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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/6/2017 5:25:51 PM
Tropical Storm Nate already blamed for 22 deaths as it heads to U.S. Gulf Coast

Tropical Storm Nate headed toward Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and is projected to reach the U.S. Gulf Coast as a hurricane over the weekend (WPEC-CBS12).
and Contact ReporterSun Sentinel

OCTOBER 6, 2017, 7:55 AM

Tropical Storm Nate roared toward Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula Friday after drenching Central America in rain that was blamed for at least 22 deaths, and forecasters said it could reach the U.S. Gulf Coast as a hurricane over the weekend.

Louisiana officials declared a state of emergency and ordered some people to evacuate coastal areas and barrier islands ahead of its expected landfall early Sunday, and evacuations began at some offshore oil platforms in the Gulf.

The National Hurricane Center in Miami said Nate could cause dangerous flooding by dumping as much as 6 to 10 inches of rain as it moved over Honduras, with higher accumulations in a few places.

It had maximum sustained winds of 45 mph by Friday morning and was likely to strengthen over the northwestern Caribbean Sea on Friday before a possible strike on the Cancun region at the tip of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula at near-hurricane strength. It could hit the U.S. Gulf coast near New Orleans.

Costa Rica's Judicial Investigation Organism blamed seven deaths in that country on the storm and said 15 people were missing. Flooding drove 5,000 residents into emergency shelters.

The forecast track showed that Nate could brush across the tip of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula as a tropical storm late Friday night.

In the U.S., evacuations were ordered Thursday for parts of Louisiana, including St. Bernard Parish east of New Orleans.

A hurricane watch is in effect for metropolitan New Orleans and Lake Pontchartrain and along the Louisiana coast eastward to the Mississippi and Alabama border.

In New Orleans, officials were outlining how they intend to fortify that city’s pump and drainage system after flash floods this summer exposed weaknesses in the system.

In Florida, the western Panhandle was facing a potential threat as it sat just outside the eastern edge of Nate’s 3-day forecast cone but inside the edge of the 5-day cone.

A Tropical Storm Watch has been issued from the Mississippi/Alabama border eastward to the Okaloosa-Walton County Line.

A direct impact to South Florida is not expected but the area will likely see some more rain this weekend as Nate churns up through the Gulf.

“Nate will pass well to the west of South Florida, so that means a continued deep flow of moisture from the south and a good chance of showers and thunderstorms during the weekend,” said Dennis Feltgen, spokesperson for the National Hurricane Center.

The storm’s maximum sustained wind speeds stayed at 40 mph for much of the day Thursday but those winds increased to 45 mph by Friday morning.

Nate is the busy 2017 Atlantic hurricane season’s latest named storm, having originated from Tropical Depression 16 — which developed Wednesday in the southwestern Caribbean Sea.

In the past 24 hours, Nate’s projected path has changed, with the track shifting west and farther away from Florida.

Initially, the official forecast track from the National Hurricane Center on Wednesday had the storm’s core headed straight for Florida’s northern Gulf Coast near Panama City Beach.

That changed overnight. The storm’s center as of Thursday was headed toward the general vicinity of the mouth of the Mississippi River at the southeastern tip of Louisiana.

U.S. Gulf Coast population centers within the cone as of Thursday included Baton Rouge and New Orleans in Louisiana; Gulfport, Biloxi and Pascagoula in Mississippi; and Mobile, Alabama.

But forecasters say that the cone doesn’t tell the whole story.

“The center of the storm can be anywhere inside the track forecast uncertainty cone,” Feltgen said. “And remember, this cone has nothing to do with the impacts, which will be over a much wider area.”

In Nicaragua, Nate's arrival followed two weeks of near-constant rain that had left the ground saturated and rivers swollen, the Associated Press reported. Authorities placed the whole country on alert and warned of flooding and landslides.

Nicaragua's vice president and spokeswoman, Rosario Murillo, said that at least 15 people had died in that country due to the storm. She didn't give details on all the deaths, but said two women and a man who worked for the Health Ministry were swept away by a flooded canal in the central municipality of Juigalpa.

The government closed schools nationwide.

