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Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - two out of three Republicans are tea party supporters
6/30/2014 8:33:06 PM
DANGEROUS: Texas Ranchers Say Criminal Illegals Are ‘Everywhere’ and Dangerous

As illegal immigration gets more out of control everyday in Texas, criminals are taking advantage and trekking across the border as well. Linda Vickers talks about their experience with illegal immigrants on their ranch. See below:

FALFURRIAS – Sex offenders, murder suspects and gang members are making their way through the vast rangelands of Brooks County.

The Vickers ranch is one of the many land spreads affected by the surge in illegal immigration. What is more concerning to the ranch owners is the type of people trekking through their land.

“As of yesterday, 196 illegal immigrants with 136 apprehensions by Border Patrol,” she said.

The dogs sniff out those hiding in the brush.

“There are some good, helpless people. Then, there are some really bad ones,” Vickers said.

Earlier this week, Vickers took a photo of a man on her front porch. She said the man had a Tango Blast tattoo.

Tango Blast is the largest and one of the most dangerous gangs operating in the state, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Legislation to Label Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization
7/4/2014 1:21:40 PM

Legislation to Label Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization

Michele Bachmann introducing Legislation to Label Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), known for calling out Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the past and being rebuked by members of her own Party for doing so, will be introducing a bill to identify the group as a terrorist organization. Said Bachmann:

I’m working on legislation to do exactly that. I’ll be introducing the bill very shortly. The Muslim Brotherhood is a violent terrorist organization. Egypt wisely designated them an FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization), and the United States needs to do the same. The US needs to defund, sanction, do everything we can to delegitimize the Muslim Brotherhood.

Even if such a Bill were to pass in the House, it would never be brought to the floor of the Senate with Harry Reid as the majority leader. At that, there is no way Barack Obama would sign a bill that targets his allies.

Nonetheless, for the U.S. to ultimately confront its Islamic enemies, the passage of such a bill is certainly one of the necessary steps that will have to be taken one day. This fact demonstrates how far the U.S. is from actually confronting those enemies. Moreover, for Bachmann’s bill to be an accurate predecessor of the bill that will actually have to pass one day, it must also include language that identifies all Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S. as well (CAIR, ISNA, MPAC, MAS, MSA, etc. etc. etc.).

As Americans and their politicians are being dragged – kicking and screaming – to a reality they simply want to deny, if Bachmann’s bill is introduced, Congressmen will have the opportunity to be on the right (or wrong) side of history.

Any such should also call on all Muslim Brotherhood front groups to be stripped of their tax exempt status and banned. explored this matter in depth recently.

Just two years ago, Bachmann was one of five signatories to five letters sent to fiveseparate Inspectors General. Each letter focused on the issue of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration. One figure named became the face of the controversial lettersHuma Abedin. Only one elected member of Bachmann’s Party – Rep. Steve King (R-IA) – expressed support for the Bachmann five. The following Republicans sided with Abedin and rebuked Bachmann:

Senator John McCain (R-AZ)

Senator Scott Brown (R-MA)

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH)

Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI)

Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID)

Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY)

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI)

Former Bachmann campaign chief Ed Rollins was despicable in his criticism. At the time, he wrote the following about Bachmann:

As a member of Congress, with a seat on the House Intelligence Committee, Mrs. Bachmann you know better. Shame on you, Michele! You should stand on the floor of the House and apologize to Huma Abedin and to Secretary Clinton and to the millions of hard working,loyal, Muslim Americans for your wild and unsubstantiated charges. As a devoted Christian, you need to ask forgiveness for this grievous lack of judgment and reckless behavior.

Since Rollins penned those irresponsible words, Bachmann’s five letters have aged like a fine wine of accuracy and foresight. Muslim Brotherhood infiltration has become far more obvious. Yet, people like Rollins, McCain, Rogers, Boehner, et. al. remain silent on the matter.

Shame on THEM!


Walid Shoebat is a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood who was converted to Christianity, and author of the book, God’s War on Terror.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - two out of three Republicans are tea party supporters
7/5/2014 4:53:49 PM

Are we read for the conversation? Mini-Documentary

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - two out of three Republicans are tea party supporters
7/5/2014 5:21:43 PM
To Rebuild you must first know the truth about where you are and what those numbers truly reflect. Don't you think? Share your thoughts, please.

Hidden Story Behind Unemployment Rates

On Friday, May 2, the White House was happy to announce the lowest US unemployment rate since September 2008. As reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with 288,000nonfarm jobs added to the economy, the unemployment rate dropped from 6.7% to 6.3% in April 2014.

While these figures encouraged optimism from economists and investors, a deeper look at the numbers reveal the unemployment rate as a misleading figure that the administration is once again using as evidence of a growing economy.

The “official” unemployment rate comes from the U-3 calculation of unemployment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics determines six different figures for unemployment based on different criteria for who is computed in to the formula. The U-3 unemployment rate is the total number of unemployed persons as a percent of the civilian labor force.

The U-3 statistic is problematic for calculating an accurate unemployment rate because it leaves out two critical groups of unemployed persons in its calculations. For example, the U-3 leaves out those defined as “marginally attached” to the workforce. “Marginally attached” persons want and are available for work, have looked for a job in the past 12 months, but have not looked for a job in the past four weeks (hence their exclusion from the labor force). Also under the “marginally attached” label are “discouraged workers” who are eligible for employment, are unemployed, and are not actively seeking employment or have not successfully found employment after long-term unemployment.

According to the BLS report, 2.2 million Americans fell under one of these categories in April, and were thus labeled “marginally attached” to the workforce. These Americans were not included when calculating unemployment, even though these people are unemployed, are able to work, and would likely take a job if one came along. The number trickery doesn’t stop there. While 503,000 people joined the labor force in March 2014, 806,000 people dropped out of the labor force in April 2014. As Wall Street Journal blogger Kathleen Madigan explains:

"The unexpectedly large drop in the jobless rate was a head-fake when it comes to signaling labor-market improvement. That’s because the decline was mainly caused by 806,000 people dropping out of the labor force which pulled the rate to 6.3% from 6.7% in March. The unemployment rate rarely moves in such a large increment. The last time it fell 0.4 percentage point was December 2010. A bounce-back in the May rate shouldn’t be a surprise a month from now: news of the strong pace of April hiring is likely to cause some discouraged workers to look for work again."

After this significant drop in labor force participants, the labor force participation rate has dropped to a 36-year low, of 62.8%. So while the “official” unemployment rate shows an improving economy, the rate of those who have stopped looking for employment due to job market trouble has reached its lowest point since 1978. The April 2014 report shows that 92.5 million people in total are not counted in the labor force, with only about 1.37 million of those excluded for reasons such as school, family responsibility, ill health, or transportation issues.

The U-6 calculation, which is often referred to as the “real” unemployment rate, includes all those “marginally attached” to the labor force, as well as those who are employed part time for economic reasons (about 7.5 million people, who want and are available for full time employment but have not found it). U-6 shows an unemployment rate about double that of the U-3 “official” rate. The U-6 figures from April 2014 show a 12.3% unemployment rate, which also dropped 0.4% from March 2014 due to the decrease in labor force participation.

It should also be noted that the payroll survey from April showed the increase in 288,000 jobs, while the household survey showed a loss of 73,000 jobs.

When it comes down to it, the U-3 unemployment rate, which the BLS considers the “official” rate of unemployment, does not accurately represent the whole composite of how many viable labor force members are unemployed. By categorizing the civilian labor force in a way that allows many who are unemployed to be left out of calculations, the unemployment rate appears lower than it actually is, providing government officials with attractive numbers to tout to the public.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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