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Flag of Dwight Bryce

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9/10/2010 6:26:14 AM
from the desk of : I.G.

Why you should join today...
  • You start with a $50 balance and it's free.
  • PayBox will add up to $20 per day to your account for participating as we prepare to launch our new service.
  • You get $5 per person you refer to PayBox.
  • You'll be an EarlyBird user—before PayBox opens to the public.
  • You'll help shape the development of the best payment system ever designed for the Internet.
  • You could have hundreds or thousands of dollars in your account by the time we launch, without ever making a deposit!
Stage 1
Target Timeframe: September 1, 2010 - October 16, 2010
Begin hiring team members who are qualified for and will begin working immediately on the following tasks: Research laws and regulations pertaining to our service in the countries where we plan to initially launch. Draft technical specifications for accounting rules and processes that must be built into our service platform. Begin collecting and aggregating user opinion surveys to help guide the development of our service.
Stage 2
Target Timeframe: October 17, 2010 - November 28, 2010
Begin hiring team members who are qualified for and will begin working immediately on the following tasks: Perform in-depth market analysis on a wide range of topics including our competition, our potential partners, clients, users, etc. Business model analysis. Business process and design analysis. Technical business analysis.
Stage 3
Target Timeframe: November 29, 2010 - January 24, 2011
Begin hiring team members who are qualified for and will begin working immediately on the following tasks: Design a solid business and technical framework. This stage will require hiring specialized high-level architects in many discrete fields of Information Technology including: database, network, systems, software and security.
Stage 4
Target Timeframe: January 25, 2011 - April 5, 2011
Begin hiring team members who are qualified for and will begin working immediately on the following tasks: Create prototypes and begin internal quality assurance testing. Upon successful completion of testing, prepare services for launch. This stage will require hiring many mid- and entry-level programmers, designers, analysts, specialists and testers.
Stage 5
Target Timeframe: April 6, 2011 - June 1, 2011
Launch person-to-person transactions. This will allow PayBox users to make payments to—and receive payments from—other PayBox users.
Stage 6
Target Timeframe: June 2, 2011 - July 28, 2011
Launch small business level services. This will include the design, testing and public launch of PayBox gateway integration modules for all popular shopping cart software on the market. This will allow PayBox users to purchase from any small online store where the integration module has been installed.
Stage 7
Target Timeframe: July 29, 2011 - September 2, 2011
Launch mid-sized merchant payment processing integration initiative. This will allow PayBox users to purchase from integrated mid-sized merchants.
Stage 8
Target Timeframe: September 3, 2011 - October 8, 2011
Launch payment processing integration initiative for major online stores. This will allow PayBox users to purchase from any major online store where PayBox payments are accepted.
Stage 9
Target Timeframe: October 9, 2011 - December 4, 2011
Launch debit cards linked to PayBox accounts. This will allow PayBox users to purchase from thousands of merchants both online and offline—anywhere the associated card network is accepted.
Stage 10
Target Timeframe: December 5, 2011 - January 9, 2012
Launch PayBox currency exchange, allowing for open exchange with all major world currencies. This will enable users to convert their PayBox account balance (or any portion thereof) to any major world currency for withdrawal, or convert back for deposit.
This document is to be used as a general guideline only. The dates shown for each stage are estimates, and may be moved closer or delayed if necessary to accomodate unforseen circumstances.

Flag of Dwight Bryce

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Have You Got The new Face Book Hyper Traffic?
9/12/2010 2:01:05 AM
from the desk of: BF

Revealed 58,396 Visitors Last Month WITHOUT Google

When I first saw this in action, I didn't know whether to


Seriously, I kinda lost my mind a bit. Here's why...

For years, I have been slaving over SEO, ARTICLE WRITING,

BLOGGING, PPC, PPV and JV deals.

I have been spending THOUSANDS per month on ads,

backlinking services, writers, editors, articles, blogs,

designers... the list goes on and on.

Maybe you have too, right? After all, what other choice do

we have?

What if I told you to STOP working day and night writing

articles, posting blogs, setting up PPC campaigns, searching

high and low for joint venture partners, creating videos ...

and all the other back breaking and boring stuff?

Would you think I'm crazy? I mean, how else is anyone going

to find your website online? How else are you going to get

traffic AND make a living?

Listen, I wont lie to you...

I've been making my fair share of sales here and there. In

fact, the last few years have brought in more money than

anything else I've ever seen.

But in the last few months, it has started to get on top of me.


Something screwed us ALL up...



Despite my own success, it didn't take long for the

competition to come flooding in and screw up all my plans.

Typical, huh?

You see, Google started playing games. SEO started getting

REAL ROUGH, and it's getting *worse* each week. Advertising

costs went through the roof, and are still rising as we


... and all the time - on top of everything else - the

competition keeps on rising too.

The article I submitted just last month has now only got

24 views. That's pretty pathetic!

No wonder so many folks struggle.

Before long - like so many other people online - I found

myself getting caught in "the IM trap" once more.

In fact, I'm pretty sure you're right in the middle of that

same "IM trap" too.


What is the "IM Trap?"


... writing all day,

... paying for expensive ads,

... looking for the next new opportunity,

... constantly trying to catch up on Google's latest rules,

... spending too much time in forums trying to learn,

... buying crappy reports from people who clearly haven't

used their own systems to make money...

...and on and on, draining your precious time and money,

year after year.

So when you see something unfold before your eyes that

totally OBLITERATES everything you **thought** you knew

about online marketing... it kinda takes you by surprise.

That's because you are so used to the routine, the same old

crap, the boring and costly methods... it feels like a PUNCH

IN THE FACE when you realize there's AN *EASIER* WAY.

That's exactly what happened to me, just a few months back,

when I heard what two marketers were doing differently.

Today - many months later - I know better... MUCH better.


Ever wondered why some people could jump in and make a

KILLING, but others STILL struggle after YEARS of hard


Instead of being annoyed, I decided to swallow my pride

and learn from these guys.

These two guys who seem to be tearing things up online,

doing things the exact OPPOSITE way you're supposed to.

And it's clear to see... these guys are getting results.

Not just for themselves, but for their students too.

They are getting OCEAN BANKS of visitors with this

new source of traffic and making UNBELIEVABLE amounts

of money...

So I wanted to know HOW - and WHAT - the HECK they

were doing so differently to me?

Take a peak at the system that is going to cause

CHAOS all over the internet...



Bernie Fredrickson


Flag of Dwight Bryce

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BOOST MEDIA now hiring - Your Market is OPEN NOW
9/14/2010 4:19:00 PM
BOOST MEDIA now hiring - Your Market is OPEN NOW

Boost Local Media Boost Local Media has immediate openings for AREA DEVELOPERS

and SALES REPS in ALL major cities across the U.S.

There is NO C0ST and this is NOT a multi-level business in ANY WAY.

Get complete details and start online at Boost Local Media BOOST Local Media

Upcoming Web Based Training is scheduled so you must get registered early.

Our business has exploded and we are adding Area Developers and Sales Reps

and are looking for eager people to fill hundreds of new positions now.

Boost Local Media

To Your Success

Robert Yeater

Flag of Dwight Bryce

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9/15/2010 4:49:37 PM


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Flag of Dwight Bryce

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Get An Extra $200-$300 Every Month Very Easily
9/17/2010 2:41:45 AM

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It works with all major search engines and the best part it is TOTALLY FREE...

You can have it up and running in 2-3 minutes...

This tool is a real NO BRAINER cause IT'S FREE & IT SAVES YOU MONEY...

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