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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2016 1:02:44 AM

New CIA Documents Reveal More Horrors Of President Bush’s Torture Program

JUNE 15, 2016

By Nadia Prupis

The CIA on Tuesday released dozens of documents detailing its torture and rendition program under the Bush administration, from the horrific treatment of detainees to the agency’s 2002 plan to ask the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) not to prosecute interrogators.

The heavily redacted trove of more than 50 documents was published in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed by the ACLU last year, which sought records referenced in the U.S. Senate’s damning report on the CIA’s program—commonly referred to as the torture report—released in December 2014.

“These newly declassified records add new detail to the public record of the CIA’s torture program and underscore the cruelty of the methods the agency used in its secret, overseas black sites,” Jameel Jaffer, ACLU deputy legal director, said Tuesday. “It bears emphasis that these records document grave crimes for which no senior official has been held accountable.”

Among the cases outlined in the documents is that of 34-year-old Gul Rahman, who was detained by the CIA in 2002 on suspicion of being an al Qaeda operative and who froze to death in one of the agency’s secret prisons in Afghanistan. During his captivity in November 2002, Rahman was beaten, doused with cold water, and left shackled in a cold cell, naked from the waist down.

The documents detail Rahman’s apparent resistance to the torture, including “[remaining] steadfast in outright denials” and “[complaining] about the violation of his human rights.”

Dror Ladin, a staff attorney with the ACLU National Security Project, said the details show that “Rahman was brutalized in part because his torturers decided that complaining about his torture was a form of resistance and he needed to be ‘broken.'”

The torture program’s architects, CIA-contracted psychologists James Mitchell and John “Bruce” Jessen, are currently facing a lawsuit from Rahman’s family.

Elsewhere in the files is a draft letter (pdf) prepared by a CIA official for then-Attorney General John Ashcroft that requested the DOJ agree in advance to shield officials involved in the torture program from legal action by federal prosecutors. The request concerned interrogators involved in the torture of “ghost prisoner” Abu Zubaydah, who was abducted in Pakistan and transferred to U.S. authorities in 2002 and has remained at the Guantánamo Bay military prison since 2006 without trial.

The letter reads:

Nonetheless, the interrogation team has now concluded…that the use of more aggressive methods is required to persuade Abu Zubaydah to provide critical information we need to safeguard the lives of innumerable innocent men, women, and children in the United States and abroad. These methods include certain activities that normally would appear to be prohibited [….] I respectfully request that you grant a formal declination of prosecution, in advance, for any employees of the United States, as well as any personnel acting on behalf of the United States, who may employ methods in the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah that otherwise might subject those individuals to prosecution.

Rights groups condemned the details found in the documents, which also included the CIA’s concerns that tortured detainees should be prevented from seeing representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for the rest of their lives.

“We’re seeing just how much Mitchell, Jessen, and their CIA co-conspirators knew that what they were doing was wrong and illegal. They talked about seeking a get-out-of-jail-free card for torturing people, and then discussed how to make sure their victims were silenced forever, even if they survived their torture,” Ladin said.

The documents also redacted nearly all mention of the CIA’s Office of Medical Services, which was ostensibly in charge of detainees’ care.

Physicians for Human Rights medical director Dr. Vincent Iacopino added,

We continue to be stunned by the CIA’s audacity in suppressing all details related to the role medical officials played in the agency’s brutal torture program….This wholesale redaction is part of the CIA’s pattern of concealing evidence of its crimes, and it suggests U.S. government officials are still trying to avoid any and all liability for torturing detainees.

Top image caption: “These records document grave crimes for which no senior official has been held accountable.” (Photo: Justin Norman/flickr/cc)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Nadia Prupis writes for, where this article first appeared.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2016 1:15:35 AM

Newly Released Torture Documents Reveal Further Depravity

JUNE 17, 2016

By Derrick Broze

The CIA has released 50 new documents relating to post-9/11 torture and rendition practices.

On Tuesday the Central Intelligence Agency released 50 new documents which add even more detail to the disturbing use of torture, humiliation, and rendition. The documents depict brutal torture and paint a clear picture of CIA officials desperately working to suppress evidence of their actions. The documents were released in response to an ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union and Vice.

