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James Wright

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 2:12:19 PM
Matthias, my intent was not to cut down nor judge anyone on this discussion. I just find it somewhat disconcerting to note that maybe we are spending too much time on something that may or may not work? We are trying to improve Adland, are we not, and while I've not had time to read all the discussions on this forum, I think we need to get more people involved before a desicion such as this is made. I know there are many people who are not active here for one reason or another, and we need to somehow get them back again. Barry has set out the guidelines, and I'm sure he's had input from Bogdan, but should we not take some kind of a vote before something like this is done, or are we going to leave it up to 2 or 3 to decide?
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 2:22:46 PM

Now that we have spam in here, that's exactly why I think it's a bad idea to feature a person with a business, as an election format. Because if there's an excellent business with a spammer next to it as one of the featured nominees, the good business will lose votes just because of who's featuring it. That's not a good election format because people vote on their feelings about people first.

Mr. D

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 2:27:10 PM
I was just doing a little testing with something and not sure how to delete it. i will look more into what the forum is before i post again. Not sure where to removed it. but I will say that the ass hole that called me an idiot is just showed me what he is made of.
RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 2:27:23 PM

Yes, I am sure this will lead to something constructive as Barry and Bogdan are studying what we have shared.As long as we keep it constructive, yes.

Matthias, my intent was not to cut down nor judge anyone on this discussion. I just find it somewhat disconcerting to note that maybe we are spending too much time on something that may or may not work? We are trying to improve Adland, are we not, and while I've not had time to read all the discussions on this forum, I think we need to get more people involved before a desicion such as this is made. I know there are many people who are not active here for one reason or another, and we need to somehow get them back again. Barry has set out the guidelines, and I'm sure he's had input from Bogdan, but should we not take some kind of a vote before something like this is done, or are we going to leave it up to 2 or 3 to decide?

Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 3:09:56 PM
Good Morning James, Mattias and everyone else :-)

Got to love the conversations! Got to hate the spam and mind sets that is noted in Adland and one of the big reasons why people leave here...sigh!

You made this statement James and worth repeating "I just find it somewhat disconcerting to note that maybe we are spending too much time on something that may or may not work?" my answer to you does not matter if this actually happens ( at least to me), what has been said carries within all the threads are opinions of people on what people should/could be looking at if they are going to look at any business from their point of view and thus is useful. The more people come into this particular thread and voice their opinion, their thoughts in an open manner the better the conversation.

To me this has never been about what should or should not be done, but about talking to others and that is what social means...encoding and decoding what others are talking about, coming up with ideas and thoughts that might be useful to others and good old fashioned sharing.

Like you and in the beginning I saw Adland as a place to do in effect what Mark did in this thread...put in his opportunity without thought ( minus the spam aspect) or care but hope that someone would read it and join in. I also had the belief that programs come and go so I better darn join as many as I can in the hopes that one might work....ICK!

As long as people keep thinking that Adland is JUST a marketing or advertising medium, then I'm sorry but I for one will not stick around as I have become blind to the same old same old gimmicks and ads that are thrown at me day after day.

The big reason why I have been talking in this particular thread James is that the people I have been talking to have been talking and giving me points of view in a way that was interesting and offered value. We have been talking to each other in respect and questioning ourselves on different aspects but when you put it all together it forms a meaningful dialogue and that is what makes marketing such a powerful force and what makes social truly social.

Got to admit one thing though...that spam ad sure did have an impact...wonder if people will go to his site..would love the stats on this... the reason for this one statement has been removed and as far as I will go with the editing thing ^=^

I would never willingly offend anyone and I can only hope that my words today have not caused a rift for anyone.

Best regards,


(@blogneta <---- my advertisement... lol)

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