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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2017 8:51:06 PM


Stuff that matters


Here are the most baffling things Trump said on his visit to Puerto Rico.

President Trump visited the U.S. territory on Tuesday, two weeks after Hurricane Maria devastated the island. Half of Puerto Ricans lack clean water and 95 percent are without power.

So, how did the president approach the unfolding humanitarian crisis? Let’s hear it:

Trump said that Hurricane Maria wasn’t a “real catastrophe” like Hurricane Katrina at a briefing with local officials. He compared thecertified death count of the disasters as evidence: “You can be very proud, only 16 instead of thousands in Katrina.” To point out a few problems: The official death toll in Puerto Rico is underreported, it will likely continue to climb, and maybe we shouldn’t frame death tolls as something to be proud of.

“I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you’ve thrown our budget out of whack,” Trump said at the briefing — apparently joking about the disaster aid pending in Congress.

“Have a good time,” Trump told a family after they showed him their storm-damaged home.

The president went mostly off-script from the White House’s Puerto Rico media coverage plan, but he did take the opportunity to tout the success of the relief effort. “Everybody watching can really be very proud of what’s been taking place in Puerto Rico,” he said.

We can only hope he’s not talking about his own performance.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/5/2017 9:03:33 PM

U.S. Based Charity Is Robbing Mexico’s Indigenous Communities Of Water

OCTOBER 4, 2017

By Derrick Broze

A religious charity based in the United States claims to be helping the poor, but in reality, Living Water is contributing to a shrinking water supply for Mexico’s indigenous communities.

A report from Open Democracy details a disturbing system of corporate and state privilege and theft of indigenous resources. Journalist Tamara Pearson investigated the situation in Puebla, Mexico, specifically looking at the activities of Coca Cola, the charity Living Water, and non-profit Techo. “Here, people living in the wealthy part of town get all the water they need, and Coca Cola gets first dibs on the best water in the state. Meanwhile, the rest us get running water for half an hour a week, or none at all,” Pearson writes.

Living Water, a U.S. based religious charity that claims to provide the poor with water, currently has 132 projects in the state of Puebla. The projects are the result of the Mexican government encouraging private industry to invest in ownership bodies of water. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and his wife Heidi Cruz, VP of Goldman Sachs, are listed in the leadership of Living Water.

Tamara Pearson interviewed Fernando, an indigenous activist from the Nahua community of Cuanala, in northern Puebla, to get a better understanding of the situation. Fernando is part of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and to Peoples Against the Privatization of Water (PUCPA). He tells Pearson that charities like Living Water and Techo “pave the way” for corporations to gain access to indigenous and rural people’s water. Specifically, groups like Techo and Living Water have partnerships with companies like Femsa (Coca Cola) for financing projects in indigenous communities under the pretext of providing water. According to Fernando, once the charities get in the communities, their corporate partners use their influence to steal water.

“Living Water went into indigenous towns like Ocotepec saying things like ‘Jesus says water is for everyone.’ At first, people trusted them, but then they realized the charity has connections to Femsa (Coca Cola) and they protested. There were arrests, and the police stopped the protests,” Fernando told Pearson. “In January the current state government sent the various municipalities (of Puebla state) a document saying that we had to approve an article in the water law that gives the state, and therefore companies as well, control over our water. They gave us a month to respond, and if we didn’t, then we had automatically approved it.”

Fernando also said the government is attempting to shut down the wells that the indigenous communities have built. Pearson also reports that Article 12 of the new water law also makes it illegal to collect your own water via well or rain collection. The law limits communities like Fernando’s to 20 liters of water per person per day. This supply is not enough to drink, water crops, and care for animals.

Even worse, Pearson was able to document the glaring inequality and double standard between the indigenous and rural communities and the wealthier cities. Fernando told Pearson that the wealthy living in the cities do not face the same water restrictions as the indigenous.

“Unlike where the rest of us live – where we get 30 minutes of water a week, if we’re lucky, and so we store that water in tanks on our roofs – in Angelopolis there are no tanks,” Pearson reports. “They have unlimited water, doing things the rest of us wouldn’t dream of, like filling their swimming pools, hosing down their patios and foot paths, and washing their pets regularly with a hose.”