Costa Rica's President Luis Guillermo Solis blamed two deaths in that country on the storm. Flooding drove 5,000 residents into emergency shelters.

As of the 11 p.m. Thursday update from the National Hurricane Center, Nate’s core was about to move offshore on the eastern coast of Honduras Thursday evening . Nate was expected to travel over the Caribbean Sea Thursday night and Friday.

“Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph with higher gusts,” the hurricane center said in its 8 p.m. advisory. “Strengthening is likely once the center moves over the northwestern Caribbean Sea tonight and Friday, and Nate could be near hurricane strength as the center approaches the Yucatan Peninsula.”

Life-threatening mudslides and flash floods due to torrential rain were possible in the impact zones and heavy rain was also likely far out from the storm’s core. Impacts were also expected in Panama, Belize, El Salvador, the Cayman Islands, and Jamaica.

Nate is the busy 2017 Atlantic hurricane season’s latest named storm, having originated from Tropical Depression 16 — which developed Wednesday in the southwestern Caribbean Sea.

Forecasters say conditions in the Gulf are favorable to the strengthening of tropical storms and hurricanes, with warm temperatures and little opposing winds — referred to by forecasters as wind shear.

Meanwhile, the hurricane center was also issuing updates on the rain and windy conditions that have been affecting South Florida this week. The weather we’ve seen in South Florida over the past few days comes as a result of a non-tropical cluster of storms and clouds centered in the Florida Straits between the Florida Keys and Cuba.

These storms are not expected to become a tropical depression, tropical storm or hurricane, but they are expected to bring heavy rainfall, some coastal flooding (several areas of South Florida were seeing flooding on Thursday morning as the rain combines with the king tides to inundate coastal areas) and strong winds.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/7/2017 12:57:53 AM


Spirit Of Baal 'Manifesting' Now In America

Jonathan Cahn: 'It's a dangerous period. It's a period of apostasy'

Author and Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn.

It’s the No. 1 prophecy book at and hit No. 5 on the New York Times bestseller list in its first week.

And it reveals the return of an ancient evil.

Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn, the New York Times bestselling author of “The Harbinger,” has produced his most ambitious and comprehensive work yet, “The Paradigm.”

On a recent appearance on SkyWatch TV, the man known as “America’s Prophet” detailed the implications of his newest biblical discovery.

“It [the paradigm] gives the modern leaders the amount of time they have to be on the national stage before they leave,” marveled Cahn. “I mean, it’s specific. … God uses everything, God weaves in everything. The paradigm is this master blueprint, from the Bible, that deals with a nation or a civilization that is heading away from God.

“Israel is the example, ancient Israel, when they turned away from God, what happened? ‘The Harbinger’ speaks of the signs of judgment, this [‘The Paradigm’] speaks of everything that’s happening. So everything we’ve experienced in our lifetime is all part of this paradigm and it takes us up to everything that’s happening right now. And then where do we go from here?”

One of the most consistent signs in a nation’s fall into apostasy is the reemergence of a certain spirit – the spirit of Baal. The rabbi detailed the highly important role of this false god during the apostasy of ancient Israel.

“Ba’al means lord, or master, or owner,” Cahn said. Switching to the more common pronunciation of “Baal,” Cahn explained how the pagan god has a symbolic meaning that goes far behind his actual historical importance.

“Baal’s importance, or his dynamic, is that when a nation has known God, as Israel knew God, and then they turned away from God, they turned to Baal,” he said. “Baal is the anti-God. Baal is the substitute god. Baal is the god of apostasy, of the turning away from God.”

Cahn linked Baal with the practice of idolatry, or the way humans can create their own god.

“Once you create your own god, you can create your own truth,” he said. “Once you create your own truth, you can overrule everything, call good evil and evil good. … Idolatry is linked to relativism, because you’re creating truths. Once you change your gods, everything else changes. It starts with that.”

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, the messianic rabbi and prophetic teacher reveals a pattern which explains world history, in “The Paradigm.” Makes an incredible gift! Available now at the WND Superstore.

Cahn explained how the worship of Baal was not just the worship of a false god, but was the precursor to the degeneration of an entire culture.

