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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2016 4:37:37 PM

Welcome to the future, where it’s so hot roads are buckling

Talk about a hot dish.

A heat wave in Minnesota last week saw temperatures reaching into the mid-90s. And while Minnesota is no stranger to extreme weather, the rapid temperature rise caused roads in the scorched state to buckle under the sun and send unsuspecting vehicles airborne, as CityLab reports.

A Minnesota Department of Transportation camera caught the action on Highway 36 this weekend:

The pavement can expand under hot conditions, and when this happens quickly — as it did on Highway 36 and Interstate 90 — segments of the road smash together and the roadway buckles. Last week’s spike in heat caused the surface temperature of the road to hit between 120 and 125 degrees, according to the state DOT — plenty hot enough to stress out the roadways in Minnesota and neighboring South Dakota, which saw similar buckling.

Temperatures have since dropped in the area, but the buckling could be an indication of the hot and bumpy ride to come. According to Climate Central, a Minnesota summer in 2100 will feel like a Texan summer today.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2016 5:01:37 PM

Texas: Giant unstable sinkholes are growing, could be on verge of catastrophic collapse

Two giant sinkholes in Texas are getting bigger and are at risk of collapsing – the effects of which could be "catastrophic", scientists have warned. The sinkholes, found in the towns of Wink and Kermit, have been observed via satellite, and images indicate major changes could be underway.

The two sinkholes are currently a mile apart. The first one – Wink 1 - appeared in 1980, while the second – Wink 2 – opened up in 2002. They were caused by intense gas and oil extraction in the region from the 1920s to the 1960s. Wink 1 is currently 110m across, while Wink 2 can reach up to 270m.

Researchers from the Southern Methodist University in Dallas have now carried out a study on the sinkholes using satellite radar remote sensing. Publishing their findings in the journal Remote Sensing, the team found the sinkholes are unstable as a result of changing groundwater levels and minerals being dissolved.

The team also found large areas of subsidence around the sinkholes, indicating more could appear in the future, or that they could collapse into one massive sinkhole. Jin-Woo Kim, one of the study authors, said: "This area is heavily populated with oil and gas production equipment and installations, hazardous liquid pipelines, as well as two communities. The intrusion of freshwater to underground can dissolve the interbedded salt layers and accelerate the sinkhole collapse. A collapse could be catastrophic."

giant sinkhole texas
The Wink 2 sinkhole in TexasSouthern Methodist University

The town of Kermit, which is close to the most unstable of the two sinkhole, has a population of around 6,000. Wink meanwhile has 940 residents. The area also has active oil fields. "
A sinkhole collapse can be severe under natural conditions, but it could be catastrophic in urban settings or at oil/gas exploration facilities," the scientists wrote.

texas giant sinkhole
Measurements from satellite radar images of two giant West Texas sinkholes (dark black areas) shows the ground around them is sinking, including indications a potential new sinkhole is developing.Southern Methodist University

The satellite images show that when groundwater levels rise, the ground lifts up. The groundwater then increases the rate at which the salts are being dissolved, which then in turn causes the surface to subside. Both holes are getting bigger, while areas connected to the sinkholes are also showing signs of deformation – something the authors say could be an "alarming precursor" to future hazards.

"Sinkhole formation has previously been unpredictable, but satellite remote sensing provides a great means to detect the expansion of the current sinkholes and possible development of new sinkholes," Kim said . "Monitoring the sinkholes and modelling the rate of change can help predict potential sinkhole development... Following our study, we are collecting more high-resolution satellite data over the sinkholes and neighbouring regions to monitor further development and collapse."

giant sinkhole texas
Southern Methodist University
giant sinkhole texas
Wink 1Southern Methodist University
giant sinkhole texas
Wink 2Southern Methodist University
giant sinkhole texas
Wink 2 in foregroundSouthern Methodist University
giant sinkhole texas
Overhead image of both sinkholesSouthern Methodist University


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/16/2016 5:13:27 PM

Meanwhile, California Fault Lines And The Area Around Yellowstone Are Shaking Like Crazy

JUNE 15, 2016

By Michael Snyder

Over the past few days the mainstream media has been fixated on the largest mass shooting in U.S. history; but, meanwhile, there has been highly unusual seismic activity along major fault lines in California and near the Yellowstone supervolcano. Let’s talk about Yellowstone first. In recent months, the big geysers have been behaving very strangely and this is something that my wife and I covered on our television show. And now, just over the past week there have been three very significant earthquakes in the region. On June 9th, there was a magnitude 3.7 earthquake, on June 13th there was a magnitude 4.3 earthquake and earlier today there was a magnitude 4.0 earthquake. Yes, the area around Yellowstone is hit by earthquakes all the time, but most of them are extremely small. For earthquakes of this size to be striking right around Yellowstone is highly unusual and more than just a little bit alarming.

The map below comes directly from the USGS, and it shows all of the earthquakes of magnitude 2.5 or greater that have hit the western portion of the United States over the last week. The three big earthquakes that struck southwestern Montana are visible on the map, although they are hard to see because the dots all overlap. But the main reason why I am showing you this map is because I want you to see all of the earthquakes that have been happening along the major fault lines in southern California in recent days…

Latest-Earthquakes-USGS-460x344The biggest was a magnitude 5.2 earthquake that hit an area northeast of San Diego on Friday. The following comes from NBC Los Angeles

A magnitude-5.2 earthquake centered in the desert northeast of San Diego caused shaking early Friday morning across Southern California.

The earthquake occurred at about 1 a.m. northwest of Borrego Springs in San Diego County, according to the USGS. The earthquake was initially reported with a magnitude of 5.1 before it was revised to 5.2, according to the USGS.

But that earthquake was not the end of it by any means. It is being reported that this large quake was followed by at least 800 aftershocks.

Yes, we normally expect there to be aftershocks after a large quake, but to have that many is very, very unusual.

The quakes that have been striking farther north off the coast of northern California and Oregon are also of great concern as well. Just recently, I wrote about the fact that the federal government has been conducting drills that have attempted to simulate the response to a magnitude 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. If such an earthquake were to strike at this moment, the damage caused would be incalculable.

And the USGS has confirmed that such an earthquake is very possible and that it “would likely trigger huge tsunami waves”

The USGS has worryingly confirmed the same computer models show it is capable of producing an earthquake with a magnitude up to 9.3, which would likely trigger huge tsunami waves.

This would be more powerful than the magnitude 9 tsunami-causing quake that hit Japan in 2011, claiming thousands of lives and taking out nuclear reactors.

Worse still, many scientists say the US is not yet prepared to deal with such a natural disaster, and it could strike at an time.

Scientists tell us that we are actually way overdue for such a quake and accompanying tsunami, and when it comes large numbers of Americans that are clustered right along the coastline will die.

Why all of this is of greater concern now is due to the fact that many areas along the “Ring of Fire” that roughly encircles the Pacific Ocean are roaring to life right now.

For example, just today the biggest volcano in Eurasia sent hot ash more than 3 miles into the air

Eurasia’s largest volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka in Russia’s Far East erupted shooting hot ash miles into the air on Tuesday, the local geophysical service said.

“The eruption was detected [Tuesday] morning…the eruption column rose 6 kilometers [3.7 miles]. The steam-gas plume stretched for 47 kilometers to the west of the volcano,” a representative of the Russian agency told RIA Novosti.

And down in New Zealand, there is evidence that a brand new major volcano may be in the process of forming under a small town…

Beneath Matata, a small coastal town 125 miles from Auckland, on New Zealand’s North Island, scientists recently discovered a massive magma build-up, possibly signaling the beginnings of a new volcano.

But oddly, this magma chamber is nowhere near an active volcano.

According to geophysicist Ian Hamling, since 1950 an incredible influx of magma – enough to fill 80,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools – has accumulated beneath the small New Zealand town, pushing up the surface of the ground by 40 cm (16 inches).

In my new book entitled The Rapture Verdict I talk about how Jesus prophesied that we would see a great increase in seismic activity in the last days, and that is precisely what is taking place.

The crust of our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we have seen a series of very disturbing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions so far in 2016.

Here in the United States, in recent weeks we have seen very large earthquake swarms developunder Mt. Hood, Mt Rainier and Mt. Saint Helens simultaneously. Perhaps you don’t think that this is significant, but many of the experts sure do.

At some point there will be major volcanic eruptions along the west coast.

At some point there will be major earthquakes along the west coast.

Scientists tell us that it is just a matter of time before we see these things.

Unfortunately for all of us, these things may start happening with a frequency and an intensity that none of us are expecting.

*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2016 12:36:37 AM

Greenland Hits Record 75°F, Sets Melt Record As Globe Aims At Hottest Year

JUN 15, 2016 11:31 AM

Last Thursday, Greenland’s capital hit 75°F, which was hotter than New York City. This was the highest temperature ever recorded there in June — in a country covered with enough ice to raise sea levels more than 20 feet.

It comes hot on the heels of the hottest May on record for the entire globe, according to NASA. As the map above shows, May temperature anomalies in parts of the Arctic and Antarctic were as high as 17°F (9.4°C) above the 1951-1980 average for the month.

And this all follows the hottest April on record for the planet, which followed the hottest Marchon record, the hottest February on record, and the hottest January on record. NASA says there is a 99 percent chance this will be the hottest year on record — even though the current record-holder for hottest year, 2015, had blown out the previous record-holder, 2014.

