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Mr. D

840 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
11/21/2012 1:52:28 PM

I am impressed. You now have another great idea, and as you may know, I have had this in progress working on several welcoming message templates and have presented this to Bogdan. This is not a first idea as I have been working a this for a while. This will have a listing of several forums that we all can suggest what ones. This is going to be formatted with a header template, and some sort of table design with the forum listings we would like to see go to all new members, a table design that will have the names of the forums, a brief description, and a clickable link to get there. Now you have suggested added a 100 count auto friends. This has something to talk about, and may be a privacy thing that cannot be added. I would be open to it on both ends, but not sure if all would.

To me it sounds at first, like a good idea, unless you start thinking about the legal side of it. That is why so many sites you have to give permission if you want to accept their friends request. This may be a little hard to install.

Hi Mark And Feedbackers

It's all a plan that we can work on and implement as Free Adlandpro features
The Vote POTW Button
The Self Nomination
The 100 Free Friends
More to come

I've come up with this idea years ago but it was never added to the community
Like Diane posted,like a safe list we find 100 volunteers that opt in by placing an opt in section in adlandpro.
This way the volunteers will agree to be automatic Friends with the new members that also agree to have those 100 first friends added to there account.

The New people sign up in adlandpro also agree to have there first 100 friends
by filling out an agreement form.Where we will place where they can find it easily or places in the adlandpro sign up form.

Those new members who do not wish this action just doesn't fill out the 100 new friends agreement.

Now if your social i would advise not to volunteer only because many of these people will join adlandpro to market there products.So the volunteers will get much sort of spam from these new members.The thing is we did agree we need to take the bad with the good for the good of adlandpro if we want it to survive and grow.

100 new auto friends for me if i was seeing this offer in a program this i would jump right in with both feet.

Thank You All

Sounds like a plan, I would opt in as I know how and what to do with the crap and the spam. Let see how it works.

Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/21/2012 1:59:23 PM

Just stating the facts as I see them. The Feedback Forum I do keep an eye on. Doubtful I would watch for this conversation in another forum. I will keep my 2 cents to myself and let you professionals work this out.

Have a great day. Thank you for your "Help" it was appreciated.


Have a good day Jim, I see you are in a good mood.
It was not the main thread I was talking about but, If I remember you made the choice to delete it.
Are you looking for a conflict, or just being yourself?
I just asked for the link and someone was nice enough to bring it forward with out the
I disagree and the question was started here does not mean it belongs here and is a legal mater and not a Person of the Week Feedback.
I am not looking to argue with you are anyone else, I was just adding my Feedback.
I bring froward useful tools and have help you out as much as I can, for you too start with your personality against me.
I working on new items to get more exposure to this forum.
And no, I missed it that why I asked a simple question.

Well Mark,

You are the one that asked that his or her post be deleted. Did you not follow thru on your own questions? Did someone try to contact them? I thought you did.



Sorry to bring this here but this was where it originated from.

I looked for Waakeelah that has asked a question about what to do, or talk about, with opening up a new thread.

I made a mistake by not visiting his profile to direct him and give a little help and now can't find him.

Has anyone made contact with him or gave him some advise?

Do you have his profile link?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/21/2012 2:00:32 PM
Hi Mark,

I like this template!

May I suggest something? "You're" (not Your) because some people will find any small reason not to do something, even the reason of misspelling. We don't want to lose voters because of picky situations.

There have been mentions of spelling in this thread that cause arguments, I'm not trying to create a situation here, it's just the truth that there are people who will be turned off by it, there are people who do proofreading for their jobs, and any mistakes look like a glaring headlight to them. Lots of people turn away for any reason, so we don't want people to run off because of small stuff and decide not to vote or to stop reading the voting invitation.


Here is a sample design for invitations to the voting forum. Others are in the works for general Welcome letter that is more of a what to see and do, and not driving to only one forum.

If you would like to add input and be apart of the design and what goes into it then please forward the information.

"A welcome newsletter to all new members" my word, there is an original idea…

Another thing i am working on is that there is no clickable links inside an image and for now, that is the only way I can show it. the image can be hyperlinked, but no inside linking. It gets created then exported as a pdf file that can have outsides links implanted in it, but to bring it here has to be an image as there is no way, as of yet to upload a file.

This would be a great editing feature but to only certain accounts.

There is a reason for this.

Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
11/21/2012 2:08:01 PM
You are completely right and that is why it is put up for review and to amke changes and suggestion that are needed.
You and others will see things that I missed or just overlooked as I am working on the layout and not so much as the wording. Not my strong side believe me.
If you have just noticed.
I ask for help several times to help put this together.

Hi Mark,

I like this template!

May I suggest something? "You're" (not Your) because some people will find any small reason not to do something, even the reason of misspelling. We don't want to lose voters because of picky situations.

There have been mentions of spelling in this thread that cause arguments, I'm not trying to create a situation here, it's just the truth that there are people who will be turned off by it, there are people who do proofreading for their jobs, and any mistakes look like a glaring headlight to them. Lots of people turn away for any reason, so we don't want people to run off because of small stuff and decide not to vote or to stop reading the voting invitation.


Here is a sample design for invitations to the voting forum. Others are in the works for general Welcome letter that is more of a what to see and do, and not driving to only one forum.

If you would like to add input and be apart of the design and what goes into it then please forward the information.

"A welcome newsletter to all new members" my word, there is an original idea…

Another thing i am working on is that there is no clickable links inside an image and for now, that is the only way I can show it. the image can be hyperlinked, but no inside linking. It gets created then exported as a pdf file that can have outsides links implanted in it, but to bring it here has to be an image as there is no way, as of yet to upload a file.

This would be a great editing feature but to only certain accounts.

There is a reason for this.

Mr. D

840 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
11/21/2012 2:10:07 PM

Jim, you missed the main point I was posting for in the beginning.

To bring in something of value and again working to help you.

Funny how one little line out of many can make such a great impact

on the defensive mode.

You and I both made a little fast judgement and for me no harm just move to a better place.

You are a good man my friend.
