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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2016 1:46:27 AM
Netanyahu: Israel Will 'Never Accept' Palestinian State, End of Settlements

REUTERS/ Ronen Zvulun

The Israeli Prime Minister caved to hardliners in his own administration in renouncing his support for a peace plan that he initially boasted about.

Only two weeks after lauding the Arab Peace Initiative for its "positive elements" and calling it a basis for "constructive negotiations," Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu capitulated under pressure from his far-right government, saying on Tuesday that the country would "never accept" the initiative as a basis for peace talks with the Palestinians.

Netanyahu claimed that the deal contained, for him, both positive and negative elements. The "positive" elements, according to the Israeli leader, were the sections in which all Arab nations normalize ties with Israel. The "negative" part was expecting Israel to end its occupations, recognizing the existence of the Palestinian state.

The Israeli Prime Minister stepped away from peace negotiations after the country’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked stated, "As long as we are in the government, there will be no Palestinian state, there will be no settlement evacuations and we will not give any land to our enemies."

The UN special coordinator for the Middle East Nikolay Mladenov peace process declared one day later that Justice Minister Shaked was “killing hope” for peace, calling the comments by the official particularly distressing as they came, "a day after encouraging signs by the prime minister."

The influential Justice Minister called for genocide of Israel’s Arab neighbors on July 1, 2014, via Facebook, saying, "the entire Palestinian people are the enemy, including its elderly and its women, it cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure," and that, "they are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads."

The Israeli official quickly deleted the posting, but only after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared her to Hitler, commenting that "if these words had been said by a Palestinian, the whole world would have denounced it."

Netanyahu faces pressure against coming to terms with the Palestinians from new hardline Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who is on the record suggesting that the country engage in a nuclear strike on Palestinian occupied territories, and has said that he "will not support any peace deal that will allow the return of even one Palestinian refugee to Israel."

The Israeli Prime Minister appears to be a victim of his own hardline cabinet and changing domestic political realities in his country, but that has not stopped rancorous condemnation throughout the world for his sudden about-face on the Arab Peace Initiative, with many viewing it as a move to once again pull the rug out from under constructive discussion.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault criticized Netanyahu, saying, "I know that I haven’t persuaded you yet, but the train has already left the station," and pledging to continue with the peace initiative regardless of Jerusalem’s objections. Israel now seeks a UN Security Council veto from the US to block the French plan.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2016 11:23:13 AM

First mammal goes extinct because of climate change

Pour one out for the melomys: the first mammal in recorded history to go extinct thanks to climate change.

Wait, the memonly-lemony what? Get ready for a spit take, because the Bramble Cay melomys is — excuse me, was — a rat.

An upstanding resident of a tiny, isolated island in the Great Barrier Reef, the rodent spent its days minding its own business: scrambling through herbaceous vegetation, foraging for succulents, and treating itself to the occasional turtle egg. That is, until the ocean indiscriminately swallowed up its low-lying coral cay, which — it turns out — is a very effective form of pest control.

A recent report from the University of Queensland confirmed that climate change was the root cause of the melomys’ eradication: Sea levels rose at twice the rate of the global average in the waters surrounding Bramble Cay, drenching a full 97 percent of the melomys’ habitat between 2004 and 2014.

Though it may be the first mammal officially to disappear due to climate change, the melomys is far from the last. Our changing climate is on track to wipe out up to one-sixth of the species on this planet, according to a 2015 study.

But of all the species dead or alive, I think it’s fair to say the poor melomys is the most like a drowned rat. Goodbye, dear melomys: We only learned of your existence today, but we’re sorry we missed our chance to meet you!


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2016 11:40:35 AM



'Did anyone put the picture together? It doesn't look like it'
Published: 1 day ago

Orlando shooter Omar Mateen (left) and San Bernardino shooters Tashfeen Malik (center) and Syed Rizwan Farook (right)

A former Department of Homeland Security official says it took him only a few hours to connect Sunday’s Islamic terrorist attack in Orlando to December’s carnage in San Bernardino, and he says the federal government’s active refusal to acknowledge reality is “handcuffing” efforts to keep the American people safe.

