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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
10/15/2010 8:18:41 PM


The best thing to come out of all of this is the number of posts in forums suddenly.

I've been trying for months to achieve larger participation. I've got it BUT AT A PRICE.


I apologise for causing negative conflict between people. That was never my intention.


I apologise for using this forum to apologise but I thought it might be best seen here.

I have spent a lifetime in acting as a negotiator. God gave me the gift of seeing the best in people. I went on to get qualifications in negotiating and goal-setting because I enjoyed the role.

I have always been interested in opposing views and finding common ground, then I go and DO THIS.

My posting and message should have been more like this:

"I am surprised to find that the POTW this week comprises of people either little known to most of us or known to push business at us whether we want it or not.

This is what we get if we fail to support our community.

We all need to put forward names of people who contribute to the community as part of that community but, with so few active the list gets shorter."


I apologise to anybody who has got hurt as a result of my outburst.


I had already decided to reduce my presence in general as I am sure that many are sick of my constant posts. The intention was good but counter productive.

I shall continue to help where I can but will not be so much In your face.


RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
10/16/2010 2:48:48 PM

Roger, there is no need to apologize for being human! We all act on impulse at times. You were upset and perhaps with thought would have stated as you have here. However, you of all people know one of the first rules - "remove 'should have' from your mind". I should not have, I should have... They are irrevelant. We cannot take back what has been done. You have been serving this community for a long time now with little results from other members. Few come by and say "oh, thank you Roger for that information", you have been such a big help. But just feel you mess up ONCE and the whole community shows up!! I think the end result here will be FOR THE BEST!

YES, all members are guilty if they have not made suggestions for nominees for POTW. Everyone has that opportunity but few take advantage of it but are so quick to judge what is the final presentation. Count me in the guilty - for I did not contribute this past week. I had earlier put in a name but I have no idea if it will be accepted or when it will be posted.

So, you my friend, are already forgiven. Now let us all forgive ourselves and get back to whatever it is we are supposed to be doing. Doesn't it go something like - HAVING FUN!!

My thanks go to you and Bogdan for this forum and the opportunity to voice a concern and get answers! That is important.

Now have a great day!


Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
10/16/2010 3:07:51 PM
Hello Roger and Sara,

Two of you are the last two people who should feel guilty about anything in this community.
We make mistakes all the time and this is not as much of the problem, as long as lesson is learned from this.

I remember this saying and not sure by whom and this are maybe not exactly the words.

"When you fall, pick up something"

or the second

"When people throw bricks at you, build house from it."

Thanks Roger for writing and thanks Sara for commenting.

I appreciate what two of you are doing here.


Bogdan Fiedur

RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
10/16/2010 4:09:19 PM

Thank you Bogdan! I had to tell you how much I love that picture! It is precious.

Have a good weekend,


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
10/16/2010 4:20:05 PM
Hello Roger,

Sara and Bogdan are right, you don't have to feel guilty about anything. In my opinion, moreover, you should not regret about anything that you may or may not have done, since no one is perfect and you, like any person in the world, can make a mistake. Plus the only mistake you seem to have made is perhaps worry too much, and that is positive.

If there is anyone to blame for all this, that is not you but everyone else in Adland who don't participate anymore in the forums. You are one of the best persons around here, not only supporting others when they are in need of help but also enhancing the level of participation in forums.

Come to think of it, it may be simply that the FOTW and other forums have ended their cycles like everything else in this world.

With Love and Hugs,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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