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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2017 1:16:45 AM

16 Unanswered Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting That The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Talk About

The public is not being told the truth about what really went down in Las Vegas. As you will see below, the evidence is mounting that there were multiple shooters and that this was an operation that was planned well in advance. But according to the mainstream media, a 64-year-old retired accountant with a flabby physique that had no military training whatsoever and that wasn’t very experienced with guns was able to pull the whole thing off all by himself. We are being told that Paddock was a “lone wolf” that didn’t have any ties to terror groups, and since he is now dead nobody is ever going to be able to interrogate him. But the American people definitely deserve some answers about what took place, and that means that all of us should keep digging.

The following are 16 unanswered questions about the Las Vegas shooting that the mainstream media does not want to talk about…

#1 Photos of Stephen Paddock’s hotel room have been leaked, and one of those photos appears to show a suicide note. Why hasn’t the public been told what is in that note?

#2 Were there additional shooters? A taxi driver clearly captured video of an automatic weapon being fired out of a lower level window. A video from another angle and brief footage captured by Dan Bilzerian also seem to confirm that automatic gunfire was coming from a floor much lower than the 32nd floor room that Stephen Paddock was located on. And if you weren’t convinced by the first three videos, this fourth video should definitely do it.

#3 Why were law enforcement authorities discussing “another suspect on the fourth floor”, and why isn’t the mainstream media talking about this?

#4 As Jon Rappoport has pointed out, it would have been impossible for Stephen Paddock to kill and wound 573 people in less than five minutes of shooting with the kinds of weapons that he is alleged to have used. So why won’t law enforcement authorities acknowledge this fact?

#5 How in the world did Paddock get 42 guns and “several thousand rounds of ammo” into his hotel room without anyone noticing?

#6 How did someone with “no military background” and that wasn’t a “gun guy at all” operate such advanced weapons? Because what we are being told by the mainstream media just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. I really like how Natural News made this point…

Far from what the firearms-illiterate media claims, these are not systems that any Joe off the street can just pick up and use to effortlessly mow down 500 people. Running these systems requires extensive training, experience and stamina. It is physically impossible for a guy like Stephen Paddock to operate such a system in the sustained, effective manner that we witnessed, especially when shooting from an elevated position which throws off all the ranging of the weapon system.

Far from being a Navy Seal, Stephen Paddock is a retired accountant senior citizen with a gambling problem and a flabby physique. The only way he could have carried out this shooting is if he were transformed into a human superweapon through a magic wand. I’m calling this “Mission IMPOSSIBLE” because of the physical impossibility of a retired, untrained senior citizen pulling this off.

#7 Why was one woman telling people in the crowd that they were all going to die45 minutes before the attack?

#8 Why did it take law enforcement authorities 72 minutes to get into Stephen Paddock’s hotel room?

#9 Why did Paddock wire $100,000 to the Philippines last week?

#10 Why was Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, in the Philippines when the attack took place? Did she know what was about to happen?

#11 Was Paddock on antidepressants like so many other mass killers in the past have been?

#12 Why was ISIS so eager to take responsibility for this attack, and why was the FBI so quick to dismiss that connection?

#13 Apparently Paddock had earned millions of dollars “through real estate deals”. If he was so wealthy, why would he all of a sudden snap like that?

#14 Why did he move so frequently? It is being reported that Paddock had 27 different residences during his adult life.

#15 Why were nearly all of the exits out of the concert venue completely blocked?…

In essence, the concert trapped the people, preventing them from escaping, and denying them the ability to seek cover. From there, sustained, full-auto gunfire is almost impossible to survive.

From Fox News, a caller named Russell Bleck, who survived the shooting, said live on air, “There were ten-foot walls blocking us in. We couldn’t escape. It was just a massacre. We had nowhere to go.”

#16 Why was a country music festival chosen as the target? Was the goal to kill as many Trump supporters and other conservatives as possible? And is there evidence that Stephen Paddock was connected to Antifa in any way?

