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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2016 1:09:52 AM
The New Cold War - NATO Plans 40k Force,
Bases on Russia's Border

© REUTERS/ Ints Kalnins
The military alliance has called for permanent bases on Russia’s border manned by 4,000 troops and an additional 40,000 rapid deployment force, but how will the United States pay for their latest round of war mongering?

On Monday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed that NATO will deploy four 'robust' international battalions to Poland and the Baltic states to counter fears of 'Russian aggression.'

The program, to be agreed to by NATO leaders at the July 8-9 summit in Warsaw, calls for permanent bases along Russia’s border, with nearly 4,000 permanently-stationed troops to function as a "tripwire," and an additional 40,000-troop NATO Response Force that can be deployed into combat within days.

NATO’s plans to establish a permanent force along Russia’s eastern flank, a violation of the 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act, has been viewed by Moscow as the latest provocative measure by a Western alliance that gives every appearance of clamoring for a return to the Cold War.

The ramp-up follows the unprecedented Anaconda-2016 war games in Poland, featuring over 30,000 troops, led by German forces on the 75th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.

Both Poland and Romania have been leading the charge for NATO expansionism along Russia’s border, claiming that regional security is in peril following violent political unrest in Ukraine. Both Warsaw and Bucharest are demanding a troop presence and calling for missile-defense shields.

Polish and Romanian leaders have aptly employed Russophobic rhetoric to strengthen their domestic hand and also look to benefit their national economies by garnering increased military investments to create local jobs.

One year ago, as the drumbeats of the new Cold War began, Russian President Vladimir Putin cautioned that "some countries are simply taking advantage of people’s fears with regard to Russia and they just want to play the role of front-line countries that should receive some supplementary military, economic, financial or some other aid."

President Putin went on to blast the ‘Russian aggression’ talking point, saying, "I think that only an insane person and only in a dream can imagine that Russia would suddenly attack NATO."

Nonetheless, Moscow now faces an increasing military buildup on their borders, by NATO leaders with either designs to incite conflict or profound misconceptions about Russia’s intentions.

On Wednesday, Radio Sputnik interviewed foreign policy analyst Dr. Martin McCauley to discuss NATO’s inflammatory posture toward Russia and what it holds for the future.

​"From the American point of view, they would like NATO to have a more expansive global role and to be able to get member states to spend more of their own money," said Dr. McCauley. "The other members are reluctant to spend more, despite US calls for each country to put forward at least 2% of their GDP for defense."

The analyst stated that most European member states remain content with allowing the United States to foot the bill, allowing for national funds to be used for domestic, economic, and political concerns. Currently, only Britain has committed to spending 2% of their GDP on defense, whereas other key NATO allies, like Germany, contribute less than 1.3% of their economic output to the alliance.

How are European countries responding to calls to increase defense spending?

"If you look at Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland, they are the countries calling for more investment and a greater NATO presence, leading to the permanent battalions of 4000 troops to be stationed on Russia border," said the analyst. "These countries are also calling for a total force of 40,000 later on, which almost certainly will be confirmed during the NATO summit in Warsaw next month."

"The big question is, who is going to pay for this?" asked Dr. McCauley. He observed that both Eastern and Western Europeans intend to spend as little as possible on defense, while relying almost solely on American military beneficence, but the status quo has been disrupted by Republican frontrunner Donald Trump’s arguments that, "America has spent too much money already and that NATO is past its sell-by date so it is up to Europeans to spend more."

The American flag flies at half-mast aboard the guided-missile destroyer USS Porter (DDG 78) during a scheduled port visit to Constanta, Romania June 13, 2016.

Dr. McCauley suggested that there is a sharp divide among European countries on whether Russia poses enough of a threat to justify a significant increase in defense spending, with countries like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary arguing that there is no risk of Russian invasion and no justification for the expenditures, while Poland and the Baltic states claim that Moscow presents an immediate threat.

The analyst posited that the United States and Poland will likely be forced to increase their defense spending disproportionately, as they will have a hard time convincing Europeans of 'Russian aggression.'