The report also notes that Coca Cola continues to extract water from the sides of the Huitepec volcano in Chiapas. This water is taken away from the local indigenous communities and sold elsewhere for a high profit.

Fernando told Pearson that the fight for water security is a part of a larger struggle for land security. “We don’t waste water by washing it down the drains. We recycle it. The fight for water is a fight for life. You can’t separate water from land issues and struggles, from the economy, and from conflict and peace and justice,” he said.

The situation in Mexico has the appearance of yet another example of private industry using influence to screw over the people. However, on closer examination we can see that it was the state which first passed a law to give these charities and corporations the legal path for seizing local water supplies. At the end of the day, the people are opposed by an octopus with many tentacles. The corporations and the State work together to fleece the people, but without the corrupt politicians and government officials, the corporations would not be able to wield such power. We must decentralize and unplug from these systems and focus our efforts on building local community reliance. If I was you I would start here.

Derrick is available for interviews. Please contact

This article may be freely reposted in part or in full with author attribution and source link.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2017 12:05:27 AM

BREAKING: CIA Official Comes Forward To Out Trump, Pulling In Kim Jong-Un As Media Confirms

Posted by | Oct 4, 2017 |

According To The CIA, Kim Jong Un Is A "Rational" Leader!

According To The CIA, Kim Jong Un Is A “Rational” Leader!

President Donald Trump is a man that just says what is on his mind. The subject of his attacks range from Democratic opponents to other dictators. Perhaps none have seen that more than North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un.

And yet, liberals within the establishment are now choosing to slight Trump while protecting Kim Jong-un. According to the Washington Times, an “influential” officer within the CIA came forward against the current administration to out Trump and cut down his statements against Kim Jong-un, claiming it is in fact Kim who is the “rational” one.

Yong Suk Lee, the deputy assistant director of the CIA’s Korea Mission Center released a statement of his own. “The last person who wants conflict on the [Korean Peninsula] is Kim Jong-un.”

Lee, who isn’t known for making public statements, said Kim Jong-un just “wants what all authoritarian rulers want … to rule for a very long time and die peacefully in his own bed.” That is incredibly difficult to believe as the Hermit Kingdom has performed nuclear test after nuclear test. And somehow it is still Trump who is in the wrong; Kim Jong-un is being protected over our own President.

Kim Jong-Un's repeated attempts to threaten the United States into dispersing aid and wealth to North Korea has not been working out under newly elected President Trump

Kim Jong-Un’s Repeated Nuclear Tests Really Disprove The Notion He’s A “Rational” Leader!

According to Lee, it wouldn’t be “conducive to his longevity” to engage in a war with the United States. He continued on, “If you look at [Kim’s] strategic calculus, why would he want to threaten the U.S.? Probably because he wants to keep us out of his sandbox.”

So it sounds like a battle is brewing between the CIA and the President of the United States. Why else would Lee make these statements?

Especially considering that back in August Trump said that North Korea would be hit with “fire and fury like the world has never seen” if they were to continue their nuclear ways.

Trump has also called the North Korean dictator a “madman” through his twitter account. He has also called him “Rocket Man” during a speech at the United Nations.

President Trump has issued an extremely strong warning to Kim Jong-Un.

President Trump has issued an extremely strong warning to Kim Jong-Un.

Even though China has listened to the United States a little, with regards to the sanctions on the country, Lee decided to focus on that in addition to butting heads with Trump.

“China still accounts for 90 percent of North Korean trade. China still provides the life-line crude oil to North Korea.”

It’s safe to say that this battle between the President and the CIA isn’t going to go away anytime soon.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2017 12:47:13 AM



Theoretical physicists have dispelled the idea we are living in a Matrix-style computer simulation, calculating that not all aspects of our reality can be simulated efficiently using computers.

The simulation theory has been a staple of science fiction for decades and was detailed in a 2003 paper by the philosopher Nick Bostrom. On the basis of this paper, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has stated there is a 99.99 percent chance that the universe we inhabit is a computer simulation, while physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says that is is “very likely.”

