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RE: Obama's actions validate George W. Bush's presidency
4/12/2011 9:42:24 PM


By Senator Bob Smith
April 12, 2010

Eureka! A government shutdown was avoided with a last minute “deal” that worked out the details of an agreement cutting around $38 billion from the budget over the remainder of the Fiscal Year. It is true that implementing these cuts will produce further reductions in spending over the next few years, but is it enough to really make a difference? Do not be fooled by the rhetoric and the euphoria.

With the national debt fast approaching 15 trillion dollars the President and Congress had to go to the mat with a government shutdown hanging over their head to finally agree to cut a measly $38 billion in discretionary spending from the budget. This sum is not a small amount for mortals like us. However, when compared to the national debt, it is merely a drop in the proverbial bucket.

This pathetic scenario has played out before, either with the threat of a shutdown of the government, or an extension of the national debt by increasing the debt ceiling. The battle between Speaker Gingrich and President Clinton in 1995 is a notable reminder of another government shutdown clash. However, the lack of entitlement reform, trimming around the edges of discretionary spending and raising the debt ceiling are all, as Yogi Berra once said, “Déjà vu all over again.”

I witnessed it all for 18 years as a U.S. Senator and Congressman. Month after month, year after year, budget battle after budget battle, the debt and the deficit grew. I was proud to join with a very few of my conservative colleagues in those classic budget battles against moderate Republicans and big spending liberals on the Democrat side of the aisle. We fought hard to make “real” cuts and reduce the deficit and the debt and bring fiscal sanity back to our government by entitlement reform, cutting waste, fraud and mismanagement and eliminating unconstitutional and unnecessary federal programs. Unfortunately, we never had the votes to succeed.

If you really want to understand how bad things are, then consider the fact that we had to threaten to shut down the government just to achieve small successes in limiting spending. Thank God the true conservatives in Congress like Paul Ryan (R-WI), Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Rand Paul (R-KY) held their ground, or we would not even have gotten that! Elections do matter and we did make a start. But this is the beginning and not the end of the race. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) reminded us that “we have saved billions with this deal, but now we have to save trillions with future reductions.”

What the American people must understand is that this is not a game that we are playing. This is about the survival of America as a great nation. The liberals in the past, and even after this most recent deal, like to crow that we cannot cut the poor and we should not give benefits to the wealthy. This is the old class warfare argument which misses the point entirely. The real argument is that if we do not get the budget balanced and the debt reduced in the very near future by making significant cuts in spending and entitlement reform, then no one wins. Rich and poor, young and old, Democrat and Republican, and most importantly, our posterity all lose.

Here is the challenge. No more Déjà vus! Conservatives did a great job holding the big spenders at bay. You got the attention of the American people, the party leaders and even some on the Democrat and moderate Republican side. You won a battle, now go out and win the war.

Congressman Paul Ryan, Chairman of the House Budget Committee, laid out a serious proposal for entitlement reforms and serious government cuts in programs to move us toward balancing the budget and reducing the debt over the next 10 years. We must not let this budget deal change our focus on stopping the runaway train of debt. Ryan, and those in Congress who think like him, need our support. Congressman Ryan calls it a “moral obligation” to reduce this debt to save this country for our posterity. We do not have to agree with everything he wants to change, cut or reduce, but join him in the big fight to get the debt under control. We can fight over priorities in spending, but we must support him on getting the debt under control. Any deal to extend the debt limit must be directly linked to a specific plan to balance the budget with significant cuts and entitlement reform with a date certain written into the legislation. It is now or never!

Congressman Ryan reminds me so much of one of my heroes when I came to Congress in the mid 1980s, Bill Dannemeyer of California. Congressman Dannemeyer would take to the floor of the House during every budget battle and lay out his own budget, appropriately called the “Dannemeyer Budget.” It included entitlement reform, spending cuts, elimination of programs and usually put us on a real track to balance the budget and reduce the debt. In those days the debt was several hundred billion dollars and today it is nearly $15 trillion. Had the honesty of Dannemeyer been taken seriously, we would not be in this mess. I was so proud to have supported those budgets along with Congressman Bob Walker of Pennsylvania and other “young conservative turks” in those days.

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With every fiber in my body I urge the current crop of young conservatives to stick to their guns. You, and only you, have the capacity to save our Republic. Do not be deflected by those who say we can postpone this decision. Do not worry about defeat at the polls. You are but temporary stewards of our nation. Make the best of it.

You have won the first skirmish. Now lead the effort to win the war. Our children will thank you!

