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Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/22/2012 12:26:20 AM
Mattias had mentioned page 80 something

"A nominated internet marketer for POTW should be one with experience who really is making money and not only talking about it.A POTW should receive at least one paying member in a program they are marketing.A well written article by the winner should be recognized throughout the whole community."

This was in reference to internet marketers being in the POTW and there had been a discussion on this. At that time, I believe people were in agreement with this "thought"

I am hoping I am correct here, but I think... and again Mattias will have to correct me if I am wrong that when people have a blog, then they are constantly creating quality content. when a blogger is also marketing it is, for many a win win situation.

I might hazard that when it comes to entering yourself into the POTW, then bloggers, marketers, social media people, people who are just here for social can and should be included in the POTW.

On the other hand I might be wrong on all of this...

I guess I will find out sooner or later ^-^
Ken Wolff

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/22/2012 1:15:25 AM
Thanks for bringing that up Diane! I agree with Mattias to a point but more important than your own success should be the success that you help others to have. More important than having a blog and paid sign-ups is the ongoing relationship that you have with all of your contacts.

I agree that people who are enjoying social networking and are
contributing positive input to the community should be included with equal consideration as candidates for the POTW Award!

BTW I like your Procrastination Police graphic signature!

Mattias had mentioned page 80 something

"A nominated internet marketer for POTW should be one with experience who really is making money and not only talking about it.A POTW should receive at least one paying member in a program they are marketing.A well written article by the winner should be recognized throughout the whole community."

This was in reference to internet marketers being in the POTW and there had been a discussion on this. At that time, I believe people were in agreement with this "thought"

I am hoping I am correct here, but I think... and again Mattias will have to correct me if I am wrong that when people have a blog, then they are constantly creating quality content. when a blogger is also marketing it is, for many a win win situation.

I might hazard that when it comes to entering yourself into the POTW, then bloggers, marketers, social media people, people who are just here for social can and should be included in the POTW.

On the other hand I might be wrong on all of this...

I guess I will find out sooner or later ^-^
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Diane Bjorling

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/22/2012 1:23:55 AM
Very well put Ken " More important than having a blog and paid sign-ups is the ongoing relationship that you have with all of your contacts."

I'll let you on a wee secret... Mattias is one of those men who goes out of his way to help others and I have seen him work tirelessly to get the message out; his passion for blogging sometimes puts me to shame and that is the truth!

BTW.... your welcome on my wonderful bobby/procrastination police fellow...he keeps me in
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/22/2012 2:48:43 AM
Hi All,

As I'm following flow of ideas here and discussion, I'm realizing that there is something special taking place here. There is an active participation of members of this community to introduce ideas and improvements which will benefit all. I'm realizing that there is brainstorming taking place and sort of team is emerging.

I want you to know that I follow all posts and now I'm at the point of writing down all the good points made here. We are currently working on layout changes to the site and some changes will be appearing if not this than next week on the main classified site. After this changes will be applied to the community. After that we will be able to start implementing some of the best ideas proposed here. This would be probably giving automatic number of friends to new sign ups and then promoting it. I know that this is a feature which potentially can be abused.

I would like to think of a way that community members are owners of this place and direct beneficiaries of the effort and input provided during discussions like this.

I would like to see such discussion and workable suggestions, how such system could be accomplished. System of co-ownership by members.

I know that I myself can accomplish very little but if good will is combined and best ideas worked out, we can create things which are unimaginable right now.

If some bases for this discussion are started here, we could move it to a new thread in different forum to continue.


Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/22/2012 4:09:00 AM
And maybe the most important trend on blogging right now.As an affiliate you can run a business blog to promote your favorite programs that way.There are many other kind of blogs as well, of course.

Pay attention on Adland to what is happening in the blogosphere through different articles and videoblogging.Here is my latest contribution to show what you can do with an own videopresentation, if you don´t mind:

Tips On Blogging!

We'll Mattias
I did watch all the video front to back.Your tips are all good tips for bloggers that they can use every day.

My second feedback is some kind of answer to your post below.

A nominated internet marketer for POTW should be one with experience who really is making money and not only talking about it.A POTW should receive at least one paying member in a program they are marketing.A well written article by the winner should be recognized throughout the whole community."

I would love to agree with you 100% but at this as much as i would like to agree i can not because as you see we are nominating members like Jim Allen that doesn't want to run for POTW because as Jim wants to give others a chance to win.
Jim like Myself would like to decline running for POTW we like the rest of the people giving feedback here have all won 2 or 3 times before.
Jim had to add himself to this weeks POTW because he had to fill the POTW nominees this week to 4 people running.

At this time we can not afford to find marketers who can show that there making money as good as that might sound these people in adlandpro have either already won the POTW or many are inactive.

It's back to a numbers game.It's All about activity It's all about who's nominating and what it takes to find that right person to nominate.I have tons of friends in my friend list i would like to nominate but so many are inactive.

POTW votes 55 mainly from the vote button so far this week.I didn't invite anyone to vote this week because to test something you let it work on it's own.

Last week ended at 62 votes myself i send out over 16,000 invites to vote Plus what these good people sent out across adlandpro to vote.

We need the numbers of active people plus the interest factor to have them vote.

I agree New members need to be coached on how to navigate through adlandpro many want help but have no idea where to get the help 1 on 1 hands on.
Information is linked to success inactivity in adlandpro needs a boost and have these people active.To keep people active adlandpro has to deliver results without results it's loose loose for the members and adlandoro.

I know You guys are sick of reading this again and again and i don"t blame you but here it is again.

#1 The Vote Button let's give that a Plus + My idea was a New POTW Forum As a landing Page after log in but it might of not worked any better that the button is.

#2 Self Nomination
Not applied yet but i think everyone is in favor of adding this to the POTW

#3 New members that join Adlandpro can have added 100 live active members to there friend list if they to so choose.
This is being discussed I will send out to test this any day by sending to about 4000 adlandpro members if they think it's a good idea or not.

A Coaching Icon on All Adlandpro"s Members Main Page I'm sure will get results in that Department.What ever forum we choose.

Another thing we could do is Kathleen i'm using you for this one if you don't mind Kathleen.

If Kathleen is a chosen Coach On Kathleen"s Profile she could have an (Adlandpro Coach) Icon in her Profile.
As well as we may have in our profile (Adlandpro Trouble Shooter) new lost members see this and instantly know that a person with these icons on there profile are there to help.Plus the Chosen Forum can be monitored by volunteers.

Coach Icons Something Like This

A coach could In how to find more friends build there list.Where to go to accept people that have asked to join there list of friends.



We could have Trouble Shooters to help new and old members that are having problems with the editors and building forums


Trouble Shooter

We could have peace makers to solve disputed that might arise



A little of your time goes a long way and i know everyone in this forum had helped people in the past but how many did we miss that ended up lost and inactive because that didn't know where to get help.


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