Philip Haney served nearly a decade at the Department of Homeland Security after its inception in 2003. His responsibilities there included investigations for Customs and Border Patrol through its National Targeting Center. While there, he played a key role in vetting people connected to Tablighi Jamaat, an Islamic group with some 70 million members.

He is the author of the new book, “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”

In less than two days since the massacre at the Pulse club in Orlando, reports have surfaced that terrorist Omar Saddiqui Mateen was investigated multiple times by the FBI but was ultimately deemed not to be a threat, despite professing a link to the Boston Marathon bombers and the terrorist group Hezbollah.

Haney said that should have raised innumerable red flags, but he said the FBI’s own training procedures, updated in 2012, stopped common sense from taking the probe any further.

Has our own government already surrendered to Islamic jihad? A national security insider uncovers the terrible truth. Philip Haney’s “See Something, Say Nothing” is available now at the WND Superstore.

“Just because an individual is affiliated with a known terrorist organization, we can’t automatically assume that individual is a terrorist,” Haney said.

“That’s handcuffing. That is making it virtually impossible for basic law enforcement actions to be taken,” he said. “How can you develop a case if you’re trying to go to probable cause when you’re prohibited from making an association between an individual and the organization that he may be affiliated with?”

In addition to the stifling rules, Haney said one hand of government doesn’t know what the other is doing. He said all relevant government entities are supposed to be coordinated by a joint terrorism task force, but the idea works better in concept than in reality.

“The same thing happened with the Boston bombing,” Haney noted. “There was a disconnect in the transfer of information regarding the Tsarnaev brothers prior to that event. Apparently, here was a disconnect here as well.”

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Reports that former co-workers were alarmed at Mateen’s angry rants are also chilling to Haney, especially the indications that the employer never followed up on the complaints with authorities out of fear of being politically incorrect. Haney said it’s the same story America saw in San Bernardino, when a neighbor was suspicious of what was happening at the terrorists’ home but did not report anything out of fear of being labeled Islamophobic.

Haney said the ignored warnings from co-workers also reminds him of another horrific case.

“The first thing that comes to mind when I hear about co-workers being concerned is exactly what happened with Nidal Hasan before the Fort Hood shootings. It’s like a tape recorder. We’re listening to exactly the same comments from people who raised concerns,” Haney said.

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Philip Haney:

So while FBI Director James Comey says there was no basis to continue the investigation after Mateen insisted his pro-terrorist statements were just angry falsehoods expressed in anger to his co-workers, Haney said a few hours of work on Sunday not only proved Mateen was not a lone wolf but his network of influence can be tied to the San Bernardino terrorists.

After learning that Mateen was affiliated with the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce (Florida), Haney quickly discovered a statement from the center’s imam confirming that Mateen worshiped at the mosque. He said that connection is important to establish before unraveling the rest of the thread.

“I always follow the same process,” he said. “There are individuals, and there are organizations. They are inseparable, and one always leads to the other.”

Haney then discovered the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce is affiliated with the Sharia Board of America.

“Then I find out that the Sharia Board of America is directly linked to an association called the Rahmat-e-Alam Foundation,” said Haney, who then found the foundation was linked to a very familiar group.

“I’m now realizing I’m about to touch a case that was related to the San Bernardino shootings, the case that the records were deleted from by my own government and a case that was related to the Tablighi Jamaat Initiative that I worked on at the National Targeting Center. Ultimately, the Tablighi Jamaat case was shut down by the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security out of concerns that the civil liberties of Muslims would be infringed.”

Make YOUR voice heard! Sign the petition to impose a temporary halt to all Muslim immigration to our country

But Haney said the trail keeps going, as Rahmat-e-Alam is affiliated with the Darul Uloom Chicago.

“Now we’re overlapping with the San Bernardino case because the mosque in San Bernardino was called Darul Uloom Islammiya,” said Haney.