“It’s a move toward carnality,” he said of the change. “It’s a move toward materialism, but it was also a god of debasement, because you had sexual immorality. In the cult of Baal, you had ‘sacred prostitutes.’ You took sexuality out of marriage and put it into the public culture. So you have that going on. You had male prostitutes, now you have homosexuality.

“Then one more step, you have the offering up of children. You have this big statue of Baal, with bronze arms and bull head and they would place their baby on those arms and have it rolled into the fire. This is what happened in ancient Israel. This was a long-term apostasy.”

The messianic rabbi compared the situation of ancient Israel during its fall away from God to what is happening in America today.

“It’s a dangerous period,” he intoned. “It’s a period of apostasy, acceleration of apostasy. The same events that happened there, we’re replaying it now. It’s all affected our lives.”

He claimed both America and the West at large are turning away from their biblical foundations, with catastrophic consequences.

“We’re going to repeat those things!” he exclaimed. “You’re going to have the spirit of Baal manifesting. In the 20th century, you see this turning, the driving out of God. We begin to start going to other gods, but we don’t call them other gods, but we start going to it. We start going to ‘materialism,’ we start going to ‘prosperity,’ we start relativizing truth, we start driving God out. At first it’s subtle. But then the apostasy gets more and more blatant.”

Indeed, the “harbinger” of Baal has already manifested, as the reconstruction of a triumphal arch for the Temple of Baal in Palmyra has been constructed outside a number of global summits and in important world cities such as New York and London.

As Cahn pointed out, even the supposedly secular libertine movements of today have deep spiritual overtones. The pastor described how sexuality has been taken out of the marriage bed and put in the public square, how homosexuality has been normalized and how gender has been deconstructed. Most importantly, he said, is how child sacrifice is now standard in the America of today, with millions of babies being aborted.

“In fact, when you read some books of radical feminism, they will speak about abortion as a sacrament, they will speak about offering it up to the mother goddess,” said Cahn. “The big picture is being replayed.”

While the moral decline of Israel was long-term, according to Cahn, there came a point where there was a sudden acceleration and pagan morality overtook biblical morality and was endorsed from the centers of power.

America, he suggested, is going through that very point in the paradigm.

“You always had sinners, but you knew they were sinners,” observed the pastor. “Now, you’re changing the very standards. Has that happened in America? Yes, it has.”

Rabbi Cahn speaks on "The Paradigm" on Skywatch TV

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, the messianic rabbi and prophetic teacher reveals a pattern which explains world history, in “The Paradigm.” Makes an incredible gift! Available now at the WND Superstore.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/7/2017 10:01:42 AM

US Customs vows to block imports made by North Korea workers


U.S. Customs and Border Protection says it is ready to block U.S. imports of seafood — as well as any other goods — produced by North Korean laborers who work in China.

An Associated Press investigation tracked salmon, squid and cod processed by North Koreans working at Chinese factories and shipped to American stores, including Walmart and ALDI. The North Korean workers found in Chinese factories aren't allowed to leave, and receive only a fraction of their pay — most goes straight to the North Korean state. This means that American consumers buying seafood labeled "Caught in the USA, Processed in China" may inadvertently be subsidizing the government of Kim Jong Un as it builds nuclear weapons, and also supporting forced labor.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection said it is reviewing the allegations and if warranted, would "pursue all enforcement actions and prohibit goods from importation as appropriate." The companies that responded also vowed to investigate ties with suppliers.

At this point anything made by North Korean workers anywhere is presumed to be made with forced labor, the State Department said in a statement Friday.

"North Koreans sent overseas do not have a choice in the work; the government ultimately assigns them and they are not free to change jobs," said the statement, noting that wages and passports are typically withheld by North Korean supervisors.

GOP Congressman Chris Smith from New Jersey, who has repeatedly called for tougher enforcement, said the Labor Department has already identified trafficking in 12 sectors of goods exported by China.

"CBP should be stopping every shipment from those sectors — and now trafficking-tainted salmon too," he said.

A White House National Security Council spokesman said the North Korean government's scheme to outsource its labor underscores why the United States has pushed for restrictions on North Korean foreign workers. The spokesman said all countries should, at a minimum, ban companies from bringing in North Korean crews, as pledged in recent United Nations sanctions.

