the week and also eat spaghetti. at least twice a week.

This will definitely help any skin complaint