© 2010 - Senator Bob Smith - All Rights Reserved

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: Obama's actions validate George W. Bush's presidency
4/13/2011 12:39:38 PM

Matt Taibbi Asks Why The Fed Gave $220 Million In Bailout Money To The Wives Of Two Morgan Stanley "Bigwigs"

Cue your Billy Mays voice, because wait, there's more! A key aspect of TALF is that the Fed doles out the money through what are known as non-recourse loans.

Essentially, this means that if you don't pay the Fed back, it's no big deal. The mechanism works like this: Hedge Fund Goon borrows, say, $100 million from the Fed to buy crappy loans, which are then transferred to the Fed as collateral.

If Hedge Fund Goon decides not to repay that $100 million, the Fed simply keeps its pile of crappy securities and calls everything even.

This is the deal of a lifetime. Think about it: You borrow millions, buy a bunch of crap securities and stash them on the Fed's books. If the securities lose money, you leave them on the Fed's lap and the public eats the loss.

But if they make money, you take them back, cash them in and repay the funds you borrowed from the Fed. "Remember that crazy guy in the commercials who ran around covered in dollar bills shouting,

'The government is giving out free money!' " says Black. "As crazy as he was, this is making it real."

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: MADE In the USA House Has No Time For Cabinet Secretaries But
4/19/2011 1:31:17 PM
TeaParty is calling the shots anyway you look at it the TeaParty's influence is being seen on both sides of the aisle. Those weird foreign news services also have an agenda so you will not see this information from them....EVER!

Waking Up America!

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Recently, we released a survey of 1,001 likely voters in fourteen battleground states that validates everything the Tea Party Movement has been doing across America.

In the survey, American voters said that they want their elected officials to take bold steps to decrease the federal budget deficit and debt, and they won't accept any excuses for failing to do so. Likely voters overwhelmingly support balancing the budget within 10 years and taking immediate action to address the impending entitlement crisis while opposing plans to raise the nation's debt ceiling.

This survey confirms what we already knew: it's not Washington elites, it's Tea Party activists that are calling the shots and defining our political conversation. Whether it's President Obama, the Democrats, or the Republicans, the question is no longer if we need to cut government -- but by how much.

Of course, there is still more work to be done.Which is why I'm inviting you to join us for a conference call on April 21 from 7-8 pm EST to discuss the results of the survey. This is a great opportunity to hear in-depth analysis of the results from renowned pollster Frank Luntz and find out how you can move Congress to be bold when cutting spending. Information on the conference call is below:

Who: Frank Luntz and I will be on the call.
What: A national conference call discussing how to make Congress take bold action now to cut spending and reform entitlements.
When: Thursday, April 21, 2011 from 7-8 pm EST.
Why: Because you care about cutting government spending and putting America on a path toward fiscal sanity.
Where: Just call in from home! (888)-886-6602 Ext.16554#

After discussing the results of the survey, we will open up the conversation for questions, which you can submit by posting your question on our FreedomWorks Facebook Page or on Twitter. I hope you can join us to discuss the critical upcoming spending battles we face in Congress.

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks

P.S. - You can view the full results of our latest poll by clicking here. Don't forget to call in on Thursday from 7-8 pm EST to participate in our conference call: Call (888)-886-6602 Ext.16554#

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Carl Fortuin

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RE: MADE In the USA House Has No Time For Cabinet Secretaries But
4/20/2011 11:38:11 AM

Hi .

I am in the UK .. a few months ago I had an order for 50,000 Cot / Camp beds and going up to 400,000 .. But they Had to be "MADE In the USA" .. Could I find any ?? Could I hell!! .. I could get them from China @ a cost of only $20usd CIF USA... The company that I got the order from was willing to pay $35 to $40usd per cot .. But still could not find a company that would make them in the USA ..

So what the hell is going on in the US .. That order was a min of 4 years work ... I am sure That at $35 any company could still make a profit .

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5/17/2011 1:30:59 AM
Exactly Carl they have turned us into a consumer nation and now they are flooding the farmlands to save the cities this time. ZerObama promised us everything would increase necessarily under his energy plan. Hope the Dhimmicrats are happy now!

Hi .

I am in the UK .. a few months ago I had an order for 50,000 Cot / Camp beds and going up to 400,000 .. But they Had to be "MADE In the USA" .. Could I find any ?? Could I hell!! .. I could get them from China @ a cost of only $20usd CIF USA... The company that I got the order from was willing to pay $35 to $40usd per cot .. But still could not find a company that would make them in the USA ..

So what the hell is going on in the US .. That order was a min of 4 years work ... I am sure That at $35 any company could still make a profit .

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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