But there’s more.

“It turns out that the Darul Uloom Chicago organization, which is a madrassa, is directly related to the Islamic Institute of Education case that I worked on as an active-duty officer,” he said.

“All of it goes back to the Tablighi Jamaat case that I worked on at the National Targeting Center,” Haney explained. “There was only one degree of separation from the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce and that entire network that I worked on back in 2011.”

If Haney could connect that many dots in an afternoon, why couldn’t the federal government do the same?

“Did the FBI have access to any of that information? I don’t know,” he said. “Did the [Customs and Border Patrol organization] affiliates have access to this information? Yes, they did. Did anyone put the picture together? It doesn’t look like it.”

Haney stressed that these links are critical and meaningful because affiliation for Muslims is hugely important.

“In Islam, there is really no such thing as a lone-wolf individual. In Islam, the sense of community and family is an overriding awareness of everyone,” Haney said.

Fidelity to the Quran and the Hadith are other pillars of Islamic life, but he said the Islamic approach to homosexuality also cannot be ignored here.

“There is a fourth component and that the cultural, traditional worldview, that is violently opposed to homosexuality throughout the Islamic world,” he explained.

Enemies within? The hidden truth about the War on Terrorism. “See Something, Say Nothing” is available from the WND Superstore.

But none of that is enough for the government to remove its blinders with respect to radical Islam, according to Haney.

He was investigated nine times while working at Homeland Security, eight times during the Obama administration. Three of those probes ran simultaneously. The government also refused to allow him to see the files relevant to his case and the shuttering of the Tablighi Jamaat investigation. He was forced to obtain them through Freedom of Information laws. He said emails among the State Department, Homeland Security and other agencies told the the real story.

“They had concerns about civil rights and civil liberties of these individuals, by the way, who are foreign nationals,” Haney said.

How did the priorities get so mixed up? Haney said it all goes back to one moment.

“Things really started going sideways after the Holy Land Foundation trial in November 2008, when it was irrefutably proven in federal court that groups like Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North America (and) the North American Islamic Trust were to support for Hamas. That point is the turning point in the history of counter-terrorism,” Haney said.

“At that point, the administration had to make a conscious decision, whether to act on that law enforcement-based evidence and go forward and shut those groups down or ignore it and create a new policy, And that’s exactly what they did,” he said. “So people like me, who focused on those groups, ran headlong into the administration’s policy. Many of us suffered because of it.”


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2016 2:33:17 PM

Former CIA Agent to Americans: Time to Talk About What’s Really Causing Terrorism

Former CIA Agent to Americans: Time to Talk About What’s Really Causing Terrorism

June 13, 2016 | Carey Wedler

(ANTIMEDIA) In the wake of yet another terrorist attack, a former CIA counterterrorism agent has shared her insight into what causes such tragic, intentional carnage. Amaryllis Fox spoke for the first time publicly with Al Jazeera Plus (AJ+) about terrorism, misguided narratives on why it happens, and the underlying motivators driving it — ultimately urging Americans and those in power to adopt a different approach in combating the ongoing violence.

If I learned one lesson from my time with the CIA, it is this: everybody believes they are the good guy,” says Fox, who is currently “in the process of getting her CIA cover rolled back,AJ+ reports. She is now a peace activist and runsMulu,an e-commerce company supporting at-risk communities around the world.

Fox worked as a counterterrorism and intelligence official for the clandestine services during the 2000s. In her first public statement on her time there, she discussed the limitations on the American public’s perception of the war on terror:

This former CIA officer's secret life taught her one lesson: Listen to your enemy.

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The conversation that’s going on in the United States right now about ISIS and about the United States overseas is more oversimplified than ever. Ask most Americans whether ISIS poses an existential threat to this country and they’ll say yes. That’s where the conversation stops.

Indeed, while a majority of Americans fear terrorism, reaching aconsensus on how to tackle ISIS has proved contentious. Fox explained the simplicity of the way the conflicts are viewed on both sides:

If you’re walking down the street in Iraq or Syria and ask anybody why America dropped bombs, you get: ‘They were waging war on Islam.’”

