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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
9/11/2011 1:19:50 AM


The POTW should be the biggest fun on the planet! People don't need extra time, they just need to WANT to vote, and obviously, a lot of people do NOT WANT to vote.

Several years ago, the POTW consistently went above 100 votes every week, sometimes higher than 150. It's not about time limits, it's about people losing interest because there's gobs more stuff to do online than there was 5 years ago, and also because there's nothing fun here for young people to do, no online games or anything new to draw people in and keep them in. This is the "old folks home" online, I'm one of the younger people here, and I'm in my mid 40's.

ALSO because the nominees don't even show up, they don't know they're on the ballot, some of them don't even have forums. Lots of past members are just plopped onto the ballot when they haven't even been here for a long time, seems more like a Lifetime Achievement Award, trotting out retired Adlandpro members who we haven't seen for a long time...

Newer people don't start forums like they did a long time ago, this place was jumping several years ago, now it's the Adlandpro Hall Of Fame.

Do I think POTW is worth running in for? I luv it! If more people would LOVE the election and check the ballot forum first when they log in (I DO!), and look at the Profile links of the candidates, there would be more going on with it. It SHOULD be Grand Central Station since it's the only election that's been running in recent memory.

No votes? Look at the forum post history, if there's not much general activity, and only a couple dozen people here regularly, that has a lot to do with low voting. As I always say, there are a couple hundred Adlanders just a click away, at Facebook, they don't need a map and a car and gas money or a few days to drive here, just their clicking finger and a moment to decide what dot to click. No toll booths between Facebook and here, no need to stop at a public restroom, just a click in and click a dot and the duty is done :)

(I don't think they WANT to, because when people WANT something, they DO it with gusto and don't need to be dragged in while leaving heel marks across the internet!) LOL!

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
9/11/2011 3:39:00 PM

Hi Mark,

Good luck with any of that! A lot of us have been having those discussions behind the scenes, for months...about slow communications, no communications, unsatisfactory POTW biographies, and lots of other stuff.

Someone told me they received one of my PAID Direct Messages for a business ad in August that I had sent in April (not good!)

That's why I mentioned a couple weeks ago that all nominees should just post their own Congrats biography (and maybe also post the ads they want used for their winning prize) while they are IN the ballot forum, during voting comments. Get it all done upfront and let Barry get the necessary info from the election forum posts when the winner is declared. That would actually get nominees to show up, and also cut down on the communications (or lack of communications) needed after the polls close. It would also be fun to read 4 nominees posting their own Congrats bio DURING ongoing elections.

Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
9/12/2011 10:33:03 AM
Thanks, Time to move on.....

Joyce Parker Hyde

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RE: POTW Feedback
9/12/2011 3:17:41 PM
Hi Guys and Ladies- I personally never notice the problems because I'm always a couple of weeks behind anyway and don't have any business interests that would be affected.
I assume that a lot of them could be caused by environment-we have had a strange and difficult summer weather wise all over the country.
I really like Kathleen's suggestion to have everything done upfront and done with and would suit me because my in box is always so full I don't remember what I was doing from one place to the other.
I love that more people are being put on the ballots to keep it fresh.
Thanks for the dedicated efforts and hard work.
Barry Scott

492 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
9/12/2011 3:30:47 PM


First there seems to be a glitch with systems and notifications here with the inbox and my own email. Until recently, and I have changed nothing, the forums connected to and have the notifier checked worked when there was a new post or reply. Just like this one. There has been three post after mine and never seen them like it was working before. So I had no idea that you have made your comment. This is not the only forum doing this. PTOW and other are doing the same thing. Now I am not sure this is happening with all, but I do know that it is on my end so it looks like there is no activity at all. I am also picking up one year old emails in my inbox here AdlandPro.

There may be more going on then what you know.

I received a message from the POTW team Saturday telling me that He has been busy and not have time to get to this, and I have until Friday to submit my Ad. Kind of late now, you think?

So what do you think I should do about this?

If you feel this strongly about the POTW, then I ask you:

I did not get anything for the win because he was too busy to get to me and let me know what needs to be done. When I got back to him and asked if there is something we can do, there was no reply.

Before I was getting all kinds of notifications regarding forums and now not sure what is happening but updates are not getting to me. I am not the only one that has also seen a very, very low activity. Maybe the system?

Hello Mark,

All one needs to do is ask. The message sent to let you know you had a choice of Social Registry or place an ad in the Business/Marketing Newsletter. I am busy and I do my best in trying to keep the POTW moving along but it does need community support. There are a few members who understand that in order to vote you dont need to know the member as you can click on each profile to determine who you would like to see win. In that same process you may also be making new connections (friends) that broadens your network.

As for making it the Person of the Month that has been done and it was less effective. As for your prize selection letting me know you did not open that email until Saturday I would have let you know that you could submit an ad for the following Friday if that was your prize choice.

I can place the information for the POTW every week, it is really up to the members to vote and make suggestions for candidates. It's not mandatory and of course for some they will vote based on who they know or they do not want or may not have the time to look over the candidates. As long as there is some form of turn out I will keep rolling along with the POTW.






