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Patricia Bartch

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RE: POTW Feedback
4/21/2011 11:28:46 PM
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RE: POTW Feedback
4/22/2011 1:52:56 PM

I think that this could be goodbye.

I build bridges but I aint no civil engineer.


You said it Roger. There is never a good time for 'war of words' but please...

Have a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend.


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: POTW Feedback
4/22/2011 9:49:41 PM

I am so worried that this discussion will get out of control.

I have no real right to discuss this particular forum's validity, value or merit as I have already declared my disinterest before, however, no matter how important you view this matter to be can we please stay polite and within balance.

Kathleen has suggested a vote. I have no problem with that. Why should I? My point is that it is not important. What is important is making something point scoring out of the results. When a race becomes the subject of making a point then it is devalued AND FOR ME that's what happened before and I was saddened.

I am having a problem explaining my point but basically it is that I don't care about results but I do care that as a community we get along without falling out.

Please have a wonderful Easter and let us remember why Easter is so special.


Joyce Parker Hyde

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RE: POTW Feedback
4/25/2011 7:58:39 PM
I got kinda lost scrolling backwards to try to find the start of this conversation-anyway, I have a suggestion, can we make it the new person of the year? Only submit people who have come onto the scene in the last calendar year so we don't get the same people all the time.
....then put 'em in a barrel and roll 'em around to pull out a winner!
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
8/15/2011 7:47:15 PM

Hi Barry,

Mary Evelyn Simpson was not featured in the lower left corner "Person Of The Week" area, it was previously Andrea, and now it's Deb. What happened with featuring Mary Evelyn?

ALSO...why isn't she in POTW Archives? I hope this is remedied immediately, THANKS:
