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Flag of Dwight Bryce

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Stop Joining Crap.......
9/17/2010 1:10:32 PM

Mark here and I used to get mad about losing money online

but, I don't get MAD anymore because...


I join INSTANT PAY programs...

NO waiting to get paid

NO waiting to cycle

NO building a matrix

NO downline to drop out

Mart, with INSTANT PAY programs, you make more with

ONE SALE than most people make in a month in those

crappy matrix programs.

Not only that, but there's no getting scammed with an

INSTANT PAY program because there is NO company holding

your money.

You make a sale, YOU get paid...INSTANTLY.

Now, as far as IP programs go, TSP is right up there,

and if you haven't yet looked at it, now's the time.


As the summer winds down, more and more people will

be coming online looking for a way to make m.oney,

and you can be all set up and ready to offer them

something if you get started today.

Mart, do you want to start making $1OO INSTANT PAY

over and over again?

Then go here now:


To your success,

Mark Fitzpatrick


Flag of Dwight Bryce

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Pre-Launch Alert - Never Before Seen!‏
9/20/2010 11:41:03 PM
Get $100 in free!

$25 Fast Start Bonuses!
- 2 x 10 Matrix ($6 payout per position)!
- 10% to 50% Leadership Check Match Monthly Bonuses
on All Personally Sponsored Members!

- Get Paid When Your Team Logs Onto The Internet!
- Get Paid When Your Team Uses the Search Engine!
- Get Paid When People Advertise Online!
- Get Paid When People Play Online Games!

Plus, get paid the $100 pre-launch sign-up bonus when
you join for FREE
before midnight!

Get Started Here >>>
Flag of Dwight Bryce

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This is Big... Like YouTube big
9/23/2010 7:39:14 PM
from the desk of T Matthew
Subject: The mother of all websites!
The best type of website to own is a website where
other people generate the content for you.
It is called, "user generated content."
(This is just my opinion of course. You may, in fact,
enjoy creating content.)
You know, social networks, image sharing sites,
music sharing sites, video sharing sites...
Those type of sites are HUGE right now and will
be for a while.
People just love sharing.
Heck, three is probably a good change that you
have shared information and content on more than
one website already today.
With this new software you can do a whole lot of
things, but the three big ones are to...
Run a music sharing website.
Run a photo sharing website.
Run a video sharing website.
All of the above are major type of
user generated content websites.
These two comapnies have been working on
this brand new software for a long time
and I am very excited to get to share it with you:
Make moves today,
PS - They are going to be closing the launch
of this down soon, so get over here right away
and check out the great presentation.
This isn't just a marketing ploy either.
Flag of Dwight Bryce

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No-sponsoring system will pay you from day one
9/24/2010 3:46:47 PM
from the pen of JC

Hi Guys!

No matrix to fill or sponsoring is required. A simple and true working no-sponsoring system will pay you from day one and month after month.

For years, many programs have attempted to implement a no-sponsoring system. Sadly, all of them offered members eye-popping fast large cyber-money that they do not have. Of course, 100% of them failed in days.

ad2million has a "cycle faster than purchase" new system. It is a very simple and true working no-sponsoring system will pay you from day one and month after month. It will provide you even more excitement with great confidence than any programs now or in the past.

To Your True Success,

John Combe

Flag of Dwight Bryce

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What can you do with $2?
9/25/2010 5:06:19 AM
from the pen of: CP

My Friend,
Would you like to turn $2 Dollars into hundreds or even thousands of dollars in a matter of days or weeks? And, build a long-term residual income using an incredibly POWERFUL but simple system?
Well, a new site just launched that is unlocking the mysteries of Holy Grail Residuals and Upfront Cash once and for all. It is so simple and affordable to get involved with this new system that people just like you are flocking to the site at an amazing rate. The time to get in is NOW!
Everything is explained in complete detail and with the great promotional tools that you receive, you could get started in a matter of minutes.
But I encourage you to hurry over and sign up. The sooner you join, the sooner you can have this amazing system running completely on auto-pilot for you. Simply spread the word and then sit back and relax. The Cash starts flowing in like clockwork.
It's so simple a child could do it, but so powerful that adults can earn a full-time income with this one system!
Wishing You Success,
Holy Grail Residuals Member ID#: drwoo82
PS - Be sure to strongly check out the Viral Components and Conscious Competence Marketing System, you receive when you join. We're talking success at the push of a button.

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