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Flag of Dwight Bryce

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In No Particular Order - Sites You Should Know about..(New Sites Added Daily!)
5/9/2010 10:18:50 PM

TurboCycler - Are you prepared for Financial Freedom? Stop Waiting for things to change.


Flag of Dwight Bryce

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The NEW!1
6/16/2010 4:42:52 PM
New Sites Have been Added to this post and will be DAILY!!!

Check 'em OUT.

Flag of Dwight Bryce

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Guaranteed Website Traffic
6/18/2010 3:39:33 AM

Dear Web Site Owner...

We can send up to 1,000,000 visitors to your website -- starting immediately! Would you like to have thousands of potential customers looking at your website, ready to buy your product or service? If so, then read on ...

Do you know why almost every online business fails?

It's simple really. They don't have anyone visiting their websites. The web has become so large that unless you spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising nobody is going to find you. If people can't find you, they can't order anything from you. To put it simply:

No Traffic = No Sales

Here is what we will do for you

Send HIGH QUALITY TRAFFIC to your website in the form of Full Page Pop-Up's, not banner impressions or emails!

Give you a login for REAL TIME stats so you can monitor our progress.

Guarantee your results - you WILL get the number of hits you purchased within 30 days, or less!

Lets assume you have a product that sells for $10. If you purchase 100,000 guaranteed visitors you would make $1,000.00 based on a 0.1% (one tenth of one percent) response rate. Imagine if you were to get a 1% or higher response!

Lets look at the possibilities:

Response Rate --- Total Sales --- You Earn*
0.1% ------------ 100 ----------- $1,000.00
1% -------------- 1,000 --------- $10,000.00
5% -------------- 5,000 --------- $50,000.00

We have packages to suit any budget and can start sending traffic to your website right away!

Visit for your Guaranteed Visitors today!
Flag of Dwight Bryce

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Title: Invest $0.00 - Earn $50 Daily find out how
6/21/2010 2:18:37 PM
from the desk of J Adex

I would like to let you know about a web-site that I recently found to make big income online.

It works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and for not just days or weeks, but for months and months, making you huge of income.
$0.00 invest - earn hundreds of dollars daily.
It's real and easy way to make profit in online.

Open the link below to get it:

See you there,

Flag of Dwight Bryce

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Partner with MySpace Co-Founder For Free!
6/27/2010 3:19:06 AM

Let's not beat around the bush here, okay?

I know you have heard just about everything under the sun when it comes to all the OUTLANDISH claims and promises that hoardes of internet marketers are making about their products. And I know you are way too smart to waste your time listening to another pipe dream, right?

Well this is not a pipe dream, it’s as real as it gets, and it gets better all the time!

One of the best parts about is that it’s Free to join. The potential of this system, is so enormous that it’s ginomous! Is that a word? Well it is now! Listen, our CEO and primary founder, is a pioneer on the internet. I doubt that there is anyone online that has had more success, or made more money from what he has done online and offline. That is a big statement I know, but I think that once you get to know Chuck, and hear about what he’s done, you will start to believe it, as I have.

So why is that important? Well for one, he is not out here to profit from you, and take money out of your pocket! He absolutely does not need it! In fact it’s quite the opposite is true. He wants to help people actually prosper and to be in better health.

If you join our site for Free, and tap into what we are doing, Chuck will lead you to financial prosperity, and possibly even wealth, at minimal cost. You see at this point in his life he’s focused in giving back to society.

So rather than write you a long email, and try and tell you everything at once, here is what I suggest. Listen to this audio that convinced me to join a few months ago.

Then sign up for Free, and choose a “fast track” product from the store, or even better a “presidents circle” product if you can afford it. Then what I suggest is writing down the customer service number, and ordering the product that you choose by phone. If it’s on the weekend wait until Monday. Put the product on auto ship, that’s important! By ordering a product, and putting it on auto ship, it does several things. First, the products are great and a very good value for the money, many of them cannot be found elsewhere. Secondly, it shows that you are serious and qualifies you for bonuses not mentioned in the news story that I will send you to. Third, part of the proceeds from your purchase feeds a hungry child. There are probably more benefits, but this email is getting long so I’ll stop. Thanks. I look forward to meeting You!

Darryl Green


Call me if you have any questions


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