Researchers at the University of Oxford have now calculated that "even just to store the information about a few hundred electrons on a computer one would require a memory built from more atoms than there are in the universe."

Research published by physicists Zohar Ringel and Dmitry Kovrizhin in Science Advances suggests that this notion of creating a massive-scale simulation using classical computers is “impossible.”

This is due to something known as the quantum Hall effect, which causes the simulation to become exponentially more complex as the number of particles increases.

“If the growth is exponential, or in other words if for every extra particle one has to double the number of processors, memory, etc., then this task becomes intractable,” the researchers state.

Bostrom’s hypothesis is that an advanced “posthuman” civilization will use enormous amounts of computing power to run realistic simulations of the universe. He suggests that current technology trends suggest humanity is already on course for this to be possible.

“The strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation I think is the following,” Musk said at a conference last year. “40 years ago we had Pong—two rectangles and a dot. That’s where we were.

“Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it’s getting better every year… If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable.”

While achieving this on classical computers is impossible, the research does not entirely rule out that an effective method for massive-scale simulations might one day be possible through advances in ultra-powerful quantum computers, however the researchers note that currently no efficient simulation algorithms are known.

The reason that such algorithms have yet to be discovered, Ringel and Kovrizhin argue, is that they are currently outside the realm of what can currently be imagined within the laws of theoretical physics. For now, the simulation hypothesis will have to remain within the scope of science fiction.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2017 9:37:06 AM

New ISIS Infographic on Vegas Shooting Claims Paddock Converted Six Months Ago


FBI investigators walk through the scene of a shooting near the Mandalay Bay on Oct. 3, 2017, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher)

The Islamic State continued insisting that they have a connection to Sunday night's massacre in Las Vegas with the publication of an infographic about the crime filling the second page of their 16-page weekly newsletter.


Today's release marks the 100th issue of al-Naba, which is distributed in ISIS territories and online via mediums such as Telegram and social media as a PDF.

ISIS claimed through their Amaq news agency Monday morning that the "Las Vegas attacker is a soldier of the Islamic State who carried out the attack in response to calls for targeting coalition countries." They claimed he had converted to Islam recently.

In the new al-Naba issue, the terror group claims Stephen Paddock converted to Islam six months ago.

ISIS persisted in its full-court press effort to claim responsibility for the attack after the Amaq news agency claim with their official Nashir channel and affiliated al-Batar Media Foundation all insisting Paddock acted on behalf of the terror group.

The newsletter used the nom de guerre that ISIS bestowed up Paddock earlier in the week: "Abu Abdul Barr al-Amriki" -- the American.

"The brother Abu Abdul Barr stationed himself for the invasion on the 32nd floor of a hotel overlooking a concert, and opened fire continuously on the crowds using 23 guns and more than 2,000 rounds, and died, may Allah accept him, after exhausting his ammunition," al-Naba states.

Leaked crime scene photos and officials have indicated there was much more ammo in the room. Paddock was interrupted by a security guard, shot more than 200 rounds through the hotel room door, and then killed himself as police attempted to enter the suite.

The infographic states as "results of the operation" 59 killed -- a number that was reduced to 58 by Las Vegas authorities, not counting Paddock -- and 527 wounded, a number also reduced Wednesday as officials got a more accurate count from local hospitals, along with "panic and confusion of security in America and a number of European countries."

An issue of al-Naba released two days ago before the June London Bridge attack warned that another terrorist attack in Britain was "definitely coming."

ISIS has in the past claimed attacks that authorities found weren't linked to the terror group, including the June attack on a Manila casino that left 37 dead. Shooter Jessie Carlos Javier had problems in his personal life including deep gambling debts, and had been banned from casinos before the attack. The multi-agency persistence in claiming an attack they didn't have a hand in is unique, though.

ISIS followers on social media have debated the claim among themselves, with some saying they would rather see hard evidence.

On Wednesday evening in Vegas, FBI Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse told reporters, "We have found no evidence to this point to indicate terrorism, but this is an ongoing investigation. We're going to look at all avenues, not close any."

Investigators have indicated that Paddock's life, particularly over the past decade, is largely a mystery, but they have said they haven't uncovered out any specific political or religious belief system he had.


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