Dr. McCauley pointed out that protests against NATO deployments in Greece, a country in a fiscal crisis, are a result of military spending increases that have forced drastic cuts to domestic necessities. The analyst expects similar uprisings across Europe for the same reasons, as the EU economy faces additional shocks in years to come

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2016 1:27:13 AM

Israel Just Cut Off Water To Palestine During Ramadan Leaving Tens Of Thousands Thirsty

JUNE 15, 2016

By Matt Agorist

Since 1967, Israel has drastically limited the amount of water flowing to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israelis, including settlers, consume five times more water than Palestinians in the West Bank, 350 liters per person per day in Israel compared with 60 liters per Palestinian per day in the West Bank.

However, during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Israel has cut off nearly all water flow to the region. According to a report in Al Jazeera, Mekorot, the main supplier of water to Palestinian towns and cities, siphoned off water supplies to the municipality of Jenin, several Nablus villages and the city of Salfit and its surrounding villages.

Ayman Rabi, the executive director of the Palestinian Hydrology Group, told Al Jazeera on Tuesday that in some areas people had not received water for more than 40 days.

“People are relying on purchasing water from water trucks or finding it from alternative sources such as springs and other filling points in their vicinity,” he said.

“Families are having to live on two, three or 10 liters per capita per day,” he said, adding that in some areas they had started rationing water.

According to the United Nations, individuals need around 7.5 liters of water per day to survive. However, in Palestine, where the average temperature reaches over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer, the amount of water needed to survive is far higher.

In an interview with Press TV, Richard Silverstein, a journalist and political commentator, called the shutting off of water an act of spite in response to the tragic terror attacks in Tel Aviv earlier this month.

“Well, this is an issue of Israel’s pure naked power grab and it does this with resources like water, it does it with resources like land and it does it through naked strength of military force in order to get its way and promote its own interest and as you mentioned the settlers are the ones who are the primary beneficiaries of these series of thefts by Israel and this is something that is routine that happens every day and we saw after the terror attack in Tel Aviv that Israel basically shut down the West Bank and hundred thousand Palestinians who had work permits were not permitted to enter Israel.

“This is just really done on a whim and it is done out of spite. You mentioned that it is Ramadan and of course this is a symbolic act by Israel, it is sticking its thumb into the eye of Palestinians and unfortunately this is what the definition of occupation is,” explained Silverstein.

Aside from cutting off the water, after the tragic shooting by two men from a village near the West Bank city of Hebron on a Tel Aviv entertainment complex that left four Israelis dead, Israeli officials froze tens of thousands of travel and work permits for Palestinians in response to the attack.

Sadly, the mistreatment of the Palestinians and the resultant blowback is a vicious cycle that seems never-ending. Unfortunately, it also appears to be escalating.

Even a top Israeli general, during the country’s annual Holocaust Remembrance Day, addressed and exposed the current state of his country when he likened the atmosphere in modern-day Israel to 1930s’ Nazi Germany.

“If there is anything that frightens me in the remembrance of the Holocaust, it is discerning nauseating processes that took place in Europe in general, and in Germany specifically back then, 70, 80 and 90 years ago, and seeing evidence of them here among us in the year 2016,” Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, the Israeli army’s deputy chief of staff said.

Until humanity realizes that acts of aggression will always be met with more acts of aggression — this madness will continue.

Matt Agorist is the co-founder of, where this article first appeared. He is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2016 1:40:00 AM

Kids who breathe polluted air have higher rates of mental illness

We know air pollution is linked to heart disease and puts people at risk for stroke. Now a new study reveals that even a small rise in air pollution is associated with a significant rise in mental illness in young people, as reported in The Guardian.

Researchers in Sweden tracked more than 500,000 children under the age of 18 for the study. They matched air pollution concentrations with mental-illness medication dispensed for kids, ranging from sleeping pills to antipsychotics. Places with elevated rates of air pollution were more likely to be places where young people had prescriptions for psychiatric drugs.

Mental illness can hamper a child’s development and “the potential to live fulfilling and productive lives,” the researchers wrote. Although they conducted their study half-a-world away, they pointed to other research that links air pollution toanxiety and depression in California, adding to the growing body of evidence that air pollution can be harmful.