In America, the question is: “Why were we attacked on 9/11?

Fox says if you pose this question, “You get: they hate us because we’re free.”

However, she contests the validity of these assumptions, pointing to the powerful forces that drive conflict in the first place:

Those are stories manufactured by a really small number of people on both sides who amass a great deal of power and wealth by convincing the rest of us to keep killing each other.

Indeed, both sides of the conflict expend significant effort campaigning to prove their crusades are justified. In the United States, after decades of prolonged conflict, the populace is largely desensitized to war and oftenignorant of itscurrent manifestations.

Fox challenges this paradigm:

I think the question we need to be asking, as Americans examining our foreign policy, is whether or not we’re pouring kerosene on a candle. The only real way to disarm your enemy is to listen to them. If you hear them out, if you’re brave enough to really listen to their story, you can see that more often than not, you might have made some of the same choices if you’d lived their life instead of yours.

Of course, as Americans mourn the most recent mass shooting, it isdoubtfulmany citizens are well-versed in the U.S. foreign policy thatprovokes such terrorism. Rather, they focus, understandably, on the wrong done to their nation. But Fox offered a unique perspective that lends insight to the “enemy.”

An Al-Qaeda fighter made a point once during debriefing,” she recounted.“He said all these movies that America makes — like Independence Day, and the Hunger Games, and Star Wars — they’re all about a small scrappy band of rebels who will do anything in their power with the limited resources available to them to expel an outside, technological advanced invader. ‘And what you don’t realize,’ he said, is that to us, to the rest of the world, you are the empire, and we are Luke and Han. You are the aliens and we are Will Smith.’”

However, she also challenged the Al-Qaeda fighter’s take, arguing that on both sides of conflict, those fighting on the ground often provide the same reasons for doing so:

But the truth is that when you talk to people who are really fighting on the ground, on both sides, and ask them why they’re there, they answer with hopes for their children, specific policies that they think are cruel or unfair,” she says.

And while it may be easier to dismiss your enemy as evil, hearing them out on policy concerns is actually an amazing thing, because as long as your enemy is a subhuman psychopath that’s gonna attack you no matter what you do, this never ends. But if your enemy is a policy, however complicated — that we can work with.”

As terror attacks become an increasingly normal occurrence in the West — and as Western intervention trudges ahead unabated — hearing out enemies’ concerns may, at this point, be the most effective counterterrorism gesture the United States can make; that is, if it is trulydetermined to bring an end to theviolence.

This article (Former CIA Agent to Americans: Time to Talk About What’s Really Causing Terrorism) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution toCarey Wedlerand Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2016 3:13:44 PM


RV/GCR Intel Update - June 15, 2016

What Really Happened Yesterday at Treasury

June 15, 2016

Many are still wondering what exactly happened yesterday in the halls of the US Treasury when President Obama made a fish-out-of-water Islamic Terrorist speech in an overtly financial setting. It made little to no sense.

And while he did attempt to tie in the treasury in terms of blocking terrorist spending, the reality of this situation is far different than the naked eye would behold.

The irony of Obama's speech is due to his now utter irrelevance geopolitically, as even new Republic President General Joseph Dunford was literally standing alongside side of the ousted Obama.

In fact, everyone standing up next to the cabal puppet, including former US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew (also a cabal puppet), was fully anticipating Obama to announce the new USN currency being in circulation, per a signed treaty, which very subtly gives the new Republic Treasury control of printing the nations money again (this in place of the private, illegal, bankrupted and already fully transitioned Federal Reserve Bank).

What they all got however was a nearly thirty minute ISIL revisitation of all former false flag gun control events by paid foreign crisis actors (which ironically pose no real threat to national security now that they have zero funding flows). Honestly, does Obama think we're idiots? Or is Obama just in a frantic state of self preservation, a typical behavior of Human Model Replicas?

