Hi Mark,
I like this template!
May I suggest something? "You're" (not Your) because some people will find any small reason not to do something, even the reason of misspelling. We don't want to lose voters because of picky situations.
There have been mentions of spelling in this thread that cause arguments, I'm not trying to create a situation here, it's just the truth that there are people who will be turned off by it, there are people who do proofreading for their jobs, and any mistakes look like a glaring headlight to them. Lots of people turn away for any reason, so we don't want people to run off because of small stuff and decide not to vote or to stop reading the voting invitation.
Here is a sample design for invitations to the voting forum. Others are in the works for general Welcome letter that is more of a what to see and do, and not driving to only one forum. If you would like to add input and be apart of the design and what goes into it then please forward the information. "A welcome newsletter to all new members" my word, there is an original idea… Another thing i am working on is that there is no clickable links inside an image and for now, that is the only way I can show it. the image can be hyperlinked, but no inside linking. It gets created then exported as a pdf file that can have outsides links implanted in it, but to bring it here has to be an image as there is no way, as of yet to upload a file. This would be a great editing feature but to only certain accounts. There is a reason for this.