China is among the countries that have promised to comply, already banning imports of North Korean seafood, and saying no more North Korean workers will be allowed starting next year.

"But all nations must go further and reject what is clearly a despicable practice that only serves the regime's nuclear ambitions," said the NSC spokesman, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to comment.

Walmart said its supplier has addressed the problem, although it did not specify how. Walmart and ALDI said they are committed to human rights and fair labor practices, and expect the same from their business partners.

At a time when North Korea faces sanctions on many exports, the government is sending tens of thousands of workers worldwide, bringing in revenue estimated at anywhere from $200 million to $500 million a year. That could account for a sizable portion of North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile programs, which South Korea says have cost more than $1 billion.

North Koreans overseas work in construction in the Gulf states, shipbuilding in Poland, logging in Russia. In Uruguay, authorities told AP, about 90 North Koreans crewed fishing boats last year.

"I am not surprised at all," said Anthony Talbott, who directs the University of Dayton's Human Rights Center. "North Korea has probably the single highest level of state-sanctioned slavery in the world, it's a major source of income for them."

Among those North Korean laborers in China, roughly 3,000 are believed to work in the northeast industrial hub of Hunchun, just a few miles from the borders of both North Korea and Russia. AP documented North Koreans in several Hunchun seafood processing plants, and tracked their supply chains to importers, including Sea-Trek Enterprises in Rhode Island, where managers said they are being inundated with phone calls from customers and suppliers since the AP story.

Sea-Trek's owners said that they hadn't visited China and were unaware of the makeup of the workers, but would immediately cease dealings with the plant until the situation is resolved.

"Sea-Trek will not purchase product from any company using forced labor," said vice president Mitch Sarnoff.

Mark Liszt, owner of Lawrence Wholesale, a national food distributor in Southern California, said it would investigate its suppliers as well.

"We're middlemen," said Liszt. "We do make a practice of trying to go and visit the plants that we buy from in person, but it's not a perfect world that we can see into every single one."

Some U.S. brands and companies had indirect ties to the North Korean laborers in Hunchun, including Chicken of the Sea, owned by Thai Union. Trade records show shipments came from a sister company of the Hunchun factory in another part of China, where Thai Union spokeswoman Whitney Small says labor standards are being met and the employees are all Chinese. Small said the sister company should not be penalized.

AP observed North Korean workers in Chinese factories building hardwood flooring, sewing garments and manufacturing electronics. Fordham University economics professor Giacomo Santangelo said he doubts it's just fish processed by North Korean workers that reaches the U.S. markets.

"Now we need to ask, how many other products imported from China are made with North Korean labor?" he said.

Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer of New York said U.S. officials must keep products made by North Koreans out of the United States.

"The administration needs to ramp up the pressure on China to crack down on trade with North Korea across the board," he said.

Ohio's Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown, who helped pass North Korea, Iran and Russia sanctions this summer, said corporations also have a responsibility to make sure they are abiding by U.N. sanctions and U.S. laws.

However, Bucknell University political science professor Zhiqun Zhu said a sanction-based approach that cracks down on imports isn't going to solve the problem.

"It has so many loopholes," he said. "All sticks and no carrots will not make the North Korea problem disappear."


Read earlier story in seafood investigation — — and more in the series:

(Yahoo Finance)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/7/2017 10:54:15 AM

Iraqi army announces liberation of last-remaining Isil territory in north of country

Josie Ensor

Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) and Iraqi army members gather on the outskirts of Hawija, Iraq October 4, 2017 - REUTERS

Iraqi forces have declared northern Iraq clear of Islamic State after retaking the city of Hawija, one of the jihadist group’s last remaining strongholds in the country.

Announcing the liberation, Haider al-Abadi, Iraq’s prime minister, called it a "victory not just for Iraq but for the whole world."

Iraqi forces have driven Isil from nearly all the cities and towns it seized in the summer of 2014, including the country's second largest city, Mosul, which was liberated in July.

The extremists now control just a wedge of territory straddling the Iraq-Syria border and a cluster of towns further south in Anbar province.