Because to those of us expecting a public release of the new currency during our currency redemption appointments, we were left utterly dumbfounded, perhaps just as dumbfounded as Republic President Dunford and cabal transition agent Jack Lew were; as Obama's speech opened up an entirely new can of worms in terms of the USN's initial release pathway.

And no matter anyone say, this speech (or lack their of) did delay the release of the RV as well as the public revaluation of US currency, at least another pain staking day.

So what now Fighting Joe? Paul Ryan? Grandfather? Great Grandfather?

Well it's long been reported that Jack Lew has made a pre-taped announcement that can air at anytime per the emergency broadcast system if need be. However, that is not the optimal strategy for the Chinese Elders, who insist on an overt transition statement and/or confession for the public record (this is for international legal reasons). Certainly this is their break the glass option.

Yet Obama knew this, and still took the opportunity to embarrass both the Chinese and Republic one final time, as he has done several times leading up to this historic moment. That said, we know Barry Soetoro has been permanently removed from making any more critical speeches now--i.e. politically neutralized--so the USN announcement will need to be made through a top level administration spokesmen like a Jack Lew or equivalent (not Janet Yellen).

Perhaps Paul Ryan will announce the new USN tomorrow morning during his normal 11:30am EST Speaker of the House address. Maybe even President Dunford himself stands by him too? Yeah, I know it's doubtful, but that would sure be interesting. Something has gotta give because the world will not wait on the Republic any longer to get their "s*#!" together.

And while many now want Obama arrested, but public incarceration of a sitting US President isn't so easy, especially the first elected African-American President (at least the appearance of a legitimately elected leader) . And internationally, no one wants to see a sitting US President publicly humiliated again--a la Nixon in 1974 after he illegally eliminated the gold standard and was forced to resign on national television.

Less is more when engaging in a benevolent but silent coup d'tat.

Any forceful removal of such a high office might set back the Republic negatively, as well as negate advancements in the civil rights movement, even potentially inciting a riot in large urban populations that don't know the real truth about what's really going on behind the scenes. So how does the world move forward without appearing to move at all?

Again, Obama all of knew this before his choose to replace his USN speech with one about ISIL, and thus he played his very last negotiating chip with that bizarre Islamic terrorist diatribe which had no significance or purpose other than delaying the inevitable and possibly better cementing his Presidential legacy as being tough on terror (which is also ironic because his handlers created ISIL/ISIS/DAASH and paid for them all through illegal US military black budgets).

But honestly, what an odd world we live in where reality is pure fantasy, and fantasy our reality playing out every night via all mass media outlets who are in on the grand deception. It's a total mind melt if you don't know what's really happening on the macro economic financial stage. I mean you must admit the pageantry is entertaining, and confusing, but fascinating all at the same time.

The good news is that Janet Yellen is scheduled to make a speech at 1pm EST today per her normal routine, and we believe any new tact made by the Republic/Chinese will be done after both her speech and markets close on Wednesday. Then our RV roll out is finally fair game. How and when are still fluid and legitimate issues to be worked through.

But because we know China went 100% gold backed today Wednesday at 8am CST (8pm EST Tuesday); we know the USN is tied directly into their new global reserve currency implementation.

So if the Paris Agreement is truly to be "put into force' 13 days after it was ratified by 55 countries representing 55% of global carbon emissions (btw: the Paris Agreement on Climate Change is actually the RV masqueraded as a global environmental treaty) then all 195 nations must also now be 100% compliant, including our own Republic of the United States--which means our pretty new gold backed rainbow currency must now be released as we know bills have already been preloaded in ATMs. Expect to visible see them as late as this evening, but certainly by early tomorrow morning nationwide.

Things should get real interesting after markets close today in the US (4pm EST), and before markets open in China a 8am CST (8pm EST). So whenever the Republic decides how best to move forward, look for something historic to happen publicly with regards to the USN, so that the RV can begin before midnightWednesday.

Why? Because as the Chinese have always said, either all nations go or none go… and the nation of China has already gone. America must be next.

God is with us.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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