At first I thought that this was a fairly straightforward story too, but the more I have dug into it the more complex things have become.

Personally, I have come to the conclusion that Stephen Paddock definitely did not act alone. That means that the others involved in the shooting are still out there, and they must be brought to justice. Let us never forget what these extremely wicked individuals did to innocent civilians such as 27-year-old Tina Frost

A 27-year-old woman has lost her right eye after a bullet ripped through her face during the Las Vegas concert massacre.

Tina Frost remains in a coma in hospital after undergoing surgery to remove the bullet that became lodged in her eye when a gunman opened fire on the crowd of country music fans on Sunday night.

Frost, who is originally from Maryland but moved to California several years ago, is expected to remain in the coma for a week.

Whoever did this is going to pay greatly. Yes, I do believe that Stephen Paddock was involved. But he did not act alone, and the mainstream media is doing the public a great disservice by ignoring all of the evidence that this was not just a “lone wolf” operation.

(The Economic Collapse)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2017 10:33:15 AM

IS claims Damascus attack, capture of Russian soldiers

In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, shows damages after a suicide car bomber struck a police station in Damascus, Syria, Monday, Oct. 2, 2017. The Al-Ikhbariyeh TV station said one bomber detonated his vehicle in front of the police station and another one managed to enter the station in the capital's al-Midan neighborhood. (SANA via AP)

BEIRUT (AP) — The Islamic State group on Tuesday claimed a pair of suicide bombings in Damascus that killed 17 civilians and policemen, and released a video purporting to show two Russian soldiers the extremists claim to have captured in fighting in eastern Syria.

The extremist group is trying to rally supporters after months of battlefield setbacks in Syria and Iraq, including the loss of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul in July.

The U.S.-led coalition and allied Syrian forces say they are in the final stages of driving IS from Raqqa, once the de facto capital of the group's self-styled caliphate. On Tuesday, Syrian activists said airstrikes hit the last water wells operating in the city, killing over a dozen civilians.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 18 civilians were killed, while Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, another activist-run group, put the death toll at 21. There was no immediate comment from the coalition.

In the IS video, circulated on social media, one of the prisoners identifies himself and says he and his colleague, who appears badly beaten, were captured near al-Shula during an IS counteroffensive. The speaker does not say when they were captured.

Russia's Defense Ministry says no Russian servicemen have been captured in Syria. It was not possible to verify the authenticity of the video or confirm the identities of the individuals shown in it.

Russia is a key ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad, whose troops have been advancing in the eastern province of Deir el-Zour, where al-Shula is located, against IS under the cover of Russian airstrikes since early September.

The jihadists launched a fierce attack on al-Shula last week, briefly cutting off a major highway and sparking a two-day battle. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitoring group, said the fighting killed 120 Syrian troops, Hezbollah fighters and other pro-government gunmen.

In Monday's attack in the Syrian capital, two men stormed a police station in the al-Midan neighborhood before one of them blew himself up, according to Syria's interior minister, Lt. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar. He said the other bomber made it inside the compound, where police killed him, causing his bomb to explode.

The IS-run Aamaq news agency said the militant group carried out the attack, without providing further details.

The Syrian government is at war with the IS group as well as a local al-Qaida affiliate and an array of rebel groups trying to oust Assad. The military has been steadily claiming territory from IS in central and eastern Syria recently.

Russia's Defense Ministry said in a statement early Tuesday that its airstrikes just outside Deir el-Zour city killed more than 300 IS fighters and wounded more than 200 on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. The ministry said the airstrikes also destroyed an IS training center, as well artillery positions, tanks and ammunition depots.

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2017 4:31:13 PM

After six years of death and destruction, what did Washington even achieve in its war on Syria?

Now that the defeat of ISIS in Syria appears imminent, with the Syrian army clearing out some of the last ISIS strongholds in the east, Washington's interventionists are searching for new excuses to maintain the illegal US military presence in the country. Their original rationale for intervention has long been exposed as another lie.