Some might note a worrisome pattern, driven by ever-rising levels of heat-trapping carbon dioxide. Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf, Head of Earth System Analysis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, tweeted:

Greenland in particular has been shockingly warm this spring. Here, for instance, is “land surface temperatures for April 2016 compared to the 2001–2010 average for the same month” from NASA:


Greenland temperatures for April 2016 compared to the 2001–2010 average for April (via NASA)

NASA reports that some parts of Greenland were 36°F (20°C) warmer than “normal” — and remember, in this map, the new “normal” is the 2001–2010 average, which means it already includes a century of human-caused warming.

As we reported in mid-April, rainfall plus scorching temperatures over the country jump-started the summer melt season weeks early. On April 11, a remarkable 12 percent of Greenland’s massive ice sheet was melting — “smashing by a month the previous records of more than 10 percent of the ice sheet melting,” according to the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI).

The record temperatures in June also led to an unusually high ice melt — covering nearly 40 percent of the ice sheet:


Greenland holds the second-biggest chunk of land-locked ice in the world (after Antarctica), and its melt, by itself, could raise sea levels 20 feet.

Moreover, recent studies have suggested human-caused climate change is acting to melt the ice sheet faster than previously expected. An April study “found that the climate models commonly used to simulate melting of the Greenland ice sheet tend to underestimate the impact of exceptionally warm weather episodes on the ice sheet.”

A May study, “Has Arctic Sea Ice Loss Contributed to Increased Surface Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet?” was equally worrisome. Last month, co-author Professor Jennifer Francis of Rutgers,summarized the findings this way:

Our new study does indeed add to the growing pile of evidence that amplified Arctic warming and sea-ice loss favor the formation of blocking high pressure features in the North Atlantic. These blocks can cause all sorts of trouble, including additional surface melt on Greenland’s ice sheet (the primary focus of this study) as well as persistent weather patterns both upstream (North America) and downstream (Europe) of the block. Persistent weather can result in extreme events, such as prolonged heat waves, flooding, and droughts, all of which have repeatedly reared their heads more frequently in recent years.

We need to slash carbon pollution at a much faster pace than we are now.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/17/2016 12:54:57 AM

There's a 'storm brewing' in the US economy

Lightning thunderstorm las vegasLightning flashes behind an air traffic control tower at McCarran International Airport. Ethan Miller/Getty Images

It could get ugly in the US economy before long.

While everyone has been distracted by the strong labor market and the decent consumption, the real breakdown in the US economy has been coming from the corporate sector, which is what Paul Mortimer-Lee of BNP Paribas argues in a note titled "US Growth: Storm Brewing?"

"Why have so many, including the Fed, not seen the risks that now appear all too concrete?" asked Mortimer-Lee, chief US economist at BNP.

"The answer is that they have been looking in the wrong direction, lulled into a sense of complacency by strong jobs growth and solid consumption. What this view has overlooked is that the threat of recession comes from the corporate sector."

According to Mortimer-Lee, the drop in profits in the corporate sector typically presages a recession. In this case, the stagnant inflation has reflected an inability of US companies to increase prices to the level necessary to maintain profits while labor costs have been rising.

Said another way, companies are paying employees more, and they can't hike prices to keep up with the rising cost. Thus, profits fall. This increase, according to Mortimer-Lee, is strikingly like the lead-in to the 2001 recession, which was preceded by a drop in corporate profits.

"We believe that in an economy with a significant profit-oriented private sector, the rate of profit and its dynamic is a key determinant of the business cycle," Mortimer-Lee wrote.

"While some have argued that cycles don't die of old age, declining rates of profitability are often a sign that the economy is very sick, no matter what the age of the recovery."

The argument on this leading to a recession is one that we've noted before. Corporationsrespond to falling profits by cutting capital expenditures and investments in their businesses. If you're not building new things, there is no need for new workers, so hiring slows and workers begin to conserve their income. Consumption falls, and the whole thing tumbles down.

Screen Shot 2016 06 15 at 8.26.05 AMBNP Paribas

"But capex has been weak recently. Oil investment plays a part, of course, but the bigger picture seems to us to be that previously weaker corporate profitability as a share of GDP is beginning to feed into weaker capex with a lag," Mortimer-Lee wrote. "Frequently, such episodes do not end well."

Add that the stock market stumbles last August and at the beginning of the year have made companies warier of financial conditions and you've got a worrying number of clouds on the horizon.

Thus, Mortimer-Lee projects that the risk of recession over the next 12 months is somewhere between 40% and 50%, depending on how terrible the incoming labor market data looks. This isn't a majority, and thus not the most likely outcomes, but the likelihood is certainly spiking in an uncomfortable direction.

"We will need to hang on to our hats, because it's going to be a bumpy ride," Mortimer-Lee wrote. "The risk of recession is rising, though this is not currently our central case."

(Business Insider)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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