Civilians make their way through endangered areas filled with mines and bomb traps to get to safety in Peshmerga controlled areas in Kirkuk, Iraq
Credit: Anadolu

"We should chase this terrorist organisation everywhere," Mr Abadi said. "This is a very dangerous organisation that works for spreading instability."

Iraqi officials often declare victory before the fighting has completely ended, and the troops in and around Hawija were likely still clearing mines and booby traps, and flushing out remaining militants.

Iraq launched an offensive on September 21 to dislodge Isil from Hawija, where up to 78,000 people were estimated to had been trapped.

Fighters from the Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilisation units), backing the Iraqi forces, stand in front of a mural depicting the emblem of the Islamic State (Isil) group as troops advance through HawijaCredit: AFP

Unlike the battle for Mosul, Isil’s defence melted away quickly in the face of an Iraqi army advance.

Hundreds of fighters surrendered to Kurdish forces in recent weeks after being pushed out of the city by Iraqi troops and allied militias. Footage showed groups of unkempt, dishevelled men handcuffed and kneeling on the ground.

Hawija has long been a bastion for jihadist groups.

Dozens of suspected Isil fighters surrender after the northern Iraqi city of Hawija is stormed yb Iraqi forces

US troops nicknamed the city the "Kandahar in Iraq" after it put up fierce resistance to the 2003 US invasion, similar to that in the Taliban's bastion in Afghanistan.

The capture of Hawija brings Iraqi forces into direct contact with Kurdish Peshmerga militia whichs controls Kirkuk, a multi-ethnic region claimed by both Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).

Kirkuk shaped up as a flashpoint last month when the KRG included the oil-rich city in a referendum on Kurdish independence which he called unlawful.

"We don't want any aggression or confrontations but the federal authority must be imposed in the disputed areas," Mr Abadi told a news conference in Paris, held with French President Emmanuel Macron.

The prime minister renewed an offer to jointly administer Kirkuk with the Peshmerga, but under the authority of the central government. The Kurds took control of Kirkuk in 2014, when the Iraqi army fled in the face of Isil's advance.

His latest comments suggests he is trying to bring Baghdad back from the brink of a fresh conflict with the Kurds, after threatening the minority with flight bans and punitive sanctions if they did not call off the referendum.

(Yahoo News)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/7/2017 5:00:02 PM

North Korea claims U.S. tried to kill Kim Jong Un and is ‘main culprit behind terrorism’

President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un have each used name-calling when referring to each other.



Saturday, October 7, 2017, 9:40 AM

Officials in North Korea accused the United States of using its war on terror as a means to overthrow hostile governments, including an alleged attempt to dethrone Kim Jong Un earlier this year.

North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency made the allegations in article published Friday, claiming the U.S. is “the main culprit behind terrorism.”

Pyongyang’s representatives to the 72nd United Nations General Assembly clarified that they are committed to fighting terrorism, though “the main reason international terrorism is not yet annihilated” is because of U.S. interference,
Newsweek reported.

“In May this year, a group of heinous terrorists who infiltrated into our country on the orders of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the U.S. and South Korean puppet Intelligence Service with the purpose of carrying out a state-sponsored terrorism against our supreme headquarters using biological and chemical substance were caught and exposed,” the article reads.

All three countries are still at war, and the article cited the latter two as governments that ended their nuclear programs only to be attacked by the United States down the line.It continues on to described the United States as a “chameleon” that “changes its colors” so it can overthrow governments, particularly in the Middle East, where the KCNA said it used counterterrorism and nonproliferation of weapons interchangeably to justify wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

The U.S. and North Korea have long been at odds over Pyongyang’s weapons. The government said it wouldn’t consider giving up its nuclear program or weapons unless the United States ends its hostile policy toward them.

Tensions between the two countries have recently been ramped up, with President Trump most recently referring to the North Korea leader as “Little Rocket Man” on Twitter.

“Being nice to Rocket Man hasn’t worked in 25 years, why would it work now,” he tweeted earlier this month. “Clinton failed, Bush failed, Obama failed. I won’t fail.”

Kim, on his end, has responded similarly: with name-calling and threats of his own.

(New York Daily News)

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