Remember that President Obama initially involved the US military in Iraq and Syria to "prevent genocide" of the Yazidis and promised the operation would not drift into US "boots on the ground." That was three years ago and the US military became steadily more involved while Congress continued to dodge its Constitutional obligations. The US even built military bases in Syria despite having no permission to do so! Imagine if Syria started building military bases here in the US against our wishes.

After six years of war the Syrian government has nearly defeated ISIS and al-Qaeda and the US-backed "moderates" turned out to be either Islamist extremists or Kurdish soldiers for hire. According to a recent report, the US has shipped two billion dollars worth of weapons to fighters in Syria via eastern Europe. Much of these weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS directly, or indirectly through "moderates" taking their weapons with them while joining ISIS or al-Qaeda.

"Assad must go," proclaimed President Obama back in 2011, as he claimed that the Syrian leader was committing genocide against his own people and that regime change was the only way to save Syrians. Then earlier this year, when eastern Aleppo was about to be liberated by the Syrian government, the neocons warned that Assad would move in and kill all the inhabitants. They warned that the population of eastern Aleppo would flee from the Syrian army. But something very different happened. According to the UN's International Organization for Migration, 600,000 refugees returned to Syria by August. Half of the returnees went back to Aleppo, where we were told Assad was waiting to kill them.

What happened? The neocons and "humanitarian interventionists" lied. Just as they lied about Libya, Iraq, and so on.

While it was mostly ignored by the mainstream media, just this week a Christian was elected speaker of the Syrian parliament. The new speaker is a 58-year-old Orthodox Christian law graduate and member of President Assad's Baath party.

How many Christians does our "ally" Saudi Arabia have in its parliament? Oh I forgot, Saudi Arabia has no elected parliament.

Why does it seem that US policy in the Middle East always hurts Christians the most? In Iraq, Christians suffered disproportionately from the 2003 US invasion. In fact there are hardly any Christians left. Why aren't more US Christian groups demanding that the US get out of the Middle East?

The US is not about to leave on its own. With ISIS all but defeated in Syria, many in Washington are calling for the US military to continue its illegal occupation of parts of the country to protect against Iranian influence! Of course before the US military actions in Iraq and Syria there was far less Iranian influence in the region! So US foreign interventionism is producing new problems that can only be solved by more US interventionism? The military industrial complex could not have dreamed of a better scheme to rob the American people while enriching themselves!

What have we achieved in Syria? Nothing good.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2017 5:13:07 PM
US 'completely & unlawfully seize' Russian SF consulate as blacksmith breaks lock (VIDEO)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/4/2017 5:50:48 PM

Video suggests there may have been multiple shooters in Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas shooting

While there is certainly no shortage of bogus images and false claims surrounding the horrifically violent shooting in Las Vegas this weekend, there are some very serious inconsistencies that need addressing. A major one of those inconsistencies has to do with the myriad of reports of multiple shooters. While some of the claims have been proven false, a video, confirmed to be taken by a Las Vegas cab driver appears to capture and confirm the presence of multiple shooters.

Cori Langdon, taxi driver, and resident of Las Vegas was in the taxi lane at Mandalay Bay when the shooting began. At first, Langdon didn't know what was going on, but when the shots began, she quickly realized and began filming. What she captured could be considered the most important evidence in regards to the reports of multiple shooters.

In the video, shots begin to ring out. At first, the shots are far away and then, all of the sudden, they are right on top of her. This happens several times during the first two minutes of the video.

At first glance, the two shooting distances sound like it could just be an echo. However, as the video progresses, we here the distant shots originate first and with different patterns. As Langdon continues filming, the shooting becomes clear that it is coming from two different spots and Langdon even confirms this by saying, "It is now coming from further away."