“A newly released CIA inspector general report about the death of detainee Gul Rahman concluded that he was singled out for especially harsh torture because of “pressure” to “break him,” the ACLU writes. Rahman was captured in October 2002 in Islamabad, Pakistan for suspicion of connection to Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, an insurgent group headed by Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and allied with al-Qaida. The CIA interrogators sought to “break” Rahman because he was uncooperative with his torturers, threw food, water bottles, and buckets full of feces at guards. The Associated Press describes his conditions according to the documents:

Rahman was shackled using the “short chain” method. His hands were chained together. His feet were chained together. Then, a short chain was used to shackle his hands to his feet.

“This position forced Rahman, who was naked below the waist to sit on a cold concrete floor and prevented him from standing up,” according to the declassified CIA inspector general’s report about his death.

Rahman was founded dead the next day. According to the report, “a palm-sized pool of dried blood was present in and around the mouth and nose of subject. Rahman was observed still shackled and slumped over in the seated position.” The cause of his death would later be reported as “undetermined;” however, the clinical conclusion found that he died of hypothermia. No one has been charged in death of Gul Rahman.

Documents also reveal that he was held nude or in a diaper for the majority of his detention. When diapers were unavailable the guards made “a handcrafted diaper secured by duct tape.” The tactic was enforced “solely for humiliation.” The guards also provided him with minimal food and sleep. “When they decided he wasn’t sufficiently “broken,” CIA personnel brutalized, starved, and froze him to death — and then lied about it,” the ACLU wrote.

The ACLU also learned that CIA psychologist Bruce Jessen told officials that Rahman was “resistant” and called for more intense forms of torture. Jessen and his cohorts claimed that Rahman had a “sophisticated level of resistance training.” The ACLU represents Mr. Rahman’s family in suing Jensen and James Mitchell. Both men are former U.S. military psychologists who are seen as the “architects” of the CIA’s torture program. The lawsuit accuses Jessen and Mitchell of operating a “joint criminal enterprise” and seeks compensatory damages of at least $75,000.

The documents make it clear that the practice of waterboarding was employed much more often than CIA officials and U.S. lawmakers would like the public to believe. The CIA’s logical brilliance included assumptions that prisoners who did not provide information must be withholding. Therefore, the less information a prisoner provided the more he would be tortured because“analysts are reluctant to agree that a detainee is not employing resistance techniques.”

The documents also contain newly disclosed sections that CIA officials were cautious about sending CIA detainees who had been tortured “to detention facilities where they would be available to the ICRC [the International Committee for the Red Cross].” The officials worried that prisoners would have an opportunity to tell the world about the torture. This fear led officials to request the attorney general give an advance guarantee not to prosecute any agents for their treatment of prisoners.

In a transcript of a military hearing, prisoner Abu Zubaydah describes the waterboarding treatment he was forced to endure. “They shackle me completely, even my head; I can’t do anything. Like this, and they put one cloth in my mouth and they put water, water, water.” Zubaydah said that right before he felt like he would die interrogators stood the board back up and he told them, “If you want to kill me, kill me.”

It seems that the perpetrators of these crimes and their submissive order followers will likely not see prosecution anytime soon. In May, the D.C. Circuit court affirmed a federal judge’s decision to keep the Senate report on CIA torture classified. At the same time the CIA inspector general’s office claims they accidentally deleted their copy of the full report. As new details emerge it becomes crystal clear how low the United States military and intelligence officials are willing to go to pursue “justice.” It’s more important than ever to remind the free hearts and mind of this world the truth about torture, especially in light of presidential candidates who would like to continue the practices.

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Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter for and the founder of the Follow him onTwitter.

This article may be freely reposted in part or in full with author attribution and source link.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2016 1:28:16 AM

U.S. Navy Held Meetings With Transhumanist To Discuss Implanting Humans With Microchips

JUNE 17, 2016

By Joseph Jankowski

The U.S. Navy has held meetings with American presidential hopeful and Transhumanist Zoltan Istvan to discuss the possibility of implanting humans with microchips fitted with global positioning (GPS) technology, reports The Sun.

According to Vice Admiral Wisecup, who has retired from full-time service to work in a Navy department called the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group, the meeting broadened “our understanding of the merger of humans and machines.”

“A bunch of navy officers came to my house and one of the main topics was this chip implant strategy,” Transhumanist and Futurist Istvan said.

Zoltan Istvan is currently running for president of the United States as a part of theTranshumanist Party.