Oh, and just a reminder: Here in the U.S., your race too often indicates whether you live with polluted air and all its consequences.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2016 11:25:01 AM

Mainstream Media Finally Admits Mass Banker “Suicides” Were Likely A Vast Criminal Conspiracy

JUNE 16, 2016

By Jay Syrmopoulos

In 2015 there was a popular “conspiracy theory” floating around the Internet after a rash of mysterious “suicides” by high-profile banking professionals. What once looked like wild speculation is now beginning to resemble a vast criminal conspiracy connected to the Libor, interest-rigging scandal.

Over forty international bankers allegedly killed themselves over a two-year period in the wake of a major international scandal that implicated financial firms across the globe. However, three of these seemingly unrelated suicides seem to share common threads related to their connections to Deutsche Bank. These three banker suicides in New York, London, and Siena, Italy, took place within 17 months of each other in 2013/14 in what investigators labeled as a series of unrelated suicides.

“In each case, the victim had a connection to a burgeoning global banking scandal, leaving more questions than answers as to the circumstances surrounding their deaths,” according to the New York Post. “But all three men worked for, or did business with, Deutsche Bank.”

Financial regulators in both Europe and the U.S. in 2013 began a probe that would ultimately become known as the Libor scandal, in which London bankers conspired to rig the London Interbank Offered Rate, which determines the interest banks charged on mortgages, personal loans and auto loans. The scandal rocked the financial world and cost a consortium of international banks, including Deutsche Bank, about $20 billion in fines.

David Rossi, a 51-year-old communications director at the world’s oldest bank, Italian Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which was on the brink of collapse due to heavy losses in the derivatives market in the 2008 financial crisis, fell to his death on March 6, 2013. At the time of his death, Monte Paschi was being investigated for its handling of billions in these risky derivative bets involving Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch.

According to a report in the NY Post:

A devastating security video shows Rossi landing on the pavement on his back, facing the building — an odd position more likely to occur when a body is pushed from a window.

The footage shows the three-story fall didn’t kill Rossi instantly. For almost 20 minutes, the banker lay on the dimly lit cobblestones, occasionally moving an arm and leg.

As he lay dying, two murky figures appear. Two men appear and one walks over to gaze at the banker. He offers no aid or comfort and doesn’t call for help before turning around and calmly walking out of the alley.

About an hour later, a co-worker discovered Rossi’s body. The arms were bruised and he sustained a head wound that, according to the local medical examiner’s report, suggested there might have been a struggle prior to his fall.

Ultimately Italian authorities ruled Rossi’s death a suicide. Rossi’s widow, Antonella Tognazzi, protested vigorously at the suggestion her husband’s death was a suicide, telling the Italian press that her husband “knew too much.” Tognazzi pointed to the alleged suicide note from Rossi as a prime example of the suspicious nature of his death. In the note, Rossi refers to Antonella Tognazzi as Toni, but according to Tognazzi, that was not something he ever called her.

In October 2014, two Monte Paschi executives were convicted of obstructing regulators and misleading investigators from Italian authorities over the bailed-out Italian bank’s finances in the wake of the acquisition of Banca Antonveneta – which was heavily financed by Deutsche Bank.

In January of this year, Italian authorities civilly implicated three Deutsche Bank executives, including Michele Faissola, the wealth management director of the German bank — charging them with colluding with Monte Paschi in falsifying accounts, manipulating the market and obstructing justice.

Another of the mysterious deaths being revisited is that of William Broeksmit, 58, a Deutsche Bank exec who was found hanging from a dog leash tied to a door at his London home in January 2014. Broeksmit was found among a mess of financial papers, with a number of notes to friends and family nearby. A Deutsche Bank colleague, Michele Faissola, was called and arrived minutes later and began suspiciously going through the financial documents and reading the suicide notes.

“Yes, he killed himself,” stepson Val Broeksmit told the NY Post. “But there’s a question: could it be suicide by extortion, could it be suicide by pressure or saying if you don’t do this, we’re going to do this? There’s a couple suspicions I have.”