Using multiple firing positions is a military tactic designed to throw off the enemy. A single firing position is relatively easy to pinpoint, so the use multiple points of fire is employed to 'blur' the locator's image.

While there were two windows busted out of Paddock's dual room suite, the distance between them does not seem far enough away from each other to produce the sounds we hear in the video [above]. Also, it would have been quite the feat to run between both windows as fast as the firing is heard. Some of the exchanges happen almost instantly.

When the shooting became louder and more prevalent, Langdon jumped in her car and made a run for it. In the video, you can hear Langdon's taxi company discussing the chaos and then Langdon is informed to leave the area and stay clear of the strip.

As she continues to film, the rounds continue to be heard for several minutes. As she leaves the front drive of Mandalay Bay, Langdon says, "It seems like it's coming from up there."

Just then, she turns the camera up and more rounds are fired off and a flickering light, that could either be a strobe light or a muzzle flash is seen. What makes this strobe light effect particularly interesting is that it was filmed by multiple witnesses who claim it was gunfire. Below is a brief compilation of some of those videos.

Comment: The light in question is almost certainly a strobe light. In multiple videos it can be seen flashing before and after the gunfire ends.

As the video progresses, Langdon turns from an observer and documentarian to a first responder.

As the Winchester News-Gazette reports, in speaking with Missy Morgan, a native Winchester resident and former resident of Las Vegas, she informed Winchester's News-Gazette Publisher, Leesa Friend, that she had a friend that was "in the middle of all the tragic chaos". That person was Cori Langdon, video provider.
She witnessed many people pouring into the streets from the targeted area. At one point she has passengers take shelter in her taxi, one with a broken leg asking for her to take them away from there, just anywhere away from the location. Along the way, one passenger is heard contacting family to let them know they are safe and OK. The same passenger is heard crying that there were "dead bodies everywhere" as they fled the concert location. After begging from the passengers to take them to several different locations on the strip, Langdon refuses and proceeds to take them to what she considers a safe place away from town.
It is important to note that while this video does appear to confirm multiple shooters, there are a number of varying scenarios that could've produced these affects. The acoustics in a massive concrete city like Las Vegas can certainly play tricks on even the most astute audiophiles.

While this is not exactly a smoking gun, this video certainly warrants further investigation and should not be overlooked.

Comment: TFTP is right to be cautious, but they are also right about this: the video raises disturbing questions. At 0:04.2 there is a loud string of 8 shots, followed by 8 muffled shots after a 2.07-second delay. At 1:08.1 there is another loud string of 13 shots followed by a string of muffled shots (some not very audible). But the loudest spikes are 2.08 seconds apart, implying that we're hearing echoes. Unless a second shooter almost perfectly mimicked the original shots in number and duration, with a near-identical delay each time, that is the best explanation.

However, at 0:46.1 we hear a string of 13 muffled shots (and a few muffled bursts around 0:52), without any loud bursts. In other words, no echo. This would seem to suggest that these shots were indeed from another source. Without a more in-depth analysis, there are probably two possibilities: 1) a second shooter, 2) the same shooter, but from a slightly different shooting position, e.g. further back in the room, away from the window, or through a different window.

And in 1), the other shooter(s) could be firing from different buildings. Of the 4 hotels looking out onto the Village concert venue, the Luxor (pyramid) has the best vantage point. According to police scanner audio, that hotel was evacuated due to a bomb alert called in at the time of the shooting. The Tropicana hotel was also on lock-down, in that case due to an 'active shooter', also reported on police scanner audio. In fact, active shooters were reported at four hotels other than the Mandalay.

Then there is this video:

At one point in the analysis you can hear a steady stream of automatic fire. But during that fire, you can also hear 2 small bursts of suppressed gunfire on top of the existing automatic gunfire. Short bursts from close-range rifles can be heard while machine guns spray the target area from further afield.

For more updates, see: More than 50 dead, 500 wounded in Las Vegas concert shooting - UPDATES


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