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Potw Team

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RE: POTW Feedback
3/16/2012 3:42:31 PM

Hi Barry,

I have noticed that you thank all for voting but the last couple times

that I have supported and try to bring in some life to this, it is passed by.

If there is some reason you do not want my support and contributions to the Voting platform , please let me know.

Hi Mark,

Absolutely not, I love what you do. I simply ran out of time yesterday and depending on each week I sometimes do not get a chance to get back. My intentions are to always thank everyone for their support as it's very important to me and the POTW.

It always bothers me to not get to all of the vote threads but because I am doing this through my work schedule it gets tough. I have tried to do it at home but I work another job evenings so I don't always have the time to post from home.

I do apologize and I hope you do not believe I would slight you intentionally. I will post this as it's been bothering me for some time and now I am worried that others may feel the same way. I appreciate what you do and for all the support for the POTW.



Very good and thank you for letting me know this. Believe me, I know what busy is.
I think you are doing great.

Hi Mark,

Thank you. I will make every effort to try and do better. I hope you have a great weekend.


Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
6/6/2012 8:00:11 PM
Hi Barry

Lots of suggestions on how to improve adland's POTW awards
We have our regular members who mostly nominate on a weekly basis (That's ok)
Another way to have others nominating is to send our at random a message that says
that they have picked randomly to pick some of there friends up to say 5 or even 10 and to send Barry or whoever will regulate the list the names of the friends that wist to nominate.
This way we have new people nominating and The POTW team has a good list in advance.
This way the POTW Team could have a list weeks ahead of time and can focus on now struggling to find people and there wouldn't be any Back to Back candidates.

In the message the few rules of POTW can guide these people on how and who of there friends qualify also the POTW forum link the dates that you can vote.
At times there may be a few rotten eggs running as POTW but i don't think they would be voted through.

Another brainstorm of mine is how about every 1 a month have the POTW subline calling for Advertiser of the week or Mother of the week.
POTW features this week (BEST AD PERSON DOWN TO THE WIRE) or (THE BATTLE OF THE MOMS) or (ART SHOWS WHO"S #1) or (SPAMMER OF THE WEEK) < joke but you get the idea.

Last is to get the real interest is A Small Cash Prize paid to the POTW winner's to paypal or even Payza account and a nice cash prize for POTY. Once won these prizes can be posted in places like FaceBook to go through the newsfeeds where the outside marketers could see some of these Adlandpro Activities going on.


I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Potw Team

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RE: POTW Feedback
6/21/2012 4:01:21 PM

Hi Barry

Lots of suggestions on how to improve adland's POTW awards
We have our regular members who mostly nominate on a weekly basis (That's ok)
Another way to have others nominating is to send our at random a message that says
that they have picked randomly to pick some of there friends up to say 5 or even 10 and to send Barry or whoever will regulate the list the names of the friends that wist to nominate.
This way we have new people nominating and The POTW team has a good list in advance.
This way the POTW Team could have a list weeks ahead of time and can focus on now struggling to find people and there wouldn't be any Back to Back candidates.

In the message the few rules of POTW can guide these people on how and who of there friends qualify also the POTW forum link the dates that you can vote.
At times there may be a few rotten eggs running as POTW but i don't think they would be voted through.

Another brainstorm of mine is how about every 1 a month have the POTW subline calling for Advertiser of the week or Mother of the week.
POTW features this week (BEST AD PERSON DOWN TO THE WIRE) or (THE BATTLE OF THE MOMS) or (ART SHOWS WHO"S #1) or (SPAMMER OF THE WEEK) < joke but you get the idea.

Last is to get the real interest is A Small Cash Prize paid to the POTW winner's to paypal or even Payza account and a nice cash prize for POTY. Once won these prizes can be posted in places like FaceBook to go through the newsfeeds where the outside marketers could see some of these Adlandpro Activities going on.


Thank you Dennis,

Great suggestions I like the idea of getting newer members involved as this would create a POTW buzz for both new and longtime members. The other ideas are creative as well so I am going to sit down and talk with Bogdan about them.


Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
6/26/2012 11:33:57 AM
Please Remove this:

Helping is an ART!The Art Preparing Yourself to Get!In OPRAH the prove seen it!
Barry Scott

492 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
6/26/2012 3:36:23 PM
Please Remove this:

Helping is an ART!The Art Preparing Yourself to Get!In OPRAH the prove seen it!

Hello Mark,

I'm not sure what you want me to remove?