The Transhumanist Party aims to “uphold the energy and political might of millions of transhumanist advocates out there who desire to use science and technology to significantly improve their lives.”

Istvan told The Sun that the Navy is worried that soldiers could enter service with chips already implanted into them and is “struggling to create policy” around this issue.

“You can imagine how challenging that would be if someone had a non-authorized chip implant on a nuclear base, so policy has to be created and created soon,” says Istvan.

I helped the US Navy do some policy work on this issue.

The presidential candidate believes that within 10 to 15 years, artificial intelligence will advance to the point of solving all of civilization’s most vexing problems, including death, and he has even traveled around America in an “immortality bus” mocked up like a coffin to promote his ideas.

According to Istvan, the military has already experimented with chipping soldiers “so they can be tracked.”

“It’s crazy to me that we don’t develop it and use it in ourselves (humans) more, and especially in our children,” says the Transhumanist.

Istvan believes that GPS microchipping could be beneficial to parents who want to be able to keep track of their children and could have allowed investigators to find the body of Lane Graves, who was killed in an alligator attack, in just a matter of minutes.

“As a father of a two and five-year-old, I’m a big believer in the future that all children will get chipped, perhaps like all children get vaccines in the US,” Istvan told The Sun.

Joseph Jankowski is a contributor for Planet Free His works have been published by recognizable alternative news sites like,, and


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2016 11:16:22 AM

ISIS fighters headed to France, Belgium for possible attacks

Tourists take group pictures as French soldiers patrol near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris on June 13.
Photo: Reuters

PARIS — French police and anti-terrorism investigators have been alerted to the possibility that small groups of extremists have left Syria for France and Belgium with plans to stage attacks.

Belgian intelligence services sent a note to French counterparts about the possible groups, and it was sent to police across France on Tuesday, a French security official said Wednesday.

French authorities remain “very cautious” about the information because they receive such notes routinely, the official said.

The official said the information does not change the French government’s overall understanding of the threat. France is already under high alert because Islamic State extremists targeted Paris last year and have threatened violence during the European Championship soccer tournament taking place at the moment.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to be able to discuss sensitive security information, had no information about specific targets or how many extremists could be en route.

Belgium’s Derniere Heure tabloid reported Wednesday that Belgium’s anti-terror office has warned police that fighters with access to weapons could have left Syria about 10 days ago bound for Belgium and France. It was the latest of several recent reports that fighters from Syria could pose an imminent threat.

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French soldiers patrol near the Louvre museum’s main entrance on June 13 in Paris.Photo: Reuters

The paper, which said it had obtained an alert message, said fighters traveling without passports were believed to be trying to reach Europe by boat via Turkey and Greece. A Brussels shopping mall, an American fast-food chain and police could be among their targets.

Belgium’s security threat analysis center said Wednesday it is keeping the country’s security alert status at its current level.

“We are still on level three, quite a high level of threat,” said Benoit Ramacker, spokesman for the Crisis Center. Level three out of a possible four means the threat is considered serious and probable.

Ramacker said, “These kinds of potential targets are under protection anyway” and that “nothing has changed in terms of security.”

He declined to comment specifically on the reports, saying only that “there is a lot of information coming in.”

Belgium has been on level three or above since November, in the wake of the massacres in Paris that killed 130 people, with extra police and military mobilized.

(New York Post)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/18/2016 2:15:05 PM

CDC Covered Up “Catastrophic Failures” At Level-4 Biosafety Labs Containing Ebola And Smallpox

JUNE 17, 2016

By Mac Slavo

How safe are the government’s BSL-4 labs containing some of the world’s most deadly pathogens?

Turns out, not anywhere near as safe as you’d hope.

In fact, there is more reason than ever to think that things could play out like the plot of an unsettling pandemic movie – where, say, a virus escapes from a government lab and spreads rapidly throughout the population.

And unfortunately for all of us, the dense cities and sprawling suburbs of modern development are all-too-vulnerable to the rapid, viral spread of a contagion, as numerous flawed laboratories seem ready to fail and unleash something unspeakable.

An exposé in USA TODAY shows the frightening potential for looming disaster:

Encased in spacesuit-like gear needed to protect them from the world’s deadliest viruses, four scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stepped into their lab’s decontamination chamber where a shower of chemicals was supposed to kill anything on them and make it safe for them to exit into an adjacent changing room.