Broeksmit’s stepson still wonders what his father’s colleague was searching for amongst the mess of financial documents. Adding to the suspicious nature of his stepfather’s death, Val provided theNY Post email messages revealing that prior to his death, Broeksmit had just messaged friends about his excitement for an upcoming ski vacation scheduled for one week later.

Although a clinical psychologist revealed Broeksmit had been treated due to being “very anxious about authorities investigating areas of the bank at which he worked,” his depression over the Libor scandal had subsided, as his doctor gave him a clean bill of health only a month before his death.

According to the report by the NY Post:

A month before his death, William Broeksmit wrote — in what his son says shows his anger — to fellow executives, asking why he should take the lead on the sticky matter of the upcoming Federal Reserve-mandated stress test for the bank.

He also questioned the “generous” loan-loss numbers being used by the bank, afraid that federal regulators would see the bank was losing more on loans than the books showed. Large losses could lead the feds to slap the bank with restrictions.

“Who is recommending that I do this? I am supposed to be an independent director and this puts me further into a role aligned with management,” he wrote.

New York City attorney, Calogero “Charles” Gambino, 41, was a married father of two, and Deutsche Bank’s in-house lawyer for 11 years at the bank’s downtown headquarters. Gambino primarily worked on defending the Deutsche Bank against Libor charges and other regulatory probes.

In October 2014, Gambino was found hanging from an upstairs balcony of his Brooklyn home, with a rope that was snaked through the banister and tied off on the newel post on the first floor. There was no note found and the family has steadfastly refused to comment on his death.

In his work as corporate counsel for Deutsche, Gambino had dealings with many of the bank’s European executives — including Michele Faissola and William Broeksmit and had intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the bank’s operations. Gambino’s death was ruled a suicide.

In the cases of Gambino, Rossi and Broeksmit, authorities seemingly never looked for, nor discovered, the apparent connections that reveal a deadly international criminal conspiracy at work.

However, authorities in Siena, Italy have recently exhumed the body of banker David Rossi, 51, and reopened their investigation into his death. They are expected to release their findings at the end of the month.

The common thread in each of these deaths is that all of the dead bankers had intimate knowledge of the international Libor scandal as it related to Deutsche Bank. It seems apparent that these men were killed to ensure their silence, thus allowing those responsible for the interest rigging scandal within Deutsche to avoid responsibility.

Jay Syrmopoulos is a political analyst, free thinker, researcher, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. He is currently a graduate student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. Jay’s work has been published on Ben Swann’s Truth in Media, Truth-Out, Raw Story, MintPress News, as well as many other sites such as, where this articlefirst appeared. You can follow him on Twitter @sirmetropolis, on Facebook at Sir Metropolis and now on tsu.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2016 2:39:44 PM

Hundreds Evacuate as Thousands of Acres Burn Across Western States

WATCH Wildfires Rage Across 1,200 Acres Out West

Hundreds of firefighters are scrambling to contain several wildfires that have broken out across three Southwestern states caused by hot and dry weather.

Blazes in California, Arizona and New Mexico threatened communities with thousands of residents where so far hundreds of homes have been evacuated.


A fast-moving brush fire that broke out in Santa Barbara County had grown to 1,400 acres Thursday evening, threatening structures and prompting hundreds to evacuate, fire officials said.

Dubbed the Sherpa Fire, the blaze quickly spread with the help of strong winds in the area. About 800 firefighters, who are dealing with a steep and rugged terrain, had not contained any portion of the fire as of Thursday evening.

About 140 homes and ranches were potentially at risk.

No injuries have been reported.


More than 5,500 acres burned in east-central Arizona, and a small community in Cedar Creek area was evacuated and thousands more were told to prepare to leave after the wildfires ravaged more than 12 square miles.

The fire broke out Wednesday 12 miles south of Show Low. But officials said crews made good progress as they were holding down the containment lines Thursday.

No injuries have been reported.

The Show Low community remains pre-evacuated, not mandatory, according to the Navajo County Sheriff's office.


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