But the shower wouldn’t start, and warning lights appeared as a cascading series of safety systems began to fail inside one of the world’s most advanced biosafety level 4 labs. That’s the highest level of containment and security, reserved for work with deadly Ebola and smallpox viruses and other pathogens that lack vaccines or reliable treatments.


The shower’s door back into the infectious disease lab “forcefully” burst open again and again – and they couldn’t even hold it shut. Meanwhile, air pressure alarms were blinking and monitors displayed the lab as “red,” according to records of the February 2009 incident recently obtained by USA TODAY under a Freedom of Information Act.

[…] “The incident summary reads like a screenplay for a disaster movie,” said Richard Ebright, a Rutgers University biosafety expert who reviewed the report at USA TODAY’s request and called it a major incident.

“Overall, the incident shows that failures — even cascading, compounding, catastrophic failures of BSL-4 biocontainment labs occur,” said Ebright, who has testified before Congress about CDC safety issues. “And the attempted cover-up within the CDC makes it clear that the CDC cannot be relied upon to police its own, much less other institutions.”

The CDC made excuses, claimed that no breach of safety had occurred, and essentially tried to sweep it under the rug and cover up the incident as ‘no big deal.’

There has been an attempt at oversight in Congress in order to rein in dangerous practices and establish a realistic understanding of the risk involved in this kind of advanced bioweapons research.

But the truth is, that there is no stopping certain things from breaching the lab and spreading.

A veritable Noah’s Ark of the world’s deadly viruses, bacteriological/biological agents and other pathogens that are part of ongoing research in top lab facilities are supposed to be safe because strict protocols are maintained to keep everything contained.

These fail safes are misleading, though. This report proves that mishaps happen, and even the best protocol can’t prevent every accident from happening, let alone the potential for a covert individual to smuggle out any of these materials deliberately.

Some of these biological agents are already nearly unstoppable in terms of cures, vaccines or other containment strategies, and all of them have the potential to mutate as they spread throughout the population.

And the potential is much worse than public discussion has acknowledged:

An Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air. The current Ebola virus’s hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more human-to-human transmission in the past four months than most likely occurred in the last 500 to 1,000 years. Each new infection represents trillions of throws of the genetic dice.

Recall that the 2014 outbreak of Ebola in Western Africa led to a patient in the United States and who potentially exposed an entire hospital and all its staff and doctors.

One patient with Ebola overwhelmed the entire medical system and put the entire country on edge as fear over how far it would spread gripped Americans and the world.

While the possibility of a mass pandemic again seems distant, the potential remains very real.

This USA TODAY story is a reminder of how vulnerable our modern system really is.

These alarming stories about the mismanagement at the CDC should give pause to every American.

Who the hell do they think they are, and why are they so delicately toying with our lives and safety? One wonders if some of them wouldn’t like to see a virus wipe out a large portion of the population anyway.

Could it happen by accident, or on purpose in the fashion of a spectacular movie plot?

Here’s what you should do if you find yourself even remotely near these scenario in the real world. No matter what the media or government officials try to tell you about how safe and secure everything is, now is the time to avoid society like the plague and use your prepping skills to stay off the radar and away from the pathways of infection.

As Tess Pennington noted,

If you are in an area where others have Ebola:

  • Practice good hand washing. Have antibacterial gels on hand if soap is not available.
  • Carry cleaning wipes to wipe public surfaces.
  • Covering coughs and sneezes with elbows.
  • Stay away from crowds.
  • Meticulous cleaning and disinfecting of the home and the contents that come into a home.
  • Wearing a facemask and protective wear in addition to a respirator in public arenas.)

Healthcare workers who may be exposed to people with Ebola should follow these steps:

  • Wear protective clothing, including masks, gloves, gowns, and eye protection.
  • Practice proper infection control and sterilization measures. For more information, see “Infection Control for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers in the African Health Care Setting”.
  • Isolate patients with Ebola from other patients.
  • Avoid direct contact with the bodies of people who have died from Ebola.
  • Notify health officials if you have had direct contact with the blood or body fluids, such as but not limited to, feces, saliva, urine, vomit, and semen of a person who is sick with Ebola. The virus can enter the body through broken skin or unprotected mucous membranes in, for example, the eyes, nose, or mouth.

You can read more from Mac Slavo at his site


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